Booklet lbpp lia

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Project and Work Direction

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Indonesia Calling! Capital City





Rupiah (IDR)

National Ideology


Independence August 17th 1945 Language

Bahasa Indonesia

Calling Code Time Zone

+62 GMT+7 to GMT+9

Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 17.508 islands which encompasses 34 provinces with over 238 million people, making it the world’s fourth most populous country in the world.

Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest – and politically dominant – ethnic group are the Javanese. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it. Indonesia’s national motto, “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”(“Unity in Diversity” literally, “many, yet one”), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the world’s second highest level of biodiversity.

The history of AIESEC in Unila begins in 2012 at University of Lampung. Under the Local Committee AIESEC Bandung. We became an official expansion in February 2014. Currently we are presented in one university under International Program Faculty of Economic and Business University of Lampung and still growing. Jl. Kartini No.40 LIA Building, 3rd Floor Bandar Lampung, Indonesia E-mail :

FB : AIESEC in Unila || Twitter : @AIESECUNILA YouTube : AIESEC UNILA Instagram : @aiesec_unila

Bandar Lampung is the capital city of Lampung, strategically located and easily accessible, particularly from Jakarta, its capital. Bandar Lampung nicknamed “Kota Tapis Berseri” because Lampung has own traditions, high valued handicraft such as woven cloth, interwoven by gold threads called “tapis”. Lampung has been well known for the beaches and high quality coffee.

About Project

Deliver cross-cultural inputs to the students, sharing experience interactively in English Language. The student age of 7 to adult. The intern will create an attractive strategy to deliver the session also collaborate with another teacher. You possibly create your own program for your class (such as outdoor class, etc), as long as it still match with company's rules. Participate in company internal or external events. The intern will be regularly evaluated together with another employee to resume their progress.

2 Opportunities Available :

What Do We Provide? Host Family One meal a day Airport Pickup PBOX Involvement Intern Buddy Welcoming & Farewell Party Webinar Certificate

Lia Hermanto VP Incoming Exchange GIP AIESEC in Unila 15/16 Email: Skype: Lia.hermanto2

Ajeng Rachma Farida IR & Matching Manager of Incoming Exchange GIP AIESEC in Unila 15/16 Email: Skype: ajengrf

Explore exotic miracles in Indonesia, the best entity of Asia!

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