Rep. Draft

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A letter from the President were high quality and we received a lot of positive feedbacks from delegates and our partners. Even more pleasant is that Latvian companies are very satisfied with cooperation with us and together with them we are already planning future projects. Isn’t it amazing?! Our alumni were involved in many AIESEC activities, lead different trainings for our members and helped to organize several projects. Moreover we are launching mentoring program with our alumni which will ensure better education and more effective work for AIESEC in Latvia leaders! Besides that we started to increase our regional presence and opened official expansion in Jelgava. And it’s just a beginning. Next term AIESEC in Latvia is planning to open more expansions in several Latvian cities and continue growing regionally. I myself feel very proud of achieved results this term. In the beginning it was even hard to believe that we will achieve that much, but we were Dear AIESEC in Latvia members and alumni! This year we celebrated 18 years’ anniversary of ambitious and proved that we can! What is the AIESEC in Latvia. Is it much or little for organi- key to success? It’s quite simple. Teamwork and zation? From one point of view it might seem a passion about things we do! We truly believe in lot and you may say that we as organization are AIESEC values and are happy to be part of this adult and stable. From another point of view we powerful organization! are really young in comparison with AIESEC International or other big AIESEC countries. But I wish to future generations of AIESEC in Latvia one is clear for sure – currently we are on the continue working with the same attitude – being stage of growth and development. AIESEC in a passionate team with never give-up thinking! Latvia has huge potential and variety of space Don’t be afraid to dream big! „The future befor gaining new members, organizing projects longs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” (Eleanor Roosevelt). and making positive impact on society. Each term can be associated with some concrete activities or projects. Each generation of AIESEC-ers brings something new to the organization. AIESEC has changed a lot within these years and we can’t really compare current AIESEC with 5, 10 or 15 years ago. And it’s even not needed because the main goal stays always Kindest regards, the same – making positive impact on society Jekaterina Slavgorodska AIESEC in Latvia President 2011-2012 and growing new leaders. Main focus this year was increasing brand awareness and building strong relationships with our stakeholders. And I can say that we did it very successfully! All our projects and events


Glossary 4 Membership 5 Leadership 8 Exchange 11 Communications 15 Finance 18 Projects 20 AIESEC in Latvia leadership body 2011-2012 27 AIESEC in Latvia leadership body 2012-2013 29 AIESEC in Latvia Partners 30


AIESEC Present in over 112 countries and territories and with over 60,000 members, AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organisation. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today. AIESEC in Latvia is represented in 3 cities: Rīga, Valmiera and Jelgava. AIESEC Vision Statement Peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential. AIESEC’s Scope AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin. AIESEC’s Approach AIESEC members live an integrated development experience. This involves leadership opportunities, international internships and interacting with a global network to support their development. TMP - Team Member program It is one of the most crucial ways in which young people can start on their path towards leadership development. In this phase AIESEC members will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development. TLP - Team Leader program This experience is culminating in AIESEC member’s personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. AIESEC leaders get to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development. GIP - Global Internship program This program offers internships that contribute to the professional development of a member and assist them to specialise in a certain field of work. They are normally long term in nature and involve working on diverse business projects and organisations. GCDP – Global Community Development program International internships are the most intense learning experience AIESEC offers and link together global network of the organisation. This program encompasses cross-cultural positive impact through working abroad for social and community development projects that lead to self development and skill enhancement for the member undertaking the program.


All together 365 students and recent graduates had engaged with AIESEC in Latvia between July 2011 and June 2012. From June till December 2011 we received 221 applications to become AIESEC member and participate in one of 4 AIESEC programs. From January till July 2012 we received accordingly 144 applications. In total 134 people applied for Team member program. 66% of all applicants were female and 34% - male in the age of 19 to 29 years. Currently AIESEC in Latvia has 52 members who are on Team Members Program. 52% of

members are 22-24 years old, 67% of them are female and 33% male.

Majority (81%) of members are from Local Committee (LC) in Riga – 44 members in total, following with LC Valmiera with total 8 (15%) members and LC Jelgava with 2 (4%). TIME SPENT IN AIESEC Most members are in organization 3-6 months. If we look more into data we can see that the more experienced are members, the higher position in organization they take. (See table 1)

Table 1. All members taking Team Member or Team Leader program.

In AIESEC since

National Board

Local Committee Riga




Time in AIESEC

2008 Autumn



3,5 years

2009 Autumn



2,5 years

2010 Spring



2010 Autumn





1,5 years

2011 Spring




1 year

2011 Autumn




6 months

2012 Spring




3 months



2 years

Members participating on Team Leader program are also older, though average age of members in AIESEC in Latvia is 23 years. (See Figure 1 and 2)


LC Riga


LC Valmiera



LC Jelgava National Board

Figure 1. All members taking Team Member or Team Leader program by LCs.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND If we look at educational background of members we can say that AIESEC provides diversity. Members represent 16 different Higher Education Institutions. Majority studies at or are recent graduates of University of Latvia (33%) or Riga Technical University (19%), but also such universities / colleges are represented: Academy of Culture, BA School of Business and Finance, Connecticut College, CT, USA, Latvia University of Agriculture, Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga Stradins University, School of Business Administration TurÄŤba, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, University College of Economics and


Team Member Program



Team Leader TLP (Together Program with National Board)

Figure 2. All members taking Team Member or Team Leader program.

Culture, University of Chichester, University of Liepaja and Vidzeme University College. MEMBERS’ EDUCATION To ensure member education and ability to deliver high quality results throughout the term members received trainings on such topics as Sales, External Relations, Exchange management, Leadership, Internal and External Communication, Public Relations, Motivation, Time Management, Team behavior, Training and facilitating, Networking and Cooperation. Trainings were delievered by AIESEC in Latvia alumni, partners and international AIESEC members who came to Latvia specially to deliver trainings on particular topics.

AIESEC in Latvia members during National Training Seminar. Spring 2012



skills, but also grit (combination of perseverance, passion, and hard work) and resilience in the Social entrepreneurship is the recognition of a face of adversities, obstacles, challenges, and social problem and the uses of entrepreneurial failures, together with optimism, empathy and principles to organise, create and manage a so- emotional and social intelligence. cial venture to achieve a desired social change. Social entrepreneur as profit measures positive LEADERSHIP IN NUMBERS returns to society. AIESEC leaders can be equated to social en- Between July 2011 and June 2012, 24 out of trepreneurs who act as the change agents for 134 members completed a leadership experisociety, seizing opportunities others miss and ence according to our organizational standimproving systems, inventing new approaches, ards. and creating solutions to change society for the better. Recent statistics show that AIESEC in Latvia By taking up leadership position in organization leaders are between the ages of 19 – 26, apAIESEC members develop not only leadership proximately 71% of them female and 29% male.

Figure 3. Age and gender distribution among AIESEC in Latvia leaders

AIESEC in Latvia leaders are university students or recent graduates. Most of them are coming from Riga Technical University, University of Latvia and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.

Figure 4. Distribution of AIESEC in Latvia leaders by universities

Most of AIESEC in Latvia leaders have about 1 year AIESEC experience. It means that AIESEC in Latvia provides a lot of opportunities to all members who are really active, interested in leadership positions and are ready for challenges. New members with the highest potencial are

offered to lead local short-term projects in order to gain leadership experience and skills. Later on most of them can become leaders in local and national boards which is valuable long-term leadership experience.



12-24 months

<1 month


>3 years


6-12 months


24-36 months

Figure 5. Number of leaders in AIESEC in Latvia distributed by their time spent in AIESEC

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES To ensure that members of AIESEC in Latvia recieve the best possible AIESEC expierence aligned with AIESEC International strategies AIESEC in Latvia leaders have attended several international conferences in several countries:

Estonia, Kenya, Finnland, Hungary, Poland and Chech Republic. Participation in the conferences allow to be acquitted with newest strategies from AIESEC International, improve leadership skills and knowledge in functional spheres.

International Leaders Summit in Hungary. AIESEC in Latvia was represent by Jekaterina Slavgorodska


OUTGOING EXCHANGE This term AIESEC in Latvia didn’t focus on exchange as much as previous terms (see figure Nr.4). Executive board decided to balance quantity and quality as it is very important for exchange participants who go on exchange with AIESEC.

TYPE OF INTERNSHIPS One more important observation is type of internships where Latvian exchange participants went to. Within last 5 terms number of long-term GIP internships has decreased, but number of short -term GCDP internships in opposite has increased and is quite stable in last years (see figure Nr.3). Still students who apply for GIP are more than the ones applying for GCDP which indicates that throughout last 5 years Latvian students are more professionally oriented and seek more professional experience. Also they take internships seriously and plan them carefully. The quality of work done by our interns can be seen in often offers from companies to prolong internship for another 6-12 months.

Figure 6. Raised EPs by terms

What is even more important – AIESEC in Latvia achieved highest realization rate within last 5 terms – 76%. It means that most of exchange participants who were searching for internships really found them and went abroad. Such high realization rate is a result of hard work of OGX (Outgoing exchange) department which realized several targeted EPs (exchange participants) recruitments, selected only best candidates with highest chances to get a desirable internship. This approach is much more complicated for OGX department because it is longer, but at the same time brings higher results in realization and much bigger satisfaction level among exchange participants

Figure 7. Raised and realized EPs

Figure 8. Realized EPs by internships type

Usually short-term GCDP internships are suitable for students during summer who are willing to use summer time in more effective way and to get international experience abroad. Besides that GCDP internships are comparatively cheap and more students can afford them.

Some students went on internships with well-known worldwide companies such as Husqwarna (in Sweden), STEricsson (in Belgium), Ericsson (in Ireland) and Dell (in Panama).

This term 26 Latvian students went on AIESEC internship to 17 different countries in Europe, Asia and Subamerica.

Long-term internships - Belgium, China, Hong Kong, Ireland, Lithuania, Panama, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine

Short-term internships - Colombia, Hungary, Italy.

Both short and long term internships - Austria, India, Romania, Poland

EXCHANGE PARTICIPANTS’ BACKGROUND Latvian students who went on internships have various educational and professional background. It reflects also on the type of internship chosen by exchange participants. Age and gender distribution of Latvian exchange participants who went on exchange is shown in figure Nr.9.

Figure 10. Raised and realized incoming exchanges by terms

Figure 9. Exchange participant profile

INCOMING EXCHANGE Incoming exchange is one of the hardest functional areas in AIESEC that statistics helps to prove (see figure Nr.10). Last two terms there were very high results in raising internships in Latvia, but realization rate was comparatively low which resulted in companies’ dissatisfaction with Exchange product. Therefore AIESEC in Latvia has put as a focus this term on building very strong and long lasting relationships with partners (including corporate sector).

In work with companies AIESEC in Latvia chose strategy “Deliver promises” and till now it guaranteed the organization highest realization rate within last 5 years – 75%.

AIESEC in Latvia this term organized several high level events with companies and it helped to build very good trustful relationships with them. Step by step AIESEC in Latvia is broadening field of cooperation and try to work with corporate sector by providing them new products. As a result the organization currently running negotiations with several Latvian companies about possible interns coming to work in their companies. Mostly these are companies from IT sector and also companies providing different translation services. This term AIESEC in Latvia had successful cooperation with language centers which were very satisfied with high level of interns. One exchange participant from Ukraine came to work in Latvian Red Cross in summer 2011 and helped them in preparing and delivering different projects and events about social issues and corporate social responsibility. Intern also spent a lot of time working in several Latvian orphanages and was extremely happy about her internship. The rest 4 interns came from Brazil, China, Egypt and Taiwan to participate in project “Tomorrow’s Steps” (read more in description of this project). Next term AIESEC in Latvia is planning to use more funds to organize projects similar to “Tomorrow’s Steps”.


The term 2011-2012 definitely will be remembered by amazing projects and events. This term AIESEC in Latvia put a lot of effort to raise brand awareness and become first choice partner for potential members, exchange participants and companies.


To inform more people about AIESEC in Latvia projects as well as members’ and exchange recruitments during this term were established several partnerships which helped to achieve To ensure that AIESEC in Latvia becomes high numbers of delegates during external more visible for the society and more people events as well as high ammount of applicants get to know about activities of the organization during recruitments.. in communications field were chosen two main Companies which supported projects and focus areas – social media and work with recruitments as informative partners were: informative partners., LikeIt,, Next, Latvijas Studentu Asociācija,, Radio Naba, SOCIAL MEDIA,, It’s important to highlight also partnership with Starting 3rd of July, 2008 AIESEC in Latvia is International Student Identity Card Association actively using Facebook. It is very popular (ISIC). ISIC local representatives has supported social channel among youth and number of our several AIESEC in Latvia external events followers is growing each month. Comparing as informative partner. And in June 2012 with previous terms AIESEC in Latvia started to Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been use it much more effective and results speak for signed as the first step in an ongoing partnership themselves. between the International Student Identity Card Association and AIESEC International. That means that in future there will be more impactful The result of this year is the cooperation between AIESEC and ISIC in both global and national level.

same as was achieved during 3 year period before (July 2008 – July 2011).

WEBSITE One more indicator that shows results in communication sphere is amount of AIESEC in Latvia website visitors.

Figure 11. Number of Facebook followers

In September, 2011 AIESEC in Latvia created page in and within 10 months gathered 400 followers. Also number of organization’s followers on Twitter has increased significantly from 301 (1 July, 2011) to 612 (14 June, 2012)

Figure 12. Number of website visitors

During term there were several peaks when number of AIESEC in Latvia webpage visitors was very high – members’ recruitment in September, project Lotus 7 with running promotion in November, project Tomorrow’s Steps in February and project Esi Zenītā lasting during March – May period (see figure Nr.12).

Comparing last two terms we can see a very big raise in number of people visiting AIESEC in Latvia web page (see figure Nr. 13). This is a result of several big projects organized by AIESEC in Latvia and hard work of PR & Communications department which used new PR channels and established very productive cooperation with different mass media. Figure 13. Number of website visitors

Number of blog visits also raised.



1200 1000


800 600


869 558597

1255 9861022

1028 947

992 821





2010-2011 Term











2011-2012 Term

Figure 14. Number of visitors

AIESEC Latvia Members Committee Vice President Communications Lina Ivanova 11/12 and AIESEC Riga Vice President Communications Mārtiņš Zemlickis (in the midle) participating in AIESEC Global PR Meeting (Baltic Hub ) in Tallinn. Spring 2012.



organized by AIESEC in Latvia this term there were a lot of internal conferences and events for AIESEC members which needed investment The term 2012-2013 was quite successful for AIESEC in Latvia in terms of cooperation with from budget. Educating members is one of the corporate sector. As usually one of main areas of main activities for AIESEC in Latvia and such revenue was outgoing exchange (core AIESEC expenditures are necessary in order to ensure high quality education for members, their ability activity). to apply for leadership positions and needed skills to organize different projects.

Financial partnerships in corporate sector achieved the leading position among all areas of revenue.

Funds were not used as much as last term because of focusing more on corporate sector and changes in different funds’ policies. Nevertheless next term AIESEC in Latvia is planning to use funds more often and it’s forecasted that income from funds will increase significantly. Also number of exchanges will increase next term as it is one of two main focuses for the term 2012-2013 and it means that revenue from this field will be much higher.

Figure 16. Areas of expenditure

22% of all expenditures were related with HR, where biggest part was paying to previous board team according to EVS agreement. Also there is included salary paid to Maryana Matsuk (from Ukraine) - External Relations coordinator who Companies that supported AIESEC in Latvia fi- worked in AIESEC in Latvia from May till August nancially were Microsoft, Samsung, Unilever, (2011). RIMI, UL & SL and Latvijas Zaļais Elektrons.

Figure 15. Areas of revenue


Three biggest areas of expenditure this term were affiliation fees, projects and HR (see figure Nr.15). Because of successful acti-vities this term AIESEC in Latvia achieved full financial sustainability and made reserves for the next term. Besides big external projects which were

Also high expenditures were needed in order to ensure the presence of AIESEC in Latvia at International conferences: • The President of AIESEC in Riga went to EuroCo conference in October 2011 (Czech Republic); • The President of AIESEC in Latvia went to International Presidents Meeting in February 2012 (Hungary); • Partly covered transportation costs to all AIESEC Riga members who went to Baltic conference Synergy 2012 in March (Estonia); • The elected Vice-President of PR & Communications of AIESEC in Riga went to Baltic Communications meeting (Estonia); • The elected Vice-President of PR & Communications of AIESEC in Riga went to Central Eastern Europe Leaders Development Seminar in May 2012 (Poland); • The President of AIESEC in Latvia together with successor went to Central Eastern and Western Europe and North America Presidents meeting in May 2012 (Finland).


out and took a look on the market not only as users of applications, but as professionals who Lotus conference became a tradition for create the mobile applications’ boom! AIESEC in Riga and this time it was organ- The conference had five sessions lead by ized already 8th time. Each new conference Kristaps Skutelis (, Alan Mendelevich becomes better than previous one and brings (founder and CEO of AdDuplex), Aleksis Geske something innovative. For example, this time (Samsung representative) and Anne Catherine one of sessions during the conference was Goulby (representative of MagicSolver). The conference was also streamed online and those lead online from France. who weren’t selected as delegates could watch it online.

The conference Lotus 8 took place on 10th of December, 2011 and it’s topic was “Mobile applications – innovations in your pocket”.

The conference was organized in cooperation with Microsoft Latvia and gathered together 100 delegates. This time it happened in Riga Business School most innovative hall where all delegates could not only listen to speakers, but after the conference also try different games, gadgets etc. provided by project’s partners. During the conference delegates had opportunity to learn about mobile applications from inside

More about the Lotus 8:

From February till March AIESEC in Riga organized project Tomorrow’s Steps with main topic “Recycling”. Project goal was to raise pupils’ awareness about recycling, to develop environmentally aware and active youth, furthermore create environmentally friendly habits among young people. In project participated 4 AIESEC interns from Brazil, China, Egypt and Taiwan. Throughout the project AIESEC members lead lectures and seminars for 10-12 form pupils in Riga’s and Valmiera’s schools. All in all in this project participated more than 500 pupils from following schools: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Ostvalda Secondary School; Herdera Secondary School; Teikas Secondary School; Second Gymnasium; Riga Culture Secondary School; 21.Secondary School; Third Gymnasium; Valmieras 5th Secondary School; Valmiera State Gymnasium; Valmiera Pārgauja Gymnasium; Rīnūžu Secondary School.

On 17th of March project closing event was organized. It took place in Origo shopping center in Riga where everyone could find out more about the project, it’s outcome and other AIESEC opportunities. The closing event was attended and highly evaluated by representative of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Also all project’s partners were satisfied with project’s realization and outcome.

In addition the project received award “Best exchange project” during Baltic conference Synergy 2012. More about the project “Tomorrow’s Steps”:

Project Esi zenītā 2012 is absolutely innovative project and was organized by AIESEC in Latvia for the first time. it was decided to try to organize something new (not standard for AIESEC) and in the end AIESEC in Latvia leadership body was very satisfied with results achieved. The project Esi Zenītā 2012 was organized by AIESEC in Latvia in cooperation with CV-Online and Komerizglītības centrs. The aim of the project was to promote salesman profession among students in Latvia and challenge them to try their strengths in field which for some of them was unfamiliar.

On 1st round we received 250 applications from Latvian students

and also participated in selling simulations and showed to jury how excellent new sellers they are. On the next day 15 best selling talents received invitation to challenge themselves even more and start selling AIESEC Exchange product to Latvian companies. During the 3rd stage of the project 150 companies were approached and participants attended 13 meetings with representatives of these companies. As a result several Latvian companies showed interest in AIESEC incoming exchange and currently AIESEC in Latvia is running negotiations with them. On 25th of May was organized closing event of the project Esi Zenītā 2012. The event took place in hotel “Avalon” and was financially supported by SIA UL & SL. During the closing event delegates had a great opportunity to attend sessions lead by Uldis Sliters (CEO of SIA UL & SL), Harolds Bulmanis (head of Aldaris sales department) and Rita Strazinska (representative of Bio2You company). In the end of the closing event winners of the project were awarded with money awards from CV-Online (1st place received 250 LVL; 2nd place – 150 LVL and 3rd place – 100 LVL). Besides that all winners received gift card from New Horizons in amount of 150 LVL. All 15 finalists received gifts from supporters of the project – Bio2You, Fazer and auto school CREDO.

who answered multiple choice questions and shortly wrote their motivation for participating in the project. A competent jury assessed all applicants and the 100 best ones were invited to take part in two days conference. On the first conference day representatives of companies - well known in Latvia - shared their experience about selling and managing. Conference’s delegates attended sessions lead by: • Aigars Zariņš (the member of board of real estate agency BALSTS); • Kristīna Kaņepe (representative of Komercizglītības centrs); • Reinis Zarans (head of telemarketing department in Swedbank); • Andris Vanags (CEO of SIA Sakret). On the second day of the conference delegates got to know more about AIESEC, it’s activities

More about the project Esi Zenītā:

Lēciens Vasarā (Jump in Summer)

presentation skills, ability to adapt to unexpected situations. By participating in non-traditional sports day teams and individual participants improved their social skills. Jump in Summer showed, that events for different youth organisations and young people in general are needed also in the future. It will help to improve cooperation, sense of responsibility in local society. Together with participants and volunteers about 50 people participated in project. Project was financed by Valmiera city municipality. Project in-kind supporters: skiing and active holiday center Ozolkalns, Ltd. LGK atrakcijas, Valmiera Pargauja gymnasium, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Ltd. EkoMako, active tourism centre Ezi, Valmiera Pargauja primary school.

Project Jump in Summer was organized by AIESEC in Valmiera. It was non-traditional sports day mostly for Valmiera’s youth organizations, but also other peoplecould take part in it. Public event took place at Valmiera’s State Gymnasium stadium on 2nd of June 2012. Project goal was to promote positive and motivating attitude to active and healthy lifestyle, also promote cooperation between Valmiera’s youth organizations. Everyone between age 13 – 25 could participate in teams and also individually. Tasks were different - physical and intellectual. During the event there was organized also photo corner, where everybody could take photos. To reach high results in teams, participants had More about project: to understand importance of teamwork, clear communication; it was opportunity to improve (in Latvian).

GlobÄ lais Ciemats 2012 (Global Village) From March 2012 till May 2012 AIESEC Valmiera implemented project Global Village 2012. This was 4th time when this project took place in Valmiera. Main topic - intercultural communication. Aim was to educate citizens of Valmiera about intercultural communication, raising awareness towards different cultures. On 26th of May was organized public event of the project which took place in ruins of Valmiera castle. In 3 hours there were about 200 visitors – citizens and city guests. In project participated delegates from China, Georgia and India. They represented their coun-

tries through games, music, dances, traditional food etc. For the youngest visitors we made photo corner and different workshops. Project partners: Valmiera Municipality, Valmiera museum, Valmiera Youth Center Vinda, Ltd. Freko, active tourism centre Ezi, bakery Grundini, Ltd. Daba un Runa, complex Avoti, Ltd. Artifex plus, Ltd. Gandrs, Ltd. MG Show, Valmiera professional secondary school, gallery Laipa, Ltd. Prima L.L., Ltd. Taste Caps, club Lauvas Sirds, horse farm Koceni, skiing and active holiday centre Ozolkalns, Agris Bergs. More about project: (in Latvian).

AIESEC in Latvia leadership body 2011-2012 AIESEC in Latvia National board 2011-2012


Name Surname

Country of origin

Jekaterina Slavgorodska


AIESEC in Latvia Vice-President Talent Management and Outgoing Exchange

Evija Sprodzēna


AIESEC in Latvia Vice-President PR & Communications

Līna Ivanova


Miķelis Zondaks


AIESEC in Latvia President

AIESEC in Latvia Finance Director

AIESEC in Latvia National Support team 2011-2012 Position

Name Surname

Country of origin

External Relations coordinator

Agnija Pramalte


External Relations coordinator

Mārcis Riekstiņš


Outgoing Exchange Matching coordinator

Līva Umbraško


Jānis Rozenbergs


Olga Lvovska


Information Management coordinator Public Relations coordinator

AIESEC in Riga and AIESEC in Valmiera boards 2011-2012 Position

Name Surname

Country of origin

AIESEC in Riga President

Jūlija Gifford


AIESEC in Valmiera President

Laila Skujiņa


AIESEC Riga Vice-President Talent Management

Zane Timma


AIESEC Riga Vice-President External Relations

Mārcis Riekstiņš


Successors. AIESEC in Latvia leadership body 2012-2013

AIESEC in Latvia National board 2012-2013 Position

AIESEC in Latvia President AIESEC in Latvia Vice-President Exchange AIESEC in Latvia Vice-President Talent Management and LC Development

Name Surname

Country of origin

Evija Sprodzēna


Anastasia Gutsol


Jessica Torres


AIESEC in Riga board 2012-2013 Position AIESEC Riga President AIESEC Riga Vice-President External Relations AIESEC Riga Vice-President Talent Management AESEC Riga Vice-President PR & Communications

Name Surname

Country of origin

Zane Timma


Ieva Strapcāne


Edgars Rubenis


Mārtiņš Zemlickis


AIESEC in Valmiera board 2012-2013 Position AIESEC Valmiera President AIESEC Valmiera Vice-President Talent Management

Name Surname

Country of origin

Gundega Vācere


Kristaps Gušča


AIESEC in Jelgava board 2012-2013 Position AIESEC Jelgava Manager AIESEC Jelgava Finance Responsible

Name Surname

Country of origin

Dāvis Reinbergs


Iļja Tarajans


AIESEC in Latvia Partners:

Lotus 8 Partners: General Project Supporter:

Project Supporters:

Tomorrow’s Steps Partner: General Project Supporter:

Esi Zenītā Partners: Organized in cooperation with:

Lēciens vasarā Partners:

Main Project Supporters:

Global Village Partners: Main Project Supporter:

Main Project Supporters:

Main in-kind supporters:

AIESEC in Latvia 2012

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