On trial newspaper rubric

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DATE: _________________


ON TRIAL Your school and community are desperate for a Newspaper to share their local news and learn about the past. They are looking to you to generate this type of newspaper. Each of you has a valid and unique talent, so each of you will have a part in it.

There will be a viewing and voting shindig at the end of this unit to decide which artifacts from which students will be put into the newspaper. There will be 4 articles, 4 cartoons, 1 front page and 2 advertisements chosen for each section.

There will be a past section focused on the MĂŠtis, their identity and struggle to find a place in Canada as well as a current issues section which will focus on local affairs and First Nations/MĂŠtis affairs.

PAST SECTION: - Front Page- Article- Cartoon- Advertisement-

CURRENT SECTION: - Front Page- Article- Cartoon- Advertisement-

DATE: _________________



PAST SECTION: Student Edited - Front Page-

- Article-

- Cartoon-

Peer Edited

Teacher Edited

DATE: _________________


- Advertisement-

CURRENT SECTION: Student Edited - Front Page-

- Article-

- Cartoon-

- Advertisement-

Peer Edited

Teacher Edited

DATE: _________________



Level Excellent



Limited *


LANGUAGE ARTS (Past Section)

Organize information (3.3.1)

Produce a Variety of Artifacts (3.3.2)

Newspapers are purposely organized with pertinent information to a particular topic and purpose

Newspapers are logically organized with relevant information to a particular topic and purpose

Newspapers are methodically organized with general information to a particular topic and purpose

Newspapers are disorganized with trivial information to a particular topic and purpose

Produces a front page, article, cartoon, and advertisement that are skillfully organized and

Produces a front page, article, cartoon, and advertisement that are effectively organized and

Produces a front page, article, cartoon, and advertisement that are generally organized and

Produces a front page, article, cartoon, and advertisement that are lacking organization

Insufficient / Blank *

DATE: _________________

Use of Commas (4.2.9)


are significantly developed.

are thoughtfully developed.

are predictably developed.

and are superficially developed.

Commas are used accurately to separate phrases and clauses in writing.

Commas are used comprehensiv ely to separate phrases and clauses in writing.

Commas are used simplistically to separate phrases and clauses in writing.

Commas are used inaccurately to separate phrases and clauses in writing.

Level Excellent



Limited *


Insufficient / Blank *

SOCIAL STUDIES (Current Section) Dimensions of Thinking (7.S.1.2)

Local and Current Events (7.S.1.3)

Communication (7.S.8.1)

Artifacts are insightful and multiple perspectives are evident.

Artifacts are thoughtful and multiple perspectives are apparent.

Artifacts are predictable and multiple perspectives are visible.

Artifacts are simplistic and multiple perspectives are unclear.

Local and current issues are persuasively portrayed through the front page, article, cartoon and advertisement. Artifacts are perceptive and communicate compelling information

Local and current issues are credibly portrayed through the front page, article, cartoon and advertisement.

Local and current issues are plausibly portrayed through the front page, article, cartoon and advertisement.

Local and current issues are unrelatable to the front page, article, cartoon and advertisement.

Artifacts are logical and communicate meaningful information.

Artifacts are rudimentary and communicate obvious information.

Artifacts are weak and communicate trivial information.




Limited *




Insufficient / Blank *

DATE: _________________

School and Community Health (L–7.7)

Overall newspaper enhances school and community health.

NAME:_______________ Overall newspaper supports school and community health.

Overall newspaper partially supports school and community health.

Overall newspaper interferes with school and community health.

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