6 minute read
A Message from the Board by Tim Mislansky
Through Challenges, ACUMA Thrives
We’re Dedicated to Bringing More Educational Events and Networking in 2022
By Tim Mislansky 2021will go down as challenging and yet great year for ACUMA. COVID continued to provide challenges, but those challenges were met head on by our outstanding staff of President Tracy Ashfield and Director, Events and Member Relations Krista Korfmacher.
Not only did ACUMA survive the pandemic, but we thrived!
I, along with the entire Board of Directors are proud of the accomplishments of the organization and appreciate the participation and support of the entire membership and our sponsors.
Highlights of last year include:
Live! In Person! The return of a face-to-face Annual Conference in National Harbor last fall was a great success. We had more than 300 attendees who benefited from a tremendous agenda of educational topics and wonderful network opportunities. We heard from countless members how good it was to be back together again.
Staying Connected. We launched the ACUMA Connected Community, an exclusive online community for our members. It’s receiving more usage each month and is an outstanding resource for members.
In the Connected Community you will find the quarterly, downloadable Excel files for Top 300 mortgageoriginating credit unions, Regulatory Alerts informing you of important actions being proposed by regulators and Congress, as well as discussion groups around a variety of important topics, ACUMA event calendar and more.
If you have not checked it out, I encourage you to sign up and get email updates on topics posted. You’ll find it a valuable resource.
From Your Electronic Device. We held numerous online educational sessions during the year as we further developed our virtual learning formats and continued to provide high quality educational opportunities and online interactions.
And through it all, more and more credit unions realized the great value ACUMA provides. In 2021 we saw an increase in membership of 50 credit unions. Another benefit: One membership covers everyone in your organization.
As we look ahead, we are excited about the future of ACUMA. Right
now, our top priority is find“ With a change in leadering the best candidate to lead our small, but mighty organization.
We are so thankful to Tra- The Board is cy Ashfield for her leadership committed to these past two years during a having ACUMA very challenging time. And she has served our organization in other advisory roles remain a topnotch association for nearly two decades. We that provides have been blessed to have her great educational talents and to have developed and networking friendships with her. The ACUMA board has engaged a national recruitopportunities and helps credit union er to help us find the next become stronger President. We have received mortgage lenders. strong interest and have a
viable slate of candidates “ calendars for Nashville on for the position. We hope to have the new President on board in the near future to begin the next stage of ACUMA’s development and improvement. ship comes change to any organization. Despite this change, the Board is committed to having ACUMA remain a top-notch association that provides great educational and networking opportunities and helps credit union become stronger mortgage lenders. We are thrilled that we will be bringing back our in-person workshops in 2022. These two-day deep-dive workshops offer the same program in two different cities. Mark your May 3-4 at the Sheraton Grand Nashville Downtown hotel, or Portland, Oregon on June 14-15 at The Nines Hotel.
We are building a great agenda for these “can’t miss” workshops. We expect to release the initial agenda and registration in February and have record-breaking attendance.
ACUMA will also continue to focus on providing outstanding learning opportunities through our various virtual learning topics and our Annual Conference (Las Vegas, September 18-21, 2022), as well as further develop the online community.
Again, thank you for your membership and participation with ACUMA. It’s a stronger organization when more members participate.

Tim Mislansky is the Chairman of the ACUMA Board of Directors, which governs the organization. He is the President & CEO of Wright-Patt Credit Union in Beavercreek, Ohio.
It Provides Guidance for the Non-Profit Association
ACUMA is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing mortgage lending within the credit union space. The ACUMA Board of Directors sets governance for the association and provides guidance to the ACUMA President. A Board Member serves a three-year term. Terms are staggered. The current Board has eight members. The Board Members are volunteers who have a strong desire to give back to the Credit Union industry and receive no compensation.
Officers of the Board (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) are selected by the entire Board at the Organizational Meeting following the Annual Meeting of the membership, normally held in September of each year in conjunction with the annual Fall Conference.
The time commitment for a Board Member includes conference calls as needed and two in-person meetings each year, including a planning session and the Organizational Meeting, and attending ACUMA conferences. In addition they may also serve on standing or ad-hoc committees, and participate in occasional special projects.
To be eligible for a Board position, you must:
Be a member of ACUMA’s
Primary Member Organizations (CUs and CUSOs).
Serve as an employee of a
Primary Member Organization.
Accept ACUMA’s policies and rules of governance.
Have the support of your own credit union for serving on the board. When openings for the Board of Directors become available, ACUMA would welcome interested candidates. Openings will be communicated to ACUMA members through our website and the Pipeline magazine.

Risk Management
1 About ACUMA
Who We Are, Our Mission and Core Values 2 President’s Column by Tracy Ashfield
The Power of Coming Together 4 A Message from the Board by Tim Mislansky
Through Challenges, ACUMA Thrives 10 Regulation and Legislation by John J. McKechnie
NCUA’s Harper Sharpens Focus 62 Honors, Awards & Recognitions
Sharing the Success of CU Mortgage People 76 The Last Word by Tracy Ashfield
ACUMA’s Impact Has Grown
SPECIAL SECTION: THE NEXT GENERATION 12 Program Develops Leadership Skills By Allison M. Small 16 How to ‘Hook’ a Younger Workforce By Ashley Myers 20 Shaping the Next Generation Profiles of Younger Employees 24 Using the Households Brand Model By Kelley Mangel 30 Diverse Talent from Historic University By Amy Keyser 32 Recruiting during the ‘Great Resignation’ By Susan Sullivan 34 Recruiting Power of Modern Technology By Valentin Saportas 38 Diversity Brings Creativity, Growth 40 Bulk Transactions Suspension By Mitchell Redd 48 Three Resolutions for 2022 By Alex Kutsishin 50 FHFA and Desktop Appraisals By Luke Tomaszewski 52 Are You Considering eClosings? By Jeff Weinstock 54 A Chance of Regulatory Change By Amanda Phillips ANNUAL CONFERENCE REVIEW 56-61 Session Summaries, Speakers, Photos From 2021 68 Top 300 Mortgage-Originating Credit Unions