Aoki Shigeru Architect& Associates inc. intern report 2016

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internship report

青木茂建築工房 Miss Sirinada Mathurossukon Faculty of Architecture Architecture Major Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 30th May - 15th July 2016

Sirinada Mathurossukon

リンリン Faculty of Architecture Architecture Major Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Address 111/80 Navamin rd. Klongkum Beungkum Bangkok Thailand 10240 Tel. +66838497555 E-MAIL


8.45 Morning meeting (Work progress update) 9.00 Work time 12.30 Lunch Break 13.30 Work time 18.00 End of the day (Intern) 20.00~02.00 End of the day (staff) (Variable ) Workday : Mon-Fri OFF : Sun (sometime: Sat) 1

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Abroad Internship is an interesting program even if it is in the country which English is not the first language as Japan. I got a chance to be intern in Shigeru Aoki Architects & Association, a famous architect company in Japan which design for Refining architecture. The language boundary was a big challenge that I had to deal with. However architect can communicate by drawing that the way we linked together.

Fukuoka Crews

Owner/Boss l Mr. Shigeru Aoki 1 Mr.Akiyama (Senior Architect-chief) 2 Mr.Sato (Senior Architect) 3 Mr.Waki (Senior Architect) 4 Mr.Higashi 5 Miss Baek 6 Miss Yoshida 7 Mr.Onodera 8 Mr.Yasukawa Intern l 1 Miss Sirinada (me) 2 Mr.Preradon 3 Mr.Tanapol 4 Miss Yusuma 5 Miss Apisara


WEEK1 30th May-3rd June

MON 月 Work Assignment + Making model (s1:100) : Maniwa City Library Welcome Party TUE 火 Making Model: Beam and Column WED 水 Making Model: Floor and wall THU 木 Making Model: Material added FRI 金 Making Model: 2nd and 3rd Floors SAT 土 Kumamoto field trip

WEEK2 6th June-10th June MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT

月 火 水 木 金 土

Making Model: 2nd and 3rd Floors Making Model: Auditorium Making Model: Furniture Making Model: Furniture Making Model: Fixing Model (Design Edited) Kitakyushu field trip

WEEK3 13th June-17th June MON 月 TUE 火 WED 水 THU 木 FRI 金 SAT 土

Making Model: Furniture Making Model: Model assemble Making Model: Details / Checking ( Mr.Akiyama and Mr.Sato went to present library project at Maniwa city hall with model photo) Making Model: Base and surronding Site visiting with Aoki sensei at Saga Making Model: Final Touch Forus Department store facade design Beppu-Yufuin Oita field trip

WEEK4 20th June-25th June MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT

月 火 水 木 金 土

Making Model: Final Touch Making Model 2: Detail model (s1:30) Making Model 2: Detail model Making Model 3: Auditorium detail model (s1:30) Making Model 3: Auditorium detail model Oita field trip

WEEK5 27th June-2st July MON 月 TUE 火 WED 水 THU 木 FRI 金 SAT 土

Making model 3: Auditorium detail model Making model 3: Auditorium detail model ( Mr.Akiyama and Mr.Sato went to present library project at Maniwa city hall with model 1:100) Making model 3: Auditorium detail model absent Making model 4: Base (s1:80) Fukuoka-Oita field trip (Sato baek onodera)

WEEK6 4th July- 9th July MON 月 TUE 火 WED 水 THU 木 FRI 金 SUN 日

Making model 4: Wall and furniture Aoki sensei’s guests Party Making model 4: Furniture Making model 4: Final touch Site measuring at Kawabata Building Writing Report Nagasaki field trip (Miyasaki Boss)

WEEK7 11th July- 15th June

MON 月 Site measuring at Kawabata Building Floor Plan drawing by AutoCAD TUE 火 Floor Plan drawing by AutoCAD Writing Report WED 水 Site measuring at Kawabata Building Writing Report THU 木 Writing Report FRI 金 Vectorwork File Editing Wrinting Report



Whole picture Model Model scale 1:100 session: about 3 1/2 weeks Team: 5 people

Maniwa city Library 真庭市図書館 Location Area Building type General info. Architect

Maniwa-shi Okayama-ken, Japan 1736.92 sq.m. (3990 sq.m.) public library (Refining) The building was built since 1979 AC so the local government need to refine it. There are 3 floors which including an auditorium and meeting room. Mr.Sato (chief) Miss Baek Mr. Yasukawa

Bookshelf planing study Model Model scale 1:80 session: about 3 days Team: 4 people Another assigment which was model making. This model made for studying the bookshelf planning so we deisgned the model that was able to take it off and change the pattern. We did 3 patterns of bookshelf planing. So if we design other pattern, we can make others pattern and put it on the model.

The process was quite not different than other model. Firstly, we had to print out floor plan with texture and then the pattern for sticking it with foam board. The mot important thing of this model was change-able floor we had to cut the hole on foam board and then sticked art card paper ot the bottom. By this scale we had to make our own ruler.

Detail Model (2 models) Model scale 1:30 session: about 7 days Team: 4 people The detail of the building is im- Made auditorium detail model, we had portant as planing. I quite not accus- to make some structure to hold the louver tomed with 1:30 scale because in Thailand ceiling which quite difficult. I had never used this scale. The scale ruler has this scale on it so it was not a big deal. The hardest part of this model is the ceiling that we had to immitate the real details of cove light.

This project is in the first period of the project, measuring the old building. The floor plan documents were lost so we had to make it before refining the building. I got a great chance to measure many room. The building is not too old but so dirty. I had to wear double-layer face mask and weared grove before touching something. After measuring, I had to

draw the plan of the room by AutoCAD by that time I got know something. The lesson that I got from this task is try to get everything that you want as much as you can in each time, in this time it is quite great that the site is near so you can go to recheck easily. However, it is going to be a big problem if the site is far.

Kawabata Commercial building 川端ビール Location Area Building type General info. Architect

Fukuoka-shi Fukuoka-ken, Japan 2100 sq.m. commercial building This 8 floors building was built since 1976 AC. The client want to refine this building by using the old building and programming by the some of the old function. Threre were store, club, kindergarten and apartment Mr.Higashi (chief) Miss Baek Mr. Yasukawa Mr.Onodera

Intern x AokiKoubou

Kyushu fieldtrip 九州の見学旅行記

week 1

Tumulus Museum

Ancient Burial Mound Museum in Kamoto-gun, Kumamoto by Tadao Ando I have been visited many architecture that designed by Tadao Ando but this place was impressed me. The architecture is reinforced concrete and rew concrete finished, Ando-style. These kind of material encouraged space to be much more spiritual. It was designed to tell the story about the tomb around the museum so architect designed the route to walk down liked we are diging down to the underground and then we walk spiraly to the roof top. The climax space is the center cout which the mostly like the tomb. Moreover that we were able to hear the echo sound and the silent. Anoter interested element is the ramp which using for going up to the roof top.

(A) Main stair

(B) Curving glass was high cost

(C) Moss stain outside

(D) Inside building concrete bolt

(E) How the earthquake effects to building

Kumamoto City Hall

First place that we visited in Kumamoto was a Kumamoto CityHall to see how the structure collapsed after the earthquake which happen last month. This building structure was in the Japanese standard. As you see it collapsed only the floor stucture which just cracked and a little bit bending so the people inside the building was safe. Actually, wooden and high building are effected by the earthquake. This is the different critiria of Japan and Thailand for structure design.

(A) Main material

(B) drainer 水切り

(C) Galvanized steel

Kyosei no mori

Multigenerational community center in Yame city,Kumamoto by Shigeru Aoki This was the first meet with refining architecture which designed by our office. It used to be a elder center but the city want to create a space for their people. So Aoki sensei designed this project by using a japanese traditional partition (byoubu 屏風) to separate the outside and inside. So the people outside will not see building user activity. The important thing for refining is the cost which should be cheap as possible. So the material of the facade is spotted pine wood, can find in japan easily and cheap.

Kyushu geibun kan

Museum and cultural center at Fukuoka-shi, FUkuoka by Kengo Kuma (2013)

(D) Gallery Ceiling

(E) Studio Strucrure

Kengo Kuma is a famous architect in Japan and Thailand also so this was such a great oppatunity to visit the museum that designed by him. My first impression about this building was the roof line, mountain look alike. Before we reached the entrace, we were seeing another building in the opposite side which is classroom that have an extremely flated-roof which waving form. Inside the building, Kengo kuma was designed delicated space and details even if the drinking vending machine is also white. We learnt a lot off thing about the minor details that we should concern when we design every architecture that are going to make our work much more valuable. Another building is workshop studio, also designed by Kango kuma. This workshop is finishing by the wood so the mood of the building is quite soft and friendly, is not in the same mood as the museum exterior.

week 2

Shimono seki

Hotel,Kitakyushu by Shigeru Aoki Architect and Associates INC (Akiyama-san)

This hotel was a hotel which is located on the cliff which can see the great view of the bridge, sea and Kyushu island. There are 3 floors. Akiyama-san rearranged the walls to the new position which are improve the potential of the wall load barring by decreasing the number of brick walls from the bottom to the top. The first floor are designed to be guest rooms which use the old walls to divide room to room so that good to be sound absorbtion. On the 2nd floor, the space is crated to be a public bath (Ofuro). The main floor is on the 3rd floor which is a panoramatic view restaurant.

Sankiro museum

Japanese Traditional housing museum at Kitakyushu-shi,Fukuoka by Shigeru Aoki Architect and Associates INC To preserved the traditional housing, this building was refining to be a museum and cultural center. The visitors can be deep into the soul of Japanese along the route. Moreover that this museum also have a meeting roo, which people can be using for some event. Waki-san expianed about double-space on the first floor that there are some laws and regulation about double-space and building area. The hilight of this building is the window frame styles which are a many diffence styles. The frames of the window are represent the nature elements such as mountain, could or moon.

Tobata public Library City Library in Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka by Shigeru Aoki Architect and Associates INC (Waki-san)

Tobata library was built before this refining 80 years ago so the building was so old. The structures are reinforced by the steel truss to support the building load and the earthquake. While the design process Waki-san were having to check the crack points of the building by himself which were found more than 10,000 points. It was such a tired task but he had to do it. However, the exterior of the building still same as the past to preseve the honor of the city building. The best part of this visiting was the chance to go up to through the tower and the chance to walk around the survice zone of the building. It seem like we were a spy. The library was impressed me.

Murakami sensei Lecture Professor from Kyushu University which studied about the building materials usage in Europe.

At first he talked about the material of the indigenous architecture of Europe which were use the natural raw materials then the ruined building can be back to the nature easily. In the same way, present architecture should think about materials and the building usage life-year. If the architecture can be stand in the long age but after it ruin what should we do to return it to the nature. The best Architecture in that moment is the the one which people try to dulpicate or immitate it. So the ways to make to renovation bacome proper to the time and user are 4 issue that we have to concern (1) Return to the begining (2) Fit to the present (3) Change the structure/ Extension (4) Wreck and build the new one

week 3

B-con Plaza

Convention center at Beppu-shi, Oita by Shigeru Aoki Architect and Associates INC (Waki-san) B-con plaza is a convention center of Oita prefecture which was designed by Isozaki Arata, one of famous japanese modern architect as Tadao Ando. There are many meeting hall which can provide many even in the same time. The struceture of the building are vary such as reinforced concrete, steel columnm, truss and etc. with variety of finishing too. The best space of the building is the entrace hall which can see 2 main hall. Passing sunlight through the skylight and truss create the wonderful pattern on the floor. Moreover, there is a tower located near the convention center. The tower form is so outstanding. At the 100 m height, you can see the panoramic view of Beppu City and the gulf.

Sueda Art Museum Private sculpture museum at Yufuin-shi, Oita by Hiroshi Hara (interior) Sueda art museum building was designed by one of famous japanese architect for the artist to exhibit their sculptures. The interior space is so complicated and chaotic because of the misplace of the sculpture which some are placed on the floor some are in the corner.


Traditional street of Fukuoka at Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka Starbuck coffee shop by Kengo Kuma The famous traditional street of Fuoka is here. The main shrine of Dazaifu city is Tenmangu shine which is for praying for study and work wish. This traditional shrine is also remarkable and beautiful. When we walked along the street, one of the shop was noticeable from others. It was a starbuck shop which designed by Kengo Kuma. The wooden units are assembled by the bolts and wooden joints so the both structure are increase the loading potential. The above-plane connected from the side plane (wall) continuely to the ceiling, creates amazing space. I thought that wooden structure looked lighter by the sunlight from the skylight. These is how the architecture can be effected by the nature. As I noticed the units start from the common but join with others delicately and complicatedly.

Hikari Building

Private Mansion at Fukuoka-shi Fukuoka by Shigeru Aoki Architect and Associates INC (Higashi-san)

Astheentraceisthefirstimpressiontotheuser. Hikashi-san designed the new entrance, core and facade of Hikari building1 and 2 to increase the security of the building. The renovation parts are represented by the light colour and the old building and structures were dark. As you can see, the ceiling is painted by the yellow colour for Hikari and green for Hikari building 2. The colours of the ceiling are the colour of the light which represent the name of the bulding, Hikari (the japnese that mean light). In addition the facade of the building had some change to make more privacy and change the image of the apartment. After refined the building, the building cost become rising that is the advantage of the refining which can change the life of the building and rising the value by low cost.

Hakata Station

Transportation center and shopping district at Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka There are many interesting department store around here which can connect to other department. The characteristic of Hakata station is the large steel truss structure at the entrance which looks like a roof of the Tenmangu shrine at Dazaifu.

Fukuoka Sogo Bank headqauter

Fukuoka bank headquater at Hakata Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka by Isozaki Arata The large red Indian sandstone building stands in the opposite side of Hakata station is Fukuoka Sogo Bank headquater which built since 1971. Isozaki Arata style is really remarkable, the penetrating or protruding architecture elements also found in this building. The scale of this building is over-scaled. The finishing material is red indian sandstone with rough, unpolished, texture and the colour are very effective to the sunlight of Fukuoka.

week 4

Jomyoji temple

Oita by Shigeru Aoki

Shigeru Aoki sensei had a chance to design a temple which is a traditional style. The temple is elegrant. The ceiling of architecture is high and the elements are quite slender. They not only created the large volume of space but also created the spiritual space which proper to ceremony function. Waki-san told us that the double-column is Shigeru-Aoki sensei style. In addition, before reaching the temple there is a building the at the entrace which is quite interesting and extraordinary which we did not know the function of the building.


Oita Prefecture Art Museum at Oita-shi, Oita by Shigeru Ban

When we arrived at the museum, the facade was the first thing that we noticed. The curtain wall with the steel strecture and wooden facade building is an art museum of Oita which designed by Shigeru Ban. There are many interesting spaces and details. The entrance hall is a large hall with some egg sculpture and a museum sourvenir store. The exhibition that we saw today was great. There were many interesting installation art which we were able to get some idea for our architecture. On the 2nd floor, there are a small library and cafe which use the paper tube to make furnitures and created some space and facade for the restaurant. There are a impressive space on the 3rd floor. The skylight court effects to the space which can be centralized to the skylight court. On the ceiling, there is a wooden weaving structure which is Shigeru Ban famous-style. The weaving parallel with the roof form which have many curving form. In addition, you can see the facade is so close then you will see the real detail of the building. You can walk through the walk way across the road to other building, department store.

Art Plaza Art Museum and Isozaki Arata museum at Oita-shi, Oita by Isozaki Arata Art plaza used to be a library before refitted the function to be an art museum and Isozaki Arata museum. The exterior of the building is obviously known as Isozaki-style both the elements and materials. The main hall was really impressive. The large hall let the light come inside through the void so it emphasizes the main hall space effactively. The museum exhibits Isozaki’s works with many presentation such as model or presentation board. The circulation of the building quite complicated. One of the corridor have small exhibition rooms along the route. The small room exhibit some sketch of Isozaki both architectural design and sketch. After visiting many places which designed by Isozaki Arata, I can obviously feel the style of his architectures.

week 5

Grin Grin City public park Chou-ward Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka by Toyo Ito

The hill in front of us, was Grin Grin Park which designed by Toyo Ito. This park is located on the island city, Fukuoka which is man-made island. To created the central park for this island, this 3 little hills are interesting elements to build. The function of this building is a small botanical garden with butterfly house and place for leisure. The exciting part of this architecture is the ramp which can walk from the bottom to the rooftop from the butterfly house. The walkway is twisted seen like we are running on the hill. at the end of the walk way you can see the picture of this garden and pond. At the pond there is a brige which is cantilived in to the pond so we can take a rest and breathe deeply here. Moreover, there are others sculture-liked shelters or furnitures around the garden.

Nexus World Residencial building at Kashi in Fukuoka-shi Fukuoka VOID SPACE/HINGED SPACE HOUSING by Steven Holls Nexus World Housing by OMA/Rem Koolhas

At the first sight, I was excited that I arrived at the place that I have wanted to go most in Fukuoka. This building is beautiful as photos that I have seen in the classroom or magazines. The Void Space/ Hinge Space Housing which designed by Steven holls is an impressive building the proportion of the building is perfect. Even if I had no chance to go inside but it was reall y great to have a chance to visit the real place. Another building that also remarkable as void hinge space housing is the building that located next to it. The large stone finishing with reinforce concrete make exterior of this building quite wierd. This building is a Nexus world housing, by OMA. This building the details and interior space are splendid. We had a chance to peep inside the housing. Atleast, we saw the court which penetrated to the 2 floors.

Kaze no Sousaizyou Crematorium at Nakatsu-shi, Oita by Fumihiko Maki

From the researching on friday, I had seen this picture and thought that is this real place beautifulful as pictures? Then we arrived there in the afternoon. Since the entrance of this place is wonderful. Actually, the place for funeral will separate the place for the ceremony and the crematory and relocate thr death-body by the car but here is not. There 2 buildings which connected by the canopy. On the right-hand side building,sougizyou is the temple for doing the funeral ceremony. The space inside is really dark but there are some light that architect let theirs in, the skylights and knee-level small viod. This place was so tranquil. Next to another building, the first thing that we will see after get in the building is the stair which floating looked-alike the skylight make the stair more floated looked-alike.Walking through the walk way passing the court at the end, there is crematory. This space is surrounded by the small ceremony room which for packing the bone into the cinerary urn. I felt serene in this space. Every elements of this place are so static like a death-body. This architecure is impressed me and I have became a fan of this place. In addition, the landscape of this place is also beautiful. The small hill in the grass field with some tree encourage the architecture to be much more static and outstanding.

Hikari Terasu Crematorium at Nakatsu-shi, Oita

We drove passed this place by chance. Hikashi-san decided to visit this place and the staff welcome us to look around. This place is sougizyou, place for runeral ceremony but it look different from last place that we visited. This place made me feel like home. It designed by the concept of home which for the death family and guests. The wooden finishing, white wall and skylight create warm and relax. So I got the idea that we can create many feel of the space from the same function of the architecture by material and lighting. That is a magic of architect.

Obata Library Nakatsu Obata commemoration Library at Nakatsu, Oita by Fumihiko Maki We arrived at the library quite late from the plan. The library would close on 5pm so we got about half an hour for visiting. The space inside the library is not emotional as the crematory, might because of the function. The rooftop was the place that I liked most. The small white tiles with some of building elements made this place is fit to take a photograph.

week 6

Takeo Library City Library at Takeo-shi, Saga by Kengo Kuma (2013) Normally, Library is not permeitted to eat and drink inside but here is different. People can enjoy reading while eating. The structure and finishing of this architecture is CLT (composited laminated timber) which is low cost material but Kengo kuma can manage it properly. The main structure is large timber which take long span to the roof so there are many sling and tensile structure to deal with it. The ambience of the place is so warm and relax. I love the floor plan of this place, somethimes it feel like I am walking in the maze.

Nagasaki Atomic bomb Museum

Atomic bomb monumental museum at Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki by Akira Kuryu (2002) We walked through the entrance of the museum which had to walk to the garden with the pond in the middle surrounded by the high bush. The pond in the middle consists of over 11 million LED light to represent the number of death in that event. It may be really wonderful if we have a chance to see it in the night time. Walking deep down to the museum, dominated the feeling of grieving and silent. The route divided into 2 routes, short route and route to the hilight room so we chose the 2nd one. Along the route there are some water pond or the sound of water flowing which create sense of that space. The memorial hall is really silent. The skylight which shine from the glass box which I saw in the garden before going down. The glass box columns are so spiritual. I felt like there soul of the deaths inside. End of the route is a big hall with the large curtain wall which you can see the waterfall. I did not know the meaning of that even or the meaning of the architecture as well so I might be lose some message from the architect. However, the materials and textures of museum are really interesrting and beautiful.

Nagasaki Art Museum Art museum Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki by Kengo Kuma (2013) There are 2 building which is connected by the sky walk. This Art museum is decorated by the line elements such as wooden facade. Even if it was designed by Kengo Kuma but the it not quite look like his style. It might be because of the element that he used for this art museum. We had no time to walk around so we just took an elevator from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor then walked through the circulation and walked down to the first floor. It might be better if we had much more time here. The notable details of this building are the structure which is a truss and hanging system which make the floor of the bridge can be so slim.

Big Pit Nagasaki Port Terminal at Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki by Shin Takamatsu This building is at Nagasaki port. That you can see the sea and boats as well. Now aday it still operates. The construction of the building are reinforced-concrete and galvanized facade The style of the building is post modern style which Miyasaki-sensei told us that the post modern style usually a geometry form which including oblique and curve line.

Nishizaka church Saint Lorenzo Ruiz church Nishisaka-shi, Nagasaki by Kenji Imai (1962) This church had a Gaudi look alike style which that built for the 26 saints which travelling to Japan. One of the saint was death so the people want to dominate the church for him. Father in the church told us about many things about the church. This church was inspired by Antoneo Gaudi, Spanish Architect. He also told us about Gaudi idea that nothing is symetry, no one have to be or deisgn the symetry so he had never done it. The voids and windows of the building are stain glass, rose window and there are many shape such as a candle holder. Two spires mean the way from earth to heaven.


The internship is the trailer of the job, this is just a part of them. This chance that I got to have an internship in Aoki Shigeru Architect & Associates was so priceless. At first, I really worried about communication and culture. If the foriegner as I work in the circumstance which is difficult to communicate what will be the big problem. Are the staffs going to ignore us or not. When the first day of internship came, all of my anxiety were gone. Everyone was really friendly and try to communicate with us. I also tried to speak Japanese with them too. Sincerely, I always wait for the lunch time or the trip on every Saturday because I really want to have conversation with all staffs and got to know everyone much more better. This 2 months have gone so fast. I got a lot of knowledges and expiences which I can not find from the other office intership. Thank you for this meanful internship. I do not really want this time over but every farewell the end. This internship tought me to how to be a good architect and I will be.

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