Player Registration
Held at the Green Mountain National Golf Course
YES! We want to be a part of the 2010 Castleton Classic. The proceeds from this event will help support Castleton’s 20 Varsity Athletic Programs. Name, Address, E-mail, Phone #, Handicap, Shirt Size 1.)
Supporting 20 Varsity Sports August 13th, 2010
2.) 3.) 4.) (Check made payable to Castleton State College) Mastercard Visa American Express / Name on card /
Discover /
Fourth Annual /
Send completed entry form, check, or credit card information to: George McCurl Director of Development 62 Alumni Drive • Castleton, VT 05735 • Phone: (802) 468-1241
Sponsorship Registration
YES! We want to help sponsor the 2010 Castleton Classic. The proceeds from this sponsorship will directly support the Golf Classic and Castleton Athletic Programs. Please fill out the following sponsorship opportunity you wish to contribute. Hole Sponsor
Return Service Required
Executive Level
*Prize Donation *Financial Donation Prize: Amount $ Name Address Phone Fax E-mail Enclosed is $ (Check made payable to Castleton State College) Please Charge to Mastercard Visa American Express Expiration / / Name on card Card # / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Castleton State College Development Office 62 Alumni Drive Castleton, VT 05735
Please check one of the following: Major Level Premier Level
Enclosed is $ Please Charge to Expiration / Card # / / /
Castleton Classic
To Benefit All 20 Castleton State College Varsity Ahtletic Teams
Thank You
Castleton Classic Fourth Annual
Tournament Information Location:
Green Mountain National Golf Course Barrows Towne Road PO Box 429 Killington, VT
Friday, August 13th, 2010
12:00 pm Registration/Lunch 1:15 Tee-Off
Format: Included: Cost:
4-person Scramble, Silent Auction, Raffles Gift Bag, Food and Refreshments “Compliments of ARAMARK” $150/person $125/Castleton Graduate
2009 Winners 1st Place Gross
1st Place Net
Participants, Sponsors, and Volunteers who make the Castleton Classic possible.
Sponsorship Opportunities Major Level:
Premium Level:
Executive Level:
Hole Sponsor with 2 Players: $750 Hole Sponsor:
* All Sponsors will appear on the sponsor’s board at the Clubhouse along with the website at... PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED WITH APPLICATION BY AUGUST 6TH, 2010
Major Sponsors
2010 Castleton Athletics Accolades Conference Tournament Champions Baseball - NEAC Men’s Lacrosse - NAC Women’s Tennis - NEAC
Divisional Tournament Champions Baseball - NEAC East Men’s Tennis - NAC East Women’s Tennis - NEAC East
Regular Season Champions Baseball - NEAC East Men’s Skiing - Thompson Division Women’s Skiing - Thompson Division Women’s Soccer - NAC Men’s Tennis - NAC East Women’s Tennis - NEAC East
National Tournament Qualifiers Baseball Men’s Lacrosse Men’s Skiing Women’s Skiing Women’s Tennis
Athletic Awards
L-R: Mike Yarosevich, Todd Page, Todd Harrington, Bruce Kelly
L-R: Bill Duczeminksi, Bob Godlewski, Todd Godlewski, Jacob Rigopoulos
Printing Compliments of
Villanti & Sons, Printers, Inc.
1 All-American Honor 6 All-Region Honors 79 All-Conference Honors 4 National All-Academic Honors 38 Conference All-Academic Honors