ABOUT The Commonwealth of Virgininia is the tenth state in the United States. Located on the east coast, this state has a variety of plant wildlife. In this sketchbook we will explore some of the wild finding you can discover. Remember! Always be cautious when exploring and finding things in the wild, never consume or touch wildlife you are unsure about.
I. Trees
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis
Common pollinators include honey bees, and hummingbirds are known to enjoy the flower’s nectar. Native American’s used the bark to make teas by boiling pieces to treats illnesses such as dysentary, whooping cough, fevers, and congestion.
One of George Washington’s favorites, this tree produces delicate red-pink blo oms and can grow to be around twenty to thirty feet and can span to be twenty to thirty-five fee t wide in branch length. The Eastern Redbud can enjoy full sun exposure to light shade.
Willow Oak Quercus phellos
The Willo w Oak ca ng hundred feet and row to be quite larg wit and six f eet. It als h a trunk diame e, around one t er betwe o grows is comm p e only plan ted in pa retty fast, becau n three Some als r s ks and o e of this o refer t n th it o produce acorns w it as "The Hands e side of street s. o hich are squirrels a favorit me Tree." They , deer, a e to som nd some e animals turkeys. like
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia
ves, he lea nous T . e e o r toxic t rs are pois of a is e cust flow ation lack Lo d even the e. A combin g tree, B e h T n in lif ood, a t grow st wild On bark, w ns and mo t it is a fas species. e a a iv to hum the fact th be an invas tween forty d n o b t a it ow e this nsider ees can gr o c e e tr som . e, thes ed feet tall g a r e v r a d n u ne h and o
Dogwood Cornus florida
and tree the state flower is d oo w og D g in irty feet The flower een fifteen to th tw be ow gr n ca y grow of Virginia. It early spring. The e th in s m oo bl nnot eat, some tall and usually that humans ca ts ui fr d re t igh love to eat the small br However, birds s. ou on is po e they are say they ar lematic to grow, ob pr be n ca fruit. Dogwoods ases. e range of dise id w a to le tib suscep
II. Flowers
Woodsorrel Oxalis stricta
A pretty s mall wildflo wer, or an annoying w eed overta king your y The yellow ard. Woodsorre l has a so taste, sim ur ilar to a le mon. It is referred to a ls o as “Lemon Clover” or Grass”. It “Sour Is recogniz ed by it's yellow flow sma er and clo v er like leav ll which fold es, up at night. It can grow between s ix and twe nty inches usually blo , an oms June to October d .
Pin k Lady Slipper Cypripedium acaule
s to a fungu e ir u q ss re and pa w they To gro en the seed a symbiotic op is ate break ey cre en the plant h T . it o h ts t W n d foo with it. s uses nutrie ip h s n per. ungu relatio n the f the Lady Slip rtial w o r g of pa fully e roots ents that are s, bogs h t m o fr om mp s envir in swa om Prefer d can grow il. Blo an idic so n grow c a shade, h it ces w o July, it ca and pla inches. yt a n M e e t is n season six and seve n betwee
Jimsonweed Datura stamonium
the big factor in Birds are a y e seeds, the th f o l a rs e disp them ds and leave e e s e th t a e . eir droppings around in th
Weed". All parts of il's ev D he "T as n Also know h is rare and although deat c xi to e ar t . an pl this major health issues e us ca n ca it g, in at night, from ingest by this plant open ed uc od pr s er w . The flo pollinated by moths e ar d an g, rin sp bloom in the
Virginia Bluebell Mertensia virginica
d , moist woode Growing in rich n inia Bluebell ca rg Vi e th , s a re a two between one to reach heights , in early spring m o lo b y he T t. fee fer to April and pre around March hade. partial to full s
III. Fungi
Lion's Mane Hericium erinaceus
One of the more interesting and weird looking mushrooms out there, the Lion’s mane grow on trees like a cascade of white string, or icicles. This mushroom can be found on a variety of dead or dying hardwoods throughout forests in Virginia . This mushroom is easy to spot, and is edible. Also, it does not have any dangerous look alikes, so there is no need to worry if you spot one in the wild. Typically, the Lion’s Mane pops up in the fall but also can be seen during the springtime.
F ly Agaric Amanita muscaria
le mushrooms in Probably one of the most recognizab mushroom gained the world. This red and white spotted ies ‘Super Mario’ it’s fame from the video game ser s a key role. This where a similar looking mushroom play th is really rare mushroom is poisonous, Although, dea from consuming them. perties cinogenic pro llu a h e th r into fo hen coming c is popular w ri n ga o A ti u ly a F c e e Th e us mans. Pleas it has on hu . s this specie contact with
e l l e r e t n a h C ius
lus cibar l e r a h t n Ca
ong very popular am e ar y he T ; m hroo e of their An edible mus sionals becaus es of pr d an llow food lovers from a soft ye e ng ra n ca r lo ing for taste. Their co y when search ar w be t bu , look ge has a deadly to a bold oran lle re te an Ch he ild. T us olearius. these in the w n, or Omphalot er nt La ’ O ck can be alike, the Ja ever the latter w ho r, ila m si n if you They look very be an indicatio d ul co at th so bioluminescent right one. e th have found
ar owing ne areas r g d n u o n be f damp monly ca and Oaks near at are m o c s lle h Chantere like Maple trees w lying areas t t lo s be abou t d s o o t o ju r w o o r g s hardw m s usually nd strea find them like arou neral. Chanterelle r, and you can ge ete rainy. moist in s in diam get warm and e h c in e v o two to fi eather starts t w e h t when
Old Man of the Woods Strobilomyces strobilaceus
mushroom This unfavorable looking is said is surprisingly edible. It ste to have a nice earthy ta rd store similar to that of standa Old Man bought mushrooms. The und of the Woods can be fo a variety growing in forests with g mid of hardwood trees durin summer to late fall.
ous like The underside is composed of por differs tubes which expel the spores, this relle has. from the gill like ridges that a Chante to ten The caps typically grow to be four w to be centimeters in diameter and can gro around fourteen centimeters tall.
IV. Herbs
St.John's Wort Hypericum perforatum
his aptist, t B e h t hn after Jo a variety s a h Named b r e can mmon h he plant T fairly co . s e s u inal hes of medic twenty-four inc rant to er frag grow up ces rath u to d o r p from mid aves tall, and m o lo b t le tha f the flowers he oils o such T . r e m late sum used for pains nd en aches, a l a have be r e n e urns, g n also as sunb s. The plant ca mnia, nd skin wou ed to treat inso um be cons , and anxiety. ion depress
Showy Skullcap Scutellaria serrata
The Showy Skullcap is a simple perennial herb that has been used throughout history for medicine. Some species of Skull Caps have been used to treat illnesses such a rabies, anxiety, muscle tension and others. These plants enjoy partially shaded areas that are moist. The blooming period is May to June and can grow between one to two feet.
Nastrium Tropaeolum majus
er and a decorative flow l fu ti u a e b ition a is both ve a lot of nutr ha nt la p e The Nasturtium th f of this s and petals o . The benefits e s ne a herb. The leave ng a m in C, iron, and lds and issues co g, in gh u co such as vitam , ats aling sore thro plant include he ne system. with the immu
y taste. urium has a pepper st Na e th ly, nt re pa Ap d stay during the summer an They usually bloom can on the variety, they ng di en ep D t. os fr until d ten feet. grow between one an
Joe Pye Weeds Eutrochium
Joe Pye Weeds can grow between four and seven feet tall, and enjoys damp and moist environments. Blooming period is July through September, and it’s method of seed dispersal is animals brush againsts the plant and spread the seeds. Also, the wind is a method.
This plant has been used as a medicinal herb. Being used as a diuretic, healing fevers, gout, respiratory issues, impotence, and rheumatism. It is usually used in teas.