The Study of Math for the French Bac Diploma 2022-23
At the Lycée, the teaching of mathematics in the French system is based on the principle of spiral progression Students work on topics in four main areas (numbers and calculations; functions; geometry; statistics and probability) and go into greater depth, complexity and sophistication each year. The students' mathematics work is supplemented by the regular use of digital technology for research and modeling (spreadsheets, dynamic geometry software, etc )
Algorithms play an important role in all areas of the program: in Y9, students master Scratch programming to which they are first introduced in middle school. From 2nde (Y10) throughTle (Y12), students learn to program in Python.
As a student progresses through the four years, each year’s content is systematically studied in greater depth the following year. The table below captures only the new topics that are additive as the student builds a deeper understanding of the past year’s material.
Numbers and Calculations
Decimal and rational numbers, prime numbers, exponents
9th grade 4.5 periods / week
Algebra: expansion, factorization, linear equations and inequalities
General definition of functions, linear and affine functions. Modeling and optimization of linear phenomena.
10th grade 4.5 periods / week
Calculations with square roots, absolute value Qualitative study of functions,
Plane geometry for proofs (Pythagorean theorem,Thales’ theorem, trigonometry of right triangles, transformations, etc.).
Representations and calculations in a plane and in three dimensions.
Vectors, lines, cartesian coordinate system
Statistics and Probabilities
Descriptive statistics (means, medians and ranges). The study of randomness using simple problems.
Standard deviation, box plot Distributions
Lycée Français de New York 505 East 75th Street New York, New York 10021 Main: (212) 369-1400 Fax: (212) 439-4204
11th grade Math ENS (E) 1.5 period / week
Numbers and Calculations Functions Geometry Statistics and Probabilities
Set of numbers (except complex numbers) Rates, percentages, and evolution System of equations
Sequences, arithmetic and geometric progressions Quadratics, discrete modeling
problem-solving using functions.
Counting problems using trees and tables Sampling and fluctuation
Pre-calculus / Calculus Functions, exponential functions, derivatives, basic optimization problems
11th grade Specialty (Honors) 4 periods / week
Sequences, arithmetic and geometric progressions Quadratics
Pre-calculus / Calculus Quadratic functions, trig functions, exponential functions, derivatives, optimization problems
Descriptive statistics, basic probability, discrete random variable, Conditional probabilities and independence
APCalculus BC (Honors)
1.5 periods / week (*) Only in complement to Specialty
Infinite Sequences and Series
Limits and Continuity / Differentiation: Definition and Basic Derivative Rules Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions Contextual Applications of Differentiation Analytical Applications of Differentiation
Dot product, law of cosines, equation of a circle, normal vector of a line
Conditional probability, independence, Bayes theorem
Random variables (discrete and continuous), ,expectation standard deviation, and distribution
12th grade Specialty (Honors) 6 periods / week
Limit of a sequence, arithmetic-geome tric sequence
Calculus Limits, antiderivative, logarithmic, continuity, convexity Mean value theorem
3-dimensional geometry: vectors and linear algebra, lines, planes, orthogonality
Gaussian random variable, Binomial Random Variable. Uniform random variable Probability density function Confidence and prediction intervals.
Lycée Français de New York 505 East 75th Street New York, New York 10021 Main: (212) 369-1400 Fax: (212) 439-4204
12th grade Maths Expertes (Honors)
(*) Only in complement to Specialty 3 periods / week
12th grade Maths Complémentaires (E) (Accelerated) 3 periods / week
12th grade Intro PreCalc / Stat B (E) 1.5 periods / week
Numbers and Calculations Functions
Complex numbers, divisibility and congruence, gcd and Bézout's identity, prime numbers, matrix, matrix sequences
Limit of a sequence, arithmetic-geome tric sequence
Calculus Limits, antiderivative, logarithmic, continuity, logarithmic function, antiderivative, differential equations
Statistics and Probabilities
Graphs, Markov chains
Arithmetic and geometric progressions and sums
(*) Only in complement to Specialty (E) Elective
Derivative and optimisation, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to antiderivative
Conditional probability, discrete random variables (Binomial, Geometric distribution), two-variable statistics, linear regression, R2
Basic probability, tree diagrams, introduction to conditional probability, wo-variable statistics, linear regression
Lycée Français de New York 505 East 75th Street New York, New York 10021 Main: (212) 369-1400 Fax: (212) 439-4204
Lycée Français de New York 505 East 75th Street New York, New York 10021 Main: (212) 369-1400 Fax: (212) 439-4204