ARC 107 Portfolios_Yuyou Li

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Yuyou Li

VOL.1 12.2022
CONTENT 1 2 3 4 Mapping Space Unrolled Cube Form Musem of Space Representation Drawing

The Animate Inanimate

Study Object

Study Object

Sketch of Object


Three Orthographic Drawings

Study Object

Movement Track

Study Object

Study Object

Mapping Space

This is an exploration of the external expression of architecture. In this project, I establish spatial logic. Based on this logic, the iterative process of 2D to 3D conversion turned into a visual "form."

Unrolled Cube Logic: Symmetrical Diagnal Line Three Straight Line Three Forms Anti-directional of II Unrolled Plan of Cube Extra Surfaces to Fulfill the Gap

For the 2D to 3D conversion, I used the original Unrolled Plan as a shell and folded them up. After the surface was done, I used the paper pieces and made the space on the corners folded and interlaced.

In the photo of the model on the right, you can see the interlacing and change of space on the model's corners.




This is an exploration of the external expression of architecture. In this project, I establish spatial logic. Based on this logic, the iterative process of 2D to 3D conversion turned into a visual "form."

Exploration of 2D

Hindge Form

After exploring and studying different shapes, I finally settled on the triangle for the direction of Iteration. In four squares of equal size, cut them into three, four, and five triangles. Each triangle will be slightly rotated, with one corner as the pivot point.


Transform 2D to 3D

Arch Study

Saint Thomas Housing OJT

I used Saint Thomas Housing by OJT Studio as my inspiration for the 2D to 3D transformation. The roof of this one house is undulating following the changes in the main structural line. In this process, OJT made the changes in the ceiling look streamlined. Inspired by this design, I combined the triangular shape with this design.

Actual Model


I use them as new bases based on the ELevation on the left. as shown on the right, each side is based on the elevation. And follows the logic of my previous 3D model. I extended the graphic to the right to maintain the same as before and make the base clearly visible.

Final Model

Museum of Space

The core idea of this project is the circulated walking routine of the internal space. The square facade is planned as 5x5 grids. Two lines cut the front. In the process of cutting, we explore the routine of circulation. There are five floors total, and each floor is designed with a linear walking routine from one entrance to one exit on one foot. Stairs connect the different floors, resulting in the staircase and the building body that is still external to the circulation from the outside.

Artwork Study


ExCinere Botanica


FormaFantasma, whose work should be classified by the evolution of the material. Through research, we found that the five artworks we chose were a step-by-step progression of materials, from stone to cloth and from cloth to plastic. The project will have five floors, each showcasing a theme. This is clear, presenting different topics in different spaces for the exhibition. In addition, the floors go from low to high, corresponding to the evolution of the materials.

WireRing Foundation

Gago House


Instead, it would be more visually appealing in converting 2D to 3D. And in the actual modeling, I found myself making kissing corners, a surprise I hadn't considered when I conceived the wall at the beginning.

Arch Study
Floor Plan 1 Gago House Unrolled Floor Plan Floor Plan 2 Section

My thesis comes from the Gago House, designed by Pezo von Ellrichshausen, in which I found that although the square surface is divided into many rooms, the main idea is that two lines cut the square surface into four spaces. Since a revolving staircase connects the rooms, the height of each room is different, and they are not connected. I wanted to extend the way they cut the square faces, but each floor would be a linear route to ensure continuity when visiting the work. In addition, each floor will be a separate topic.

Abstract 2D

I arranged the divided abstract diagrams and imagined how these lines would function when lines turned into walls. I initially discarded many conceptual drawings, and most of them were uncommon.

In the Floor Plan, we can see that the walking routine from the entrance to the exit of Floor 1 forms a circulation, which means that when people finish Floor 1, they finish visiting Topic 1, and when they move to the next room, they start to explore a new topic. The interconnected stairs of the exit and entrance are designed in a coherent direction. We can see that all the stairs form an external circulation, which is meant to echo the internal walking circulation.

Plan 1
Floor Plan 3
Plan 4
Section Floor
Floor Plan + Section
Floor 3
Floor 1 Floor
Floor 5 Section Floor 2
Model Photo

Representational Drawing 2 Point Perspective

Analytical Section of Food

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