LGBT Health Summit 2011 Welcome to Wales!
“It is so exciting for LGBT Excellence Centre Wales to be the host for the LGBT Health Summit 2011! We have been working tirelessly to bring this fantastic annual event to Wales and be able to showcase what Wales has to offer and help build partnerships and links with LGBT, health, social care, and the media from across the country. We really want to achieve some tangible outcomes for all LGBT people and develop better leadership and collaborations to transform LGBT Health”. Federico Podeschi Chief Executive Officer – LGBT Excellence Centre
Background The Summit is the only conference of its kind in the UK, which brings together Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender health discussion, debate and learning. The LGBT Health Summit was founded in 2006 to provide a safe, supportive and exciting space for individuals, organisations and activists to come together to discuss, debate and challenge thinking and practice on LGBT health issues in the UK. There have now been five summits so far, the inaugural summit was in London in 2006, followed by Manchester in 2007, Bristol in 2008, Newcastle 2009, and Hertford in 2010. The size of the Summit has increased over the years and last year it counted 380 delegates. The Summit is guided by the following founding principles: • The summit aims to enable representation from all parts of the UK • The summit aims to provide platforms for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender delegates, speakers and issues and not be dominated by any one strand • The summit will reflect physical, social and mental health and well-being and the wider determinants of health • The summit will aim to be as accessible as possible, geographically, physically, spiritually and financially. • The summit will be recorded in some form to enable individuals who haven’t attended to learn and draw on the experiences and presentations from the summit • Each summit will aim to leave a legacy resource which will be available nationally • The summit will not be dominated/badged by any specific organisation • The summit will remain within budget and each year contribute remaining funds to the LGBT Health Summit accounts to support future summits There is a small group of Founder members who set the principles of the Summit and have acted as Trustee’s for the Summit.
Overview The LGBT Health Summit will be a two-day conference focused on advances in LGBT rights in Health in the UK. Now in its 6th year, the LGBT Health Summit 2011 will be hosted by the LGBT Excellence Centre Wales in partnership with the Department of Health, the Welsh Assembly Government and Cardiff Council and will be held on 1-2 September in Cardiff. Topics covered at the LGBT Health Summit will include the advance of LGBT equality in health with the implementations of the Singe Equality Act, the implications of legal recognition for same sex couples for the health sector; the importance of media engagement with the LGBT health sector; the power of social and digital media to stomp on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, and advance LGBT equality; and the opportunities for joint working between the LGBT community, the health sector, and the media. Conference activities will include strategy working groups, paper presentations, plenary sessions, and various networking opportunities and celebrations. Focus – the Media The LGBT Health Summit will cover developments in LGBT health from all parts of the UK, but will have a special focus on the media. Of the over 80 presentations and workshops featuring at the Summit, 60% will relate to health and 40% will focus on the media. Presentations will include developments and challenges in health across Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Conference sessions exploring LGBT health issues and the media include: • A keynote speech on the development of charters for sexual orientation and gender identity equality • An opening plenary panel on recent developments in LGBT equality and health • A plenary panel on responsibilities of the media in tackling homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia • A plenary panel exploring the opportunities to engage with the LGBT community through digital and social media • A working group on strategies for advancing the rights of same-sex couples in Latin America and around the world • A plenary panel addressing the media challenges to fighting HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in the UK • A Human Rights Citizens Jury on gender identity equality in health
Goals The LGBT Health Summit will be very much a working conference. The program will include working groups of experts and activists who will focus on effective strategies for addressing specific issues in advancing LGBT health. The working group members will then share and broaden their discussion with the entire conference through a series of plenary panels. The conference’s overarching goals are to strengthen alliances between health and the media in order to share strategies for advancing LGBT health throughout the UK.
Target Audience More than 500 speakers and attendees will participate in the conference, including academics, health professionals, journalists, broadcasters, public officials, lawyers, managers, political leaders, activists, students, and members of the community. The conference will seek to integrate knowledge from those who have sought legal and health policy reform through various methods, including litigation, legislative efforts, research, education campaigns, and leadership development programs.
We hope you can join us at the conference.
Call for Papers The LGBT Health Summit will be a two-day conference focused on advances in LGBT rights in Health in the UK. Now in its 6th year, the LGBT Health Summit 2011 will be hosted by the LGBT Excellence Centre Wales in partnership with the Department of Health, the Welsh Assembly Government and Cardiff Council and will be held on 1-2 September in Cardiff. We will be accepting presentation and panel proposals until 5.00pm on Friday, 1 July 2011. In addition to doctrinal and theory-based approaches, we welcome proposals that focus on practical skills or strategies as well as contributions from the social sciences. Topics may include (but are not limited to): – National or regional discussions of LGBT health developments on issues such as sexual health, blood donations, IVF treatment, and gender reassignment, – Equality and Human Rights based analyses of health issues; – Legal, political, or social theories about how LGBT health is advanced; – Discussion of recent LGBT issues covered by the media; – The implementation and effectiveness of national anti-homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia media campaigns; – Strategies for engaging LGBT communities through digital and social media – Strategies for the delivery of LGBT equality across health, social care, and housing Presentations focusing on issues in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are especially welcome. You may submit proposals on more than one topic. We hope to publish papers based on the presentations. Those interested in making a presentation should submit an abstract not later than 5.00pm on Friday, 1 July 2011.
The criteria for selection will include: • Originality - the creation of new knowledge, ideas, analysis, solutions, or strategies; • Quality - soundness of analysis, appropriate use of methodologies, accuracy, and persuasiveness; • Importance - theoretical significance, practical usefulness, illumination of an interesting or difficult problem; and • Scope - consideration of different regional needs, potential impact upon the lives and work of many persons or regions. Those interested in presenting at the conference should please submit the following for your presentation: • The title; • An overview, outlining the presentation in not more than 250 words; • The methods or data on which it will be based (e.g., practical experience; legal research); quantitative or qualitative research; • Your name and any institutional affiliations; • Your contact information; • A short (1 paragraph) biography, for posting on the conference web site if selected • A digital photo, for posting on the conference web site if selected • Any special presentation media needs (e.g., overhead projector, PowerPoint, video playback); For panels: please submit a panel description of no more than 250 words, and all of the information above for the moderator and panel participants.
Workshops, Panel, and Working Group Information Workshop sessions will have a duration of 45 minutes in total and presenters will need to ensure that they use their time proactively and with a view to achieve outcomes within each session. Longer sessions might be available upon specific request (please indicate on your proposal) but might be split up in different parts, depending on their length. Panel session will consists of 3 speakers having an average speaking time of approximately 10 minutes each. The chair of the panel is responsible for the general presentation and the direction of the workshop. Participants are invited to attend a Q&A session of approximately 15 minutes. The total duration of a panel is 45 minutes. The conference can also host working groups that might want to focus on specific LGBT health issues of the media in line with the themes of the conference. The working groups will be allocated a specific room for the duration of the conference and will have an opportunity to draw professionals and conference participants to a specific activity (i.e. a piece of consultation, a particular research, or a discussion around a specific area of interest). All the sessions will include a visual screen projector and a portable computer making it possible to display video or present a Power Point. The larger rooms will also have a microphone for the speakers. Submission deadline 5.00pm on Friday 1 July 2011. Acceptances will be made on a rolling basis and notifications will be sent by Friday 15 July 2011. The LGBT Excellence Centre and the Conference Steering Group will meet to consider and evaluate abstracts in early July 2010 and notify all contributors. We hope that the conference will reflect the diversity of viewpoints and experiences regarding the legal rights of sexual minorities throughout the UK. However, due to time constraints we are unlikely to accommodate all submissions. If your presentation is not selected, this should not be seen to signify anything about the proposal’s quality or value. All submissions must be made through our website:
National LGBT Health Summit 2011 Steering Group The LGBT Excellence Centre Wales is looking to recruit Steering Group Members and partners for the delivery of this project. The LGBT Summit Steering Group is responsible for overseeing the 2011 LGBT Health Summit by supporting and enabling the delivery, recording and legacy of the Summit. The Steering Group will work with the LGBT Excellence Centre Wales to ensure accountable delivery of the Summit in line with the founding principles above. The role of the Steering Group is to: • Oversee and steer the development and delivery of the national LGBT health summit • To support the delivery organisation in securing funding for the summit • To ensure that the summit maintains financial balance • To agree operational framework of the summit • To agree programme outline/framework • To empower, enable and engage with potential speakers and contributors • To help publicise the summit and engage potential funders and delegates • To assist in identifying barriers to delivery and help mitigate or remove them • To support the delivery organisation during delivery of the summit • To ensure that the summit is not dominated by any one organisation or agenda • To ensure the summit delivers at least one legacy outcome • To ensure that the summit is recorded so that learning can be shared Mode of Operation: – The steering group will meet on a regular basis based on the development and delivery framework of the summit – Meetings will be chaired by co-chairs agreed at first steering group meeting – Steering group members are asked to attend at least 60% of meetings either in person or via telephone – The steering group will communicate between meetings via email (the group may wish to establish a closed-yahoo group for communication) and telephone – The website has been established as the summit website and is the appropriate place for draft documents, programmes and registration details to be placed. The website has specific 2011 pages for the steering group and information will be uploaded to the website as needed.