Summer 2015
At a Glance Administrator Sessions- Pgs 4 - 5 • Developing Effective PD Models Using Clarity • Emerging Technologies for Administrators • Going Google for Administrators • Making the Shift to Personalized Learning • Microsoft in the Cloud for Administrators • Observing the Flipped and Blended Classroom* Apple- Pg 5 • All Things Apple - Create and Collaborate* Coding- Pg 6 • Helping Students Craft their Own Future - Coding for Elementary and Middle School* • Mobile Computer Science Principals Project* Digital Citizenship- Pg 6 • Mapping Digital Citizenship to the Common Core
• New Spaces: New Teaching & New Learning* • Observing the Flipped and Blended Classroom* Google Apps For Education- Pg 8 • Google+ • Google Classroom • Google Drive- The Basics • Google for Administrators • Google Forms • Google Hangouts • Google Sites Microsoft- Pg 9 • Microsoft in the Cloud for Administrators • Microsoft OneDrive Basics • Microsoft OneNote- Moving to a Paperless Classroom* Multimedia- Pg 10 • Instant Feedback: Response Systems for Everyone • Presentations for the New Century Learner • The Talking Web • Using Multimedia for Formative Assessment* • YouTube in the Classroom
On-Demand Flipped PD- Pg 11 • Ensemble Video- The Basics • Google Analytics • SMART Amp • SMART Notebook 2014 Pre-K- Pg 12 • A Virtual Experience for Pre-K Students SMART- Pg 12 • SMART Amp • SMART Board: The Bootcamp • SMART Notebook 101 • SMART Notebook 2014 • Putting the “I” Back in Interactive Whiteboard Software Sessions- Pg 13 - 14 • Atlas: Revisiting Your Curriculum Maps K-12 • Edgenuity Course Customization Bootcamp* • Ensemble: Effective Use of Video in the K-12 Classroom • Ensemble Video- The Basics • GradPoint Course Customization Bootcamp* • ObaWorld Bootcamp • SuccessMaker V8: A View from Above
Flipped/Blended- Pg 7 • Flipped/Blended Un-Conference • Flipping Your Classroom Institute* Please Note: Course listings are accurate at* time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected Indicates multi-day sessions
directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
Register Now on MyLearningPlan
Welcome to Summer 2015 Dear Colleague, Registration for Summer 2015 professional development institutes is underway! Thanks to your interest and participation, we had record attendance in 2014! We’re hoping to again increase our reach for 2015! New and Noteworthy In addition to our popular series on SMART, Google, and the “Flipped Classroom,” we’re launching completely new content addressing the most pressing needs of teachers and districts in the region. We’re repeating and expanding our popular Administrative Strand and are launching a brand new active learning space, representing an unprecedented design philosophy for our professional development offers. We are also holding two, week-long design institutes for teachers looking to build digital citizenship skills into Common Core modules for Math and ELA. Our Apple, Google, Microsoft, and SMART based curriculum has been refreshed and updated to meet the needs of new and returning participants. What Are “Clarity Indicators?” In 2013, we introduced the BrightBytes Clarity technology assessment platform to the Model Schools community, allowing districts to translate complex analyses and cutting-edge research into fast actions that improve student learning. Districts have access to detailed information surrounding the impact of instructional technology and for the first time, we can now construct a “health profile” of its impact on teaching and learning as a region. This catalog of offers strategically addresses key indicators of success, backed by national research. Each session is mapped to a critical indicator from the Clarity platform to help you identify a learning path that is linked to 21st century skills and competencies. We’ve taken the guesswork out, and have shown how each of our sessions will elevate your professional practice, whether you are an administrator, teacher, or paraprofessional. Trends for Our Region: Putnam, Westchester and Rockland • Teachers and students in our region have strong foundational skills upon which to build deep practices around digital citizenship and “the 4 Cs” (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.) • Regionally, 90% of educators (and 61% of students) indicate that they want to learn more about how technology can enhance student learning. • In our region, access to technology in and outside of school is healthy: 99% of teachers and 96% of students surveyed in the Clarity platform reported internet access at home. • Finally….teachers have indicated the topics they are most interested in, and you’ll find them reflected in our multi-day institutes, “flipped” sessions, and software based workshops. We’re looking forward to reconnecting with you!
LHRIC Model Schools
Announcing Our New Learning Space
What does the "classroom of the future" look like? Instead of the traditional lecture-oriented room, this new classroom emphasizes group learning and collaboration. The instructor now serves as a facilitator- handing out projects, answering questions, providing resources, and moving around the room as necessary. All the while, students work in groups to learn with structured activities designed to emphasize collaborative, active, student-based learning. Educational settings are increasingly designed to facilitate project-based interactions with attention to mobility, flexibility, and multiple device usage.
In August 2015, LHRIC will proudly introduce our new modern learning space to serve as a focal point for our professional development with districts. This lab that has been strategically designed alongside of experts in the field of learning and flexible architecture, will also serve as a working model to help you plan for your learning space of the future. Join us for the following workshops which will showcase flexible and innovative design: • Emerging Technologies for Administrators • Flipped/Blended Un-Conference • New Spaces: New Teaching & New Learning
Administrator Sessions Developing Effective PD Models Using Clarity 7/28/15 Instructor: Sarah Martabano
Emerging Technologies for Administrators 8/5/15 Instructor: Sarah Martabano
Going Google for Administrators 7/21/15 Instructor: Amber Klebanoff
Participants in this workshop will use regional and local Clarity data to define and prioritize district needs surrounding teachers professional development to draft a PD matrix thats spans through the school year. Note: Participants from districts that have not collected Clarity data can use the regional data to inform professional development decisions.
With the myriad of technologies discovered each day in the education spectrum, it is impossible to know which are worth focusing on. In this session, school and district leaders will work with their regional peers to analyze current and future trends, look at the research, and learn how to evaluate technology for relevance, effectiveness, and transformation in their schools. This session is designed for administrators who are interested in staying abreast or ahead of educational technology in K-16 schools as well as those that are new in their role as instructional leaders at the school or district level.
Many districts have determined that Google Apps for Education is an effective solution for sharing, collaboration, and in generalworking in the cloud. Administrators in this workshop will learn what it means to "work in the cloud”, and how working in a Google environment can help streamline work and encourage collaboration amongst and between all stakeholders in the school community.
Effective and sustainable professional development is essential to the success of today's classrooms that are faced with changes brought on by the needs of modern learners and technologies. All participants will create a draft professional development plan to support the needs of their classroom(s) for the 2015/16 school year.
Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Did You Know?
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Administrator Sessions Making the Shift to Personalized Learning 7/28/15 & 8/25/15 Instructor: Leslie Accardo
Microsoft in the Cloud for Administrators
7/29/15 Instructor: Steven E. Chetcuti, Ed.D.
According to the Glossary of Educational Reform (, the term personalized learning, or personalization, refers to a diverse variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academicsupport strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students. Personalized learning is generally seen as an alternative to the“onesize-fits-all” approach to schooling made increasingly available through technology and online opportunities.
Many districts have determined that to maximize their investment in the Microsoft licensing agreements, a strategic next step is to reach out to the Microsoft Cloud solution for sharing and collaboration. Using the Microsoft solution helps users by staying within a platform they are familiar with and reducing time on the learning curve. Participants will learn the benefit of syncing with their local Microsoft files and a cloud environment as well as how to streamline work and encourage collaboration among members of the school community.
In this session, district leaders will understand what elements contribute to a personalized learning environment, explore different digital and online learning options used to personalize learning for students, and engage in strategic discussions to help guide teachers to engage in deeper learning with students through the use of technology.
This session is designed particularly for district/building administrators looking at moving to a Microsoft Education Cloud solution with Office 365 and/or OneDrive, or who have already embarked on the shift and are interested to model the benefits through their own use. Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Observing the Flipped and Blended Classroom 7/22/15 - 7/23/15 Instructor: Sarah Martabano Observing teacher’s use of contemporary 21st century classroom strategies can be challenging, as much of the teaching and learning is not physically observable in the physical classroom setting as the work is done in an asynchronous fashion online. Administrators in this workshop will learn what to look for in the digital classroom, how to hold conversations with teachers around the use of 21st century tools, and discover a variety of support models for an effective observation experience. We will explore student and teacher experiences for the 4 C’s and identify the quality and impact of instructional technology integration in the classroom using the SAMR and TPACK models. Clarity Indicator(s):
Research shows that teachers need at least 14 hours of high-quality PD on a single topic for effective classroom teaching (Center for American Progress, 2013).
Apple All Things Apple - Create and Collaborate (Updated for 2015!) 7/7/15 - 7/9/15 Instructors: Leslie Accardo and Caroline Calabrese
Day One: Foundations of the Mac OS and iOS
Day Two: Create!
Day Three: Collaborate!
Clarity Indicator(s):
This three-day institute is a concentrated look at Apple's digital environment. It will provide a solid foundation for those new to the Mac or Apple environment as well as highlight some of Apple's most promising solutions for 21st century learning. Participants will work with the latest OS/iOS, and learn how to successfully transition to a highly engaging digital environment, regardless of your discipline or subject area. Special focus for Summer 2015 will be creating and collaborating. We’ll look at tools for both the Mac and iPads to enhance multimedia and collaboration skills.
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Helping Students Craft Their Own Future Coding for Elementary and Middle School 8/11/15 - 8/13/15 Instructor: Caroline Calabrese
Clarity Indicator(s):
“From phones to cars to medicine, technology touches every part of our lives. If you can create technology, you can change the world” Susan Wojcicki, CEO YouTube. Research tells us that “Rich multimedia content and interactive experiences with games and simulations provide students with opportunities for deeper insights into the nuances and complexities of how to solve problems” (Technology Counts, 2014). How is your district integrating coding into the curriculum? From elementary through middle school, there are tools for everyone. In this three-day session, we will explore the W’s of coding - Who should learn to code? (everyone!), Where can you code? (mobile devices, online, low-tech), Why code? and What can I do with code? The focus will include using Scratch, Code Studio and Tynker to encourage students to think creatively and critically.
Mobile Computer Science Principals Project 6/22/15 - 7/31/15 (Blended Instruction) Instructor: Trinity College
Clarity Indicator(s):
The Mobile Computer Science Principles Project (Mobile CSP), provides a broad and rigorous introduction to computer science based on App Inventor, a mobile programming language for Android devices. It features a project-based curriculum in which students focus on building socially useful mobile apps. Student learning is associated closely with their interests and grounded in their schools, their homes, and their communities. The Mobile CSP project aims to train high school teachers to teach AP-level computer science. This is a rigorous sixweek summer professional development course for high school teachers ,combining both online and face-to-face formats.
The cost for this program is $6,000 per participating teacher. For information, contact Sarah Martabano or Dennis Lauro at (914) 592-4203. A teacher stipend/grant and a mobile device is included in price.
Digital Citizenship Mapping Digital Citizenship to the Common Core 7/20/15 - 7/24/15 & 8/3/15 - 8/7/15
Clarity Indicator(s):
Build your own institute or take each day as a standalone! Instructors: Mae Isaac & LHRIC Staff These week long institutes will provide K-12 teachers with guided resources and time to infuse digital citizenship skills into Common Core modules. Each day will highlight best practices for modeling digital citizenship, and provide time for individual or partnered lesson building. Lessons created during this institute will be accessible via a digital portal for all Model Schools member districts to reference. Planning templates will be available for participants to help guide specific lesson design or unit development. Each standalone day will consist of mini lessons and breakout sessions in the morning, followed by a structured and guided work session in the afternoon, facilitated by LHRIC instructional coaches. Participants are encouraged to bring their own lesson materials. Please note that a variety of devices will be available for your use. Teachers can sign up for one day or all five within the series.
Did you know that 87% of teachers spend three hours or less teaching about online safety/digital citizenship per year? Teaching students about digital citizenship prepares students to be responsible global citizens and how to use technology strategically for this purpose (Ribble, 2012).
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Flipped/Blended Instruction Flipped/Blended Un-conference 8/19/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
The un-conference model requires participants to act as facilitators and presenters. In this session, teachers will share their best practices and creations for flipped and blended instruction. Participants will be given a platform to share and view each other’s resources and flipped or blended materials before the session so that time can best be used for discussion, collaboration, and creation. Come with your models, examples, questions, and ideas to discuss, collaborate, and produce. Share your successes and teach one other. Clarity Indicator(s):
Teachers are better able to redesign classroom environments for learning when they have skills in classroom management that involve technology integration (Walden University Study, 2010).
Flipping Your Classroom Institute 7/13/15 - 7/15/15 Instructor: Leslie Accardo
Day One: Foundations: What is a “Flipped Classroom”? The flipped classroom is a reversed teaching model that provides initial content exposure at home through interactive, teacher-created videos or digital content that moves homework to the classroom. Although flipping seems to be synonymous with video creation, it’s more of a pedagogical mindset that impacts the entire atmosphere of the classroom. Day Two: Tools for Flipping: Creating Content and Assessing Understanding. In this tool specific session, we will focus on a host of screencasting solutions, software, web-based tools and apps to create flipped lessons and content using different platforms, operating systems, and devices. We will also explore tools and techniques for monitoring students’ viewing behaviors including, but not limited to, tools that can provide formative checkpoints as students are watching content independently. We will spotlight best of breed solutions, but will also give participants the opportunity to explore options based on their access to specific technology (desktops, Chromebooks, iPads, Smartphones, etc.) Day Three: Platforms for Flipping: On the final day of this three-day institute, participants will discover different ways to create their own “blended learning space”, where video content intersects with other resources for learning and assessment. We will discuss the role of video hosting platforms and learning management systems (i.e. Ensemble, Google Classroom) as an organizing shell for both students and teachers. Clarity Indicator(s):
PLEASE NOTE: Course listings are accurate at time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
New Spaces: New Teaching & New Learning 8/3/15 - 8/4/15 Instructor: Leslie Accardo
According to the NMC Horizon Report 2015, “some thought leaders believe that new forms of teaching and learning require new spaces”. More schools are helping to facilitate these emerging models of education (such as the blended classroom) by rearranging instructional environments to accommodate more active learning.
Educational settings are increasingly designed to facilitate project-based interactions with attention to mobility, flexibility, and multiple device usage. We can create “smart rooms” that support web conferencing and other methods of remote and collaborative communication. Large displays enable collaboration on digital projects and informal presentations. As K-12 education continues to move away from traditional lecture-based classes, classrooms will start to resemble real-world work and social environments that facilitate organic interactions and cross-disciplinary problem solving. What does it feel like to learn and teach in such an environment? During this two-day immersive experience, participants will inaugurate a new model showroom for modern learning at LHRIC facilities. Our Active Learning Space- established in the summer of 2015, provides distinct zones where different learning experiences can be managed. Through flexible furniture and thoughtful technical and physical design, we are proud to present a prototype for districts to envision new spaces for new teaching and learning. The “classroom of the future” is now the classroom of the present, and participants will engage in scenarios that will create potential for different “learning zones” in their own rooms. Please help us celebrate this new space by engaging with us as the modern learner and teacher through a series of fun and interactive scenarios. Clarity Indicator(s):
Observing the Flipped and Blended Classroom 7/22/15 - 7/23/15 Instructor: Sarah Martabano
Observing teacher’s use of contemporary 21st century classroom strategies can be challenging for administrators as much of the teaching and learning is not physically observable in the physical classroom setting when the work is done in an asynchronous fashion online. Administrators in this workshop will learn what to look for in the digital classroom, how to hold conversations with teachers around the use of 21st century tools, and discover a variety of support models for an effective observation experience. Clarity Indicator(s):
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Google Apps For Education Google+ and Google Hangouts 8/18/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick Register for one or both
Morning: Google+ Google+ is the latest social media platform which has captured the imagination of many educators. Google+ brings popular socialmedia features like sharing ideas, photos, videos, and comments to your social circles. Google+ Communities offer opportunities for teacher learning and development, and gives students a social network of collaboration, feedback, and studentcentered learning. Prerequisite: A Google+ account is required- this must be enabled within your school’s domain. Afternoon: Google Hangouts Google Hangouts is a tool that takes the travel-strain out of the teaching process and can allow for up to 10 individuals to voice, video and text chat, as well as screen and document share online for free. In a school setting, Google+ Hangouts can be used for many valuable educational purposes. This includes guest speakers, study groups, school clubs, meetings, blended/flipped learning, and a wide range of other activities. Google Hangouts On Air can even be recorded and archived to your YouTube channel.
Google Classroom 7/22/15 & 8/27/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
Google Classroom is part of Google Apps for Education, and is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly by automatically creating folders for each assignment in their Drive. Students can keep track of what is due, assignments, and have the freedom to begin their work with a simple click. Additional features include research, peer editing, comments, and more. In this workshop, you will learn how to setup and manage your Google Classroom, push assignments out to your students, and provide real-time feedback and grades right in Google Classroom. Prerequisite: A Google account for you and your students’ within a Google Apps for Education domain and previous experience utilizing Google Drive is required.
Google Drive- The Basics 7/7/15 & 8/13/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
Please note: Google+ and Google Hangouts are not available for students under 13. Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Opportunities to collaborate digitally foster better teamwork skills (Pew Research, 2013).
Google Forms allows you to easily create forms, surveys, and assessments. Google Forms can be used innovatively in your classroom to formulate: assessments, rubrics, assignment drop boxes, instant feedback and far more. All forms’ results connect to Google Sheets, which allow teachers to easily manage the data to impact instruction and learning. In this session, you will learn how to create a form, select a theme, add questions, images, and videos, how to share and manage, select a response destination, view individual responses and response summary. Prerequisite: Prior experience utilizing Google Drive is required. Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
New to Google Drive? This workshop will provide you with an overview of several Google Apps (productivity tools), what they are, and how they work. Your documents can be opened and edited from any computer or device that is connected to the internet and shared with others so that you can collaborate in real-time, when actual proximity isn’t an option.
Prerequisite: Hangouts must be enabled within your school’s domain.
Google Forms 7/28/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
Going Google for Administrators 7/21/15 Instructor: Amber Klebanoff
Google Sites 8/12/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick Google Sites is a free website creation tool that has a simple, user-friendly interface. You can select one of Google’s numerous themes and templates or customize your own. You can control who can have access to each page and who can contribute material. No coding knowledge required! Your site can be used as an informative website to share information and resources, or as a collaborative learning environment by embedding a discussion board and other interactive elements within. (This includes calendars, documents, spreadsheets, images, links, maps, photos, presentations, videos, and gadgets (interactive plug-ins).) Clarity Indicator(s):
Please see page four for more information. Clarity Indicator(s):
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Microsoft Microsoft in the Cloud for Administrators 7/29/15 Instructor: Steven E. Chetcuti, Ed.D.
Many districts have determined that to maximize their investment in the Microsoft licensing agreements, a strategic next step is to reach out to the Microsoft Cloud solution for sharing and collaboration. Using the Microsoft solution helps users by staying within a platform they are familiar with and reducing time on the learning curve. Participants will learn the benefit of syncing with their local Microsoft files and a cloud environment as well as how to streamline work and encourage collaboration among members of the school community. This session is designed particularly for district/building administrators looking at moving to a Microsoft Education Cloud solution with Office 365 and/or OneDrive, or who have already embarked on the shift and are interested to model the benefits through their own use.
Microsoft OneDrive Basics 8/11/15 Instructors: Mary Lynn Collins & Carla Stoeffler New to OneDrive? This workshop will provide you with an overview of OneDrive tools, what they are, and how they work. You will learn how to create, collaborate and share "in the cloud". All you will need is internet connection so that you can collaborate in real-time without ever having to be in the same place at the same time. You will learn how to create, collaborate and share through the office suite online. The morning session will work on these basic fundamentals within Word. In the afternoon, you will have the ability to apply this knowledge to your Office tool of choice: Powerpoint, Excel, etc.
Microsoft OneNote- Moving to a Paperless Classroom 8/12/15 - 8/13/15 Instructors: Mary Lynn Collins & Carla Stoeffler Understanding how to create digital notebooks is essential for our students' success as we move to a one to one classroom. Participants will walk away with a notebook to begin using in their classroom. OneNote can help students and teachers organize their notes, cut down on paper, and become more efficient with their learning. Day one will focus on Notebook Classroom Creator fundamentals, and by Day two, participants will have the opportunity to apply their learnings to their own class materials with the support of our team. Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
PLEASE NOTE: Online collaboration contributes to improved graduation rates and other academic improvements, allowing students to connect with a much wider audience than the face-to-face interactions in their own classrooms (Project RED, 2010).
Course listings are accurate at time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
Collaboration and messaging on Google docs or other messaging technologies allow teachers to sustain shared synchronous teacher-student interactions that facilitate an in-depth understanding of student needs (Velasquez et al., 2013).
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Multimedia Instant Feedback: Response Systems for Everyone (Not Just Clickers) 7/8/15
Instructor: Alana Winnick It started with “clickers”, and then moved to web based tools - “audience response systems” have become a genre of their own. They are highly effective and prevalent in higher education, what could these environments mean for formative assessment in K-12? With the prevalence of mobile devices in classrooms, it helps to have a “toolkit” of options for capturing student and group feedback. From “backchanneling” to collecting responses on standardized and open-ended responses, we’ll show you a number of options that will allow you to tap into what your students are thinking at any time during your class, such as Today’s Meet, Poll Everywhere, and Socrative. Clarity Indicator(s):
Presentations for the New Century Learner 8/25/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick Are you bored of viewing PowerPoint presentations? This course will provide you with many examples of cutting-edge free web-based tools that will captivate your audience’s attention. Your students can access and edit these presentations anytime and anywhere.
The Talking Web 7/9/15
Instructor: Alana Winnick How can the web aid the classroom teacher in assessing speech and language? Participants will be actively engaged and motivated in the entire speaking process, and using technology can help build their confidence. Participants will learn the benefits of using free web tools to assess student’s speaking ability; such as rate and fluency. We’ll explore sites and resources such as Voki, Blabberize and VoiceThread. Bonus: All participants will walk away with a FREE Voki bundle Clarity Indicator(s):
Using Multimedia for Formative Assessment 7/29/15 - 7/31/15 & 8/17/15 - 8/19/15 Instructors: Leslie Accardo & Mary Lynn Collins
Multimedia is the field concerned with “computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.”
Bonus: All participants will walk away with a FREE Voki bundle
With the proliferation of digital formative assessment tools (backchannel tools, web based response systems, multimedia portfolios and presentation platforms), and the ease with which both teachers and students can create digital “screencasts” , we have an opportunity to use multimedia to better know and target individual student learning needs. This three-day workshop will model a variety of ways to support the K-12 learner utilizing multiple devices (iPads, tablets, Smartphones, Chromebooks) and various environments where students and teachers can enjoy quality and immediate feedback opportunities, enhanced by digital tools.
Clarity Indicator(s):
Clarity Indicator(s):
Tools introduced include Prezi, VoiceThread, Powtoons, Voki and many more! We promise a spectrum of options that will meet any need for all learners. If the medium is the message, we will ensure that your instructional “message” finds the best possible expression, and your students will be able to express themselves and their learning in ways as unique as they are.
YouTube: Going Beyond Video Streaming 7/23/15
Instructor: Alana Winnick We know that YouTube is second only to Google in popularity as a search engine, but did you know about all of the different offshoots that allow for greater creativity and collaboration? This workshop is intended for teachers interested in maximizing the use of existing YouTube videos or taking their flipped videos to a whole new level. You will learn how to: • hyperlink to additional resources or other YouTube videos to “write their own endings”. • pre-select an interesting section of a YouTube video to share. • create interactive quizzes based on YouTube clips. • take notes while watching videos. • synchronously watch YouTube videos. • show YouTube videos without any extra distractions. • explore YouTube EDU and its growing library of educational videos. • learn about YouTube’s built in editing features. Clarity Indicator(s):
Multimodal presentations challenge and engage students in new and creative ways, requiring them to extend and develop their learning, ultimately fostering collaboration and bolstering their confidence with digital technologies (Gresham, 2014)
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
On-Demand Flipped PD
We're on your watch this Summer... On-Demand Learning at your convenience anywhere and anytime. Inspired by the Flipped Classroom model, we have flipped our Professional Development surrounding the standard webinar experience. Flipped PD will be available to you all Summer long from July 1 thru August 31, just by registering in My Learning Plan, viewing the selected video at your convenience, and completing the assessment at the end. Once we receive your submission, your attendance will be confirmed- it’s truly as simple as that!
Ensemble Video- The Basics Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Carla Stoeffler • •
Part One: Uploading video/content to Ensemble & Creating “playlists” Part Two: In app editing: Annotating/ trimming/adding links & attachments to existing video content Part 3: Branding: Personalizing playlists & customizing display methods & logos, Institutional branding (Key elements of going from an Organization to an Institute)- Welcome messages, custom URLs, & display logos Part 4: Flipped Classroom- Step-by-step from screencast/video methods to collaborative environments and assessment right within your Ensemble hosted video content.
Google Analytics: Top to Bottom Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Carla Stoeffler •
Part1: What is Google Analytics? Overview of functionality including Report Feature, layout & exporting data. Part 2: Admin: Learn how to set up Google tracking codes and install them into your site (if you don’t already have them), Take a tour of “Admin realestate”. Part 3:Teachers: Application & accountability using Google Analytics for your class page utilizing the “Inpage analytics” feature.
Prerequisite: Must have a gmail account to have access to view and/or create Google Analytics.
Clarity Indicator(s): Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Amp Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Alana Winnick
SMART amp is designed specifically for educators. It enhances collaboration, content creation, communication, sharing and assessment from anywhere and on any device. This product lives in the cloud, connects with any web-enabled device, and allows students the freedom to learn. Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Notebook 2014 Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Alana Winnick
Learn the new features of the latest version of SMART Notebook, including ink editing, new tools, and add-ons. Prerequisite: Must have SMART advantage and access to SMART Notebook 2014. Clarity Indicator(s):
PLEASE NOTE: Course listings are accurate at time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
A Virtual Experience for Pre-K Students 8/6/15 Instructors: Caroline Calabrese and Dr. Madalyn Romano
Clarity Indicator(s):
Is your district finding that students are entering Kindergarten unprepared? Are there children in your district who do not have the opportunity to participate in a Pre-K experience? Is it due to lack of available facilities or teachers? The LHRIC is introducing an innovative new program to help the under served Pre-K student enjoy the benefits of a virtual Pre-K program. This session will show you how an at-home preschool program can help give children a jump start on school readiness, how the utilization of adaptive software individualizes instruction to meet each child's specific needs, and how this program provides an outreach to the community and increased parental involvement.
SMART SMART Amp Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Alana Winnick
This is a flipped PD session. Please see Page 11 for more information. Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Board: The Bootcamp 7/29/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
This course is designed specifically to help the novice user immediately start using their SMART Board as a means to support their lessons. Participants will become familiar with Notebook v. 11, as well as the basics of Board operation, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Notebook 101 7/21/15 & 8/11/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
This workshop will introduce participants to SMART Notebook’s basic tools to create interactive experiences for learners. We will be working with Notebook v. 11. This course is designed primarily for teachers who are comfortable using the SMART Board, but have not yet explored the depths of the SMART Notebook as a canvas for lesson design and orchestration of digital content. Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Notebook: Putting the “I” Back in Interactive Whiteboard 7/30/15 & 8/26/15 Instructor: Alana Winnick
Make the most out of your SMART Board. This course is intended for teachers that already utilize a SMART Board and need a refresher on how to create lessons that are interactive, engaging, and student centered. In this session, you will learn how to customize templates that already exist in Notebook gallery as well as create your own. Clarity Indicator(s):
SMART Notebook 2014 Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Alana Winnick
This is a flipped PD session. Please see Page 11 for more information. Clarity Indicator(s):
Children who are engaged with interactive technology can learn new skills even though they are unaware of this learning because they are so involved (Barone, 2012).
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Software Sessions Atlas: Revisiting Your Curriculum Maps K-12 7/20/15 Instructors: Mary Lynn Collins & Suzi Novak If your district has an Atlas curriculum mapping subscription, you have a powerful tool with which to address many issues that schools are facing. This workshop is designed for teams of educators from a district who are at different stages in the mapping process.
In the first part of the workshop, you will learn: • What quality curriculum maps look like in a variety of subjects and grade levels • How to use maps to analyze which standards have been taught and how and whether they have been assessed • How to use maps to identify areas of focus in response to state test scores In the second part, your team will identify a mapping goal and get customized, personal help in reaching it. You may: • Refine/update one set of subject or grade level maps. • Use your maps to prepare for a Middle States or Tri-States certification process. • Study your district’s formative assessments through the mapping process. • Assess grade levels for gaps and redundancies in a given subject area. • Explore where a particular skill, such as outlining or map skills, is taught throughout your curriculum. Clarity Indicator(s):
Edgenuity Course Customization Bootcamp 7/1/15 - 7/2/15 Instructor: Anita Faria
This course is being offered to school districts who are current users of the Edgenuity MS and HS programs. As Edgenuity is based on a national and CCSS curriculum, there are some modules that do not relate to what you are teaching in your district. This course will enable you to map the Edgenuity courses directly to your district’s curriculum map. In addition, participants will learn the skills to create mini-courses which focus on specific units of study that can be assigned to specific students. Day One: By the end of this session, participants will be able to understand Edgenuity’s course structure, gain knowledge of best practices, understand the of units of study, and set up the framework for district customization. Participants should be prepared to bring (or have access to) the curriculum maps for the courses they wish to customize.
Ensemble: Effective use of Video in the K-12 Classroom 7/30/15 Instructor: Carla Stoeffler This course will focus on the theory behind creating videos to support K-12 classroom instruction and the tools to distribute those videos to students. We will explore tools to integrate and complement your use of Ensemble video in the classroom. During this course, teachers will practice filming and uploading videos as well as ways that students can submit videos. Clarity Indicator(s):
Ensemble Video- The Basics Anytime (July-August) Instructor: Carla Stoeffler
This is a flipped PD session. Please see Page 11 for more information. Clarity Indicator(s):
Day Two: Utilizing the skills learned in day one and the district maps, participants will be able to customize at least three Edgenuity courses which will be aligned to the district’s curriculum maps. They will leave the session with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to continue the customization at their own district. Clarity Indicator(s):
PLEASE NOTE: Course listings are accurate at time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
One of the most potentially powerful tools is in-class formative assessments that provide real-time feedback on what students know and understand (Technology Counts Report, 2014).
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
Software Sessions GradPoint Course Customization Bootcamp 6/29/15 - 6/30/15 Instructor: Raheela Baig
This course is being offered to school districts who are current users of the GradPoint MS and HS programs. As GradPoint is based on a National and CCSS curriculum, there are some modules that do not relate to what you are teaching in your district. This course will enable you to map the GradPoint courses directly to your district’s curriculum map. The GradPoint program also features the ability to add curriculum units or modules that have been created by the district. In addition, participants will learn the skills to create mini-courses which focus on specific units of study that can be assigned to students. Day One: By the end of this session, participants will be able to understand GradPoint’s course structure, gain knowledge of best practices, understand the of units of study, and set up the framework for district customization. Participants should be prepared to bring (or have access to) the curriculum maps for the courses they wish to customize. Participants will be able to customize at least three GradPoint courses which will be aligned to the district’s curriculum maps. They will leave the session with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to continue the customization in their own district. Day Two: Repeat of Day One and open lab time to complete work started in day one if necessary. Clarity Indicator(s):
ObaWorld Bootcamp 7/16/15 - 7/17/15 & 8/17/15 - 8/18/15 Instructor: Mae Isaac
This two-day boot camp with get your ObaWorld knowledge in peak condition for the coming school year. Current ObaWorld users can expect a refresher training on Day One, with the emphasis on designing and organizing their course materials on Day Two. There will be a Q&A session for individual needs in the afternoon. Participants will be provided with links to online materials for future references. Prerequisite: For ObaWorld subscribers only. Clarity Indicator(s):
SuccessMaker V8: A View from Above 7/2/15 Instructor: Raheela Baig
SuccessMaker is a personalized math and reading intervention program for K-8 learners. Come and learn about the new features built into Version 8. This session is for districts that are currently using SuccessMaker and for those who are interested in learning how this research based intervention program can help support student learning. This session will show you how: • SuccessMaker has updated the curriculum to correlate to the Common Core Standards. • To utilize SuccessMaker to prepare students for College and Career • SuccessMaker can be used to predict performance on High Stakes Tests Clarity Indicator(s):
PLEASE NOTE: Course listings are accurate at time of publication. Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan. Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s discretion.
Teachers who have a positive sense of competence in using technology are more likely to use it. In contrast, those who do not have confidence in using a certain technology are unlikely to engage themselves in teaching and learning activities that involve it (Yeung et al., 2012).
Use of the Four C’s - Digital Citizenship - Assessment - Teacher Skills
LHRIC Instructional Technology Coaches!
General Information Full-day sessions run from 9am - 3pm.
Leslie Accardo
Raheela Baig
Half-day sessions run from 9am - 11:30 (unless noted in MLP).
Bobbi Baker
Parking permits will be issued to registered participants in advance for each session.
Caroline Calabrese
Mary Lynn Collins
Mae Isaac
Course listings are accurate at time of publication.
Sarah Martabano
John Resanovitch
Dr. Madalyn Romano
Consultants: Anita Faria Carla Stoeffler
Suzi Novak
Course additions and cancellations are reflected directly in MyLearningPlan.
Courses will run with a minimum of five registrants at the instructor’s description.
Alana Winnick
HOW TO REGISTER The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center uses My Learning Plan (MLP) to assist in managing district registration for events, courses, seminars, and conferences. If you are NEW to MLP you will need to create a user ID and password. If you have used MLP and/or if you are a MLP district you may use the ID and password you have already created. Important: The email address you provide during the registration process is extremely important. Please be sure it is entered properly and you have constant access to receive important messages about any course changes or notifications. Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel for a standard, non-fee based session, please do so 48 hours prior to the course date. You can do this by logging into My Learning Plan and selecting the "drop" button. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click here to view the catalog in My Learning Plan. You will see a searchable database screen that links to the Model Schools courses. Scroll down and click on the blue, underlined title of the activity you wish to enroll in. Read the activity details and description. If this is a course you would like to participate in then click the button called “Click to Enroll.” 5. Next choose the link that applies to you: a. “I’m a registered user” – Select this option if you have already created an account, or your organization uses b. “I’m a new user” – Select this option if you do not have an account yet. 6. The account is free!
Provide all of the information requested on the form. (By completing this form you are establishing an account with a password that is at your discretion. Please write down the password in a secure location for reference.) This account will also allow you to check the status of your registration and maintain records.
From WEST (Rockland) From the Tappan Zee Bridge via the NYS Thruway proceed East on I-287. Take Hutchinson River Parkway South EXIT 9S, toward the Whitestone Bridge. Take EXIT 23S toward Mamaroneck. At the end of the ramp, make a right onto Mamaroneck Ave. The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center is a four-story office building on the left (white stone and glass facade), #450 Mamaroneck Ave. Visitor Parking is available in the back of the building.
From EAST Take Hutchinson River Parkway South, toward the Whitestone Bridge. Take EXIT 23S toward Mamaroneck. At the end of the ramp, make a right onto Mamaroneck Ave. The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center is a four-story office building on the left (white stone and glass facade), #450 Mamaroneck Ave. Visitor Parking is available in the back of the building.
From NORTH Take I-684 South via EXIT 1 toward Hutchinson River Parkway/New York City. I-684 South becomes the Hutchinson River Parkway South. Take EXIT 23S toward Mamaroneck. At the end of the ramp, make a right onto Mamaroneck Ave. The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center is a four-story office building on the left (white stone and glass facade), #450 Mamaroneck Ave. Visitor Parking is available in the back of the building.
From SOUTH Take the Hutchinson River Parkway North. Merge onto Mamaroneck Ave via EXIT 23S toward Mamaroneck. Make a right turn onto Mamaroneck Ave. The Lower Hudson Regional Information Center is a four-story office building on the left (white stone and glass facade), #450 Mamaroneck Ave. Visitor Parking is available in the back of the building.