S e pt e mbe r7, 1923
Warren G. Harding could possibly be the worst president we have ever had, and is now a part of the greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics. Navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome, along with two other locations were leased to private oil companies at low rates without any competitive bidding. Bribed by the large privately owned oil companies, Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall persuaded Navy Secretary Edwin C. Denby to transfer control to the Department of the Interior. Oil production rights at Teapot Dome were leased to Harry F. Sinclair of Sinclair Oil, and Elk Hills reserve was leased to Edward L. Doheny of Pan American Patroleum. The leasing is legal under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, but Fall had received a no-‐interest loan from Doheny for $100,000, and received gifts from Doheny and Sinclair totaling up to about $404,000. When that kind of many changes hands, it becomes illegal. Fall attempted to cover his actions up, but speculation was prompted soon after his sudden improvement of living standards. Albert Fall was found guilty of bribery, fined $100,000, and sentenced to one year in prison, making him the first Presidential cabinet member to be imprisoned for his actions in office.
As many of you all know, women are now able to vote legally. There are many things that led up to this accomplishment in our history. Along with now being able to vote women are changing their views on society, not only have they changed their views but have changed others views on women as a whole. Women have gained the confidence to be who they want to be instead of being who the society wants them to be. These drastic changes are unbelievable and are changing fast! I think it is a great accomplishment for women to show the world that we can be individuals and be equal. In order to achieve the rights to vote women have had to stand up for themselves more than ever. Due to the WW1 women were needed to fill job positions while the men were at war. They did many of the things that were supposed to be filled by men during this time. Women have seen that not only are they able to do the jobs that men can do they can do them the same if not better. Women have now been taken more seriously. Some women have even put themselves to work taking care of wounded military men. Women have found their real place in society. After getting the right to vote women have begun to express themselves in ways never before seen. Women have started to dress in short shirts and clothes that reveal more skin that allowed and respected by society. Women have begun to cut their hair short and cover it up with hats. They have now abandoned the corset to show off their real body shape. Women now wear makeup to impress others. These women have begun to express themselves through dancing and music like Jazz. Women have showed that they can take care of themselves in society. Women have claimed their place in society finally after so much time. Showing that they have changed society’s view on them shows they have some power behind them as well. Not only have women gained the right to vote but they have gained the right to express themselves with what they wear and how they present themselves. Women no longer live up to the standards of society and how men expect they live for themselves.
New Products Take Over! As you may have noticed, consumer products are booming lately! New, and improved products are being developed every day, and we couldn’t be luckier to live in
A woman operating her new radio.
such an advanced, and technological world. In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the new products that you absolutely HAVE to have. The radio is a great start, as you can see in the picture above, the radio has been warmly welcomed into the homes of American families. If you don’t have a radio, you sure are missing out. This is one of the most advanced pieces of technology you can own, and is sure to keep you, and your family entertained as you lounge around in your home. Simply put together the radio, and listen as it serenades you with the sounds of the station you choose to play. Another great new product is the improved telephone, which now
has a handle, mouthpiece, and speaker all in one hand-‐held receiver. But it doesn’t stop there, you can now buy cigarette lighters, which are much easier, and safer than matches. Product’s are being produced every single day, and it’s up to you to go out and get them to improve your living standards, impress friends, and make sure your home is a place where people want to be.
Bryan vs. Darrow: Creation vs. Evolution In an unlawful effort to start controversy over the argument of faith vs. fact, John Thomas Scopes purposely violated Tennessee’s Butler The Bible has come into question, as this trial comes to an end.
Act which states that it is unlawful to teach evolution in any state-‐funded school. Scopes was found guilty, but the verdict was overturned due to a technicality, and was set free. You may be wondering why this is such important news, the trial drew immense national publicity over the past few days, and national reporters are scurrying to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, to cover the famous lawyers representing their corresponding sides. William Jennings Bryan, who has been a Democratic presidential candidate three times, was on the side of prosecution, and Clarence Darrow, the famed defense attorney, defended Scopes. In a battle of fundamentalists vs. modernists, or a theological contest as some would say, both sides took shots, and both sides recovered from them, but in the end, Bryan got caught contradicting himself, and Darrow took advantage of it, by pointing out that he was wrong. This trial has been an incredible step forward for science, and
evolutionists while the same can’t be said for religion, and creationists.
Labor union The working class’s dream. A group of people to strike for better wages and working conditions. The Labor union was rising in popularity. Sometimes not with good publicity. Especially with the amount of jobs booming. All they want is better working condition and wages. We met up with a normal working class family to ask them about their experience in the labor union. They were dressed very roughly, with bags under their eyes.
“Sometimes, you have to do whatever it takes to support your family” Said the father. Who went to jail for a violent strike that ended up happening at his job. His labor union strike ended up getting everyone there a 20% increase in wage and a longer break.
Last week I read the article about the Red Scare that you wrote and I did not agree with the assumptions made. There are differences between facts and assumptions and some of the things said were too harsh for the matter. I believe that there were things that could have been done to prevent this article from being so offensive to those who read it, and I would appreciate an article on the same topic with a different view. I would greatly appreciate the reconsideration of opinions publicly discussed in your articles and look forward to reading more soon. -‐ Gage I do not agree with many of the articles written about women’s new rights. There were things said that showed women as having more control of their lives and saying that they can do things without the control of the man, when men are the ones that have been making the money for years before this movement. Although this is coming from a mans point of view, I know many other women and men alike that would not agree with the things stated in this article. If there could be revision of your views on this topic and possibly some personal insight from those experiencing the effects on a daily basis it would be appreciated from all of us. -‐ Rai The advertisements in your magazine never cease to amaze me with the quality of products distributed to customers across the United States. The pictures are always very clear and you never fail to clearly understand what the ad is representing. Your ads, no matter what the cause always relate to many different target audiences and attract readers to the magazine as a whole. Consumerism in this era is easily attainable because of all of the new inventions that are arising and I am glad to see many different items on display in your magazine. -‐ Lauren I agree with your views on the scopes trial, however I wish that you had paid more attention to the views of those being convicted of the “crime”. In my opinion there are more important matters that the government should be focusing their time and efforts on, however, they are stuck on the dilemma of whether or not religion should be taught in schools. My child was in John Scopes’ classroom at the time of this “crime” and as a parent I feel that no matter how much discussion there is, there will never be any resolution on the topic of religion versus evolution. All of my children have been in Scopes class and I know from a personal standpoint that he would never purposefully or intentionally harm the minds of young students. -‐ Paige
The Harlem Renaissance began just a few short years ago at the break of the year 1920. Some were calling this new movement a “spiritual coming of age� because the African Americans were beginning to discover themselves and create a new beginning for their culture and race. Racism was still a popular topic during this time and it often resulted in the African Americans feeling as if the white community did not equally accept them. The African Americans were experiencing literary and intellectual flowering as they were seeking new cultural identity in this era. There were very little economic opportunities available for African Americans during this time, and expressing themselves through literature and musical movements was a way for African Americans to develop a cultural sense of pride. During this time, nearly 750,000 blacks had left the South to find a new beginning in America between World War I and the Great Depression. These African Americans were beginning to spread to urban cities, such as Harlem in New York. Migrating to these places has given the African Americans a chance to have a new beginning in a better place where they can begin to develop themselves and create a sense of cultural pride that will spread across America. These African Americans living in Harlem began creating their own newspapers and magazines, such as The National Urban Leagues Opportunity magazine, which separated them from the pressures, developed in the white society. These magazines and newspapers not only discussed headline news, but flourishing African American artists who were looking for support from the community. This renaissance is continuing to be an effort of overwhelming successes and changes to the culture of not only Harlem, but also America. The people of Harlem have given African Americans everywhere a sense of pride and accomplishment in the music world by creating intellectual freedom for themselves during this economic and social hard time.
Led by the Anti-Saloon League and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union; the alcohol breweries, consumers, and producers had overcome all others by linking the prohibition of alcohol to many social problems occurring during this progressive era. People following this crisis included women reformers who were concerned about the effect alcohol had on husbands beating and abusing their wives and children. Some industrialists, such as Henry Ford were concerned about the impact alcohol would have on labor productivity. It was argued that putting and end to drinking would eliminate corruption, and help Americanize immigrants.
In 1916, seven states adopted anti-liquor laws, bringing the number of states to 19 that prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. Wayne Wheeler, a lobbyist for the Anti-Saloon League, urged the government to investigate "a number of breweries around the country which are owned in part by alien enemies." In late December of 1917, Congress passed the 18th Amendment, prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol. After the 18th amendment was passed, beer was limited to 2.75% alcohol content, and production was only 70% of the last year’s sales and production. The brewing industry argued that taxes on liquor were providing more for the war effort than the liberty bonds.
Although the 18th amendment was ratified in 1919, it essentially took effect in 1920. Many supporters began to loose faith in the 18th amendments ability to keep sobriety among the American public when many began smuggling alcohol illegally into the United States, this alcohol was being both sold and consumed illegally by much of the American public in the early 1920’s.
Racial prejudice During the 1920ʼs, racial tension and prejudice reached a all time high. A lot of this is contributed to the sudden increase of immigration to the Americas. Americans started forming a perception that all new immigrants are lawless radicals and communists trying to take over America. Immigrants were being treated very unfairly, very publicly. Like the Sacco - Vanzetti trial. Two Italian men were convicted of murder and robbing even though the evidence against them was weak. Many Americans supported the execution of these two men because they believed that the immigrants needed to be made a example of. Immigrants were being denied jobs, rights, and basic human rights. Earlier this decade the white house made it very clear that they are also supporters of racial discrimination, passing various antiimmigration laws. With the racial prejudice problem, came the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. A group of crazy Aryans bringing terror to any minority. Unlawful killings, abuse, robbings and rape of anyone not white.
In the 1920ʼs racial discrimination was worse than ever. Immigrants who did nothing wrong, were getting punished unlawfully.
THE RADIO & MOVIES The radio is becoming the cats meow here in America! With so many new developments, we can promise you that you will be stuck on this one for a long time coming. So many new inventions are targeted at only one customer, but the radio is meant for all! Once you buy a new radio from KOLSTER RADIO COMPANY, you will become the bee’s knees around all of your friends. The radio is a great way to make yourself look and feel elegant as you’re relaxing with your family on a Saturday evening, having a gathering at your house, or trying to listen to the morning news as you hustle and bustle out the door. The radio will make all of your peers view you as the big cheese because you have the newest and most well valued invention of this time! Radios are also available for store credit; if you cant afford to pay for the whole thing now, no worries! Give us a down payment and this copacetic piece of equipment will be all yours within a matter of seconds! Movies are becoming popular to the people of this era and creating advertisements for the movies is a great way to get the word out! The radio and the movies are changing the way our society lives. By attending the movies you have the chance to escape your everyday reality and embark on an adventure through the actors on the big screen! Come to the movies today!
S a c c o -‐ V a n z e t t i c a s e . April 15,1920, a paymaster and his guard were carrying a factory payroll of $15,776 through the main street of South Braintree, Massachusetts. Two men standing by a fence suddenly pulled out guns and fired on them. The gunmen snatched up the cash boxes dropped by the mortally wounded pair and jumped into a waiting automobile. No suspects were arrested that day. Despite not being caught that day, police did not give up. The police force set up a trap for local crime goers. Unluckily, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti fell for it. The Sacco – Vanzetti trial is one of our decade’s most controversial case. A case based on no hard information. It was very clear that the court was biased against the two Italians. Being portrayed as evil monsters because of their reputation as anarchist militants. Neither of these two men had any crime record prior to this case. This was a very moving case to most of the American people. A case showing a lot of wrong and injustice from the American system. The execution date of the two men was August 23 1927.Two innocent men lost their lifes that day, basically for being foreign and having different political views.
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