Portfolio 2016-2020 Undergrad_Chloe Hou

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LUYAO HOU Life in Objects & Places

Master of Architecture 2023 Yale School of Architecture New Haven, CT +1 413-270-3334 chloe_hou2020@outlook.com

Contents I s l a nd Co l l e cti ve


T r a nsi ti o na l


A l a Re nco ntr e du P l e in et du Vide


U N CL OS Ar ti cl e 76 Re search


V e nti l a to r s


O t her W o r ks


The S h a p es o f Ma rt h a’s Vine ya rd

Obser va t o ry o f L a n d fo rm

A rc ue il C o m m u n it y C e n t e r

Nam i b ia C a se St u d y

Li fe Sp a n G u id e

Instal l a t io n | P ho t o g ra p h y | Pro fes s io n al P ro ject s

This portfolio contains projects conceived and developed during my undergraduate study and my internships. They feature my multifaceted understanding of space-making and architecture as an object and a place of mixed identity, examining territory, materiality, typology, phenomenology and manifesting responses to climatic, political and environmental influences.

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