Festive season brings a lot of happiness and joy, along it also brings lot of revenues for the emerging online ecommerce industry. Fast paced lifestyle and longer travelling hours to work have cut short the time which modern millennia enjoy with their family and loved ones. From ordering food to buying customized gifts, everything is available at the touch of the fingertip. Though Filipino culture still prefers to visit a physical stores than virtual stores but if we take the figures and data this wo ’t e sa e i the o i g few ea s. It is e pe ted that the Philippi es e o e e i dustry would be cashing in almost USD 367 Million this festive season and this figure is increasing YoY. There is also a significant increase in the number of online stores in Philippines over the last few years. Over the years the government has also came up with various plans to boost this economic growth and has plan to increase the revenue of ecommerce sector which was just 10% of the Philippines GDP in 2015 to a whopping 25% of the total GDP by 2020 based on the data generated by i-metrics Asia Pacific Corporation. There have also been boost in the ecommerce sector with the development in the call center solutions and integrated call center software in past few years. There is a major role of these call center solutions and Integrated call center software in the growth of not only the call center industry in Philippines but also the other verticals such as ecommerce, Banking, Collections & tele a keti g. A e o e e o ga izatio eed to ha dle its usto e ’s ue a d o plai ts a d t a k the through various stages of their life cycle. There have been various challenges faced by the ecommerce companies in Philippines some of which are as follows:Slow Internet Speeds – Philippines has one of the slowest internet speeds in the Asia Pacific region with only 3.6 MBPS average speed, which is very low as compared to the average national speed of 61MBPS in Singapore. This calls for the best predictive dialer software and cloud contact center solution to be more efficient on resource utilization and at the same time provide seamless interaction and High Definition voice. E-Payment – There is another challenge faced by the ecommerce companies in Philippines is the lack of robust epayment infrastructure. But this scenario is changing fast with all the major banks providing online banking and net banking option along with Credit facilities. Cart Drop out – More than 63% of the o li e usto e s sta t the he kout p o ess ut do ’t o plete it a d to the most surprise only 14% of the online retailers are taking this seriously. Cart dropout cannot be eliminated but can be reduced to a great extent with the use of proactive approach to customer management and intelligent solution. Understanding the customer mindset – The blooming ecommerce sector of the country needs to understand the behavior and mentality of the online buyers more clearly. According to a survey it was found out that online
buyers prefer free shipping worth 100 pesos over a 5% discount on the item saving them anywhere between 100200 pesos. More and more profiling needs to be done in order to set this understanding of the netizens behavior. Technological perspective – Any sector growth is directly proportional to the development and growth of the technology on which it operates. Till date many of the technology which these ecommerce organization use are derived from the call center platforms with very less or no consideration for the ecommerce process. The dialer solution and inbound call center solution had sufficed the ecommerce sector need but still the sector needs dialer solution and inbound call center solution specially designed for them keeping various process in mind.
Lgorithm solution Inc, one of the leading solution provider of best predictive dialer software in Philippines understood this and put their vertical Expertise to tailor a dialer solution and inbound call center solution specially for the ecommerce companies in Philippines. To know more how Lgorithm solution can help boost your sales and customer engagement process simply log on to or reach our Engagement Experts at +63 9173126202/ +63 9150947403/ 63(02)5033155.