inside this issue cruising the canal living in birmingham human parasites
We sit down with a family of 5 living on a barge on Birmingham’s Canal. We discuss what’s life like living on the canal - is it better than city living? Find out inside!
A2. Cruising The CANAL Want to explore the canal and the city at the same time? ABOVE BELOW brings you the rundown of the best hidden places to discover along the canal.
A3. Parasites What lurkes ‘ABOVE’ the canal’s surface? We taker a a look at the darker things happening on the canal and where we’re most vulnerable. Find out more inside and remember, beware!
n i g n i v li m a h g n i birm
what’s life like on the canal?
Living in the city VS living on the ca We sit down with a nal. What’s best? family of 5 who’ve li They discuss life on ved on the canal fo r over 18 years. the canal, what it’s like, how they came to li ve on the canals an how it different to d life on land!
rge ving on a canal ba .. .a family of 5 li s of the canal system floating along acie r almost 15 years. Gr Birmingham City fo and acher) and her husb te ol ho sc y ar im pr (a with Designer) along Thomas (a Graphic (7) and Claire (18), Emily their 3 children: us omas, sit down with newly born baby Th ving why their way of li to talk about just them. works out best for
It seems like someth ing of a dream to be able to live your life fl oating along a cana l, in the great outdoors , having the freedo m to up and go whenever yo u please, right? We ll The Smith Family can do just that! Apart for when their kids are at sc hool that is anyway . They made their dream be come a reality and it’s worked out perfectl y. Sure it has it’s up s and downs but they work through it, we disc uss this with them an d more! Who knows, maybe
this article will change your life for the better and make you realise that that idea you had in the back of your head of living on the canal can just possibly come true if you put your mind to it!
on g room/kitchen at in the sittin are , The Smith Family their narrow boat the to us about life on preparing to chat gin. s at the ready, we be canal. Tea and cake
Why did you decide
to live on a narrow
to cut fe moved onto a boat Thomas: Me and my wi ingham. nting a flat in Birm down the costs of re ght decision, as we thou s ou ne ta on sp a ’t It wasn stayed in of months while we le up co a r fo it on ty was the at. While the priori our small studio fl appealed from the busy town money, the life away hand; arched a lot before se re We y. tl ea gr to us line for zines and looked on ga ma g in at bo ht ug bo some guidance.
...the w e i v r e t in
ge, uld be a nice chan wo it t gh ou th I : Gracie first. convinced as Tom at as ’t sn wa I gh ou th al actually talk to someone who Then we decided to s nice to mind was set. It wa owns a boat and my ice e boat was in our pr th d an e ac pl n ow r have ou range.
als; We hear a lot about crime in the can such does it bother you to live so close to things? How do you deal with it?
“it’s such a unique and great way to live”
that; Gracie: At first I was worried about ment I wondered if it was a good environ from for children, but it’s not much worse let ’t any other place, really. Still I don think my children out when it’s dark, but I over every parent has that protectiveness their children. of the Thomas: It also depends in which part and canal you decide to stay; some are darker arch some are more friendly, so do your rese le. before you decide where you want to sett
k and And do you find it hard to get to wor that school? Or does it really not differ much from living in a house? travel Gracie: There are some people who stay most of the time, but if you want to you ks in one place for longer than two wee pay have to find a residential mooring and e your a mooring licence and then you hav
own space. It was only the two of you whe n you decided to move; were you planning on starting a family then? What advice w ou ld you give to other famil ies considerin g li vi ng on a narrowboat?
Thomas: Buy a family boat! Wh en our second daughter, Emil y was born w e were forced to change our small boat in to something bigger. Gracie: Many pe ople wonder ho w such a big family can live on a small boat like this, but to us it se ems more cosy an d it brings our family clos er together. Al th ou gh Claire, our 15 year ol d daughter so m et im es needs her own space!
So what about schooling the children? Gracie: It’s the same as any other fami ly. We usually stay in this lock up for mos t of the year, moving around in the holiday s and some weekends to make room for other boats.
Oh that’s good to hear. It sounds pret ty normal. Claire, Emily, what do you thin k of it? Clair: I love it. And so do my frie nds. They’re always asking to come on the boat! Our school isn’t far from where we dock the boat so it’s easy. We go to school just like any other kids.
Would you change anything about livi ng on a barge? Claire: Well, I wish I had more space! Gracie: And we wish we had more spac e from you! [laughs] Thomas: It does get a bit cramped some times but we all get on really well, it’s not a big deal. I wouldn’t change anything abou t our life choices - I think I say on behalf of all of us that we love the freedom of livi ng on a barge. It’s such a unique and grea t way to live, and it’s pretty normal. It really doesn’t differ much from living on lan d!
“we love the freedom!”
is what thereto pA2
Cruising the canals for the day is one of the most unexpected things to do when living in a city, in fact it’s almost unheard of. The canals were here before the cities were and their now hidden amongst the vast, urban landscape! Have you ever just wanted to try and escape the city for a day but not wanted to travel to far to get away from it? Well the canals are the perfect place. Peaceful, tranquil and buzzing with wildlife as well as the humble community of canal barge dwellers. It’s not never been easier to explore these canals and in fact you can now rent a barge for a day, or even a week (if you’re feeling adventurous!) for as little as £125 for 10 people - so if you all split the cost, it’s easily affordable! It’s the perfect way to get out in the great outdoors and experience nature first hand with your friends and family. So you’re making a day of it, you’ve got your boat and you’re ready to set sail! The canals are perfect place to explore and see wildlife first hand, from baby swans to birds of prey to farm animals in nearby fields - the canals have it covered. It’s perfect for kids and the whole family are sure to enjoy.
W hat’s so exciting as that you’re still smack bang in the middle of your home city and you find yourself in this hidden world of peace and tranquility, away from the busy atmosphere of city living. Another place to stop by for something to eat is The Mailbox, Birmingham. The Mailbox and Brindley Place, both of which the Birmingham Canal system runs right through. If you’re looking for somewhere to stop buy for lunch then Brindley Place is perfect, packed full of tiny cafe’s, pizzerias, restaurants and bars, there’s something for everyone! If you’re looking for somewhere to end your day, or looking for something a little more chic or stylish, The Mailbox is full of highend restaurants and bars such as The Cube, Zizzi’s, Marco Pierre as well as Champagne Bar! (A little on the pricey side but why not splash out a little? Treat yourself! If you’ve booked your barge for the week and are looking for somewhere to spend the afternoon, then right outside the city centre is Birmingham’s Botanical Gardens. Take a short 30 minute walk along the canal and you’ll find yourself there!
irmingham’s Botanical Gardens have fifteen acres of flourishing gardens and foliage, 3 stunning glasshouses, wildlife trails, bird houses and even a seasonal butterfly house! And smack bang in the middle of Birmingham City Centre, how many of you knew something so beautiful could be found in such an urban environment? If you’re looking for somewhere to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and want to enjoy peace, tranquility and fresh air then the gardens are the perfect place. There’s something for everyone and at only £7 admission for adults (kids get in free!), it’s an unmissable opportunity! Opening it’s gates in 1832, the Gardens have been a favourite of many of the cities population. Visitors are stunned by the Gardens’ true, natural beauty. Starting with the Tropical House, the biggest of all three glasshouses, this contains many different
plant species of worldwide economic importance such as cassava, sugar can, banana and cocoa - all natives of the Amazon rainforest, also along with a collection of ornamental plants too. The Tropical House also features a huge pool filled with colourful koi carp. It’s such a pleasure to walk around, knowing you’re a 10 minute walk from the busy city it’s almost otherworldly, you feel transported. The air is clean and the atmosphere humid - it really is like walking through your own mini Amazonian-rainforest-world! Walking out of the Tropical House into the SubTropical House you’re greeted by towering palm trees with huge, broad green leaves stretching right out and up towards the ceiling of the glasshouse, a truly magnificent sight. Sitting in the middle, a water feature sets the scene and atmosphere, the trickling
water and the humid atmosphere really do make you feel like you’re in the rainforest. After this, take a few short steps and then you’re in the Arid House! It’s a tremendous experience walking from house to house and instantly being transported in to different climates and environments from all around the globe. All within walking distance of one another! But if the tropics don’t interest you, feel free to walk out and explore the 15 acres of land that the Gardens’ have to offer. Explore hidden pathways and secret gardens filled with wild and exotic plants, submerse yourself in their beauty. It’s the perfect place to escape citylife and an excellent place to the spend the afternoon if you’re on your barge holiday and need a place to stop off! For more info visit &
“it really is like walking through your own mini Amazonian-rainforest-world!�
ra pi st s. I e; m ug ge rs an d ar ch hi w s te at yo u he pa ra si no t ad vi se th ld ou w e th be lo w al on e li e th e ca na ls at k al w ly on ar e is is no t su rf ac e ni gh t ti m e, th at ic op sc ro w om an bu t li tt le m ic st ta rg et ed at ju e th in ve al l li sh ou ld ta ke cr ea tu re s th at en m en ev l. of th e ca na at io n m ur ky w at er s in to co ns id er is th ss le lp th e he da ng er s Th ey at ta ck to ta ke th e d an l ro nt co s an d e ha ve be en fi sh an d bi rd ri ou sl y. Th er se y el at un rt ch fo ca se s in w hi th ei r m in ds . Un l ra ve se s te be en so pa ra si th er e ar e al nt pe op le ha ve ce no in e th ab ov e e pa th s li ve w hi ch ge d al on g th ug m et rg ta w hi ch . Yo u w ou ld su rf ac e, on es of th e ca na ls e ar s te si ra pa vi ct im s hu m an s. Th es e th at th e m ai n k in th ke li s, th ey fe m al es . na st y cr ea tu re vu ln er ab le e ar d an ss he lp le t m at te r to st ea l th e ev er , it do es no w Ho nt . ge nd er , ev en ra pe th e in no ce w ha t ag e of dl y a 57 e at ta ck ed . Sa ar en m gs in ve ra l th pu sh ed Th er e ar e se ol d w om an go t ar ye t ou ab kn ow an d w as yo u ne ed to th e gr ou nd to t, gh ni id m te r ha nd ba g. th e ca na ls af m ug ge d of he r s m le ob pr n ai bu t th e tw o m to be aw ar e ed w hi ch yo u ne ry se ri ou sl y of an d ta ke ve
If y ou a re n and ew had a co to Birmi peop nver ngha le a sati m N bout they o ot o n wher woul with nly e d tel t the c thie o av are l you anal v o ther i id, ng p s alo to no e ho at n o a ther rasi ne an t wal rrib ight tes, p a d k le r t e a ime dodg spec s t a i h s t ere saul es wh iall as i y ar t a r y t i ea the e ch se beco beca rapi inno xual mes use t . It’s a sts w c e l a n h r y ho do t. Th e can e day o ey a als a al shame or gende not c ut re re a a r r , the b , especia e a t n h w d the love ey h hat a arge lly c l a y g y v s. To e ruis have e no is a ing o thin one m limi dark k n t o s that tive is u side only ther pset to t . e ting he c atmo and anal sphe s r spoi e. It to be ls t also awar he a e llow betw of th s yo een d e gre u ay an a d nig t contra st ht.
here have been ma ny cases in which young gi rls have been victimised an d have been sexually abus ed and told what to do, sadly one of these casualties was a 14 year old girl. It is upsetting to th ink that this incident must have changed her life drastically. On e thing that many people are no t aware of and it is important fo r you to know this; is that woma n and girls are not the only ones who get attacked. In fact ma les have been victims of rape, th ere have been a few cases. This tell s you that no gender is safe walk ing the canals alone at night. A wo rd of ad vi ce to yo u re ad er s; wh at ev er yo u do , do no t wa lk th e fo ot pa th s al on e, it is da ng er ou s an d yo u wi ll on ly be pu tt in g yo ur se lf at ri sk – th er ef or e it is a ca se of yo ur ow n re sp on si bi li ty. Be sa fe an d wa lk ar ou nd in a gr ou p if yo u ha ve to be in th at ar ea at ni gh t. Alwa ys ha ve a mo bi le on yo u ju st in -c as e, an d ma ke su re it is fu lly ch ar ge d. Wo rs t ca se sc en ar io is if yo u go t at ta ck ed an d ha d no ph on e or yo ur ba tt er y ha s di ed , yo u wo ul d fe el lo st an d al on e no t be in g ab le to ca ll th e po li ce or so me on e to he lp . I wo ul d hi gh ly ad vi se th at fe ma le s sh ou ld at le as t ha ve th e co mp an y of a ma le , as fe ma le s ar e mo re vu ln er ab le . On e la st th in g, be ve ry ca re fu l an d st ay sa fe .