TheMus i cYouCa n’ tHe a r Hi ghl i ght sf r om t heMa i neSt r i ngsPr oj e c t
L i zGr a ndma i s onPhot ogr a phy
The Music You Can’t Hear an exploration of the luthier’s craft
Project Statement I’m a fine art photographer with a passion for details, close-ups, and macro studies. I also have a fascination with musical instruments that borders on obsession. I do photograph many other subjects, but I keep returning to instruments for their unique character and infinite variety. I see the instruments as so much more than shaped wood or metal. They are musicians’ treasured friends, their partners in art. In 2007 I received a “Good Idea Grant” from the Maine Arts Commission for a long-term photo project I started in 2005. That project, The Music You Can’t Hear: An Exploration of the Luthier’s Craft, showcases the work and traditions of Maine’s stringed instrument builders. When we think about the artistry of music, our thoughts usually center on the composer or the musicians. But music starts with the instrument. And building an instrument is an art form and craft unto itself. It is the silent symphony present before the music is written or played. A master luthier is so immersed in the craft, so “in tune,” if you will, with the materials, that he or she can hear a trace of the instrument’s voice in the wood before the instrument is made. While an image cannot capture this musical gift, it can capture the visual fruits of the luthier’s skill. To view more images from this project, please visit my web site at Liz Grandmaison Photography • 29 Holland Street • Bangor, ME 04401 • 207-947-2894