Changedddddddddddddddd Get Changed ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Get Connectedddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Get Goingggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
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Equipssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssss Extends
Lake Grove Presbyterian Church
Welcome to Lake Grove Presbyterian Church. We are glad you may be looking for more information about our church. You’ll find Lake Grove Presbyterian Church (LGPC)
is a church who believes Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives. In worship, we connect the Bible to our daily reality – both our struggles and our successes. We
want Sunday worship to be a catalyst that empowers us to live for Christ in whatever we do during the
rest of the week.
We have three worship services: an informal service at 8:00 AM, and two traditional services, one at 9:30 AM and one at 11:00 AM. We have Sunday School at
the two later services. As a church, we encourage people to have a growing personal faith. We offer a number of opportunities for lifelong learning, and we have many small group settings for making and deepening friendships. This is a generous, caring congregation who shares the Lord’s passion for the least and the lost in
If you haven’t already done so, please fill out our visitor card. Introduce yourself to one of our pastors. Join the congregation after service for refreshments in Fellowship Hall. We would love to meet you, answer your questions and help you, as you search for a church home. Read through this booklet to find out more about our people, our staff, our mission and our ministries – or go to our website and click visitor info to watch the slide show of our church to get a better feel for who we are. If you would like additional information, please email or call us and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. We hope to see you again next Sunday.
our community and in our world. Check out our mission partnerships, especially the ones working among the poorest of the world. Pastor Bob Sanders
Bob Sanders Senior Pastor bob@lakegrovepres.org (503) 636-5656
Our church has been blessed with many faithful and committed stewards who have served faithfully over the years to bring us to where we are today. To the Glory of God!
Adult Christian Education
You’ll find all sorts of opportunities for spiritual
folks to attend these courses to augment the teaching
growth here at Lake Grove Presbyterian Church:
they get in Sunday morning worship through our
groups of all sizes, meeting at various times during
weekly sermons. Part of our “default setting” for the
the week — Bible studies, book discussions,
faith family at Lake Grove is adults are involved in
support groups. There is something for everyone
ongoing Bible studies or at least attending a series or
who wants to have a vital and growing faith.
workshop once or twice a year.
Adult Learning Opportunities
Throughout the year, including summer, you can find
In Adult Learning, we offer courses every Sunday
opportunities to explore faith issues and deepen your
morning and during our “Growing in the Grove”
understanding of the WORD, both written (Bible)
courses on Wednesday evenings (3 terms are
and living (Jesus).
The Sanctuary Choir, our 85 voice choir, leads the congregation in worship most Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 services. No audition is required. All are welcome! Childcare is provided. Directed by Wendy Bamonte. Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:30 – 9:30 P.M.
The New Life Choir sings for our 8:00 service and for special occasions. This choir is open to all. Childcare is provided. Directed by Tori Cumings. Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. The Covenant Bell Choir worships through the art of English handbell ringing. This choir plays in worship services monthly and on special occasions. Directed by Leanne Bilstrom. Rehearsals: Mondays, 7:15 – 9:30 P.M.
FOR STUDENTS (age 4 - 18)
Amazing Grace Choir (Grades 6 – 12) teaches the skills of melody, harmony, rhythm, vocal tone, choral technique and teamwork. Everyone is invited. This choir sings monthly. Directed by Beverly Seifert. Rehearsals: Sundays, 5:30 – 6:30 P.M. The Peace Ringers (Grades 6 – 12) is our middle and high school bell choir. Musical knowledge is required with the goal of development of handbell and music skills. Directed by Leanne Bilstrom. Rehearsals: Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:15 P.M.. The Joy Choir (Ages 4 – Kindergarten) is a fun way to learn basic musical skills and to praise God. The group sings for Sunday worship when ready. Directed by Julie Strong. Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 4:00 – 4:40 P.M. Wednesday Children’s Choirs & Handbells is a learning opportunity for elementary children to develop their musical skills. Weekly concurrent rehearsals for grades 1-5 create an opportunity for the whole family to participate. Choose to participate in all or part of the program.
become more like Jesus.
We take seriously the concept of discipleship mentioned in our purpose statement, and believe we are to
Director of Music Ministries wendy@lakegrovepres.org
Some Premises of our Work
Wendy Bamonte
Lake Grove Presbyterian Church is blessed with a vital and vibrant Music Ministry. We have 10 choirs for singers and ringers, ages 4 - 104. As a minister of music, you will not only be sharing your gifts, but also enjoying the fellowship and care of this community. This will be an opportunity to grow in your faith and musical experience. All of our programs are steeped in excellence, all to the Glory of God!
offered, fall, winter and spring). We encourage
The purpose of Adult Christian Education at Lake Grove Presbyterian Church is to provide a continuous program for discipleship, equipping people to grow in their commitment to Christ, Christ’s church and Christ’s work in the world.
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” -Psalm 15:6
Growing in Christ: as Christians, we never stop “growing” or moving toward healthy maturity until God “completes the good work” in us. Philippians 1:6 We hold high the importance of interpersonal relationships, based on the teaching of Jesus about the great commandment, “loving God with all your heart, mind and soul,” and the one like it, “loving your neighbor as yourself ” (Matthew 22:37:39), and believing that a trusting relationship in Jesus Christ is the foundation for
Carol Choir (Grades 1-2) - Directed by Beverly Seifert. Rehearsals: Wed., 4:00 – 4:40 P.M Chime Ringers (Grades 1-2) - Directed by Leanne Bilstrom. Celebration Choir (Grades 3-5) - Directed by Beverly Seifert. Rehearsals: Wed., 4:45 – 5:30 P.M Genesis Bells (Grades 3-5) - Directed by Leanne Bilstrom. Tori Cumings
Leanne Bilstrom
Director of Contemporary Worship tori@lakegrovepres.org
Director of Handbells bilstrom@hotmail.com
Melinda Gordon
Julie Strong
Mitchell Groh
Program Assistant melinda@lakegrovepres.org
Director of Joy Choir strong-julie@hotmail.com
Organist mitchgroh@comcast.net
abundant life (John 10:10b). Our Adult Learning Leaders are encouraged to help people make the link between knowing and doing. While acknowledging the place of “classroom style” learning, we aim for events that impact the whole person – not just mind and heart, but behavior.
Beverly Seifert Director of Children’s & Youth Choir
Fellowship - Groups - Membership - S.H.A.P.E.
Befriend – Belong – Believe – Become
Brent James Minister for Community Life Brent@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext. 111
Our desire is to prepare young disciples of Jesus Christ through outreach to students, discipleship with students and leadership through students – so they may be equipped to choose rightly, serve sacrificially and live intentionally for God with the newfound freedom they will experience after graduation.
Fish School - our Sunday morning class, is an opportunity for middle school students to get a grip on God’s Word through active learning experiences they won’t forget. (Fish School, 9:30 AM Sunday mornings, Youth Room). Fish Company - our fun-filled Wednesday evening program, begins with dinner and continues with action-packed games, singing, fellowship and relevant messages for the adolescent head and heart. (Fish Company, 6:30-8:30 PM Wednesday evenings, Fellowship Hall). Special Events - Our excitement overflows regularly with Back-to-School Blues, Hunt for Red October, A-Mazing Day, Safari Sam’s, Believe Conference, Winter Retreat, Tropical Fish, Sumo-Fish, movie reviews, 30-Hour Famine, Spring Explosion, Suttle Lake Summer Camp and the summer fun of Super Tuesdays and Thrilling Thursdays.
Our High School Ministry (grades 9-12) Higher Grounds - high school students join together on Sunday mornings for eye-opening teaching and discussion, as we brew a deeper faith by studying Scripture over coffee, OJ and an occasional Krispy Kreme. (Higher Grounds, 9:30 AM Sunday mornings, Room 204).
Fellowship We open wide the doors of our church every week and greet folks as they enter the door. We provide the coffee, donut
other. If your gifts lie in hospitality or event planning, then Community Life is the place for you!
Beginning each January, we offer Confirmation Class for students interested in exploring their faith and learning what it means to be a member of the body of Christ. Many high school students wishing to be in leadership roles take this class as a prerequisite. Confirmation is recommended for high school freshmen and sophomores.
Groups We offer classic larger demographic ministries; such as, Women’s and Men’s, Primetime (Senior Adults), Singles and Young Families and Adults. We also offer Small Groups, groups of 10-12 who gather together to study, fellowship and build deep Christ-centered friendships and relationships. Small groups can be Mariners Groups (fellowship groups), Navigator Groups (study-based groups) or Lifeboats (covenant groups).
Membership Membership is the step our guests take when they decide to join the family. Community Life is the gateway commission to membership at LGPC. Three times a year we offer our Discovering LGPC: New Members Seminar. It is a 4-hour class,
Mission Opportunities The High School Summer Mission is a central focus of our effort to reach out to serve the world together, however both the middle school and high school ministries provide many opportunities
led by the Pastoral staff, giving a cursory review of the ministry here and offering you the opportunity to join our family.
S.H.A.P.E. We encourage every member to be in ministry, but how do you do that? S.H.A.P.E. is a six week class offered several times a year which helps people review their Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality Traits and Experiences and weaving those aspects of life together to develop a missional statement for one’s life. Our prayer is that through S.H.A.P.E. people will be launched into the purpose that God has for their life!
If you have any further questons regarding Community Life, please let us know. We would love to meet you!
Kathleen Fast Director of Youth Ministries kathleen@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext. 117
to serve others in our community. Some organizations we serve are World Vision, International Justice Mission, Night Strike and Carman Oaks Retirement Center.
Still Young At Heart?
Confirmation Class
We also provide several all-church events like the Harvest Festival for the entire congregation to gather, eat and enjoy each
holes and bagels on Sunday morning (yep, that’s us) so that our guests have a chance to interact with our community.
Entheos - our high school youth group is a casual and relaxed atmosphere to ask your probing questions, learn more about Christ and discover God’s plan for your life. Our time together includes games, worship, prayer, teaching, small groups, and yes, refreshments too! (Entheos, 7-9 PM Sunday evenings, Youth Room).
Encourage—Community Life Ministry’s mission is to connect people in loving, Christ-centered relationships in our church and local communities. Our strategy for accomplishing this mission is Fellowship, Groups, Membership and S.H.A.P.E.
Our Middle School Ministry (grades 6-8)
Our vital youth ministry programs are possible because of faithful volunteers, and we have very creative ideas to utilize any gift, skill or hobby Please let us know your quirks and somewhere down the line, we’ll come calling and put you to good use!
the children’s ministry
An important part of our children’s Christian education is learning the elements of worship and participating along with the church family; thus, we offer several opportunities for children throughout the year. Children are always welcome in the worship services too!
teaching and modeling the transforming love of Christ; GET CONNECTED through relationship based activities of the Orchard; GET GOING through age appropriate stewarship opportunities for time, talent and treasure.
The words of Christ offer a helpful solace in the midst of difficult
Community Outreach & Benevolence, Compassion & Crisis Care,
Often we need a special touch from someone who
Food Assistance Programs, Grief Care, Home-Bound Ministries
understands and can empathize with our situation. The deacons
and Hospitality. Congregational Care is done through many
and volunteers of our congregational care teams are always ready
volunteers as well as deacons who serve our congregation and the
to assist. It is their goal to extend the church’s ministry to all,
community, performing and carrying out service on behalf of our
especially those who may be sick, lonely, in need or distress. The
Lord and His Kingdom.
Board of Deacons oversees such work through six ministries:
Community Outreach & Benevolence Includes offering talents and gifts to those in need; from within our congregation and in our community. Ministries within this group include: Barnabas, Career Change, Financial Ministries, Helping Hands, Love INC, and the Senior Housing Project.
Welcome to The Orchard, the Children’s Ministry of Lake Grove Presbyterian church. Each Sunday, the Christian Education Wing of Lake Grove Pres buzzes with the activity of children and Sunday School classes. Our promise is to support families by nurturing and teaching children to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help children: GET CHANGED by
“Come to me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Compassion & Crisis Care
Susie Graham
Director of Children’s Ministries susieg@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext: 121
Childcare Childcare is available for infants through pre-kindergarten at the 8:00 A.M. service. All childcare for Sunday mornings and special worship services is provided by childcare professionals along with trained volunteer staff.
Sunday School During the school year, we have classes during the 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. services. Our preschool classes (two – four years old) use a combination of HeartShaper and home-grown curriculum. Our elementary classes (K – fifth grade) use a combination of FaithWeaver and homegrown curriculum. During the summer, Sunday School classes are offered for two year olds – fifth graders at the 9:30 A.M. service only (July through Labor Day).
Special Opportunities for Children Noah’s Ark Early Childhood Program – a weekday, tuition-based program for children ages 2-1/2 to pre-K, meets one, three, or four mornings a week during the school year, and an 8 week summer camp. Thursday’s Kids – during our Thursday
Diane Parker
Asst Director of Children’s Ministries dianeparker@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext. 101
Barbara Kempe Program Assistant barbara@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext. 112
Food Assistance Programs Serves those who are isolated, hungry, disabled or unemployed. Ministries of this group are: Care and Share, Deacon’s Food Closet and Manna Ministry Program.
Grief Care morning Women’s Connection and Summer Programs MOPS meetings, Thursday’s Kids provides Our summer programs childcare and preschool classes. include LGPC’s one-week Third Grade Bible Course – a multi- Discovery Bible Camp (VBS), week, special interactive study, gives third Camp Tilikum (a day-camp graders an overview of how to use and for first – fifth graders) as well appreciate their own personal Bible. The as other social gatherings. course culminates with the presentation Other Presbytery camps are of Bibles during a Sunday worship service. offered for all ages. Fourth Grade Communion Class – an opportunity for fourth graders and their Get Involved! families to understand the significance We love our volunteers, and of the sacrament and prepare them to they are essential to our knowledgeably take part in communion. ministry and programs! 45ers – our program for fourth and fifth Ministry positions include graders is a high-energy monthly event, teachers, caregivers, and musicians, as well as planners full of life and joy! and helps for Discovery Bible Stewardship Camp (VBS), socials, summer Stewardship is an important part of our camps and special projects. faith, and the children of our church Our volunteers go through a family are learning to be faithful stewards background check and adhere of their time, talent and treasure. Each to safe practices of working Sunday we receive an offering to share in with children. caring for God’s people. Our ministries in Africa, Mexico and the local community are enthusiastically supported by the Sunday School program.
Ministers to those who have suffered loss. Within this area of ministry, memorials are performed and support groups are strengthened. This group offers: Grief Share Seminar/support group and memorial assistance.
Home-Bound Ministries Helps those typically advanced in age, who are disabled, ill or need help to feel encouraged and built up in their faith. Within this group are: Home Care/Hospital Equipment, Long-Term Friendship Visitation Teams, Offsite Services/Communion and Transportation Manager.
Hospitality An area where greeting, caring and welcoming is really the focus. Phone calls are made to those who are absent from church, meals are donated to families in transition or crisis and new parents are congratulated on their new family member. Within this group are: Absent Member Calling Program, Meals for Families in Transition/Crisis, and New Baby Welcome Libby Boatwright Ministry. Associate Pastor for Congregational Care libby@lakegrovepres.org (503) 636-5656, x114
Offered to those who are struggling with health issues or need encouragement. Ministries within this group are: Alcoholics Anonymous, Deacon Caregiving Team, Health Ministry Team, Parish Nurse, Prayer Chain/Team, and Single Parents.
To provide relief & ongoing support in the name of Christ to believers & non-believers
The Extend Team actively supports evangelistic efforts to reach non-believing people and people groups in our church, community, region, nation, and world with the gospel of Jesus Christ in a culturally sensitive way. It provides relief and ongoing support in the name of Christ to believers and non-believers.
Guiding Principles: We follow God’s lead in all that we do.
“ . . . you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria,
Lake Grove’s current participation in God’s Kingdom work . . . and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8b
We focus on partners with whom we can demonstrate the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to be “holistic,” meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
If you see an area below that interests you, you can find contact information in our separate
Demographic balance:
Extend brochure.
Ministry balance: covering efforts in Evangelism, Compassion, and Justice;
We are a Sending Church, sending our members into the field for both shortterm and lifelong mission commitment.
Habitat for Humanity Hispanic Theological Institute InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (PSU) InterVarsity Focus (PSU) Lake Grove Church Family
Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter Letty Owings Center Portland Rescue Mission Salvation Army WM’s Shelter Samaritan Counseling Center
Shepherd’s Door YD Adventures PUN
We are a Praying Church, participating in mission through ongoing prayer.
Our work outside the walls of LGPC benefits those who are within its walls, enriching them both through education and their direct involvement.
JERUSALEM (Portland Area) Addiction Recovery Association Angel Tree Care & Share Cascade Presbytery Ministries Emergency Relief
Financial balance: meeting the highest priority mission needs within budget limits
Graig Flach Associate Pastor for Equiping graig@lakegrovepres.org 503-636-5656 ext. 113
Geographic balance: locally, regionally, and internationally; E
help us reach our God-given potential, and move toward our eternal destiny. That’s exciting!
We seek “balanced” mission efforts on behalf of the congregation...
At Lake Grove, we believe that God uses our involvement in Christian Witness to grow us, to
JUDEA & SAMARIA (Regional — West Coast) Cascade Presbytery Ministries Fresno Refugee Ministries Hispanic Ministries — Oregon International Students, Inc.
. . . THE ENDS OF THE EARTH (Worldwide) Agros (Honduras) PC (USA) International Mission Salaam Internationl (Lebanon) Senegal Ministries (Africa)
Zambia Partnership (Africa), including International Justice Mission