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Concept idea

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The Darien Chest

The Darien Chest

The project focuses on environmental strategy through meta-graphic exercises. It proposes a boundary within the boundary in response to the 'hyphen' project, with individual programs as units. The project generates spatial volumes through the human scale, developing a series of units based on the graphics from the previous chapter. The educational program is an extension of Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, offering studio-based education for art and architecture disciplines. It emphasizes collaboration between disciplines and a division of formal and informal education.







The hall and its supporting programmes fit on the existing concrete framework


5mm rigid extruded polystrene

Membrane underlayment

10mm thermal insulation

100mm reinforced concrete blocks

Membrane underlayment

5mm plaster cladding

Metal panels flow the water Membrane underlayment

100mm reinforced concrete slab Soil tamping

5mm multiple material floor finish fixed on counter battens

5mm air gap above the insulation

20mm thermal insulation layer

Membrane underlayment

100mm reinforced concrete slab

Soil tamping

Foundation footing


Multiple-layered rooftop

Metal sheet skirting

Membrane underlayment

Metal coping on fibre boards

1mm Metal cladding

5mm Timber boards

8mm Mineral fibre boards

Spacer above the beam

60*120mm steel I-beam

Breathable timber grilled facade

Structural framework

10mm corten steel plates fixed on horizontal counter battens

5mm air gap above the insulation

10mm thermal insulation layer

Membrane underlayment

20mm reinforced concrete

6mm diameter horizontal steel rebar Corrugated metal plate

Metal spacer

5mm timber boards laminated

Aluminium column frame

3mm timber grilles

45*60mm aluminium U-beam

Building volume

The proposed building comprises ten horizontal units, with an emphasis on stimulating movement along the central axis. Educational facilities and studios are located on either side, with interstitial lounge areas intended to encourage informal interaction among students and faculty members.

Shading strategy

In accordance with the tropical climate of Panama, the design features an extended rooftop that provides shade to the ground level. Textured strips are positioned along the edge to allow for adequate penetration of natural light into the building interior.

Heat transfer

Water is utilized as a cooling medium in this project, with channels connecting the interior and exterior spaces serving to absorb heat during the day and dissipate it at night.


The building is situated at an elevated position on the site, allowing water from the front pool to flow organically towards the river.

Programmatic extensions

The proposed design fosters the concept of extended education, enabling interdisciplinary collaboration and informal teaching practices. External pavilions provide additional space for corresponding internal units, exhibition studios, and larger work areas.


The design incorporates an archive of the city, with multiple materials serving as representations of their corresponding narratives.

The project entailes a comprehensive understanding of scaling and materials, as well as an exhibition presentation. The proposal has been reevaluated within the proposed site, incorporating the existing church through a combination and refurbishment, it has seen the incorporation of technical designs that prioritize environmental concerns in Panama City. The programmatic understanding of the project has been developed, with a focus on its educational function and the target client, Santa María La Antigua Catholic University. The research is centered on the art discipline, which has resulted in a studio-based educational extension that takes into consideration the topographic conditions of the site. The proposed educational mode encourages both informal and formal teaching activities.

The design of the project follows a hyphen approach that creates a conscious division in flat architecture and generates its programmes based on its studio-educational features. The exterior design builds on the idea of utilizing spatiality from the previous exercise, thereby acquiring its fragmentary identities through programmes. The final exhibition of the project is of utmost importance, as it seeks to carefully present the entire design process through physical models and drawings. Its focus has been on situating the project within the material context of the city and presenting it in a human-scale and approachable manner.

[2] Diving Tube

Duration: 2020/05 - 2020/07

Location: Miyun, Beijing, China


Individual work

Miyun Reservoir, as the largest and only source of drinking water for Beijing had been enjoying a developed industry under the support of favorable policies during the last century. Nowadays, most suburbs of Beijing are developing their economy under the macro environment of urban expansion. A future for this district is blossoming with an increasing population and gradual economic prosperity.

Diving Tube selected a deserted mine pit located in Miyun, which establishes a deep-dive activity center in the pit by the research of its energy environment and historical background. While providing a complete picture of deep diving and living experiences, this project aims to understand the humanity, history and culture of Miyun.

Physical context

The site is located in the Yan Shan mountain range which is situated in the north of Beijing. Sha Chang reservior is closed to the site, moreover, the surrounding traffic is convenient, which is included by the land and the air.

Several is


Concept idea

Facade study

Undeveloped period (absent - 1969)

Physical context Brief


Welding the pilars

Installing bolts of ring bean

Flatting by concrete

Hotel modules

Installing bolts of frame bean

Installing reinforcement

Installing steel wall

Installing bolts of hinge joint

Installing ring steel parts of hinge joint

Installing reinforcement

Installing concrete slab

Installing taps

Installing steel frame

[3] Evolution

Duration: 2019/10 - 2020/01

Location: Dongcheng, Beijing, China


Individual work

The studio aims to give the increasing worldwide concern over environmental issues of smog and global warming in Beijing. The project situates in the central area of the city, a green area next to the Ming Wall garden in Dongcheng. This project intends to discuss opening human perception to nature, a possibility of revering nature’s power. According to net zero regulations, architects should recognize the essence of nature and incorporate such understanding into architecture to express the thoughts on environmental protection.

The project discusses dynamic conditions in scales of nature, an organic approach that architectural technology negotiating with the landscape. It creates the variation through holographic projection technique, then gives an account of nature’s charm. The project proposes a museum programme, fitting into the triangle area.

The site is situated at the intersection of two urban arterial roads, with a subarterial road facing southwest on the north side, and a historic Ming City Wall remnant on the south side. The site's overall shape forms a right-angled triangle towards the southwest. In light of the site's road relationships and the types of surrounding buildings, the new building should conform to the two roads and extend the architecture red line area inward.

The north side of the site faces the Beijing Hutong, while the northeast side is in proximity to the Beijing Railway Station. Moreover, the east side of the site is close to the Ming Dynasty City Wall Ruins Park. To consider the privacy needs of the hutongs and parks, and the impact of the city's arterial road, the new building should be appropriately elevated. Furthermore, given the uniqueness of the site at the intersection of the city's arterial roads and the view of the train station on the northeast side, the height of the new building should not be excessively high.

An isometric view of the site indicates a declining trend in the height of buildings in the northeast direction, starting from the furthest office building, Beijing Railway Station, Hutong, and Ming City Wall Ruins Park. To guide the site effectively, the new building needs to be deformed after an overall elevation treatment. The original height should serve as the highest point, while the road intersection should be the lowest point, thereby lowering from east to west.

Preliminary investigation analysis of the site shows that it is located in a densely crowded area. Therefore, in the spirit of the green concept of coexistence between humans and the environment, the building roofs should be fully utilized. As such, the roof of the new building can provide a space for people to walk according to their height, and trees can be incorporated into the design to realize the concept of symbiosis between people and the environment.

When selecting building materials for new construction projects, it is important to consider the surrounding site. The railway station located on the east side of the site serves as a vital transportation hub in the city, and its multi-pillar space is visible in the vertical view. As a result, steel with a "sense of line" can be utilized for the pillars of new buildings to reflect the site language.

The choice of roof building materials should also be influenced by the surrounding sites. The Ming City Wall Ruins Park is the most prominent building in the area, constructed of bricks which were pioneers of ancient Chinese construction materials during the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, bricks are a suitable material for the building roof, as they pay homage to the historic context of the site.

Roof Upper level

Ground level


The exhibition gives people nearby free space in the central part of Beijing. It makes the visitor cozy with no wall but pillars. Therefore, I make walls by the front-projected holographic display, which are projected from the pillars. Moreover, the project walls can be changed according to the location of the entrance, which is set on the hypotenuse of the triangle boundary. We could get the path according to the calculation result of the shortest walks of grids and lines between entrance and pillars. Then the path we get could extrude to dozens of project walls. The final step is to make the pillars and the roofs.

Set the boundary of the architecture

Construct grids in the boundary

Reduce lines of the grids randomly Link the entrance point and every points in the grids

Calculate the shortest walk between entrance point and grids points through the selected lines

Delete lines passing through the atriums

Delete lines near the entrance and construct an antechamber

Construct pillars according the grids point

Construct underground walls by a height

Construct roofs on the pillars Construct walls on the ground according to the distances between boundary and point and grids points

Step 1

Girds rotated 45 degrees


Pillars and roofs according to the grids and the distance of paths

Shortest walks between entrance and the points of grids

Walls entrance or atrium Entrance 01 Parameterization Entrance 08 Entrance 15 Entrance 02 Entrance 09 Entrance 16 Entrance 03 Entrance 10 Entrance 17 Entrance 04 Entrance 11 Entrance 18 Entrance 05 Entrance 12 Entrance 19 Entrance 06 Entrance 13 Entrance 20 Entrance 07 Entrance 14 Entrance 21 Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Selected path Type 01 Type 08 Type 15 Type 02 Type 09 Type 16 Type 03 Type 10 Type 17 Type 04 Type 11 Type 18 Type 05 Type 12 Type 19 Type 06 Type 13 Type 20 Type 07 Type 14 Type 21 without going through

Thefirststepistoexcavatefoundationsinthegroundaccordingtothesitesofbeams.Each columnfoundationismadeofthree-thirdscubes.Secondly,setfourmainsteelrebarsatf -ourcornersofeveryfoundationinordertomakethefoundationsolid.Thirdly,setfourm -inorsteelrebarsbetweenmainrebarsineveryfoundation.Then,setthreeloopsofst eelstirrupshorizontallyandverticallyaroundthemainandminorrebarstomakethe foundationnoteasytodeform.Afterward,fillthefoundationswithconcreteanddig fourholeswith30mmindiameterand100mmin-depthonthesurfaceofeveryf -oundation.Lastly,placetheflangeplateonthesurfaceandconnectittothef -oundationwithfourexpansionboltsandtightenthemwithnuts.


70mm diameter steel rebars

20mm diameter steel stirrups

Expansion bolts

15mm flange plate

First,seteighttapsineverydepressionofcorrugated webinordertofixthesteelbarsontheplate.Next, settwosteelrebarswitha3minlengthand30mm indiameterateachdepressionofthecorrugated webandfixthembytaps.Then,putverticalste -elrebarsabovethe transversesteelrebarst -oensurethecorrugatedwebfirm,thenfilli -twithconcrete.

20mm flange plate

10mm glazing panel

50mm floor finish

Steel welding Upper glazing cell

Glazing pedestal Lower glass cell

Beam & connectioncolumn

40mm concrete panel

20mm membrane waterproof

Details of beam

90mm corrugated web

Details of roof

Taps Steel rebars Vertical rebars

Details of glazing groove

Details of joint

Details of webcorrugate Details of waterproof layer

Makethree curvedattheendofthe waterprooflayerinordertostopw -aterpenetrateintothe corrugate -dweb.Thenmaketheglassc -ellatthegap betweenthew -aterprooflayerandsurfac -etile.


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