June newsletter

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Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Upcoming Events Service Spotlights Division Contact Information Summer Key Club Fashion Paperwork

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting

Hello Division 11 Pandas! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far! I just got back from the International Convention in Indianapolis, and I cannot wait to share with you all everything that I've learned! There will be more details regarding ICON in the next newsletter. This newsletter will cover some recent and upcoming events and also some tips about fashion in the summer. I hope to see many of you at upcoming divisional service projects and divisional meetings. We will continue volunteering with Rescuing Leftover Cuisines over the summer, and will also be participating in projects such as the Color Run and Summer Streets. Coming up in the fall, is our annual Fall Rally. Stay tuned for more information. I'm excited for a wonderful summer full of service and fun! Emily Li Division 11 Lieutenant Governor '15-'16

Upcoming Events To: Division 11 July Divisional-July 10 https://www.facebook.com/events /615275328609226/ Where: Governor Nelson A Rockefeller Park

To: Division 11 Amazing Race-July 11 Volunteer Here: https://docs.google.com/for ms/d/16ulplQSt1dW9BXzIBoVkA2 bjnO6zF1GhjLrG6NjdNys/viewfor m?c=0&w=1

To: Division 11 Division 11/Division 8 Barbecue Date: TBD

Meals on Heels

Anand Karmaker/HSMSE Key Club

Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Anand Karmaker and I'm a member of HSMSE Key Club. Every Saturday, there is a volunteering event available at the 5th avenue Presbyterian Church. This program is called “Meals on Heels�. We prepare home-cooked meals and snacks for the homebound elderly around the neighborhood. Volunteers go to Bonnell Hall, on the second floor of the church at 9:15 AM to prepare and package food, and later leave at 11:15 in order to deliver. This week, we cooked Baked Chicken, Penne with Tomato Sauce, mixed Summer Salad, and Strawberry Shortcake with biscuit. First we began preparing the vegetable for the salads by stripping the cucumbers and chopping up onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and strawberries. In the kitchen, two people were preparing the Strawberry Shortcake with biscuits, while the head chefs were making the baked chicken and penne with tomato sauce. After all the food were made, the chicken and penne were put into circular trays and covered. The salad and strawberry shortcake were put into separate bowls and wrapped with plastic wrapping. An assembly line was created so we could put one of each into the bags, and delivered the bags to the homebound elderly closeby. Meals on Heels is a fun program where I come to help out people, and enjoy doing so with my friends. Not only that, but I get to meet new people who come to program occasionally, and learn more from the different environment. It is definitely one of the more worthwhile programs.

Challenged Athletes Foundation Gala Cindy Li/Bronx Science Highschool Key Club

CAF GALA (6/9~6/10) June 9th, 2015 The CAF (Challenged Athletes Foundation) Gala celebrated and honored the challenged athletes that CAF has helped. I anticipated this event for so long. This event sounded so fun and Timmy stated that he really loved this event. He said that he went to this event every year since freshman year. On June 9th, 2015, Chevy was the project captain for this event and knowing who he is, he told us to hurry up and get to the flagpole by 3:45. But knowing that we are Bronx Science, we are always late and had to wait for Ted, Raina and Sophia to show up before we could leave. The trip there was fun, but arriving was funner. As soon as we got there, I was astonished by the size of Waldorf Astoria. Waldorf Astoria was so luxurious and was so pretty inside. As soon as we walked in, I noticed that this hotel really liked to add mirrors to wherever there was space. It was pretty cool. Anyways, we went up the escalators and boarded an elevator up to the 4th floor. After walking down to the end of the hall, we reached a large room with a ton boxes. We were welcomed by our volunteer coordinator, Annie and another volunteering school. In this room, we were helping out with stuffing gift bags for the attendees for the CAF Gala occurring the next day. We were spilt into teams; in which each team had different jobs. There were boxes of caps, headphones, flyers, protein bars, and chocolate. At the beginning of the assembly line, Jasmine and Allen’s sister (Gaby) were opening bags and stuffing a set of headphones inside. Then the bag was passed along to Cindy and Raina to open the bags as Timmy and Allen placed a CAF baseball cap inside and the bag was passed along. Next the flyers were placed inside, then the protein bars and finally the chocolate. After the chocolate was placed inside the bag. There was a member closing the bags and then placing them in the crates that Annie provided for us. Eventually we ran out of space in the crates and the bags had to placed into cardboard boxes. It was hard work because the beginning of the line was speeding up as the end had trouble catching up. We had two to three stops in the process to have the end catch up. But all this hard work paid off, as we hit a record. We stuffed 992 bags in 55 minutes! Almost a thousand bags stuffed in less than an hour. After stuffing bags, we moved to a smaller room right next to the large room. Two challenged athletes from the CAF came and gave us a wonderful speech on CAF and how the CAF has changed their lives. Their background stories were heartbreaking and it was very emotional. However, the smiles they had on their faces after telling these stories showed that they weren’t that much different from us. It was a good time listening and talking to the two challenged athletes. As soon as the stories were finished, the pizza and drinks arrived and we had a nice time mingling and munching away. After eating and mingling, we chatted with Annie about tomorrow’s Gala and bid our farewells for the day.

June 10th, 2015 On June 10th, 2015, our project captain changed to Andy and we were suppose to meet up at the flagpole on 3:10. At the flagpole, there were a lot of Key Clubbers dressed up in formal and elegant clothes. Alice looked amazing in her bodycon dress and heels. I was really worried about her falling in her heels. Luckily she didn’t! After everyone arrived, we boarded the 4 train to Waldorf Astoria. As soon as we got there, we went up to the 3rd floor where the Gala was going to take place. Annie greeted us again and told us the health magazines arrived. This meant that the health magazines had to go into the 992 bags. Thus, the assembly line started again. A person opened a bag and another person put it the magazine inside. Then it was passed to another person to close and off to another person to put the bags on the long tables. After all the bags were stuffed and set on the table, we had an hour to rest and get ready to greet the attendees. Greeting the attendees occurred from 6pm to 7pm. People had iPads and were registering people in. The way the attendees got their table number was interesting. They got it through text message. Many of the attendees were from high class and looked extremely wealthy. A few teenagers came along with their parents. After registration, we finally got to sit down at our table. Since we volunteered at this event, we had the luxury to sit on the second floor by the balcony. There we enjoyed our dinner for an hour and enjoyed the speakers talk about CAF, their background, and their future. Some volunteers also helped with the silent auction and the live auction. The silent auction and live auction helped raise money to go into purchasing equipment for challenged athletes. At 9:10, we went downstairs back to the long tables. Since the event ended at 9:30, we prepared ourselves to hand out the gift bags. We handed out gift bags until 10:40. Since people didn’t want to leave the Gala room, we starting cleaning up. After we cleaned up and packaged everything back to the room, midnight fell and we started to pack our things and headed home. Overall, the event was truly fun and it was extremely enjoyable. Even though we got home extremely late, it was worth it. This event is one in which I recommend. I hope to come back again next year!

Bronx Science Key Club Water Wars Tenzin Y. Amdo/Bronx Science Key Club

On Thursday, June 27, 2015, Bronx Science Key Club held their first fundraiser, Water War and Picnic, for the 2015-2016 service year! Many Bronx Science Key Clubbers, students from other schools, and Circle K members attended! Everyone had a great time meeting one another and spending time with each other. I brought along my best friend, Ngawang from Nest+M, who attended this fundraiser as her first Key Club event. After signing in with Michael Chan, our Treasurer, and Tsering Sherpa and Michele Chen, our Fundraising Committee co-heads, the Water War began. The weather was sunny and breezy at the same time keeping everyone upbeat and ready to get wet! The final winner was Angus Chou who was a one-man team! Angus, being a freshman, stated that it was his first time attending this fundraiser and was eager to join in next year! After Water War, everyone settled in on the picnic and had lunch and snacks. The snacks were brought by attendees and much of the food was made by the dedicated board members and fundraising co-heads the day before! Soon, Tsering and Michele began collecting money from those who wanted to participate in the three activities: the Three-Legged Race, Water Balloon Toss, and Ninja! Even though I did not succeeded in winning any of these activities, I found it rather enjoying and exciting! It was hilarious to see many pairs of participants practicing for the ThreeLegged Race before hand and taking it so seriously! The Water Balloon Toss was very tense as many of us feared the water balloons would pop in our hands! In my case, the water balloon bounced off of my hands even after catching it. The final game, Ninja, took very long, but was fun to watch. Towards the end of it, “ninjas” who were already out of the game, formed a tight circle around Mona Miao and David Lee, the final two “ninjas” in order to make it more difficult for them. In the end, Mona, our might “ninja” won! Our final event was raffles to give participants chances to wet the board members. Among all the board members, Michael Chan had the “joy” of being chosen several times to be hit wit water balloons and poured with water from buckets! Ted Kalis, an honorary Bronx Science Key Club senior, shared his bucket of water balloons, and we all hit the board members at once! Overall, I can honestly say that this fundraiser was very memorable and was a good way to start of the 2015-2016 service year! We were able to raise $508 to donate to the Thirst Project! Through this fundraiser, I was also able to show my best friend the joys of Key Club and why she should join next year! In addition, each participant paid a minimum of $3 to attend. This fact further proved to me that even though what one can do may seem small to him or herself, the power we have in unity is unimaginable.


Divisional Training Conference Kalvin Chi/Stuyvesant Key Club

The Divisional Training Conference (DTC) was on Sunday, June 14, 2015. I ran out the door at 8AM to catch my bus to Bayside. As I got to the bus stop at Main Street, I saw several fellow Key Clubbers from Divisions 8 and 11. We all boarded the bus and headed over to Bayside High School. Once there, we all went in and got settled down. We began at around 9:30AM and after the introduction, people began heading to their workshops. I had attended the networking workshop, but unfortunately had to leave early to set up for my own workshop. During the second panel, Howie Ngo, the Division 8 Secretary, and I were holding a Members workshop in the auditorium. Although we did not have much time before DTC to practice and prepare thoroughly, we were able to get through the workshop and it ended pretty successfully in my opinion. The members were taught Key Club facts, how to get involved, Key Club cheers/chants, and we even played a couple of ice breakers at the end. For lunch we all ate pizza and just hung out with one another. There was also K-Fair, which was pretty much the highlight of DTC in my opinion. During this, everyone participated in several activities including speed dating (outer circle and inner circle talk to each other about specific topics), sitting on top of one another in a giant circle, which is always a favorite, and several other fun activities! Overall, DTC was a really great experience and made me feel like I was at LTC (Leadership Training Conference) again, and I can’t wait to go again next year!

Divisional Contact Information Division 11 LTG emilyli.ltg@nydkc.org 9178335990 86-05 60th Rd. Elmhurst NY, 11373 Executive Assistant: kalvinchi.ea@nydkc11.org Secretary: kenjiyeoh.sec@nydkc11.org PR Chair: aashikajikaria.pr@nydkc11.org Historian: angelali.hist@nydkc11.org Webmaster: sharonlin.tech@nydkc11.org http://nydkc11.org/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/nydkc11/ https://www.facebook.com/nydkcdivision11? fref=ts

Key Club Summer Fashion Repurpose your volunteer shirts! After attending countless walks, runs, and events, you've probably found yourself with a closet full of volunteer shirts you never wear (besides during gym class). Well here are a few ideas to repurpose those shirts, just in time for the summer! 1. TANK TOPS This is a really simple way to turn any old t-shirt into a cute tank top! All you have to do is lay out your shirt, and cut off the sleeves. To do this, all you have to do is follow the curve of the seams. Try starting and ending about an inch away from the seam. Next, line up the shoulder seams and cut off the neckline of the shirt. Finally, depending on whether you want the shirt to be cropped, mark off a place to cut the lower part of the shirt. And that's it!! You're finished! 2. MUSCLE TANKS This is perfect for working out or even on a day out in the summer! It's essentially the same process as the one used to make a tank top, but this time, when cutting off the sleeves, start 2-3 inches from the bottom of the shirt. 3. TIE FRONT TANKS Same thing! But this time, when cutting the bottom of your shirt, only cut the back, straight across where your hips would be. Then, in the front, cut a slit up to the point where the back of the shirt ends. Then make a diagonal cut from the slit to either side of the shirt, creating two triangles. Tie these together and your shirt is finished! 4. HEADBANDS If you're like me, you have a drawer filled with dozens of random volunteer shirts from key club events. I have so many shirts that I don't know what to do with. But, I figured out a really fun and fashionable way to use these shirts is to make headbands out of them. To do this, it doesn't really matter what kind of shirt it is, but it's helpful if the shirt is still fairly stretchy and not worn out. Then you're going to take the shirt and cut around an inch off from the bottom of the shirt. When you do that, you're going to get a ring of material, After that, cut the ring so that it becomes one long strip of fabric. From here, you have a lot of options and designs you could go for. A really simple way you could go is to just cut the strip the circumference of where the headband is going to be on your head and sew it. You could also take the liberty of adding all sorts of things to your headbands, like gems and such. Each shirt has around 10-15 headbands if you make them each one inch. So have fun and be creative!

Paperwork Election Report Form The Bronx High School of Science – Submitted DeWitt Clinton High School – Not submitted High School for American Studies – Not submitted Hunter College High School – Submitted Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School – Submitted NEST +m High School – Submitted Stuyvesant High School – Submitted Frank McCourt High School – Submitted HSMSE – Submitted

May Monthly Report Form The Bronx High School of Science – Submitted DeWitt Clinton High School – Submitted High School for American Studies – Submitted Hunter College High School – Submitted Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School – Submitted NEST +m High School – Submitted Stuyvesant High School – Submitted Frank McCourt High School – Not Submitted HSMSE – Submitted

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