Contact March 2012

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu visits an old friend

Photo Reprint ed from

By Sophie Jay Anti apartheid icon, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, begged the Chinese government to respect His Holiness the Dalai Lama during a joyful meeting between the Nobel Peace laureates on Friday, February 10th. Addressing the thousands of

monks, nuns, families and schoolchildren who turned out in brilliant sunshine to see the holy pair at the Main Temple in McLeod Ganj, Archbishop Tutu described the 77-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader as the holiest man he has ever met, adding: ‘I want to say to the Chinese government that His Holiness is the most peace loving

person on earth. ‘His Holiness has no army. He does not command people with guns. His Holiness is not a separatist. ‘Please you leaders in Beijing. Please respect him.’ Devotees and well-wishers began filling the Main Temple at dawn, before His Holiness travelled to Kangra Airport to receive the South African Archbishop and his wife, Nomalizo Leah Shenxane, who scheduled the visit to his old friend as part of a five day visit to India to promote Girls Not Brides, a global initiative against child marriage. In October, Archbishop Tutu launched an angry verbal attack on South Africa’s ANC government, branding it ‘worse than the apartheid government’ and threatening to pray for the party’s defeat, after it failed to grant His Holiness a visa so that he could deliver a lecture at the Archbishop’s 80th birthday celebrations. Continued on page 6

Tibetan Uprising Day 2012 By Julia Leonard March 10th 2012 marked 53 years of Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule and oppression in Tibet. In McLeod Ganj thousands of Tibetans attended official commemorations in Tsug-la Khang, the main temple in Dharamshala, led by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, Tibet political leader Dr. Lobsang Sangay, and Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament Penpa Tsering. Beginning with the national anthem, the Tibetan national flag was then raised by Dr. Lobsang Sangay, followed by a one minute silence to remember the Tibetans who have died. The event was also attended by member of the Italian Parliament and president of The Italy-Tibet Parliamentary Association, Gianni Vernetti and a number of Chinese supporters of the Tibetan cause. Penpa Tsering appealed to the

Tsetan Dorjee, his mother and sister peace march to Tibet Phot: Wen-Yan King.

Chinese government to address the unjust treatment of the Tibetan people and appealed for a change to the repressive policies in Tibet. “Trust is the foundation for peace and stability and China has the power to build trust by releasing all

political prisoners including the XIth Panchen Lama,” he added. The Tibet Post reported Dr. Lobsang Sangay, ‘called for free and fair elections inside of Tibet, criticized unequal hiring Continued on page 6


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March 2012

Indefinite Hunger Strike in US

of Losar. Three Tibetans are protesting outside the UN building in New York City, as of March 7, they are in day 15 of the strike – no food, no shelter and braving the cold New York winter, they continue to suffer in protest. Presenters from TYC shared with the mixed crowd of locals and foreigners in McLeod Ganj, information about the protestors and their five key requests. According to the TYC website, “We’re appealing to the United Nations to send a fact-finding delegation to Tibet, appealing to the United Nations to pressure China to stop the undeclared marshal law in Tibet, appealing to United Nations to stop the patriotic re-education campaign in Tibet, and appealing to United Nations to pressure China to release all political prisoners inside Tibet.” To date there has been no official photo reprinted from Daily Mail response from the UN. A brief film was streets in single file, chanting prayers and shown depicting the scene in New York by Freya Tuppy The message could not be clearer. gripping candles before gathering for a where supporters had turned out in force Wake up world and take notice. More than presentation from Tibetan Youth to send a clear message to the UN and to 150 people gathered on Friday March 2 Congress (TYC) members on the current demonstrate the desperate situation in in McLeod Ganj for a candle light vigil to situation in Tibet and the 3 Tibetans on Tibet. There have been 30 self immolations honour those Tibetans who have made an indefinite hunger strike in New York. in Tibet since 2009. The current campaign of TYC, the ultimate sacrifice for their country, self For moreinformationanduptodatecoverage immolation. As the sun set over the main FASTFORTIBET- an indefinite hunger of the hunger strike, please visit square, supporters solemnly walked the strike - was instigated at the beginning

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March 2012

Worldwide vigil highlights worsening situation in Tibet By Katie Youtz To an outside observer, the streets of Dharamsala might have appeared deserted on Monday, February 8. Shops along the main roads were closed, corrugated metal curtains drawn down and locked over what are usually bustling Tibetan restaurants, cafes, and handicraft stalls. However one had only to walk down to the temple, to find the local Tibetan population and its supporters. Thousands gathered to join the Kalon Tripa (Tibetan Prime Minister) Dr. Lobsang Sangay, and his fellow parliamentarians at Tsuglakhang, the Dalai Lama’s temple, to offer prayers and solidarity to their countrymen and women inside Tibet. Whole families dressed in traditional chupas; and the large gathering of monks, nuns, and foreigners chanted prayers. As candles were lit throughout the crowd, Lobsang Sangay thanked the international community for statements made in support of Tibetans in recent months, and asked for more concrete support as those in Tibet prepare for an especially sensitive time of year. He stressed the urgency of the current climate inside Tibet, and described China’s heavy-handed response to Tibetan protests. In a message from Tibetans across the world, he emphasized the continuing support of the exile community, stating: ‘To Tibetans inside Tibet, you are our inspiration. ‘We will not let your voices go unheard. We will not let your sacrifices go unattended. ‘The Tibetan spirit is strong. It has always been strong. It is strong now, and it will remain strong until there is freedom in Tibet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama can return.’ The gathering was the focal point of a global vigil, commemorating the now 26 Tibetans who have self-immolated in protest to China’s restrictive policies. Participants also offered prayers in memory of protesters killed by Chinese security forces last month. Up to six Tibetans were reported dead and dozens more wounded after violent crackdowns on demonstrations in ethnically Tibetan areas of China’s Sichuan and Qinghai provinces between January 23 – 26, during the Chinese New Contact Magazine

Year holiday. The international media has been unable to confirm exact figures, as communications to the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and ethnically Tibetan areas of Western China have been largely cut off. The Associated Press (AP) reported that phone lines appear to be disabled, as all calls they made to the area immediately after the protests were ‘met with a rapid beeping tone.’ Road blocks have been erected preventing entry into more restive areas - especially those with prominent monasteries, whilst foreign journalists have been turned away or expelled. A CNN team was recently denied access to Serthar County in Sichuan, following a recent wave of self-immolations. The reporters said that their car was turned away at a roadside checkpoint due to what Chinese security personnel claimed were ‘dangerous road conditions.’ Security is reported to have been very tight, both in the TAR and other areas with large Tibetan populations, in the lead-up to the holidays. The China Daily stated that the regional government in Lhasa distributed over one million Chinese flags – as well as portraits of Communist Party leaders Mao Zedong, Deng Qinghai , Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao – to temples, schools, and households. Monasteries in particular were instructed to display them prominently. Displaying the items was mandatory over the holiday, a policy which garnered criticism from foreign media sources for its apparent promotion of compulsory patriotic pride. In defiance of such hard-line policies put in place by the Chinese government, protesters in Sichuan and Qinghai carried photos of the Dalai Lama and the banned Tibetan national flag, throwing prayer flags to the wind. Marchers and demonstrators ate tsampa, the staple barley flour which has become a symbol of Tibetan cultural identity in some areas, while chanting mantras and calling for the long life of the Dalai Lama. The Economist reported on the January 26 protests in a township in Rangtang County, in which a crowd of Tibetans tried to prevent security forces from arresting a protester. Police reportedly shot into the crowd, killing one person. Two more had already been confirmed dead, with rumours of further 4

Tenzin Choedron

casualties, after police fired at demonstrators in Serthar County on January 23. The Chinese government claims the protests were instigated by outside forces wanting to separate Tibet from China. Their official position on the Serthar protests is that two rioters died and 24 police and firefighters were injured when Tibetans carrying rocks attacked police stations. On Saturday, February 11, eighteen-year-old Tibetan nun, Tenzin Choedron, is reported to have set herself alight after chanting anti Chinese government slogans close to her nunnery in Ngaba, Sichuan – the epicenter of the spate of selfimmolations. London-based campaign group, Free Tibet, said in a statement that the teenage nun, described as a good student, was immediately taken away by Chinese soldiers and police, who then ‘surrounded the nunnery and sealed it off.’ Tenzin, who is believed to have survived the incident, is the second member of the Dechen Chokorling Nunnery, which has a reputation for remaining fiercely loyal to the Dalai Lama, to have self immolated. In October, 20-year-old Tenzin Wangmo died after setting herself on fire. Tenzin Choedron was the eighth March 2012

Tibetan to self-imolate protesting Chinese policies in her country this year. Another notable case was a reincarnate lama, 42-year-old Sopa Tulku (Sonam Wangyal), who drank kerosene and posted a sign on a nearby wall before setting himself on fire at around 7am on January 8, in Darlag County, Qinghai. The sign said his motivation was ‘to commemorate the Tibetans who have selfimmolated since 2009, for national freedom and religious freedom, for liberty and freedom of speech.’ The sign also asked Tibetans not to lose hope, and to ‘unite, and work hard for the future of Tibet.’ Hundreds carried his body through the streets after recovering it from local police. The Chinese government has denounced this incident and all other self-immolations in Tibetan areas as ‘terrorist activity in disguise.’ In response to three incidents in Serthar, on February 3, Chinese authorities have denied that they occurred at all. A local government official speaking to the AP about the Serthar immolations refused to give her name, saying, ‘No such thing has happened.’ Meanwhile, security in the TAR and ethnically Tibetan areas of China is reported to be tightening as Chinese authorities prepared for Losar (Tibetan New Year) on February 22, and several significant dates in March, including the double anniversary on March 10 of the Lhasa uprising of 1959, marking the Dalai Lama’s flight into exile, and the 2008 riots sparked by the upcoming Beijing Olympics. The South China Morning Post reported recently that authorities in the TAR have warned thousands of regional officials that they could lose their jobs and perhaps face further punishment if they are ‘found to have failed to safeguard stability in restive areas or fled their posts at ‘critical moments.’’ Top Communist Party official in Tibet, Chen Quanguo, told state-run publication, Tibet Daily.‘The voices and images of the Communist Party must be seen and heard, while the voices and images of hostile forces and the ‘Dalai Clique’ must neither be seen nor heard,’ Reports continue to reach the exile community of convoys of military personnel en route to Lhasa. On February 2, Radio Free Asia reported that armed police currently patrol the streets, and

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authorities have cut the region off from foreign tourists. Sources also claim that security in monasteries across the TAR and ethnically Tibetan areas of Qinghai and Sichuan has increased. Monks and nuns have been ordered to unite to promote harmony in their regions and are to inform regional officials of any suspicious activity. Additionally, all religious institutions are required to display pictures of the four-generation Communist Party leadership and to fly the Chinese national flag. To avoid informing on each other, monks and nuns are reported to have begun abandoning their monasteries and nunneries. A monk at Sera monastery in southern India, citing sources in Western China, has said that as many as seven monasteries and one nunnery in Sichuan and Qinghai are now deserted. ‘The monks are afraid that they may be forced to return, because the Chinese officials are saying they have no authority to leave on their own,’ he told Radio Free Asia on January 31 In response to conditions in Tibetan areas and the continuing wave of violence, a delegation of four parliamentarians from the Tibetan Parliament in Exile traveled to New Delhi recently to meet with representatives of various diplomatic missions and the United Nations. Despite pressure from the Chinese embassy in New Delhi, five ambassadors from Europe and representatives from a number of other nations met with the delegation. The parliamentarians issued an open letter to the Chinese government, in which they urged China to address the concerns of protesting Tibetans humanely, and to resume dialogue with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government in Exile. Days later, the Karmapa, Tibet’s third most prominent incarnate lama who usually remains relatively uninvolved in politics, issued a message to the Chinese government, suggesting to The Times of India that: ‘acknowledging the real human distress of Tibetans in Tibet and taking full responsibility for what is happening there would lay a wise basis for building mutual trust between Tibetans and the Chinese government. ‘Rather than treating this as an issue of political opposition, it would be far more effective for Chinese authorities to treat this as a matter of basic human welfare.’


So far in March, five people have self-immolated in Tibet in protest against the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Four of these people have died. The first, on March 3rd was a 20 year old Tibetan student, Tsering Kyi, who died after setting herself alight in Machu, eastern Tibet, at a vegetable market. The second was Rinchen, a 32 year old mother of four, who died after setting herself on fire at the police station at the entrance to Kirti Monastery in Ngaba, northeastern Tibet on March 4. More recently two more monks have self-immolated in Tibet, bringing the total since 2009 to 28. On the 10th of March, Gepey, an 18 year old monk from Kiti Monastery, in Ngaba, self-immolated and immediately died. His mother was held by police for interrogation for the following two days. The Tibet Post has reported that Ngaba ‘is now under undeclared martial law as parliamentary and armed reinforcements have been deployed in the region.’ On March 14 Jamyang Palden, aged 34, self-immolated in protet in the Dolma square of Rongwo monastery, in northeastern Tibet. The Central Tibet Administration reported that Chinese authorities took him to hospital but later returned him to the monastery. Jamyang is in a very serious condition, it is unsure whether he will survive. Latest reports say his vital nervous system is not responding to medication. The latest self-immolation was in Rongbo on March 17, Sonam Dhargyal, a 44 year old farmer. Before setting himself on fire he demanded the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet, and in recent years had been reported as saying: “The return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet is of paramount importance, and it will solve the issue of Tibet.” Tibetans who were present say he died instantly. 7000 Tibetans attended his funeral at Rongbo Monastery. There was a confrontation between Chinese security forces and Tibetans, but the security forces withdrew after being outnumbered by Tibetans. There is now unprecedented restriction on the freedom of movement and gathering of Tibetans in the region according to the Central Tibetan Administration.

March 2012

Anti-apartheid hero Desmond Tutu visits McLeod Ganj Continued from page 1

During the public ceremony in the Main Temple, ArchbishopTutu stated that he could now ‘really celebrate’ his birthday, and playfully jibed his fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate, recounting the time he accompanied His Holiness to a Seattle football stadium packed with 60,000 people who had turned out ‘for someone who can’t even speak English properly!’ Emphasizing between giggles that he is not jealous of the fact that His Holiness is ‘loved by everybody in the world,’ Archbishop Tutu promised his friend that he would one day visit him in a free Tibet, urging God to hasten the day. Presenting Archibsihop Tutu with a Namgyal stupa for good luck, His Holiness, who addressed the crowds in Tibetan and English, commented on their advancing years, adding: ‘Maybe for one or two more decades I will remain, but your spirit will remain at least throughout the 21st century. Of that I’m quite sure. ‘Governments cannot always do

with the Tibetan people, he said: ‘We believe that this world cannot go on with violence. Archbishop Tutu has shown us the way. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has shown us his way, and we need to follow these leaders who show the solidarity between Photo reprinted from all faiths.’ His Holiness’s much to address negative feelings. Only guest of honour was treated to three cultural performances by artists from the spiritual leaders can do that.’ Bishop for the Diocese of Amritsar, Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, the Right Rev. P.K. Samanta Roy, Thangtong Lhugar and Dharamsala’s representing the church of north India, local Indian Gaddi community. ArchbishopTutu was awarded the described Archibishop Tutu as the Mahatma Gandhi of South Africa, stating: Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his role as a ‘He has been an inspiration to millions ‘unifying leader figure in the campaign to and he has been my role model since I resolve the problem of apartheid in South Africa.’ was a child.’ Expressing the church’s solidarity

Tibetan Uprising Day 2012 Continued from page 1

practices exercised by the Chinese, and called for greater autonomy within the Tibetan province. He also echoed his request to the international community to send a fact-finding delegation into Tibet.’ He also went on to emphasize that Tibetans have been denied fundamental human rights, “Today, there is no space for any conventional protests such as hunger strikes, demonstrations and even peaceful gatherings in Tibet. Tibetans are therefore taking extreme actions such as the ones by the 26 Tibetans who have committed self-immolations since 2009... Fault lies squarely with the hardline leaders in Beijing, so does the solution. The self-immolations are an emphatic rejection of the empty promises of the socalled ‘socialist paradise.’” In honour of the 53rd anniversary of the Tibet uprising Tsetan Dorjee (35) along with his mother(54) and sister(18) are undertaking a peace march from Dharamsala to the Tibetan border. As reported in the Tibet Post Tsetan determination is unwaivering, "I might be arrested, or go to jail, or even die-it doesn't Contact Magazine

matter, I will not stop until Tibet gets freedom or until the Chinese government accepts my demands". He is placing the following 5 demands on the Chinese government: 1.) Without any conditions, His Holiness the Dalai Lama must be allowed to return to his homeland, Tibet. 2.) Without any conditions, the 11thPanchenRinpocheGedunChoekyiNyima and all the Tibetan political prisoners must be released. 3.) Without any conditions, Tibetans must be provided with the freedom to learn their own language in schools and monasteries. 4.) Tibetans in Tibet must be provided with the full freedom to preserve their culture and traditions. 5.) There must be an immediate withdrawal of all the soldiers from Tibet who are oppressing the Tibetans in Tibet at present. Another Tibetan man, Migmar also gave a speech at the ceremony with his eyes covered by a black blindfold. “He declared his intention to travel around India wearing the blindfold to represent the blindness of the international 6

community to the Tibetan issue” The Tibet Post reported.

March 2012

Tibetan Women’s Football Program Plants Seeds in Gopalpur By Wesley Griffin While most Tibetan Children’s Village students enjoyed an increased measure of relaxation and freedom this winter holiday, a group of Tibetan girls with lofty goals came together in nearby Gopalpur for one very intense, structured month… of football. Cassie Childers, working in conjunction with the Tibetan National Sports Association, organized the program for twenty-eight Tibetan girls aged eleven to twenty. The team would spend one month in residence at TCV Gopalpur undergoing physical, mental and leadership training. Three girls were selected from each TCV school across India, based on their aptitude for the sport of football and their enthusiasm to become ambassadors among their classmates. Each girl is expected to take her newfound knowledge back to her respective school and help inspire other girls to take part in the nascent program. Some of the girls’ most important experiences had less to do with skill than with accepting and embracing a level of physicality to which they were completely unaccustomed. “It’s important to note that on the day they showed up, only four of them had played before. There were tears when they got hit with the ball,” Childers said. “Change didn’t come the next day, but by the morning of the last match, players with bloody noses were begging to go back into the action. They were calling their own ‘offsides.’ These girls learned the game and they love it.”

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In order to have a well-rounded and lasting impact, Childers and her assistants – which included a professional football player from Europe, a sports psychologist from Delhi and a goalkeeping expert from the United States – focused on more than just the tactics needed on the pitch. Each morning, Childers led the girls on a short run to improve aerobic fitness or a yoga session to increase balance and flexibility. Their midday activities included everything from lessons on gender equality to team-building exercises to writing letters to the team’s American sponsors. This sort of immersion experience aimed to make the girls understand that they can be part of something much larger than just a month-long introduction to football. Childers continues to line up funding to support the growth and expansion of Tibet Women’s Football, with the goal of one day competing internationally. Mr. Kalsang Dhondup, General Secretary of the TNSA, has been intricately involved in the early stages, promising his organization’s long-term commitment to empowering women through sport and seeing the program through to maturity. The girls, too, all show a strong resolve that, one day, female athletes will represent Tibet to the rest of the world. Childers, wanting the girls to accept nothing less than their biggest dreams, played recordings of a few big matches from last summer’s FIFA Women’s World Cup. On one of the last nights, fighting


fatigue after a grueling afternoon training session, the girls watched wide-eyed as Japan’s women, with hearts of champions, won against the heavilyfavored United States team. The commentators couldn’t help but remark that their passionate play and eventual victory in the World Cup Final would help heal a wounded nation, fresh from the devastation of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The message was not lost on the Tibetan girls, who know their nation also faces a long road to healing. However daunting the situation in Tibet may become, the girls now glow with excitement at the opportunity to contribute in a positive way through football. “For most people who have found something to love, you can trace it to a seminal experience,” said Carey Russell, who spent ten days filming the girls for a documentary series on the Tibetan exile experience sponsored by the International Center for Mental Health and Human Rights ( “To say this month will serve as a spark in these young women’s lives is an understatement.” Nij Herbert, a volunteer from London, England, helped train the girls in defensive tactics and coached one of the teams during the girls’ final exhibition match. To him, the girls’ growth in just one month was astounding. “At first, they weren’t playing tough. It was a little bit halfhearted. What I wanted was for them to tackle hard and really want the ball. I think all the Barcelona stuff comes after,” he said. As the group gelled and absorbed their training, though, everything changed. “We saw this real hunger and enthusiasm. The next step is beautiful football, but for now, they’ve learned tough football. They worked so hard and made us proud.” Childers added, “The girls suddenly realized, ‘if I want the ball, I have to push.’ So they did.” The girls’ sore muscles will receive a well-deserved rest during the second half of February. As they head back to school, some to the far reaches of Ladakh and Karnataka, they’ll be more than students. They will also have to make the transition to being leaders among their peers – to be the seeds of a big dream and a growing program – and the push to make Tibet Women’s Football a reality will begin in earnest. March 2012

Losar - a quiet affair

Freya Tuppy Many Tibetans in McLeod Ganj chose not to celebrate Losar this year as a sign of solidarity with the 26 protesters who have self-immolated since 2009. The Kalon Tripa (Tibetan prime minister) Lobsang Sangay, who along with fellow parliamentarians observed a fast on the first day of Losar on February 22, issued a statement asking exiled Tibetans not to celebrate the festival. However, many Tibetans had already decided to shun Losar after the largest proindependence Tibetan NGO, the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) made an announcement asking them not to celebrate the New Year, last November. Of the eight Tibetan people I spoke to in McLeod Ganj prior to Losar, only one planned to celebrate the New Year festival, traditionally the ‘We have all biggest in the Tibetan calendar, and seen what’s even his celebrations happening inside were to be low key. Serkong Tulku, Tibet in the news, 28, said: ‘We will and there are celebrate it, but we will not enjoy it like reports that we usually do. ‘There will be Tibetans inside no songs or dancing. Tibet will not be We will say prayers for His Holiness the celebrating Losar. Dalai Lama, and gather our families in our homes. The TYC has also asked Tibetan people to donate the money they usually set aside for Losar celebrations to their local TYC branch to fund ‘future Free Tibet initiatives.’The TYC’s president, Tsewang Rigzin, said prior to Losar: ‘We have all seen what’s happening inside Tibet in the news, and there are reports that Tibetans inside Tibet will not be celebrating Losar. ‘We strongly believe that the precious sacrifices being made inside Tibet deserve this kind of recognition from us. ‘Losar is an annual activity, but we have to look at the greater picture, and remind ourselves why we are living in India as Tibetans.’ Tenzin Phuntsok Atisha, secretary for the Tibetan Central Administration’s (Tibetan government’s) Information and International Relations department, had also urged exiled Tibetans to observe Losar in ‘a very low key way.’ ‘My opinion is that we do not encourage a big celebration,’ he said. ‘So many people are dying and so many people are selfimmolating. It’s not according to our religion to encourage. Contact Magazine

Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile Penpa Tsering speaks

The hunger strike on Tibetan New Year photo: Wen-Yan King

+91 8

March 2012

ART & MUSIC Naam Art Gallery LOCATION: Main Road Sidhbari Dharamsala MOBILE: 9816043708 Tibet Museum LOCATION : Near the Main Temple and the Namgyal Monastery gate, McLeod Ganj HOURS: 9am-5pm, Tue-Sun Tibet Photo Exhibit: 50 Years of Struggle and Oppression LOCATION : Gu-Chu-Sum hall on Jogiwara Rd, next to the Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 2am-5pm on Mon, Wed and Fri Wood Carving Classes LOCATION : Zoha Art, Bhagsu Nag Rd CONTACT: Meena EMAIL: Music Classes Kailash Tribal Music School All kinds of Indian Traditional instruments WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near Green Shop HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Vedic Astrologer LOCATION : Kunga Guest house (Nick's Italian Restaurant), Bhagsu Rd McLeod Ganj-Map #6 MOBILE : 09897339026 HOURS : Drop-in

BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY Library of Tibetan Works & Archives LOCATION : Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala HOURS : 9-10am, 11-noon and 3-4pm PHONE: 222 467 Public Audience with HH Karmapa CONTACT: Cheme Choegyal LOCATION: Sidhpur HOURS: 2.30pm, Wed and Sat PHONE: 9816315336 DETAILS : Tushita Meditation Center WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am & 12:30-4pm, Mon-Sat PHONE: 221 1866 EMAIL:

Tibetan Astrology LOCATION: Bhagsu Rd, near KCC Bank PHONE: 941 810 1965 EMAIL :

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Lhamo’s Kitchen, Tibetan Cooking Classes LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop PHONE : 981 646 8719 HOURS: 8am-9pm N is ha ’ s Ind ia n C o o k ing C la s s LOCATION: Hotel Lotus Leaf, Jogiwara Rd HOURS: Classes from 4-6pm EMAIL : S angy e’s K it chen Tr ad it io na l T ib e t a n C o o k ing C la s s e s Recommended by Lonely planet LOCATION :Lung-ta Restaurant, below the Tashi Choeling Monastery on Jogiwara Rd HOURS:10am-12pm and 4-6pm PHONE: 981 616 4540 EMAIL :



Lha Tibetan Cooking School LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 HOURS : Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3. Indian Cooking Classes LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guesthouse HOURS: 10am-6pm PHONE : 941 813 0119 EMAIL:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

Ayuskam Health Care LOCATION: First floor Hotel Anand Place, near Bhagsu taxi stand and near Tibetan Hotel Ashoka Guest House McLeod Ganj MOBILE: 9805928923/9736211210 WEBSITE:

(continued on page 10)


Location: at Pink House below Yongling School, Jogiwara Road Mobile:9736083627 / 9736083554

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March 2012

HEALTH SERVICES (continued from page 9) Dr. Sant Marwah Clinic LOCATION: in front of Main Temple HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE : 221 106, 98160 21106 Kumar Ayurvedic and Panchkarma LOCATION : Hotel Surya Rd, opposite the Tourism Informations Centre PHONE : 941 824 9399 OURS: 10am-2pm and 2:30-7pm Maanav Health Clinic LOCATION : Main Square HOURS: 10am-12:30pm and 2-5pm PHONE: 941 815 5795 EMAIL : Men-Tsee-Khang LOCATION: between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamshala PHONE : 222 618, 223 113 EMAIL: Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House-Map #10 HOURS: 9:30am-6:30pm PHONE :: 941 813 0119 EMAIL: Primary Health Centre LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, main market HOURS: 9:30am-4pm, Mon-Sat Tibetan Delek Hospital LOCATION: Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 222 053, 223 381 HOURS : Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, MonSat; Emergencies: 24 hrs, daily

LANGUAGES Tibetan Language Class LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd HOURS : Registration from 9-11am, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 See ad on pg 3. Hindi Classes LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, Jogiwara Rd, beside the Korean Restaurant PHONE : 981 649 4732 Hindi Lessons with Kailash LOCATION: At Bhimsen’s Indian Cooking Class PHONE : 220 063, 941 816 1947 HOURS : 4-6pm, daily

Tibetan with Teacher Pema Youdon: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, opposite the post office HOURS: 1-4pm, or leave a message. Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translater Program LOCATION : Rato Chuwar Labrang Phuntsok Gatsel Session Rd, Dharamsala WEB : EMAIL :

MASSAGE Angel Massage Center LOCATION : Ping House, below Yongling School, Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 9736083627, 9736083554 EMAIL: Lha Healing Oil Massage Courses & Treatment LOCATION : Lha Office, PHONE : 220 992 HOURS :

Siddhartha Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION : Upper Bagsu Nag Map #1 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL : Universal Yoga with Vijay Recognized by Yoga Alliance WEB : LOCATION: Room #5, Yongling School Building, Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 9:00 -11:10am & 2:00 - 4:00Pm EMAIL :

Temple Rd

Registration from 9am-11am, See pg 3.

Kailash Tribal School Taught byYogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATI ON : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL: Nature Cure Health Club LOCATION: Near Tibetan Ashoka,Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 813 0119 EMAIL: Shiatsu & Swedish Massage LOCATION : Lha Office, Temple Rd PHONE : 220 992 See ad pg 3. Synergy Ayuredic Massage Centre LOCATION : Near Tibetan Ashoka, Jogiwara Rd PHONE: 941 80 8488 EMAIL: Traditional Thai Massage LOCATION : Opposite the Govt. Tourist Information Centre, Hotel Surya Rd PHONE: 981 633 9199 EMAIL:

YOGA & REIKI Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre LOCATION: Dharamkot, on the footpath to Bhagsu - Map #5 EMAIL: WEB:

Hindi Lessons with Sunil LOCATION : Kunga Guesthouse, Bhagsu Rd and in Dharamkot PHONE : 221 942, 941 818 7281 EMAIL :

Kailash Tribal School, RYS 200 & RYS 500 YTTC (Yoga Alliance USA Recognized) LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, near the Green Shop WEB : HOURS : visiting 1-30 pm, Closed on Tuesday PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL:

Tibetan Language LOCATION : The Library HOURS: 10-11am and noon-1pm See Buddhist philosophy listing.

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre LOCATION : Ketan Lodge, behind Akash Hotel, on Jogiwara Rd - Map #17 HOURS : 8am-6pm PHONE : 980 569 3514

Contact Magazine

Rishi Yoga Centre with Yogi Shivam WEB: LOCATION: Himalyan Paradise Hotel Jogiwara Rd - Map #15 HOURS: 7-8am & 6:15-7:15pm PHONE: 981 656 5138 EMAIL :


MEDITATION Kailash Tribal Meditation School Taught by Yogi Sivadas WEB : LOCATION : Bhagsu Rd, nr the Green Shop - Map #6 HOURS : visiting 1-2pm, no class on Tues PHONE: 981 615 0326 EMAIL: I am Happy Open Ashram EMAIL: LOCATION : Behind Hotel Akashdeep, Bhagsu- Map #6 & Mcleodganj HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat MOBILE : 9882868470 or 9569221047 WEB:

Om Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Centre See the Yoga & Reiki section. Tushita Meditation Center WEB: LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 9:30-11:30am, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 866 EMAIL : Vipassana Meditation WEB : LOCATION: Dharamkot HOURS: 4-5pm, Mon-Sat PHONE : 221 309 EMAIL:

March 2012

Traditional Tibetan Soft Dolls

- Map #3

For play or decoration! Individually handcrafted and filled with pure, local sheep wool. Tamana Shop, Jogiwara Rd, or visit our workshop. Contact: 981 637 4389

Nature Cure Health Club with Mahinder Kapoor Jogiwara Rd, next to Tibetan Ashoka Guest House - Map # 13, Mobile: 94181 30119 or 09736333888 Email:,

GOING TOAMRITSAR? Come see us at Tourist Guest House British colonial mansion turned into beautiful guest ho use that tourists have been flocking to for a taste of the Raj life style. We have I nternet connection at Rs 1/min.

12 years’ experience & recommended by the Lonely Planet Visit us for: Swedish massage courses & treatment, Zen Shiatsu courses, treatment, reflexology treatment, SPA , Singing Bowl Treatment, steambaths, sauna & mud baths.

Comfortable stay with home cooked meals. Dorm bed Rs 85, Single/dble w. bath Rs 125-250. Walking distance from train and bus. Private parking. Recommended in travel guide ‘Lets Go-2000’.

Our teacher has had experience teaching in Israel.

Contact Harindar at : 0183-2553830 / 09356003219 E-mail :

Tourist Information Police Contact Information

Bus Schedule


Past St.John’s Church, on road to Dharamshala in Cantt area. PHONE: 221 483

* Times and prices may vary. Please check with the bus stand ahead of departure.

Tibetan Delek Hospital


Ordinary Bus: 4:45am, 6pm, 6:45pm, 8:15pm and 8:30pm (Rs330) Semi Deluxe Bus: 6pm (Rs355) AC Volvo Semi-Sleeper: 8pm (Rs1035) AC TATA: 8:30pm (Rs840)


Ordinary Bus: 4:45am (Rs165) *from Dharamsala


Ordinary Bus: 9pm; AC Deluxe: 5:30pm

Ordinary Bus: 11am, 12:10pm, 12:30pm, 2:10pm, 3:50pm, 5pm (Rs75)

Ordinary Bus: 5am, 5:30am, 6am, 8am, noon and 4:55pm (Rs235) *from Dharamsala Semi Deluxe Bus: 8:22am, 7:45pm and 9:30pm (Rs???) *from Dharamsala

The McLeod Ganj Post Office is located on LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, past Peace Cafe HOURS: 9:30am-1pm and 2-5pm, Mon-Fri; 9:30am-noon, Sat. PHONE: 221 924 Parcels and money orders can be sent in the mornings only.


FOR BOOKINGS: LOCATION : ticket stand under McLLo’s, main square HOURS: 10am-6pm, daily PHONE: 221750 For deluxe buses, book through any travel agency.

Contact Magazine

Gangchen Kyishong, between McLeod Ganj and Lower Dharamshala HOURS: Outpatient services: 9am-1pm, MonSat; Specialist clinics: 2-4:30pm, Mon-Sat; Emergencies: 24-hrs, daily. PHONE: 222 053,223 381

Post Office

Ordinary Bus: 5:40pm, 8:40pm *from Dharamsala




A private taxi to Lower Dharamsala will cost you Rs 180. Cram into a jeep (from the bus stand), and it’ll only cost you Rs10.


March 2012

Around Town: Helping Out ANIMAL


Dharamsala Dog Rescue We are in urgent need of vet volunteers, animal experts and sponsors. W e are in immediate need of sponsors for two paralysed dogs that need a home, wheelchair, monthly food and medicine. Please contact us if you see an injured/sick dog. Anything you can do is appreciated. WEB : LOCATION : Behind the District Court Complex on Chilgari St, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 981 622 0841 EMAIL:



The Active Nonviolence Education Center (ANEC) facilitates trainings, workshops and open forum discussions on A N E C nonviolent strategies to help resolve disagreements and differences at all levls of human society. As part of our General Outreach Program, ANEC welcomes volunteers from western countries to participate in informal panel discussions on ideas and views of regional and global peace and nonviolent strategies. Free lunch and tea for volunteers. WEB : LOCATION : No. 262, 1st floor, Khajanchi Mohalla, Khunyara Rd, Lower Dharamsala PHONE : 941 809 4476, 941 898 7745 EMAIL : Learning and Ideas for Tibet (L.I.T.) is a non-profit organization that needs a range of volunteers interested in the Tibetan movement and community education. CONTACT: Lauren PHONE : 941 879 4218 L O C AT I O N : Jogiwara Rd, near the Korean Restaurant Lha Community Social Work fosters projects for the benefit and enrichment of the local community. We provide a library, English and French classes, computer training, medical assistance programmes, environmental programmes and clothing distribution to needy Tibetans and Indians, in addition to supporting construction and renovation projects. See ad pg 3. WEB : LOCATION : Temple Rd, across from State Bank of India HOURS: 9am-noon and1-5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 220 992 Nyingtob Ling (‘Realm of Courage’) helps support Tibetan children from disadvantaged families. The children work hard at making delightful handicrafts and paintings. They are so friendly and LOVE visitors! LOCATION: Near Norbulingka, Sidhpur PHONE : 0189 224 6366, 981 685 1841 EMAIL:

Contact Magazine

Rogpa Baby Care Centre We help low income Tibetan families to become self-sufficient by providing free child care for infants so their parents can work. Can you help with art, games, singing and lots of hard work? (including diaper changing!) If you can create and maintain a fun and loving atmosphere with our children, hours are Mon-Sat, either 8.30am-12pm or 1pm-5pm (located near no.13 on map) Rogpa Shop and Cafe Help serve drinks and cakes, plus sell our fairly traded products. We accept donated clothes & books (located near no.14 on map) Min. commitment for both jobs is 3 weeks Please contact us directly or by email Volunteer Tibet You’re motivated to share your time and assist organisations in the Tibetan community. Even if you’re j us t passingthrough Dharamsala, there are still many ways to donate your time & make a difference. WEB : LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, opposite Akash Guesthouse. HOURS: 9am- and 5pm, Mon-Fri PHONE : 98820 17083, 220 894 Women’s Team Volunteers required to teach Indian women computer/English skills. For more information EMAIL: MOBILE : 09817515123

Cleaners every Monday at 9.30 am & join them up to The Clean Upper Dharamshala Project was founded in 1994 to provide a waste management system in and around McLod Ganj. The Green Workers, the Handmade Recycled Paper Factory, the Green Shop and the Environmental Education Centre are part of the Clean Upper Daramshala Project. Join us for the weekly guided tour on Wednesdays at 3 pm at the office of CUDP!

PUBLICATION Contact Magazine Submit a single piece or become a steady correspondent of this local, grassroots publication. Contact needs volunteers to write, proofread and edit copy and work on graphic design.Volunteers needed, especially those with a knowledge of Photoshop. CONTACT: Lobsang Rabsel at the Lha office, Temple Road. PHONE : 981 615 5523 EMAIL :

TUTORS & CLASS ASSISTANTS Volunteer language teachers, for both longand short-term placements, are needed for quality education in Mcleod Ganj: Gu-Chu-Sum provides support for ex-political prisoners and their families. It also organises campaigns for the release of current political prisoners. Gu-Chu-Sum School needs volunteers for its English conversation classes and tutoring sessions from 6pm onwards, Mon- Fri. LOCATION : Jogiwara Rd, downstairs Lung-ta Japanese Restaurant HOURS: 4:30-6:30pm PHONE : 220 680 EMAIL:

DONATIONS Lha Donation Center Accepting donations of all kinds: clothing, sleeping bags, books, school supplies, office supplies, medical supplies, used laptops, financial assistance... Donations are clearly recorded and distributed to those in need, both Tibetan and Indian. Lha is a registered non-profit, social service organisation. See advert on pg 3. Tong-Len Donations welcomed: medical supplies, stationary, books, toys and children’s clothing. LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite the art gallery Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930

ENVIRONMENT The Mountain Cleaners is a voluntary organization founded in April 2009 by Jodie Underhill who have successfully set up a waste management system at the popular trekking destination Triund. You can help Jodie and the Mountain


Tibet Hope Center is a registered NGO started by two Tibetans to support the newcomers from Tibet. We run a conversation class where our students can practice their English, and we are in constant need of conversation partners. They love to ask questions about your life and exchange ideas on many topics. Think Globally, Act Locally WEB: LOCATION: Jogiwara Rd, behind Gu-Chu-Sum HOURS : 4:30-5:45pm, daily, and we even have a campfire every evening! PHONE : 981 637 3889 EMAIL : works with Indian communities liv ing in poverty toward a healthy and sustainable future. Needed urgently: volunteer primary teachers and assistants for maths, English and art, as well as nurses and health workers. CONTACT: Tashi Lhamo LOCATION : Top floor, Bank of Baroda opposite art gallery, Kotwali Bazar, Dharamsala PHONE : 981 608 1562, 223 930 EMAIL :

March 2012

Contact Magazine


March 2012

Contact Magazine


March 2012

Contact Magazine


March 2012

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