What we can offer
The LGBT Excellence Centre offers support to asylum seekers and refugees in Wales who are seeking asylum in the UK on the grounds of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Our caseworkers and volunteers have regular contact with asylum seekers and support them for as long as needed. They also offer support on how best to settle in Wales. Our team has a worker on duty in the office each day to assist with problems, give advice and/or
LGBT EXCELLENCE CENTRE OUR WORK Support for refugees and asylum seekers regarding lgbt issues • Bullying in schools and youth work • Counselling • Discrimination in employment •Family acceptance • Gender reassignment guidance and support • Hate crime • Housing and homelessness • LGBT Heritage in Wales • Older LGBT people advocacy • Support for LGBT prisoners • Tailored training packages covering sexual orientation and gender identity • Conferences and Events • Networking activities • Setting up LGBT networks and groups • Rainbow Mark Accreditation • Employee assistance programme •Bespoke consultancy services
LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugees
refer to other organizations when needed.
Phone: 02920 451868 www.lgbtec.org.uk E-mail: info@lgbtec.org
Tel: 0800 023 2201
The LGBT Excellence Centre is the only agency in Wales offering support to asylum seekers and refugees around their sexual orientation and gender identity. We work closely with the Welsh Refugee Council, Asylum Justice, The UK Gay and Lesbian Immigration group, the Equality Network and the UK border Agency.
Who is an Asylum Seeker? The Immigration and Asylum Act (1999) defines an asylum seeker as: ‘A person over the age of 18 years who has made a claim for asylum, to the Secretary of State, and is awaiting a decision’
Who is a Refugee? A refugee is a person who: ‘owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country…’ (Definition quoted from the 1951 Refugee Convention) A person can be recognised as a refugee solely because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity
We provide the following services:
Opportunities to meet other asylum seekers
Regular Support group at our offices
Regular contact with a caseworker or volunteer to assist with any difficulties
Access to LGBT-specific counselling with a qualified professional
Assistance registering with GPs, Dentists, etc Contact with social groups, community centres and faith groups
Contact with UK Border Agency
Contact with the Welsh Refugee Council
General information and advice
A listening ear
Assistance to report housing issues
Contact list for legal advice
Reporting system for hate crime incidents
Assistance to register at college
Volunteering opportunities