April 16, 2010

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Vol. 41, No. 8


Lafayette High School 17050 Clayton Road Wildwood, MO 63011


April 16 2010


Just when you

thought you knew

all the


Standards-based grading hits Rockwood

Kara Campbell / Campus Editor

Rockwood is looking at changing the traditional grading system. In 2006, administrators began making plans to implement a standards-based grading system in 2014. Standards based grading is still in the planning phase. Rockwood is currently on draft #14 and is discussing how exactly to utilize the grading system. In standards-based grading, the key is consistency which relies on academic grades and non-academic indicators. “We have been working on regulation for the past three and half years to make sure that it is well crafted and will serve as a basis for making sure grades are fair consistent and timely,” Administrative Coordinator Roxanna Mechem said. Rockwood’s main goal in standards-based grading is consistency, accuracy, meaningfulness and to support learning. For students, Mechem said the current system doesn’t provide regularity, “among practice from classroom to classroom.” Academic grades are based on what a student knows and is able to do, while non-academic indicators are the actions and behaviors that support academic achievement. Both grades will still be reflected with the regular “A, B, C, D and F” letter scale for grades 6-12. Four major factors will contribute to academic grades. First is the academic standard that students will be measured by. The curriculum committees will devise scoring guides for each class that are consistent throughout the District.

The second major factor is formative assessment. Formative assessments are ongoing. These are things such as quizzes, but will not be taken into the final academic grade. They will provide teachers and students with immediate feedback about what students need to learn in order to meet the standards. Formative assessments will build up the knowledge for students to do well on summative assessments. Summative assessments will be used to measure what the student has learned against the standards designed for the class. Summative assessments are tests and will determine the final grade. The final grade is based on the students’ ability to reach the standards constructed for the class along with a cumulative final exam each semester. Once averaged and weight is placed on the grade for any weighted classes, the letter grade is assigned. Non-academic indicators do not go into the final letter grade. They are study habits and skills which help students achieve academic success. Non-academic indicators will be recorded separately on academic report cards for grades K-12 and are not directly linked to the curriculum objectives. For instance, students are expected to turn in their work on time, however with standards-based grading students will not be academically penalized. Late work though will be recorded as a non-academic indicator.

Some non-academic indicators currently provide ‘fluff’ for a student’s grade. For example, participation, homework, extra-credit and attendance. Two parts to a report card will be administered with academic and non-academic grades quarterly. The academic grade will be a letter grade, while the nonacademic indicators will be a separate letter grade indicating which basically indicates a students’ wok ethic. The transition from traditional to standards-based will cause some other affects. For one, Rockwood is considering eliminating class rank. Currently rank elimination is only in the discussion phase. However, Rockwood is hoping class rank will be eliminated beginning with when the current freshmen class are seniors. “We’ve been concerned for some time now that students are choosing classes because of their weight, instead of choosing them because of interest, talent and/or future goals,” Administrative Annex Coordinator Sharon Sevier. said Sevier is concerned about the rise of Depression and Anxiety in high school students. “Too many kids put too much value in being a certain number in the class; their rank seems to define them and their self-worth, that’s not good,” Sevier said. Sevier’s research shows class rank, “hurts our students because, coursework is very rigorous, gaps are higher and that’s ignored when rank is used.” When talking to other schools who have eliminated class rank Sevier found, “Their

kids actually benefited from having no rank and they earned more scholarship money.” “Eliminating rank isn’t a ‘magic bullet’ for admission and scholarships but it creates a situation for students to be considered based upon their coursework, grade point average, recommendation letters and activities, instead of just test scores and rank,” Sevier said. College Admission Specialist Christopher Ramsay said, “I don’t believe the change in grading philosophy will have much change in the college search process.” He added, “In terms of the college admission process, it [non-academic grading] could give colleges more information to review from a high school transcript.” “For the colleges that just use an ACT/GPA requirement for admission, it will not make a difference (i.e. Mizzou, MO State, KU),” Ramsay said. On the other hand, he continued, “For schools that use a more holistic admission approach (grades, essays, activities, recommendations, etc.), it will simply be another criteria for the college to evaluate.” “In the coming year, faculty will engage in a series of conversations to result in agreed upon procedures that will go into effect for the 2011-2012 school year,” Mechem said. They will discuss what immediate affects the schools would like to implement about extra credit, homework, late work, participation and attendance. Implementations such as these will smooth the transition from the traditional to standards based grading.

Words with Friends The popular IPhone app has replaced traditional boardgames, further progressing our society into a technology-filled world.

See page 11

justaglance Day of Silence: Students voice their opinions about the nation Day of Silence to support Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexual rights.

See page 6 Fun and Games A focus on the referees that keep LHS sports games fair and fun for all players.

See page 14 Mexican Food Fight Students debate which popular Mexican restaurant is better: Qdoba or Chipotle?

See page 19

comingsoon April 17 One Acts 7 p.m. April 21 Senior Awards Night 7 p.m. April 27 Jazz Band Chamber Choir Concert 7 p.m. April 28 Key Club Meeting 7 p.m. April 29 Orchestra Concert 7 p.m. May 1 Prom May 4 Band Concert 7 p.m. May 5 Staff Development Day May 8 NHS Induction 5 p.m.



April 16, 2010


Image Staff Courtney McBay   Editor in Chief

Print Edition

Chelsea Coleman    Managing Editor Max Thoman   News Editor Alicia Mestre   Asst. News Editor Rachel Brown   Opinion Editor Kara Campbell   Campus Editor Adam Harris   Feature Editor David Adams   Entertainment Editor Andrew Martin   Sports Editor Ian Bernstein   Asst. Sports Editor Jessica Zadoks   Business Manager

Online Edition Mina Yu    Managing Editor Max Thoman   News Editor Mia Schenone Katie Jardine    Lifestyles Editors Gian Wessel   Sports Editor Nancy Smith, MJE   Adviser


Teresa Avila, Kelley Bauer, Leanne Beasley, Grace Bueckendorf, Mary Buttram, Caleb Cavarretta, Daniel Clutter, Dominic Corvington, Misha Emanoil, Sarah Greenlee, Christine Jackson, Maddie Johnson, Alyssa Knowling, D.Anne Vollmayer, Alex West, Molly White


The Image is published 10 times a year by the Newspaper Production Class. Subscriptions are $30. Free issues are distributed on campus. The 2008-2009 Image received a rating of First Class with two marks of distinction from the National Scholastic Press Association.


The newspaper’s primary obligation is to inform its readers about events in the school and community and of issues of national or international importance which directly or indirectly affect the school population. The newspaper, while serving as a training ground for future journalists as part of the school curriculum, recognizes all rights and responsibilities under the First Amendment. Operating as a public forum, student editors will apply professional standards and ethics for decision making as they take on the responsibility for content and production of the newspaper. While the student staff encourages constructive criticism of any part of the newspaper, authority for content rests in the hands of the student members of the newspaper staff. Students will not publish material considered to be legally unprotected speech, or libel, obscenity, material disruption of the educational process, copyright infringement, or unwarranted invasion of privacy.

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Located in Room 213 at Lafayette High School, 17050 Clayton Rd., Wildwood, MO 63011. Our phone number is (636) 733-4118 and our e-mail address is smithnancy@rockwood.k12. mo.us Visit on the web at: www.lhsimage.com


Opinions expressed on the editorial page do not reflect the viewpoints or official policies of the school administration. All editorials (unsigned) represent a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. Signed editorials, columns, editorial cartoons and reviews reflect the views of the author and not necessarily those of the Image Editorial Board. Participation through letters to the editor by students, faculty and the community is encouraged. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld upon request and with the concurrence of the Editorial Board. Letters should be limited to 300 words. The Image reserves the right to reject, edit or shorten letters. Letters may be submitted in writing to Mrs. Nancy Smith in Room 213, or to any Image staff member, or via e-mail to smithnancy@rockwood.k12. mo.us.

by Rachel Brown

Gov’t killed Apple Tree Man These days, it seems the government is taking over just about everything, eating up a bigger slice of the economy and having more say in our dayto-day lives. The recently passed Health Care Bill, the bailouts of private sector companies like GM and increasing taxes on individuals and businesses all point to escalating government invasion of citizens’ lives. Let’s theorize for a moment that there is this man who just wants to get away from it all. This dude is tired of others probing in his life, sick of silly rules and taxes, weary of living in a government-saturated world. So one day, he walks away from it all into the countryside and uses all the money he has to his name to buy a tiny plot of land containing a single apple tree. For simplicity’s sake, let’s call this theoretical man “Apple Tree Man.” Apple Tree Man proceeds to build a little house in his apple tree. He minds his own business, eating his apples, selling a few to passersby and living simply and peacefully for the rest of his life. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Apple Tree Man is a passive guy who doesn’t bother anyone, doesn’t ask anything of anyone; he’s just a nice guy who keeps to himself. But the sad truth is, under today’s government, there can be no Apple Tree Man. Our government has made his very existence impossible. Many of the policies, the laws and the regulations that our country has accumulated since its birth have made the continuation of characters like Apple Tree Man unfeasible. First off, Apple Tree Man, sim-

ply by living on his tiny chunk of land in his tree, just by being alive and dwelling in a place that he purchased, would need to meet zoning laws of his state, fill out copious paperwork and pay yearly taxes on his property which may increase depending on if the area around him becomes more populated. This will happen even if he’s broke and has lived there for years. No more Apple Tree Man. Let’s say by some miracle, Apple Tree Man survives his taxation ordeal. Things aren’t over yet. A representative of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) would visit him with a checklist of regulations and demand that Apple Tree Man build a staircase up into his tree for safety reasons, or risk heavy fines and property loss. Upon inspection of his property, Apple Tree Man’s tree dwelling would be declared a hazard and he would be forced to vacate. No more Apple Tree Man. Let’s say that by another miracle, Apple Tree Man survives this ordeal as well, though now he is in debt. He decides to sell a few apples here and there off of his tree to get out of the hole the government dug him into with taxes and citations. To sell a handful of apples legally, this simple spirit would need an Employer Identification Number, various papers for reporting back to the IRS, knowledge of labor laws, regulations information from the Small Business Administration of his state, as well as license/permits from the Health Department. All to sell a few apples. Apple Tree Man would need to

Rachel Brown, Opinions Editor

read the USDA’s “Rules and Regulations on the sale of Apples,” a 14,049 word document on what is permissible when growing apples. No more Apple Tree Man. Apple Tree Man’s tax forms would be so complicated that he would need to hire an accountant. If he wanted to hire any people to help him pick apples, they would eat up more forms, unionize and demand free health care, which would effectively knock him out of business. No more Apple Tree Man. At OSHA’s demands, Apple Tree Man cannot live in his apple tree. He cannot mind his own business; the government will swoop upon him with papers and rules. He cannot sell a few apples to passersby without jumping through rings of fire. He cannot, in short, live his life simply and peacefully. Is this what our founding fathers intended for us? A government that puts up fences and works against us? A system of justice rife with outrageous laws and regulations? A government that makes some of their citizens pay upwards of 60 percent of their income in taxes? Once, many years ago, there was an Apple Tree Man.

His name was John Chapman. You may know him from history class as Johnny Appleseed. He lived just such a life as our very own fictional Apple Tree Man, floating the Ohio River, living in the wilderness, planting apple trees as he pleased, contributing to his nation as he pleased, in his own quiet self sufficient way. Now I’m not proposing we all put pots on our heads and ramble out into the forest, but what I am saying is shouldn’t we be able to if we want to? I mean, really? Just by virtue of existing, should a person be required to buy a product like health insurance from the government? Should the sheer force of laws and regulations prevent us from living our dreams? I am not recommending avoiding the law, nor do I recommend not paying your taxes. What I am recommending is constant vigilance, self-sufficiency, watching our government closely and not being afraid to make some noise when it steps on your toes. Because we are not so free as we once were, not so unfettered by rules and regulations. No longer can a person who frowns upon the practices of our government escape its grasp. Gone in America are the days of unabashed wilderness, open skies, autonomous choices, of complete and total self-reliance. For our government wields the ax that killed Apple Tree Man, and the death of such free spirited and self-reliant characters, I believe, will eventually mean the death of America.

Separate but equal still exists today While reading the news, sometimes it’s necessary to check the date to make sure you aren’t reading something 20 years old. Take the recent story of Constance McMillen, a high school student from Fulton, MS who was not allowed to attend prom with her girlfriend or to wear a tuxedo. In fact, due to the controversy, the entire prom was canceled. Homophobia is still a major societal issue. Whether it’s the issue of gay marriage, job discrimination or attending a school dance, homosexuals always seem to have fewer rights. Constance and five other stu-

dents (including two who are mentally challenged) attended an alternative prom to avoid being harassed. The other students at the school had a big party at a country club. Of course, McMillen’s feelings were hurt. This kind of segregation is too reminiscent of an old fashioned, prejudice America. The United States was founded on the basis of equality, and when that goes out the window, so does the entire concept of democracy. Coming out a young age, eighth grade in McMillen’s case, is a very brave and mature decision, though one that can sadly come with dis-

It’s My Turn

[A Rotating Column] This Month: David Adams

crimination and suffering. Prejudice of any kind is dated, immature and not reflective of the ideals of our wonderful country. But today, on the Day of Silence, I urge everybody to NOT be silent for gay rights. Not that the Day of Silence has anything to with silence; the note passing and pantomiming have turned it into “Charades for Gays.”

A silent protest can be effective if done right, but a high school setting is not the place for it. My heart goes out to all of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning youth in the world. As Harvey Milk said, “All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.”

Opinion New grade system has pros, cons


The Image


With the new Standards Based Grading system likely going into full effect in 2014, many students, if not most, will want to argue and complain that the system is flawed and unfair. However, let’s look at the good things that come with the system. The Image staff believes while some things are still being figured out by district administrators, the system has started out with good intentions for students. For instance, under the plan, class rank will be gone. Finally. Class rank seems like such an outdated and deceiving statistic on transcripts. Should a student with a 3.5 taking all AP classes be ranked lower than a student with a 4.0 in all nonweighted classes? It doesn’t make sense. Rockwood has finally realized this as more and more schools both locally and nationally have decided to toss it out. While we don’t doubt some students will be horrified that academic grades probably only will be calcu-

lated through summative assessments (like final unit tests, essays or projects), in reality, that’s exactly how college works. So good luck because either way, you’re stuck with this system. And, yes. It’s unfair that formative assignments like homework won’t be counted towards your academic grade but remember, your parents and colleges will see your good efforts on your non-academic grade also on your report card. The majority of those complaining are students who do all their assignments, but do not do so well on tests and essays. However, if you’re doing everything else well but still do poorly on tests and essays, then it seems like a

History has a way of repeating itself, but it should never be rewritten. However it seems that is the goal of the Texas Board of Education. On March 12, the Board voted in favor of an altered social studies curriculum that institutes changes to many portions of their accepted curriculum and textbook guidelines. While normally considered to be an annual occurrence for many school districts, this year’s reviews and changes have been the subject of ridicule and controversy all over the country as they seem to take on a very conservative undertone. For instance, Thomas Jefferson was dropped from the districts list of influential writers who inspired revolutions, both in the United States intellectually and in the rest of the world. (Speculation is that Jefferson may have been dropped because some conservatives have an aversion to the term, “separation between church and state.”) Jefferson’s absence on the Texas School Board’s list of prominent intellectual writers was quickly plugged by such authors and philosophers as St. Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin, both religiously based men. Another clear cut example of conservative bias comes in the form of the board’s stress on the founding fathers’ strict Christian beliefs and the affect that those beliefs had on forming this nation. These prominently Christian

beliefs are also largely accepted and liked by conservatives. Also under the new curriculum there will be a larger emphasis on the conservative revival of the 1980s and 1990s, meaning there will be considerable mentioning of the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation and several other notably conservative organizations. Even McCarthyism, a scar on the face of American politics in the midst of the Red Scare, has been given a positive connotation in the new syllabus by the new mentioning of the Venona Papers, later received by the United States showing communication between the Soviet Union and the United States. Finally, diction has been altered. For instance, the word, “capitalism,” used for generations, no longer exists in Texas textbooks. Instead, it has been replaced by a more “positive” description for the U.S. economic structure, “free-market enterprise.” Terri Leo, a conservative member of the Board, explained the reasoning behind the change, “Let’s face it, capitalism does have a negative connotation, you know, ‘capitalist pig!’” No matter the connotation of a word or your opinion of a historical individual, changing history to lean more right is unfair and unjust. What happened has happened, and even the idea that in the United States of America personal beliefs and vendettas can be rectified



different problem going on. And now, people will probably raise up the question about things like test anxiety. Let’s face it. Test anxiety can be overcome with practice. In fact, you will have to some day if you plan on taking the ACT, SAT or simply to make it through college. It will help make sure that all teachers are doing their jobs. Individual departments will be working closely, making sure assignments, tests, essays, etc, are as similar as possible from class to class. Let’s admit it, there is always that teacher who grades impeccably hard. And, the teacher who grades so easy that 90 percent of their class has As. If both teachers teach the same class but one has a significantly higher class average than the other, obviously one teacher doing a better job or ensuring his or her students are meeting the objectives. Now this is what you call an unfair system. Why should a group of students suffer while the other group

has it easy? And then there’s the group of students who are brilliant but have no work ethic. That girl or guy that does nothing in class, but manages to pull good grades on their tests. Well, at first it might have sounded like bad news, but listen again. In theory, there will be TWO grades on your report card for each class—an academic grade and a nonacademic grade including homework, attendance and participation. Either way, if you’re smart but lazy, you won’t be able to reach your highest potential. If you’re worried about colleges only seeing your academic grades, realize that the Rockwood Board won’t let that happen. Remember, Rockwood WANTS to see us go to good colleges, have good grades and be successful. Rockwood students represent the Rockwood District. They are implementing this to help us by making grades as honest as possible and to make sure we achieve our potential.

Texas textbook revision rewrites history

It’s My Turn

[A Rotating Column] This Month: Max Thoman

through the use of a future generation is disgusting to me. History, of all things, should be factual. Something fair and just to a Texas Board member may not be fair to children, and in this case, it’s not. These biased ideals aren’t fair to the children of Texas, who are now going to be subjected to their parents’ ideals. Now that politics are being focused on the subject of history again, I fear that the children of Texas do not stand a chance against their board members’ ideals and may be restricted from making their own conclusions on history and politics. However, politics and history have been running hand in hand for years, be it conservative or liberal leaning. It’s understandable the shift has gone to the right after the years that Dr. Don McLeroy, a conservative board member, described as being, “…skewed too far to the left.” Still, no matter how skewed history already was, these changes have taken it too far. Such changes to history can be devastating. Not only could the people of Texas lose some of their history, parts of the history of the United

States, but children all over the U.S. are going to be affected. To sell more copies of their editions, textbook companies tailor their editions to fit the needs of the largest consumers, i.e. Texas, California and New York. Sometimes, the other states, such as our own, are forced to purchase the closest edition of text to their curriculum that are not necessarily tailored for our needs. So, if Missouri decides that the new, conservative version of a company’s textbooks is the closest texts to our curriculum, we may be in the same boat as Texas. That subjection of not only the children of Texas, but those of smaller states to the radical changes that have taken place is unwarranted and unreasonable, and the fact that educated leaders of a large portion of the U.S. cannot see this scares me. Texas has made its decision to “balance history” in their state, but in the process they have tipped the balance in states such as ours. The young are being taken advantage of here, and it is their education that will pay the price.


This Month, the Image ?asks... What are your thoughts on the Day of Silence, a silent protest for gay/lesbian rights?

stars & gripes stars to:

School being almost over! Hang on everybody, there’s little over a month left before we can bust this popsicle stand. Pantone (a color brand and trend company) has just crowned Turquoise 15-5519 the color of the year for 2010. Move over Mimosa Yellow, there is a new color in town! Nintendo announced the release of the 3DS, the first 3D handheld gaming system. Asking girls (or boys) to Prom in adorable ways involving balloons, sticky notes, puzzles, baked goods, copious amounts of flowers or just about anything that isn’t a “will u go to prom w/ me?” text message. Sunshine, no more scraping the windows and de-icing locks, budding trees, driving with the windows down and springtime. Senior Lunch in the Courtyard replacing Senior Lunch on the Shelf. It’s about time for our outside area to get used for something fun.

gripes to: The trophy case outside of the Senior Office still sports a T-shirt and Powder Puff jersey supporting the Class of 2009. It’s almost time for the Class of 2010 to graduate - isn’t it time for this year’s seniors to get their space? No more days off for the rest of the school year. Yeah, it’s great that we’re almost out, but no short weeks between now and the finish line will make for a long, long month for both teachers and students. For those with a 30 on the ACT, unfortunate news. Bright Flight, that notorious $3,000 a year chunk of change awarded to Missouri college students, was just shrunk to a $1,900 pittance, due to state budget cuts. The third gate on the library side of the parking lot has been closed in the mornings, disorienting drivers and causing confusion to those who normally use that entrance/exit.

“They are right for standing up for what they believe in. Obviously not everyone agrees with this day and their beliefs.”

Opinions expressed are those of the individuals interviewed, and not of the Image staff. McKenzie Cox, 9

“It’s their own life they can do what they want.”

Luke Kreienkamp, 10

“I think they’re drawing more attention to themselves by having their own day and putting emphasis on how they differ.”

Kyle Black, 11

“I think it’s dumb. I mean I’m not against gays, but they can’t even celebrate one day for Black History Month.”

Shanita Gates, 12

Stephanie Meyer has begun work on a new novella to add on to her infamous Twilight series. The book, which will follow the story of a young newborn vampire that attacks Bella, Edward and his family, has already jumped to the top of Amazon best-seller charts, though it will not be released until June 5th.



April 16, 2010

Big night, small price tag: Prom provides economically friendly options Alicia Mestre & Katie Jardine / Asst. News & Online Student Life Editor

A still-suffering economy has prompted many students to rethink their ideal Prom plans. Students have been coming up with some creative ways to keep within the boundaries of new budgets. Beginning last year, junior Clara Komrosky-Licata had offered money-saving opportunities to her friends. “I’ve always cut my own hair and stuff,” she said. “So, some of my older friends asked me to do their hair for Homecoming and Prom.” Seniors Cecilia Dorhauer and Halie Ballantyne look forward to saving money on their hair and makeup this year through professional connections. Dorhauer’s older sister holds a job in the field of cosmetology and has offered her sibling an entire makeover package that will include hair, makeup and nails, free of charge. Ballantyne expects to take advantage of her employee discount at Beauty First, and receive the same beauty services on the house. “It’s really helping out [because] I was originally going to get a dress that was $270,” Ballantyne said. Ballantyne already had her heart set on the expensive dress at Bloomingdale’s and had hair and jewelry plans set in place accordingly. “But my sister wanted to go to this store at the mall [The Cinderella Project],” Ballantyne said. “I tried on some dresses for fun, and ended up finding one that looked exactly like the other.” Though Ballantyne knows she won’t be wearing the dress of her dreams to Prom this year, she’s happy about the money that will stay in her wallet. “I’d rather spend $25 on a dress that’s almost exactly the same,” Ballantyne said. Senior Jamie Germer is avoiding the purchase of a new dress this year altogether. “I hate the stress of finding another dress,” Germer said. “It’s so expensive to go to Prom already.” Germer has attended Proms at different schools and has cycled through only two dresses for all of them. She intends to continue this trend, wearing the dress she wore to

Lafayette’s Prom her sophomore year. “Nobody in my grade has really seen it because most of them weren’t at Prom that year,” Germer said. Because of the ever-present economy and money savvy students, retail stores around West County have modified their plans. “This year, many stores around the Metro area have had less of a selection for Prom. I think the economy has definitely affected that,” Amore manager Rita Weaver said. But discounted items and recycling aren’t the only ways to save money and avoid the lack of selection. Senior Rachel Rentschler, junior Rachel Sosa and sophomore Chloé Gaffney are relying on their own creativity to make their Prom experiences more affordable. As Fashion Design students, they were introduced to a Joanne Fabrics competition, in which the objective was to design and create a Prom dress. “The winner will receive $50,000 towards their college fund,” Gaffney said. While the benefits of committing to the contest seem to outweigh the negatives, Rentschler does admit a few drawbacks. “It takes a lot of work trying to make it fit right and for it to look okay,” she said. Contestants are also only allowed to purchase materials from Joanne Fabrics. “That kind of made it more expensive than if I had just gone to Hobby Lobby or something,” Rentschler said. Still, the cost of making a dress from scratch turned out to be significantly less than the price of a brand new gown. Rentschler’s final price fell just about $100 and Sosa’s at just around $60, not including the price of the pattern. Pleased with her final product, Rentschler is excited about the additional bonuses. “It’s the color I want it, the design I want it and it fits right,” she said. “I know no one else will be wearing it.” Prom is May 1 at the Renaissance Grand and Suite Hotel from 7-11 p.m. with the theme of Under the Stars. The cost of parking is $5. Tickets can be purchased at $55 for a single ticket and $110 for a double at all lunch shifts the week before Prom.

Homemade Fashion Statement

Modeling a homemade fashion design is sophomore Chloé Gaffney who entered her original dress in a Joann Fabrics dressmaking contest. (photo courtesy of Chloé Gaffney)

Board okays changes to Rockwood’s cell phone policy Teresa Avila / Reporter

Starting next school year, Rockwood high schools have the option of allowing students to use cell phones between classes and during lunch. However, the changed cell phone regulation also allows individual schools to maintain their own stricter set of rules. In January, a cell phone committee with representatives from each high school gave a majority vote to allow cell phone use during passing periods and lunch. “[The cell phone committee] decided to make recommendations for changes to the regulation, so we basically had different

people taking a look at these recommendations and we approved those,” Executive Director of Secondary Education Karen Seiber, who led the committee, said. Seiber continued, “That committee’s report was taken to the Superintendant’s cabinet.” “They made a couple of suggestions and changes, and from there it was taken to the Board of Education as an information item,” she added. “It will go into effect July 1, 2010,” Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, Dennis Griffith said. Seiber said the new regulation for cell phones will be printed in the 2010-2011

Diamonds - Fine Jewelry - Custom Design - Repairs

district handbook. However, not all high schools will be required to implement the same level restriction. The policy itself states: “Individual high schools can opt to adopt more restrictive rules regarding the use of electronic/portable communication devices in their respective buildings.” “High schools can choose to allow cell phone usage between classes and at lunch, or adopt the same regulation as we currently have,” Griffith said. Therefore, the new regulation would seem to establish a certain point that high schools cannot pass concerning how they

handle cell phone use. “They can’t make it more lenient but they can make it more restrictive,” Seiber said. The Lafayette administration is currently considering which of these options to follow. “We’re looking at all the options and possibilities of what it means for us [to have stricter rules],” Assistant Principal Matt Dieckhaus said. The Lafayette administration will come to a conclusion by the end of April, in time for any changes that may need to be made to next year’s student handbook, Dieckhaus said.

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The Image



BAYOU Students, staff continue a Spring Break tradition

4. 3.


1. Volunteers watch as Larry receives his Habitat home. Larry’s new home is in the Ninth Ward, one of the hardest hit areas of New Orleans.

2. After following markings on the wood, senior Kameron Klimes and fellow volunteers place a wall on the finished pile. The walls for three different houses were built within three days. 3. Keeping in mind not to bend their nails, volunteers hammer together planks to form walls with space for windows and doors. Many experienced sore arms and hands after hours of construction..



4. With colors chosen by this house’s future owner, senior Brittney Friedman applies a fresh coat of paint. Habitat homebuyers pay for the supplies needed to build the house, while the labor is provided for free. 5. Staying within the lines, seniors Taylor Foley and Eureka student Nick Stuckwish repaint a sundial. Volunteers who didn’t work with Habitat helped at charter schools.

Teresa Avila / Reporter

For one week in March, Lafayette seniors, parents and staff members chose to travel to New Orleans, LA to build houses and tutor students on the annual Senior Spring Break trip. “I want to provide an opportunity for the senior class, before they go to college, to go as a group to represent Lafayette, serve and do some good for the common man,” Assistant Principal Tim Jones said. The Senior Spring Break trip started four years ago when Hurricane Katrina damaged Pass Christian High School in Mississippi. Lafayette had adopted Pass Christian as a sister school the year before the hurricane. Jones said, “The Ruello family had moved from Pass Christian to Lafayette, and when the hurricane hit. We gave them a big check at the Academic Pep Assembly. But that following fall, Mr. [Larry] Schmidt came up to me and said, ‘What do you think about taking a trip over Spring Break with the seniors and going down to Pass Christian?’” This year, due to an age qualification and economic factors, volunteers worked with the New Orleans Habitat for Humanity, painting, installing siding, building walls and putting together the basic frame of a house. In addition, students worked with the New Orleans Outreach program, tutoring students and completing basic upkeep at the Arthur Ashe Charter School and S. J. Green Charter School. The volunteers also took a trip to Mississippi, where students had the opportunity to visit the First Missionary Baptist Church in Pearlington, MS, which previous volunteers had helped rebuild. Monday in Pearlington included a dinner with seniors from Pass Christian. “They didn’t mind us asking awkward questions and they were so friendly,” senior Melissa Berry said. In addition to volunteering, the Spring Break trip created new, closer friendships and fresh perspectives. “I’ve realized how many awesome kids there are who are willing to give up their Break to help people,” math teacher and chaperone Lorraine Weiss said. “My favorite part has been getting to know them, but not as a teacher.” “I’ve learned what it means to really help other people,” Berry said. “We’ll keep going. They’ll take 10 years to rebuild those neighborhoods,” Jones said. There have been signs of progress in the rebuilding. On St. Patrick’s Day, volunteers at the Habitat for Humanity site attended a ceremony where a new Habitat homeowner, Larry, was presented with his house in the ninth ward, one of the hardest hit areas of New Orleans. Senior Christine Hibler was chosen to present the house keys, a symbolically significant event. “I was just standing there, and the director guy said, ‘Hey, you can do it,’” Hibler said. “A lot of times you don’t see the end product, you just see us working,” Weiss said. “But when you get to see someone get their house you think ‘ok, that’s why we’re here.’”


Any staff or students who decide to wear purple or red on April 16 are doing so voluntarily and are exercising their freedom of expression.” -Craig Larson, Superintendent


April 16, 2010

Day of Silence:

Students protest to ‘end the silence’ Sarah Greenlee/Reporter

Schools across the nation have students who endure harassment about race, religion or sexual orientation. This behavior has led to the formation of a national day of recognition. The Day of Silence was founded in 1996 by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to encourage students to address bullying towards people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). Participating students are supposed to wear a red shirt and remain silent for the duration of the day. The silence represents the students who are silenced by fear and silenced for being who they are. “What are you going to do to end the silence?” is used as a motto in their effort. Two years ago the GLSEN adopted the day to include all oppressed groups. Lafayette’s Diversity Alliance is a strong participant in this, as well as many Lafayette students who aren’t in Diversity Alliance. Jean Peters, Diversity Alliance sponsor said this is the main event the group participates in. She said the students are very passionate about it, and almost everyone wants to participate. On the Day of Silence students

bring flyers to their classes which explain why they are choosing not to speak. “Students could [get a flyer that says they] either support the global acceptance idea or the traditional LGBT. Of the students who participated last year it was about 50/50,” Peters said. “People decorate their [Day of Silence] shirts however they want to. On the morning of, people come in to pick up their shirts and a flyer. This is the explanation to teachers, although I encourage students to talk to teachers prior to this day,” Peters said. Peters said she is very appreciative of the rest of the staff’s response. “I’ve never, not once, had any of my colleagues question it. They’ve all been very respectful.” She continued, “Day of Silence is recognized mostly on college campuses, although more and more high schools are participating now.” This fact may be true, but Lafayette is the only active participant out of the Rockwood high schools. Marquette High School’s Diversity Alliance sponsor Amy Doyle said, “We participated in this about four years ago, but have yet to do so since. We might be doing it this year, but I have not heard officially from the students.” Neither Rockwood Summit High

School nor Eureka High School has a Diversity Alliance group. “In the past we have had a GayStraight Alliance, but this school year, no students approached us with a request to organize this student group [Diversity Alliance],” said Rockwood Summit Principal Dale Menke. “I anticipate having some students participate in the Day of Silence. We have never had a school-wide observance of the Day of Silence,” Menke continued. Eureka Principal Jim Wipke said, “To my knowledge no one has talked to me about participating in this national event. “ April 16 has also been selected as Rockwood’s “Power of Purple” Day. The Board of Eduction approved the Rockwood Relay for Life committee’s request to participate in this national day of recognition for the Relay for Life events held in the summer. The Power of Purple Day is designed to raise awareness of the event. The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life is a fundraiser and celebration of life in honor and memory of those whose lives have been touched by cancer. The Board proclamation asks all students, staff and teachers wear purple in support of Rockwood’s

Relay for Life. Students will be faced with a choice between wearing red or purple, but some may not find it to be a difficult choice though. Senior Luke Klein does not support the Day of Silence, although he is openly gay. “I really dislike the day of silence, mainly because it is a day of protest for acceptance of gay people which isn’t necessarily the way to go about this. It usually causes people to get more off-put by the situation. And it’s better to live through your daily life and reach out to people and let them know that gay people are normal,” Klein said. He added, “Just having one day doesn’t make a difference. There aren’t that many people who do it. And a lot of those people don’t do it the right way. But essentially I don’t agree with it. It’s not the way I would go about promoting acceptance of gay people.” Superintendent Craig Larson said, “Any staff or students who decide to wear purple or red on April 16 are doing so voluntarily and are exercising their freedom of expression” He continued, “Obviously, it is possible that students could create a disruption by their actions on that day. But wearing colored clothing is certainly not a disruption in itself.”

News Briefs EOC Exams

These EOC tests take place April 19-23 and consist of Algebra I, English II, Biology and Government tests. Associate Principal Renee Trotier said, “It’s how the school district is held accountable for meeting Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) under No Child Left Behind.”


Current work on the varsity locker rooms and the multi-purpose room is running smoothly. Construction will go on through summer and is planned to be finished for the 20102011 school year.

Choice Awards

The LHS Choice Awards ceremony gives staff members an opportunity to single out one of their students for a special recognition. This year’s Choice Awards took place on April 7, including a breakfast for students and staff.

Senior Awards

On April 21 at 7 p.m., the Class of 2010 will recognize students for everything from excellent grade point averages to physical education students of the month at this year’s Senior Awards.



The Image

Bright Flight:

Nixon proposes major cuts to student grants Caleb Cavarretta/ Reporter

As many students begin to decide what university they want to attend, some may be forced to shorten their college lists. This would be due to proposed cuts to state scholarship funds for in-state students who would attend a private university in Missouri. These cuts were originally proposed by Governor Jay Nixon during a speech to the Springfield Business Development Corporation on March 11. “Missouri has wonderful colleges and universities, both public and private,” Nixon said in his speech. “But in times like these, we simply cannot continue to subsidize the choice to attend a private university.” The two major programs that would be affected are the need based Access Missouri and the merit-based Bright Flight scholarship. These cuts would be a part of Nixon’s plan to make the Missouri government “leaner, nimbler and less costly.” The cuts are a response to budget concerns, as the state is roughly $500 million in debt for the 2011 budget. If these proposed cuts are enacted, many students who are considering attending private universities in the area will be affected. Some of the affected universities will include St. Louis University, Missouri Baptist University, Washington University and Webster University. 86 percent of students at Lafayette attend a four year university, with 20 to 30 percent attending a private university, College Specialist Chris Ramsay said. Ramsay believes these cuts would have some effect on student decisions, but “it wouldn’t be a

mass exodus from the private schools. But there are many students that rely on that money.” “Nowadays, for a long time and for a long time to come, the financial aspects of a college decision are going to be very important and can influence whether a student decides what particular school to go to,” he said. In the event of these proposals passing, Ramsay believes private schools would have to adjust. “They are going to have to find some other sources [for aid to students], and in an economy like this, and with endowments and alumni donations to schools being probably down too, that is going to be a difficult situation for the private schools,” Ramsay said. Junior Ben Howard, who has considered attending Washington University, said, “If Jay Nixon’s proposals go forward, my chances of going to a private university are completely decimated.” Howard wants to attend a private university because of the selective education. He believes it is unlikely he will be able to afford a private university’s high costs without state scholarships. While Howard recognizes state budget concerns, he said, “If there is any section of the budget that should be cut, education should be the lowest on the list.” Howard is also concerned that some of these cuts could affect his Bright Flight scholarship. “Bright flight is the only way I am even going to get into college,” Howard said. Washington University has tuition and room and board costs which reach about $37 thousand a year. This would complicate junior Rena Black’s plans, as she also intended to attend Washington University.

She has been distressed by the possibility of losing state funds for scholarships. “I think Nixon is an idiot for [considering] cutting education funds, which is the most important thing,” Black said. Attending Washington University is also a possibility for junior Justin Nauman. Nauman believes that the proposal to cut these funds is an inappropriate response to state budget issues. “Funds should not be cut from education. It could be cut in the future, but it should definitely not be one of the first things to go,” Nauman said. Senior Sam Stulce wants to attend Webster University, also a private college. “I would say that in that case [if these proposals go forward] I might not be considering attending a private school anymore,” Stulce said. Webster University is also a possibility for junior Jake Stergos. “There are probably other things they could cut, but why not hold kids back from achieving their futures. It’s not a huge deal,” Stergos said sarcastically. Stergos is concerned that these proposals could include cutting Bright Flight for students attending private colleges. “I have a 34 on the ACT, and if that was cut down it would anger me quite a bit, because that is a major part of what my scholarships are going to be,” Stergos said. These cuts are a sign of the many changes that the government will be making to curb its spending. “Anything is on the table in our current budget crisis, as a state and as a country. Nothing at a local or state level is safe from cuts,” Ramsay said.

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April 16, 2010 8 News Proposition 5 funds to be used for next year Misha Emanoil / Reporter

On April 6, Proposition 5 was passed with about 64 percent of votes, though only 57.4 percent were needed to supply the Rockwood School District with a $55 million bond issue. The School Board placed Proposition 5 on the ballot after months of reviewing Rockwood’s facilities. A 50-member committee, composed of parents and staff representatives from Rockwood schools, also backed the bond issue. If the proposition did not pass, the district may have had to cut the operating budget to pay for the new technology needed by schools. “The operating budget is typically used for instruction, textbooks, utilities, transportation costs, salaries and benefits,” Lafayette Quadrant Leader for the Citizens’ Committee for Better Rockwood Schools, Laura Gigliotti said. She added, “The district has already made cuts in some of these areas, that’s is why it [was] crucial for Proposition 5 to pass.” The district also needs to update facilities to be in compliance with the Clean Water Act, which requires the schools to hold on to water after rain and filter the water. “[The Clean Water Act] adds a considerable expense to almost any project anybody does now that involves construction outside,” Rockwood Superintendant Craig Larson said. The school will receive many benefits from the bond issue, such as improved technology in classrooms. “Additional computers will be installed in classrooms to increase the number of computers available to students,” Gigliotti said. She continued, “Full time teachers will receive laptops to provide improved access to technology resources.” The district will also purchase new computers because of a policy that requires computers in district facilities to be able to run current software. “We have a policy in the building and in the district that requires computers to be rotated on a regular basis to

Persuading for Prop 5

Supporting the bond issue, Lafayette’s Parent Teacher Organization President Tracey Nyhan, works outside of a polling station at local church to encourage voters to vote ‘yes’ for Proposition 5. The proposition passed with 64 percent of the vote. (photo by Daniel Clutter)

make sure we have computers that will run the most up to date software,” Media Specialist Bill Stewart said. “We don’t use computers in the building that are more than five years old.” Also, more student response systems will be purchased by the school, as well as SMART Boards for the classrooms that do not have them yet. Classes with outdated SMART Boards will be given replacements. Another improvement to the school will be improved internet access and speed. “One of the biggest benefits for the Lafayette school site is an increase in the network infrastructure, helping us to have a faster, more secure broadband connection,” Stewart said

The outdoor stadium will also be updated with an improved entrance, better fencing and restrooms. A number of other issues the school has will also be fixed, such as enhancing the heating and cooling systems, security, and electrical services. The current debt reduction tax, which is 68 cents to every $100 of property value, will be extended from 2022 to 2024 to pay for the bond issue. “Each year, the district pays off old debt from previous bond issues, which can increase [the district’s] assessed value,” Gigliotti said. The passed bond issue will supply the district with the means to create a better environment for students and staff.

Staff members participate in marathon to endorse fitness Alex West / Reporter

Becoming physically fit is a trend rapidly catching on. There are TV shows, political campaigns and careers all dedicated to getting in shape. St. Louis is no exception. On April 11, the 10th annual Go! St. Louis Marathon took place in St. Louis. Runners raced around famous St. Louis sites such as the Gateway Arch, Busch Stadium, Forest Park and ended by the Soldier’s Memorial Building. The event featured multiple lengths allowing athletes of any age or skill level to participate. Some Lafayette staff supported physical fitness by participating in the event. Language Arts teacher Amy White took part in the half-marathon. “I [was] a little nervous because I’m not a runner and really don’t enjoy running, but I’m really proud of how hard I’ve worked and how far I’ve come throughout this process,” she said. White heard about the race through her cousin, who also took part. “She suggested this marathon for us to start with because it’s local and family could support us along the route,” she said. White was glad to have her friends and

family with her during the race. She said, “My sister and two friends are running so we decided to run together. I knew if I was running by myself, I wouldn’t commit. Now that I have a support system and accountability, I’ve stuck with it.” Before the race White said, “I’ve been gearing up for it since the fall so I’m ready for it to be race day.” World Language teacher Kristen Bortner agreed a running buddy is helpful. “I chose to participate in the half-marathon this year because my one of my best friends decided to run it with me,” she said. Bortner participated in Go! St. Louis last year and has set a new goal for herself. “My goal is to feel better during and after the race than I did last year,” she said. Bortner added, “Walking up and down stairs was torture for about a week.” Special School District teacher Renee Crinnion also looked forward to participating in the race. “About two years ago I ran my first marathon in San Antonio to raise money for SSM Rehab and enjoyed it,” Crinnion said. However, recovery was longer than ex-

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pected so she decided to run a half-marathon last year. Crinnion said, “It felt wonderful afterwards, so I decided to participate again this year.” Like White, Crinnion enjoys Go! St. Louis because it is close to home. “The added incentive to running it in St. Louis is that there are no travel costs,” she said. Science teacher Ginny Colombatto has been running in Go! St. Louis since 2002. She encourages everyone to participate. “I always loved playing sports but was never good enough to make the team. I encourage anyone who never made ‘the team’ to come and run,” she said. All four of these teachers approached training in different ways. Colombatto and Bortner run several times a week. Crinnion works with a trainer to work on not only fitness, but also nutrition. And White has been using the Hal Higdon training program, which gradually increases the length of training runs. These staff members are strong believers in Go! St. Louis’s marathons message, “To encourage physical fitness in people of all ages.”

“Physical fitness is a great stress buster. That is why I love to run. Due to the endorphin rush, it elevates your mood, energy level and makes it easier to focus,” Colombatto said. Crinnion agreed, “I have found I get sick less often or my recovery time is shorter.” She continued, “I also feel less stressed and more relaxed. This is in addition to just feeling better about myself in general.” White and Bortner said they feel their best after exercising. “Physical fitness is important for allaround health. When I run, I just feel better,” Bortner said. White agreed, “If I don’t work out or run, I don’t feel as good as when I do. It definitely plays a part in my mood.” She continued, “I feel physical fitness is important because you have to take care of yourself. I’ve found that if I’m working out, mentally and emotionally I feel better as well. It’s just good for me all around.” Colombatto finished the race in an hour and 58 minutes and Crinnion finished in two hours and 59 minutes. White finished not close behind in three hours and 15 minutes. “It was crowded but it was a lot of fun,” Colombatto said.

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9 Feature Farmers markets attract local residents

The Image

Kelley Bauer / Reporter

First established in 1779, Soulard Farmers Market has become a trademark as one of the largest and most popular markets in the area. Open year round Wednesday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. it opens doors to customers looking for fresh produce at a good price. Not only does the market specialize in produce, but also everything from baked goods to tapestries, making it a more unique experience for customers. Upon stepping off Carroll Street, the bustling energy of Soulard’s famous outdoor and indoor market is apparent. Local jazz musicians play the sax greeting people as they make their way through the market. Traces of St. Louis culture, such as these musical displays, add to the celebration of community spirit the Soulard Farmers Market strives to uphold. Vendors hand out samples of just about everything from crisp apples to grass-fed beef while on the other side of the market, hand crafted bracelets and recycled shoes are sold and traded. Joan Stephens and her husband are one of the approximately 60 vendors at Soulard. She specializes in mostly produce and has been retailing with the farmers market for eight years. “[My husband and I] come here every Friday and Saturday all the way from Millbrook, IL since that’s where we grow most of the produce,” Stephens said. She continued, “There’s always a great atmosphere here, so I don’t mind the distance. It’s great to see the same faces every week, you really get to know your customers.” Many of Stephens’s regular customers are on a first name base with her.

Welcome to Soulard

St. Louis community members wander about the Soulard Farmers Market, first established in 1779. “Our best season is in the summer. It’s when some of the best produce is grown and when people usually love to come out and enjoy the weather and shop,”Joan Stephens said. (photo by Kelly Bauer)

Although Saturdays are the busiest day of the week, she enjoys the hectic nature. “Our best season is in the summer. It’s when some of the best produce is grown and when people usually love to come out and enjoy the weather and shop,” Stephens said. Like many of the farmers at Soulard, she believes strongly in buying locally grown food. “The main reason people buy from local growers is because it’s fresher and usu-

ally cheaper than the grocery,” Stephens explained. She adamant that the growers here only produce food that’s organic “which promotes a healthier lifestyle for our patrons.” A nearby playground and baseball field also make it a family friendly environment. Even a mini pet store operates inside the building, giving children the opportunity to hold a baby chick or to buy a goldfish. Families are not only seen shopping at

the market, but also behind the counter. Besides their products, many of Soulard’s vendors bring with them some of their own customs. Inside the refrigerated butcher room, Amish people from communities around Missouri and Illinois sell fresh meat and milk products to customers. Soulard Farmers Market is the epitome of a family environment that not only feeds the local community but also supports uniting it.

The greater St. louis area offers a wide variety of farmers markets Mary Buttram / Reporter

Clayton Farmers Market

8282 Forsyth Blvd. Saturdays 8:30 a.m.-noon This farmers market takes place in the employee parking lot of Straub’s in Clayton.   Their mission is to promote good foods from locally grown producers and regionally branded products that appeal to dedicated Market-goers, support local farmers, spotlight organic items as well as other unique or seasonal specialties, and to educate the public about the preparation of local seasonal food.   There are many advantages to purchasing from farmers markets. According to Market Master, A.J Trujillo, “Variety is one [advantage]: you won’t often see ten varieties of heirloom tomato in one place at a conventional grocer. The personal connection of meeting the very people who raised the lamb or harvested the honey you’re buying is another.   Additionally, the value can also be persuasive when offered outside the typical supply chain.”   The market is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year and in addition

to the usual music and activities there will be anniversary events. “[The anniversary] would not be possible without the support of our loyal patrons, Straub’s Markets, and the City of Clayton,” Trujillo said.   All foods and products must be products of Missouri or Illinois and home-produced. Many times there are samples to showcase the fresh foods and unique recipes of the vendors. The Clayton Farmers Market re-opens in May.

Ellisville Farmers Market

Bluebird Park 225 Kiefer Creek Rd. Thursdays 4-7p.m. starts May 13 Like many of the other missions of local farmers markets, the Ellisville Farmers Market’s mission is to promote fresh farmed goods from locally grown producers, endorse regionally branded products that appeal to dedicated market-goers, support local farmers, organic produce as well as other unique or seasonal specialties, and to educate the public about the preparation of local seasonal food.   Bluebird Park hosts this fun market and has created a secure feeling

of community. Not only are there regular customers, but last season, the market started the Kids Market. Tents are set up and children are free to do hands on activities and participate in demonstrations relating to healthy snacks.   According to the market’s manager, René Sackett, “We saw many of the same kid’s and families from week to week. Many parents stated that the kid’s were asking the parents to come to the Kid’s Market.” The food is locally grown within a 100150 mile radius of the market. This way, the money stays in the area and the food is fresher.   “The nutrition and the taste are both exceptional in local and naturally grown food,” Sackett said.   “The nutrition that the produce gets from the soil, the composting and hand weeding and from being picked, delivered and sometimes eaten the same day makes a tremendous difference.”

Kirkwood FarmersMarket 130 E. Jefferson Ave. Weekdays: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday hours vary by vendor

On April 1, the Kirkwood farmers market opened for the season. The market was created in 1976 by the City of Kirkwood as a bicentennial project. Located right in the middle of all the hub-bub of Downtown Kirkwood, the market brings a little country to the busy streets. From plants to baked goods, the market serves as a wonderful place to buy fresh produce and buds.   “Tunes at Ten” is a featured event of the farmers market for this coming market season. O­n the first two Saturdays in June, July, and August local bands will play at 10 a.m. There are many other events happening at the local food- themed bazaar.

O’Fallon Farmers and Artist Market

900 T.R. Hughes Blvd Saturdays: 7a.m.-noon Weekdays: , 3.-7p.m. Hosted in the River City Rascals parking lot, the O’Fallon Farmers and Artist Market brings the community of O’Fallon together.   Produce, meats, flowers and even hand-made artistry are sold at this market. “Customers get to know who is grows their food, learn of a pesticide or additives, food is fresher,

tastes better,” manager of the marketWendy Glidden said.   Habitual customers are greeted each Saturday which secure the sense of community. This market benefits the customers as well as the vendors. “Farmers pay minimal vendors fees upfront that help to pay for signage, website, and promotion.   Their daily sales go directly in their pocket,” Wendy Glidden said. “The market has established itself as a welcoming market with fresh food to share. The Market is the new Town Square. There is a better sense of community,” Glidden said.

Wildwood Farmers Market

Saturdays: 8a.m.-3 p.m. The Wildwood Farmers Market is located in the new town center and offers a fun atmosphere and fresh food. The market sells prepared items, baked goods and crafts. demonstrations are available to promote the sharing of food with the community.    It claims that the goal of their farmers market is to be known not just as a “niche” market but as a fun, family-friendly place to do one-stop shopping for local products.


April 16, 2010

A Time to Celebrate:

Opportunities arise to receive free birthday gifts D.Anne Vollmayer/Reporter

urday and Sunday games are due the Friday before by noon. Maximum number of characters is 24 including punctuation and many fields of contact information are required.


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With the shape of the current economy, people are pinching pennies in every way Senior makes joke of celebrating ‘birthday’ all year-round possible. Now, birthdays can be double the It’s birthday time all year-round for senior Jon Alspaw, who has celebrated his ‘birthday’ at Oishi celebration, with a list of things people can five times in the past year. Alspaw said he wasn’t sure when the tradition started, but it did start get for free on their birthday. when he and a few of his friends were just out for dinner. In addition to the multiple restaurants “They bang a drum and sing something I can’t understand,” he said. that have free treats for One of Alspaw’s friends, senior Brendon Higgins is usually the one to tip off the waiter that those celebrating their it’s Alspaw’s ‘birthday’. birthdays. Alspaw said his friends do it because they think they’re funny. He doesn’t go to Oishi very Hollywood often but every time he does, he celebrates another ‘birthday’. Video gives His best memory of the tradition is once he came out of the bathroom and there was a Japafree rentals to nese man waiting at his table with cake and a giant drum, and his favorite part is the free cake. that person and “It should be noted that they have taken my picture a few times and put it on some wall. So you can go look and see if I’m still up.” he said. everyone who shares the account. Also, Hooters gives away a Birthdays free T-shirt are always being cel to  anyone 636-332-2809 phone • 636-332-6041 fax ebrated at Busch Stadium with celebrating -Chevys: Dessert and take-home sombrero. email:  a free birthday message on the ribbon their birth-Del Taco: Two soft tacos and milkshake. scoreboards along the first and third base day. -El Maguey: dessert and non-take-home sombrero. foul lines. The message request is due at least DRAFT -  www.wrappedcustomgifts.com -Hodak’s: Chicken dinner. 48 hours before the game and messages for Sat-




The Image



Words with Friends Scrabble Revolutionized

The age of technology has taken over our country, and even the most well-known commodities have been replaced. Now, a board game we all know and love is available for Apple iPhone and iTouch owners. Scrabble, a game once played with wooden tiles and a cardboard playing board has been revolutionized. Maddie Johnson / Reporter

In a world where talking has been replaced by texting, iPods have made Walkman CD players obsolete and an iPhone application can do something as far fetched as turning out the lights in your living room, a new household name has recently been replaced. Scrabble, a board game that many grew up with, is now in a more advanced, technological form known by many iPhone and iTouch owners as the popular application, “Words with Friends.� The game is interactive and can be played between only two people. “It’s a lot like Scrabble and you try to make words. You get points for letters and so the person with the most points at the end wins,� Words with Friends addict sophomore Kait Richardson said. Additional perks of the game include an instant messaging feature where opponents

can communicate. “You can joke about it, talk trash. It’s like, when do you ever talk trash about a big word? ‘Yeah, look that up in your dictionary!’� senior Graham Lauff said. Yet, the notorious question that many are looking for an answer to is, if Scrabble has been around for such a long time, what makes Words with Friends so much more fun and addicting? “One thing that perplexes me is that Scrabble, before this, has never really been that popular of a game. Scrabble is usually looked upon as an educational game,� Lauff said. “But when it comes to being on the iPhone, the fact that you can connect with people, with friends and stuff, hence the name Words with Friends, somehow turns it into this really exciting and amusing game that people play at school,� he explained. He added, “It’s like a household name

Battle of Words

On the Apple iPhone and iTouch, opponents compete against one another on a game board (as seen to the left) to see who can create the highest scoring word.

now.� Senior Katelyn Hufton finds the application to be much more convenient than the original board game. “It’s easier, and you can just play whenever you want. You don’t have to bring a board game with you,� she said. Addictions to this application have proven to be a problem for some. Students can often be found engrossed in a game of Words with Friends when they should be working in class. Industrial Technology teacher Mark McAllister teaches a 7th Hour Principles of Engineering class full of Words with Friends participants. “While it’s academic in nature and the kids could be doing worse things, I think they need to actually scramble any kind of internet frequencies that go to any phone in the district,� McAllister said. Though McAllister shows support for the concept of the game, he does not find

it appropriate for use during class time. It is not uncommon that he has to ask students to put away iTouches or iPhones during class hours. “I find it to be a big distraction, but it’s one of those things where it’s academic, it shows they are using a wide vocabulary, but they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing in my class, and it becomes a major distraction,� McAllister said. Though the game has its downfalls, Words with Friends, like any other viral game, will have a long run of involvement in students’ lives. Whether or not its educational value outweighs its distraction factor is for users to decide. But in the meantime, students will continue to use their superior vocabulary skills. Now all of those accumulated years of language arts classes can be used to outsmart their peers.


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Fit Club:


April 16, 2010

Getting in shape even easier with weight loss program Leanne Beasley & Grace Bueckendorf / Reporters

Being active slips the mind of most teenagers as they make time for video games, texting and anything else but breaking a sweat. The problem could be that there isn’t enough time in the day to workout with school and extracurricular activities that occupy student’s time. But what would happen if physical activity got simpler, more accessible and there was incentive to succeed? At Lafayette all that has been created this school year. Fit Club is a new club was for students and staff to workout after school. Fit Club sponsor Betsy Rivas loves the idea of making working out even easier and making it more fun. “Improving personal fitness is a big payback. You feel better, you operate better, you’re more confident and your self-esteem grows,” Rivas said. However, with such an accessible source of physical activity, not many are taking to this easy way to get healthy. Although, the club was originally intended for staff and students, it has turned into a predominately staff workout club. “We’ve had a low turnout overall. We’ve had maybe eight to ten regular members, one of which is a student,” Rivas said. The Fit Club was introduced hand-inhand with an optional competition for both students and staff to partake in. The competition is sponsored by Club Fitness and Dynamic Fitness Management (DFM) and provides a one year membership to the student or staffer who loses the greatest percent of body fat. The weekly sessions include opportunities like tips from trainers, testimonials and food guidance to aid in a healthy lifestyle. “We’ve got DFM trainers involved with our club. One trainer comes to measure every month for the competition. Another is a virtual trainer which broadcasts tips to all our members,” Rivas said. Fit Club is a personalized system and every meeting consists of an all-together collaboration which all the members decide what should be completed for that day. “It’s very interactive; [members] get to choose what they’re doing. Whatever people want to do, whatever people are comfortable with we just follow that,” Rivas said. Rivas agrees by making everything more personable that more unlikely participants will begin to attend. “It’s more for the non-athletes than the athletes although everybody is welcome. Athletes have their own schedule, some throughout the year, and of course at the time of their sport they definitely have a workout time dedicated just to that sport.”

Senior Kelli Brennan agrees Fit Club is an easy way to step up staff and student’s workout and be healthier. “It’s fabulous because our high school needs to be more healthy and conscious about their weight,” Brennan said. Fit Club is designed not only to help students and staff to lose body fat but to promote a healthier, obtainable lifestyle. Throughout the club’s meetings, the provided tools are made to aid this process. Another aspect of Fit Club that students enjoy is the relationship that is being created between faculty and the students in a new way. Junior Kelsey O’Toole also likes the effects of Fit Club on the staff and students. “It’s a good idea because it gives the teachers a positive way to interact with students,” O’Toole said. With Fit Club being brand new, some teachers took it upon themselves to introduce Fit Club in their classrooms to get students involved. Language Arts teacher Melinda Bond presented the Fit Club flyer to her classes, hoping students would latch onto the Club

Fitness membership award. “I showed the flyer on the overhead date projector to promote it. We were not asked to do that, but I wanted students to know it was available,” she said. Bond added, “Promoting health is important especially to young people. I want them to know the importance of exercise and eating well early in life,” Bond understands the difficulty of mustering up the energy to work out, but also emphasizes the importance. “Some people don't feel like it fits into their schedule so they don't even try. It takes discipline and energy that at the end of the day. I love the idea of Fit Club. It gets people together for fellowship while making them healthier too. It brings likeminded people together so we can celebrate and struggle together,” Bond said. Although getting fit is harder for some than others, Fit Club molds around each member’s needs and abilities for optimum results for everyone. Fit Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 -4:15 p.m.

Tracking Progress

After the DFM trainer had just taken measurements, production center specialist Karen Hilf, math teacher Patricia Mabie and Fit Club sponsor Betsy Rivas meet after school to mark their progress. Fit Club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15- 4:15 p.m. (photo by Leanne Beasley)


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reventing ragedy Increasing teen suicide rates lead students, staff to offer more help


Adam Harris / Feature Editor

enry Thoreau once said, “The mass of men lead quite lives of desperation.” which holds true when taking a look at the group of kids that tend to commit suicide. These individuals are not those who parade around in black clothing and sport the ‘emo’ look but those who you would never guess would consider taking their own lives. Last May, junior Sara Denney faced the suicide of her 13-year-old brother, Stevie. Stevie was a typical teenage boy enjoying hanging out with his friends, family, playing the violin and baseball. On the surface everything seemed fine, but beneath the veil of normalcy laid a bigger problem. The Denney family believes a bad school experience and a bad impulsive decision lead him to take his own life. “The little things were getting to him,” Denny said. “I’ve written letters to teachers in Rockwood and even to Dr. [Craig] Larson himself that have included factors that contributed to my brother’s suicide and how teachers need to realize the huge impact they have on their students’ lives,” she added. Denney believes suicide rates have increased due to it being romanticized in the media, “Which doesn’t always show the aftermath of suicide, only the notion that everything is fine because all of that person’s troubles are gone,” Denney said. “I also believe it needs to be something that is actually talked about and not skipped over because it’s a touchy subject that makes some feel uncomfortable,” she continued. Denney is not a part of a suicide awareness organization but hopes to start speaking to teachers about how they treat their students. “I think it might be a good way to help me heal by preventing another family to have to go through what mine has,” she said. Denney encourages suicide awareness, “Because of the immense amount of pressure put on kids by their parents, teachers and friends.” Hoping the suicide of her brother changes the mind of another person from taking their lives Denney said, “It’s a horrible thing to do to the people you love and no mat-

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ter what there are people that care about you more than you understand.” She added, “I hope it makes people think twice about how they treat others and to remind their loved ones of how much they care and how lucky they are to have them.” “I would advise anyone thinking about suicide to please, please, please talk to someone, I of all people would be more than happy to help,” Denney said. She continued, “Whatever you’re feeling, no matter how painful, it will not be like that forever and no matter who you are, you have no idea how much people actually care for you” Social studies teacher James Waeckerle was involved in a crisis hotline for six months to complete a practicum for his Masters Degree in School and Professional Counseling. “I wanted to know how I should respond if a student ever came to me with suicidal thoughts,” Waeckerle said. Undergoing extensive training at Life Crisis Services Waeckerle went to a six day, 48 hour class. “It included a lot of research as well as simulated calls,” Waeckerle said. He continued, “After training, we had our first few shifts monitored by another experienced crisis worker to make sure we responded to calls appropriately.” When presented with a call Waeckerle would conduct a risk assessment and ensure the individual’s safety. “Then we would listen to what was causing them to feel suicidal. We would encourage them to find a time in their life when they were happy and try to help them figure out ways that they could get back to that place,” Waeckerle said. “I think it is incredibly important to have suicide awareness in today’s society because it is the third leading cause of death in people aged 15-24. It is also important that people know that there are places like Life Crisis and KUTO which offer places to call if you are feeling suicidal,” he added. Waeckerle encourages students talk to teachers, parents and counselors. “You are not alone and there are people that care about you and want to help you. But, you have to reach out and let someone know you are feeling this way,” he said.

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“Life is full of challenges, but with help we can overcome them,” he said. When confronting a counselor about suicide and depression they will make a student sign a “Life Pact” in which they agree not to hurt themselves. “As part of the Life Pact, I would provide them with phone numbers they could call for help such as KUTO and National Suicide Prevention Hotline. I would notify a parent or guardian so that they could seek professional help for their son or daughter,” Counselor Marybeth Desloge said. She believes suicide is more prominent between the ages of 15-24 because they do not have the experience adults have. “It is easy for things to seem as if they are hopeless or as if there is no way out,” she added. Rockwood’s Director of Guidance and Counseling, Dr. Sharon Sevier, organized a three-part parent series on suicide prevention for parents. “We are concerned about the increasing number of students struggling with depression and anxiety. We wanted parents to be aware of the sings of depression and suicide, and what steps can be taken to help students who are struggling,” Sevier said. Sevier explains that many times students become overwhelmed with school, jobs and sports. “Some juggle life’s events very well; for others, too much comes at them too fast and they see no solutions,” she said. Sevier added, “There is also research that’s been done on the adolescent brain and impulsivity control. So, it’s a combination of emotional and biological aspects that can lead to suicidal thoughts.” On April 27, at Crestview Middle School, parenting tips will be discussed to make students less prone to suicide. Sevier said she hopes parents and students learn that, “Awareness, education and most especially, an opening for conversation between parents and kids,” is important in combating suicide. “Open communication, is the key to ending this tragedy,” she said. “I would do anything to keep someone else’s little brother form doing this, and keeping their family from going through that is worth it,” Denney said.



April 16, 2010

Officiating jobs put students in control of games they love Molly White/Reporter

Everyone has their sport—something they’re great at and are passionate about. Some people choose to have the whistle in hand and call the game whether they participate in the sport or not. This is the case for senior Mason Jones, a baseball umpire. Jones has been playing baseball since he was a kid and decided that umpiring would be a great way to stay close to something he loved as well as earn money from having a summer job. “This job is probably the best job anyone can get. I get to spend the whole day around baseball and be outdoors in the sunshine,” he said. Another benefit of umpiring is the flexibility. “The Umpire in Chief is very understandable of school and other activities that occur,” Jones said. He continued, “Every umpire gets to choose their own personal schedule, and if for some reason they cannot make that time, all they have to do is change their game with someone else, then if something goes wrong and you cannot make it, the Umpire in Chief is a very forgiving and easygoing person.” Refereeing jobs usually give generous paychecks as well. Jones said, “I probably make more money from one game (one hour and 45 minutes) than most kids would make in four hours of their remedial jobs. Who would not want to make twice as much money for something twice as exciting?” But for all the benefits of umpiring there has to be a negative aspect. “The only downside is I get a nasty farmer’s tan,” Jones joked. Compared with other sports, Jones believes baseball has the most rules to learn. “This keeps things varied and interesting. There is never the same play in baseball and never a dull moment,” he said. If people heckle Jones, he’s able to stand up for himself by stating

Making The Call

Aspiring umpires learn the skills necessary to officiate Ellisville Athletic Association baseball and softball games. To ref for EAA, umps must be at least 13 years old and attend two umpire training sessions. (photo by Molly White)

the correct rules of the game. “When a coach comes out to argue a rule and you can rattle off ‘You’re wrong’ because rule 9.03(c) states something different, it feels great to put that coach in his place for all the yelling he has done,” he said. But Jones isn’t always able to stand up to the intense fan. “When I first started umpiring I was the type of person who listened to everything people said, and took everything to heart, but the one thing I learned as an umpire is to ignore it all,” Jones said. He continued, “Coaches, players, even parents get upset when the game is tight, and as soon as a play does not go their way they

are sure to make themselves vocal.” Jones said he encounters the occasional parent or coach that takes one step too far. “When this happens they get the signature move that every umpire is known for- the ejection point off the field. And if that does not work (which has only ever been the case once at Chesterfield) the police have to get involved and escort them off of the complex,” Jones explained. Senior Caitlin Gettinger is a volleyball referee and also experiences heckling. “Sometimes I just ignore them, or laugh because what they say is usually ridiculous. I did yell at a

parent once because they would not stop yelling at my scorekeeper,” she said. Despite the troublesome fans, Gettinger recommends refereeing to people who are familiar with the sport and know the rules as well have a passion for the game. “I would recommend the job to people who play volleyball because you know the rules extremely well from playing and it is something close to what you are doing in your own life,” she explained. Payment for refereeing a volleyball match is ample. “I would get $12 per match, and matches usually last about an hour. I was definitely happy with it because it was not a hard job and I think the pay was generous,” Gettinger said. Junior Ashley Coffman has refereed volleyball since eighth grade. “I had played club ball since sixth grade and you have to referee during that anyway so I thought it would be even better if I got paid for it,” Coffman said. She continued, “I chose to ref volleyball because I know the sport and it would be harder to learn the new ones.” As most referees do, Coffman said she has experienced the occasional yell from the crowd. “As long as you do your best and know what you are doing then they learn to respect you, especially when you referee the same people multiple times,” she said. Refereeing volleyball can be time-consuming. “The hours are mostly weekends from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and I usually referee all day either at St. Albans, Ascension or both,” Coffman said. “I think it’s a good way to make money reffing a sport that practically makes up most of my life,” she said. Refereeing is a job opportunity for an athletic person who knows how to play the game. Jones said, “I am extremely happy with my job and would not give it up for anything.”

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The Image

The city with a curse and no team

I watch SportsCenter every night watching the highlights of NBA players like Kobe Bryant and Lebron James light up the court and show why some of the best athletes in the world are playing basketball. And as I sit there in my bed I think, “Why did St. Louis get so unlucky on not having a professional basketball team?” I mean I’m a good kid eat my vegetables, brush my teeth, isn’t that good enough to grace the city of St. Louis with a basketball team? This is something that I always have on my mind. When our last basketball team, the St. Louis Hawks, were traded to Atlanta, a curse was put onto the city saying “as long as St. Louis doesn’t have a basketball the Blues will never win a Stanley Cup”. According to ESPN the curse has been called through out the sporting world as “the curse with no name”. The Blues have made the playoffs 25 years, and they STILL don’t even have a Stanley Cup appearance. The reason for the bad luck is that St. Louis does not want to admit they have a problem and there is a curse. When the playoffs started on April 17, the crowds were electric, soccer moms turned into basketball moms and there was not one person sitting in their seat the

Andrew Martin / Sports Editor

whole game. As I watched all of this I thought, “Man it looks just like a regular St. Louis sporting event.” Many sports analyst and writers have all concluded St. Louis is one of the cities to go watch a sporting event. Our fans love to support the baseball, hockey, and yes we even support the excuse we have of a football team. If the NBA came to St. Louis it would be such a great deed and gives us a team our fans would go support and them with welcoming arms. Seeing future stars go against some of the biggest stars in the country. Even if the team was not successful at the start, with big named stars coming ev-

ery week, attendance would still be great. I went to a Detroit Pistons vs Cleveland Cavaliers game over spring break in Detroit. The Pistons are having a mediocre season but the area was still packed with fans. Granted half of the fans had 23’s jersey on (Lebron James), including me; the place was still crowded and had a great atmosphere for a basketball game. St. Louis has a one huge factor to make a great basketball town: great sport tradition. We have a great Cardinals baseball team that will compete for another World Series title this year. The Blues are under achieving but still manage to sell out every game. Then we have the Rams, we can leave them out. Even though some teams are struggling, the history is rich in great success in the just the past decade. With high performance athletes, insane athleticism and intense competition, the NBA is one of the top sports in the world. Every town should be able to get a chance to witness these players, especially the city of St. Louis. This is not just for entertainment or another great sport, but for a hockey team so they can finally win a Stanley Cup!

The St. Louis Hawks 1955-1968 •Moved from Milwaukee in 1955 after four straight losing seasons. • Currently the Atlanta Hawks •Won the NBA Championship in seven games over the Boston Celtics in 1957. •In 1967 the Hawks had their best season posting a 56-26 record. •Appeared in NBA finals four times 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961. •Owner Ben Kerner sold the team to Georgia Thomas Cousins and former Georgia Governor Carl Sanders, who moved the team to Atlanta.

This ? Month, the?Image ? asks...



Do you think St. Louis would benefit from a professional basketball team?

“Yes, I think it would be fun entertainment for the St. Louis community.”

Opinions expressed are those of the individuals interviewed, and Ali not of the Image staff. Steele, 9

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“Yes, St. Louis supports their sports teams no matter what.”

“No, people in St. Louis are not smart and too much chaos would come from having a basketaball team.”

“Yes, a lot of people enjoy basketball in the area, with other professional teams not doing so well, we need a team to support the city.”

Sydnee Stottlemyre, 10

Aareon Smith, 11

Conner Maple, 12



April 16, 2010

Out with the cold, in with the new Spring athletes welcome new season with winning on their minds

Boys Tennis, 3-1

Senior Adam King, returns a shot from his Parkway Central opponent. (photo by Gian Wessel)

Starting Solid

A 4-3 record is allowing the tennis team to get a feel for the season to come and a close loss to Parkway Central will force them to regroup their plan. “We need to do whatever it takes, that means rearranging our lineup” senior Cameron Aho said. The team has also focused on drills to get them ready for anything on the court, mainly working on the running forehand and backhand.

Upcoming Matches

4/19 @ Rockwood Summit 4/21 @ Mehlville

Baseball, 5-3

Girls Soccer, 6-0

Rebounding Quickly

Team Unity

Senior J.T. Miller takes his wind up and delivers a pitch against the Oakville Tigers. (photo by Andrew Martin) After starting the season 0-2 Lafayette’s baseball team knew they had to come together to turn the season around. “We started off really shaky but we turned around and clicked as a team,” senior second baseman Patrick Lyons said. Since the 0-2 start the team has gone 5-1, winning their past six games by a combined total of 63- 41.

Upcoming Games

4/19 @ Parkway South 4/20 vs Mehlville 4/26 vs Parkway Central

Senior Christine Hibler takes the ball downfield against Parkway West. (photo by Ian Bernstein) With a current 6-0 record, the Lady Lancers are off to a fast start against several Conference opponents. Since a 2-1 victory over Marquette on March 30, the team has posted four straight shutouts. A balanced attack has produced 17 goals from 10 different players, with senior Christine Hibler and junior Kelsey Haberberger leading the way with three apiece.

Upcoming Games

4/19 @ McCluer North 4/20 @ Parkway South 4/23 @ Kirkwood

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The Image



Childhood opportunity becomes Skubic’s passion was only one training exercise she could not do and that was the Some things are just meant to be. speed ramp. You had to have ice At least that is the case for junior skates to do that,” Skubic said. “She had outgrown the pair Kristin Skubic. Her entry into the sport of hockey was an accident, she had when she had just started but an accident she doesn’t regret. playing, and there was no need “I started when I was about to get a new pair, considering she four or five,” Skubic said. “My only played inline at the time. But little brother already played. One before going to another session day he cut his upper eye open in her mom stopped at the Goodwill a game and that weekend was his store just to see if they happened championship game. My dad put to have a pair of ice hockey skates me out on the ice in his skates, she could use for the academy. and I’ve been playing ever since.” They had two pairs…one was exKristin’s father, Keith Skubic, actly her size,” he said. With that pair of skates, Krisremembers that day well. “Kristin took [her younger tin broke the speed ramp record brother’s] place on the team and for her age group, a feat which never looked back,” Keith said, prompted her trainer to suggest “She was a natural right from the she join an ice hockey team. She went to go play for the AA start. After that first game, Kristin Cyclones team and win the team’s continued to excel at hockey. She Defenseman of the Year award. The next year, some coaches first joined recreational, then seasked her to tryout for the AAA lect inline hockey teams. “Early on, it was only on the Elite Tier 1 St. Louis Lady Blues, weekends. However by the time and Kristin made the team. Kristin has been involved in she was 11, she started playing on select inline teams and the travel many leagues including the Cystarted. Usually two to three clones, Lady Blues, State Warsgames a week in town, with two Missouri, Tournament of Roller Hockey Series (TORHS) and The to three trips a year,” Keith said. There was another stroke of North American Roller Hockey luck that brought Kristin into the Championships (NARCh). Even with all her success, she world of ice hockey. “She started training at the still faces struggles in her sport. “The fact that I’m the only Hockey Academy in Chesterfield for inline when she was 14. There girl is hard sometimes,” she said. Christine Jackson / Reporter

Then And Now

(Top) Skubic skates forward at State Wars 2009 in Minnesota. Skubic plays defense for the Missouri’s Womens’ AA State Wars team as well as various other clubs. (Right) Always ready to play, a young Skubic strikes a pose in full hockey gear. “She was a natural right from the start,” Keith Skubic said. (photos provided by Kristin Skubic)

“Guys on the other teams treat me different. They don’t want to target me because I’m a girl, but they also don’t want to get beat by me. I don’t think I should get any special attention.” she said. She added, “It’s also kind of special that I am the only girl. It shows that girls can play guys’ sports, too.” Hockey is also a very rough sport. The British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit found 18 percent of sport-related injuries occurred while playing hockey, while one in five of these were head injuries. Hockey players 15-19 years old had the highest number of head injuries. “I am constantly worried about her,” Kristin’s mother Mary Skubic said, “but she always manages to hold her own and stand up for herself.” Kristin has some big plans for her future in hockey. “I definitely want to play in college,” she said, “I’m looking at lots of schools and really hope to make a team.” Kristin wants to try out for the next Olympic hockey team as well. “I really want to [try out]. I’m going to the Northern Edge ice hockey camp where there’s trainers to get ready. [Trying out for the Olympics] is definitely a goal,” she said.



April 16, 2010

No sponsor, no problem for LAX Dominic Corvington / Reporter

As they remain overshadowed and under the radar, the varsity boys lacrosse team holds great potential within its lineup this season, as many returning veterans and new recruits are coming with high playoff hopes. “I think we’re going to make it to state, we have a lot of strong seniors and juniors that played over the summer,” senior Riley Brown said. Leading the Lancers this season are seniors Brown, Dan Heath, Phil Murphy, and junior Mitchell McKibben. All of them are returning varsity veterans and cocaptains, including Austin Finnell, who is a student at Marquette but is still allowed to participate with the Lancer squad. Still, many think the sport remains overlooked and under appreciated. “It’s not as recognized as it should be, it needs to get more exposure,” sophomore Lane Rommel said. Rommel is a first year varsity player who along with junior Andy Slocum, was chosen to represent the Midwest regional team at the Adidas All-American National Lacrosse Classic. “I think it’s a good thing, it’ll get a lot of kid’s exposure because it’s a hotbed for Missouri players,” Slocum said. In comparison to many other high school sports programs, boys lacrosse is one of the few that is not offered as school sponsored. With this, it loses much of its publicity and generally stays unnoticed by the student body. “I think there are natural limitations of what we can provide and not provide

because it’s not sanctioned. The communication between the sport and the coach and the school is dependant [on becoming school sponsored],” Athletic Director Steve Berry said. This also means that it is up to the players and coaches to provide themselves with equipment, officiating and field time. However, if the team were to become school sponsored, they would no longer be able to compete in the same division, which is currently the Patriot Conference. Along with hockey, boys lacrosse is not part of a specific conference like most sports, but a combination of teams from schools all over the St. Louis area, including CBC and Vianney. They will even travel as far as to Rockhurst High School in Kansas City to compete. Even so, the players do believe their lack of acknowledgment partially comes back to impact the team. “We have to pay to play and we don’t get to play at Lafayette which is kind of a big deal because we’d like to play here,” Slocum said. Despite these differences, lacrosse has continued to catch the eye of many athletes because of its fast-pace and physical style of play. “It’s really up tempo and really fast. Everybody looks out for everybody,” Rommel added. It also holds the same rules and regulations as other sports, such as those regarding eligibility, but the process of obtaining a school sponsorship is a difficult and demanding matter. “The state has to recognize it which is

Breaking From The Norm

After collecting a loose ball, sophomore Mike Schulte sprints past a Lindbergh defender in an attempt to lead an offensive attack. The Lancers would go on to defeat the Flyers 9-4 in their first home game of the season. (photo by Dominic Corvington)

what were trying to get done. Once the state recognizes it then the school will. Lafayette has been very accommodating to us, they’ve helped a lot,” Coach Ren Pettinelli said. So far this year however, the Lancers have gone just 2-5 overall, losing three straight games after coming off a 15-12 win in the season opener against Key School.

Now H

The team was then able to answer back with a 9-4 win against Lindbergh. Since then, however, the team has struggled to lock on to a winning record, losing five of their last contests. They are currently ranked 10 in Division I, and 18 among Missouri schools with boys lacrosse programs. Coming up April 21, the Lancers travel to take on DeSmet.

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The Image

May The Best Burrito Win: The battle between Chipotle and Qdoba rages on David Adams / Entertainment Editors

Pepsi vs. Coke, McDonald’s vs. Burger King, Good vs. Evil - these arguments have taken place from the beginning of time. But to a high school student, there is one match that rises above all: Qdoba vs. Chipotle. The battle of the burrito has almost everybody taking a side. But what makes one burrito haven better than the other?

Chipotle has been serving San Francisco Mission Style Burritos (noted for their size and inclusion of rice) since 1993 and there are over 900 locations in the U.S. They pride themselves on serving “foods with integrity” and buying meat from only humane farms. The Chipotle menu is noticeably smaller. There are only five options: Burrito, Fajita Burrito, Burrito Bowl, Tacos and Salad. Customers choose the type of meat they want or select vegetarian. There are four types of salsas, including a green salsa that isn’t green at all and a very spicy Tomatillo Red-Chili salsa. The lights seemed much dimmer than Qdoba but had a silver and tan motif. All items ranged from $5.95 to $6.35. Though it was a very good burrito, the lack of variety and selection puts Chipotle slightly on the boring side, though there do seem to be a few fans.

Both are the same concept. They serve gargantuan burritos for a relatively cheap price. It all starts with the rice, then it’s black or pinto beans, a choice of meat, salsa, cheese and sour cream. But there are distinct enough differences for a battle to be raging. Though there are many impartial customers who like both restaurants, some people have a passionate preference. Though both are selling the same

massive product, there are more than enough subtle differences for people to make a choice. Chipotle has many supporters, but the general consensus seems to be that Qdoba is the favorite among students. It’s probably Qdoba’s larger variety that wins over students’ loyalty. But whatever side you may be on, one thing is for certain: both Mexican grills provide meals which most find delicious, cheap and filling - perfect for the average high school student.

Team Chipotle

Qdoba began in Denver in 1995 and there are only 480 locations in the U.S. Qdoba has a large menu including quesadillas, nachos, Mexican gumbo and tortilla soup, and the entire atmosphere is more inviting. In comparison to Chipotle’s 1.2 pound burrito, Qdoba’s are 1.6 pounds and are far more filling. Customers have reported feeling so full they can’t eat anything else. Also, they serve many specialty burritos including a Poblano Pesto burrito and an Ancho Chile BBQ burrito. Some locations even serve breakfast. Mexican artwork covers the walls, rather than the weird pictures of metal piping at Chipotle. What seals the deal for many customers is the Queso, especially the Queso Burrito. The green salsa is actually green and the inclusion of a catering service puts the ball in their court.

“At Chipotle they are always refilling things. I feel so pressured at Qdoba.” Leah Bartmess, 12 “Qdoba is so dry and gross. Chipotle has got a kick to it. “Sarah Perry, 10 “I’m in love with Chipotle and Qdoba sucks. It’s more authentic.” Rachel Weisburch, 11

College Planning Workshop

In David’s Opinion: Taste-Qdoba Nutrition-Chipotle Cleanliness-Chipotle Salsa-Qdoba Website-Qdoba Overall-Qdoba

Team Qdoba “My manager always says we have a better selection and we have fresher guacamole.” Abby Fotinos, 12 and Qdoba employee “If you don’t go to Qdoba, you don’t go at all.” Jackson Powell, 12 “Chipotle’s chips are too salty. It makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack. Plus I’m a Nacho guy.” David Aslin, 11

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April 16, 2010

Italian choices offered on Hill Alyssa Knowling / Reporter

The St. Louis Hill is the only ethnic-immigrant settlement that remains in the state of Missouri. The Hill has been an Italian neighborhood for over 130 years. It is the place for Italian food in St. Louis area, as well as a place to see a neighborhood of people joined together by their beliefs and culture. By now, almost every St. Louis citizen is aware of the culinary delights found in the restaurants on The Hill, but there is so much more. Between the shops, the delis, the grocery stores and the bakeries, one could easily spend an entire day at The Hill. Here is a complete guide to a successful experience.


Lou Boccardi’s is a casual Italian restaurant known best for their St. Louis styled pizza. It is a favorite on The Hill for a place to relax and to grab a few slices of pizza to eat. 5424 Magnolia St. Louis, MO 63110 Adriana’s is a relatively new café on the hill. The family owned café was opened in 1992 and their menu includes 25 different sandwiches which come in enormous portions. 5101 Shaw St. Louis, MO 63110

Now you’re ready for dessert... Do you want Gelato or Baked Goods?

* *




Gelato De Riso sells 17 flavors of gelato, a velvety and smooth Italian ice cream and has a coffee bar as well. The atmosphere has a cozy and modern feel. 5204 Wilson St. Louis, MO 63110 Between the cakes, cookies and pastries Missouri Baking Company is known as one of the best bakeries in St. Louis. The prices are low and there are many goods to choose from. 2027 Edwards, Saint Louis, MO 63110

With a full tummy and time to shop and play before dinner, what do you do?

Girasole Gifts and Imports opened in 2003 sells various Italian imports and Italian themed items,

Film Releases

April 16 Death at a Funeral Kick-Ass The Perfect Game April 23 The Losers The Back-Up Plan April 30 A Nightmare on Elm Street Furry Vengeance May 7 Iron Man 2 Babies May 14 Robin Hood Letters to Juliet Just Wright


So you go to The Hill for lunch... Do you want Pizza or Subs?



such as jewelry and ceramics. 2103 Marconi , Saint Louis, MO 63110

Ready for dinner, you want the best Italian on The Hill? Go to Favazza’s.


Milo’s Tavern is a bar, but that is not why it is special. Milo’s patio is fully equipped with two Bocce Ball courts. Milo’s has a Bocce Ball league and one can always be sure to see the public playing the old game of Bocce Ball on Milo’s courts. 5201 Wilson St. Louis, MO 63110

Volpi is a well-known Italian meats company that branched out from St. Louis in 1957. 5250 Daggett, Saint Louis, MO 63110

There are many great Italian restaurants on The Hill, of course, but for a teenager’s purpose Favazza’s is one of the best. The restaurant has a huge menu full of various entrees and pastas, a great reputation and much more affordable prices than many of the other dinner restaurants. All in all, it is a great choice for dinner that stays in an acceptable price range and tastes divine. 5201 Southwest St. Louis, MO 63110

April 18 Cross Canadian Ragweed @ The Pageant April 19 Angels and Airwaves w/ Say Anything @ The Pageant April 23 Thrice & Manchester Orchestra @ The Pageant April 23 Nickelback @ Scott Trade Center April 24 The Dead Weather @ The Pageant May 4 Pearl Jam @ Scott Trade Center May 4 30 Seconds to Mars w/ Mutemath @ The Pageant

Album Releases

April 20 Kate Nash- My Best Friend Is You Rufus Wainwright- All Days and Nights: Songs for Lulu April 27 B.o.B- The Adventures of Bobby Ray May 4 The New Pornographers- Together

Picks of the Month Mia Schenone gives her top entertainment choices for April


Lady Gaga at Scottrade Center Even though the big concert is two months away, these tickets are hotter than a pistol and will be gone before you know it. Gaga sold out both of her Madison Square Garden shows in an hour, so to see her in STL, so be prepared to fight for tickets.


Go Ask Alice by Anonymous This powerful story is the diary of an anonymous addicted teenager. With pressure from her parents, the life of “anonymous” takes a turn for the worse as she begins to experiment with LSD, turning her life into a nightmare of exalting highs and excruciating lows.


Ziezo Located in The Delmar Loop, Ziezo is a unique shop full of expensive goodies that will satisfy any fashionista. Carrying bands like Free People, the assortment is edgy, yet contemporary. Ziezo carries one of kind items that you can’t find anywhere else.


Revolution by Miranda Lambert For all you non-country fans out there Miranda Lambert’s album Revolution, is a must listen because it appeals to all. After listening to Lambert’s third album, I can say I’m now a fan. Revolution, is full of catchy songs that will make you sing.


The White Stripes: Under Great White Northern Lights Following the two man band this documentary shows The Stripes ripping many of their world-wide hits. The video fully displays the bands power to rock a crowd, but also shows the more intimate relationship between Jack and Meg.

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