Narrative Strategy: From “Communication Big Idea”, To Pillars and Touchpoints Experience

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Mihai Bonca

Alex Panican

Senior Marketing Consultant and Clinical Lecturer, University of Oxford

Head of Partnerships & Ecosystem at the LHoFT

Building Exciting Brands. Part 2: Narrative Strategy u From Brand Positioning to Communication Big Idea, Pillars and Brand World

Mihai Bonca



Few ideas from Session #1

Brand Strategy Process

Unites the Brand with Customer and creates internal alignment 1. Business strategy

5. Experiences and communication

Competitive Advantages: - Market and competition assessment - Competitive advantages and weaknesses - Traps and nice things to have

2. Brand architecture – the relationship ladder Ideology: - Vision (Why?) - Key Values - Success KPIs - Artefacts

Positioning elements: - Emotional Benefits - Rational Benefits & Reason to Beliefs - Ecosystem

4. Brand & customer shared ambition Our story together: - Category & Value Proposition - Do we differentiate?

Narrative strategy: - Communication Big Idea - Key Touchpoints - Key Activities - Brand World - Consumer research 6. Commercial execution Strategic drivers of growth: - Link with innovation - Gap analysis & strategies to grow - Link with Trade and Sales Strategy - Trade research 7. Enhance team capabilities

3. Customer discovery Needstates (Who & Why): - Segmentation Diamond - Demographics and Psychographics - Dreams - Tensions, Problems, Pains & Insights Occasions (Where & When)

Marketing academy: - Build in depth marketing skills - Study best practices - Harmonize the marketing know-how across the team Feedback Loop


Creates superior Performance through Competitive Advantages.

Makes right choices through Differentiation. Avoids entering in a opened Battlefield, Traps or focusing on Nice to have. Minimize the effects of competitive disadvantages.

Competitive Advantages: compelling benefits that make a company outperform competition. They are valuable, rare & defendable.

Needs and Voids to be filled

Competitive Weaknesses: important benefits that your competition can offer and you cannot. Should you match them?

Point of parity: equal with your competition. Playing on them will not help you win the war.

Traps: can make you rival with competition for un-necessaire features.


Competitive Advantages

Nice to have


Competitive Weaknesses Point of Parity


Nice to have




Nice 2 have: red herrings. Offerings that you can own, but customers do not need.

Same Context, competing for the same resources


Relationship Ladder

Connects the Brand with the outside World, through a mix of Performance (interaction) and Promise (imaginary). Brand DNA: the emotional – rational flow

Consumer Tensions & Cultural Canvas

Resonance, our tribe ideology that fuels motivation Shared Ambition Common Values A similar way to measure success

Customer tension Growth Contribution Love & connection Importance Diversity & novelty Safety

Makes customers feel well, creates positive connections Emotional benefits, experiences and memories

Š Mihai Bonca I Brand Architects

Cultural canvas Myths: love and fear Substance of contrast: cultural opportunities, conventions, biases and stereotypes that can be challenged. From conflict to symbiotic ideas that enhance our positioning.

Gains confidence, shows advantages, evidences Presents rational benefits and jobs done Shows attributes & reason to believe (RTBs) Heroes or regular members of the tribe Attractivity & engagement Brand world: physical appearance, design artefacts, rituals, the 5 Senses Personality & vulnerabilities Narcissist identification: similarities - what I am, or inspiration - what I want to become (my best self)

In crisis, the archaic reptilian the gains control Emotional response shortcuts the neocortex

Neocortex/ the new brain (3 M years): • Responsible for language, abstraction, planning, imagination and perception • The place of learning and conscious decisions Mammalian/ Limbic System (150 M years): • Responsible for Motivation and Emotions • Records memories that produced agreeable and disagreeable feelings • The place of Values judgements Reptilian Brain (500 M years): • Fear, Freeze, Fight, Flight • Is involved in aggression, dominance, territoriality and ritual displays • Is reliable but rigid and compulsive * Source: Paul D MacLean: The Triune Brain in Evolution


Cooperate through Storytelling and Common Beliefs & Myths* Difficulty lies in convincing people to out-pass their natural risk aversion. A mix of Fear Antagonists, Love Myths and Rational Rules.

Rational Rules: Identification, Laws, Codes

Love Myths: Dreams, Scope, Values, Beliefs Fear Antagonists: Common Enemies, Risk Aversion, Uncertainty * Source: Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens, A brief history of humankind


Brand storytelling

If you’re going to have a story, have a big one or none

If you are going to have a story, have a Big Story or none.

Joseph Campbell

Storytelling helps human fall in love

It’s for me (relevance, narcissism) x I am Surprised (novelty) x I feel Positive Emotions (desire, excitement) x I have potential to Own

Communication Strategy Process Transferring Brand Positioning into Consumer's Life

Competitive Advantage (Superpower)

Brand Positioning Brand wireframe: Ideology, Emotional, Rational and Design Elements. Proposes a New Reality in Strategy.

Communication Big Idea

Communication Pillars


Yoda’s Unique Solution

The Live Vehicles that touches Consumers’ Life.

Creates an ownable Storytelling.

Comm. Pillars are the brand areas of interest, (e.g. Equity, Music Platform, Football). Touchpoints are linked directly and owned by the Brand (e.g. Package).

Sets the territory of the New Reality.

Brand World

The Universe Consumers Feel & Recognize. Characters typology, iconography, artifacts, music style, tonality.



The Message Vehicle

Feedback & Improvement.

Communicate efficiently and with impact to the right customers.

Receive the customer reaction and improve the strategy and message.


Communication magic pill Active substance, coating & delivery

Communication pill: • • •

Strategy brings the active substance: disruption, benefits, narrative strategy (authentic, insightful, trustable) Creative is the coating: breaks the clutter, delivers rapidly the active substance (inspirational, designable campaignable, trustable) Media gives the delivery: reach x frequency x positioning in advertising breaks

Narrative Arc turning into Emotional Arc Cinderella

Narrative Arc turning into Emotional Arc Man in the hole

Narrative Arc turning into Emotional Arc Harry Potter

The Narrative Arcs of Storytelling Kurt Vonnegut

Happy Ending: • Cinderella/ Rags to Riches: misery – rise – fall - rise • Boy gets girl: rise – fall – rise • Man in a hole (disaster story): neutral – fall – rise Tragedy: • Tragedy: fall • Icarus: rise - fall • Oedipus: fall – rise – fall Source:

The Hero's Journey

Identification, empathy and compassion for the underdog

Source: Joseph Cambell – Heroes' Journey

Big Idea – Yoda’s Unique Solution Communication unifying device

Yoda’s unique solution helps the Hero solve his challenge

Hero is transformed and embraces a new reality that contrasts the current one. There is always a next step.

1. Hero Challenge Frame the issue

4. Call to Action What’s next? Win-win for Hero and Yoda.

2. Yoda Unique Solution

3. New Reality Hero positive transformation is described * Heroes are your customers/ Yoda is the brand

Source: Matei Schwartz

Communication Big Idea/ Yoda’s Solution

The Essence and Unifying force of a brand communication.

Big Idea – the communication holding device. Sees the life differently, this time via communication. • • •

It is Inspirational and Shifts current Paradigms Long Term approach Unites communication into a single idea 21

The power of Big Idea:

Recognize the brand


Intuitive and design driven technology

Family Wonderland and Entertainment

Inspiring creativity by developing the builders of tomorrow

Attracts great looking girls

The real beauty lies inside

A British spy that saves the world

Entertains the world

Reassuringly expensive

Power of dreams

The original small British car that brings fun

Communication Pillars

Brand Territories and Areas of Interest.

Communication Pillars

Key communication vectors.

The Communication Areas of Interest: • These are the main vectors, responsible to build communication for 3-5 years • Are responsible to create long term associations and deliver Big Idea • Create Engagement


Open your World

Sport Passions: Champions League


Artistic Passions:

Entertain the World

Music Movie (007)


Gives you wings

Sport Passions:


Artistic Passions:

Extreme sports (Flugtag, X Alps, Air Race, F1), Stunts

Generic Communication (Content, TV, Merchandising, In Store)

Music & Events (DJs, Electronic Music)


Communication Pillars/ Vectors Sport Passions

Consumer Collection Student Ambassadors, Wings Teams


A British Spy that Saves the World.

A British Spy that Saves the World.


Helped by




Directorial Style: - Same Look and Feel for 007 Franchise - Classy, Stylish - No use of 3D and SGI

You enjoyed the session and you would like to know more? Please reach out and connect We are here to support

Mihai Bonca

Alex Panican

Senior Marketing Consultant and Clinical Lecturer, University of Oxford

Head of Partnerships & Ecosystem at the LHoFT Marketing Strategy and Brand Transformation

Mihai Bonca 0725.347.475


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