Laser Eye Surgery Now more than ever people are going under the knife to have vision-correcting surgery but is it as good as it sounds? In an industry, which still remains relatively unregulated it is no wonder that whilst the number of people who are having laser eye surgery continues to grow so do the number of people making laser eye surgery claims for compensation. It is reported that a staggering 60% of opticians give unsatisfactory information pertaining to the risks and side effects of laser eye surgery to those contemplating the procedure. This being the case you can see why so many people are shocked by the results or the side effects they suffer. For over 20 years Martyn Trenerry has been a solicitor who specializes in helping the victims of negligence get the compensation they deserve. Busier now than ever before, Martyn knows first hand just how damaging not being properly informed can be. Mr Robinson is just one of Martyn Trenerry’s clients who suffered considerable post-operative pain, blurred vision and corneal scarring after eye surgery. He said he would have never undergone such surgery had the consultant ophthalmologist who was dealing with his case fully informed him of both his options and the effects of various surgeries available prior to surgery. This level of neglect is all too familiar a case for Martyn. Fortunately for Mr Robinson however, Martyn Trenerry and his team at Cosmetic Injury Lawyers are experts in their field and won him the compensation he deserved. “ I can’t thank Martyn and his team enough for helping me with my laser eye surgery claim, they gave me regular, professional communication and plenty of great advice. They understood that I had been let down and supported me in wanting to make sure others didn’t suffer the same fate,” explained Mr Robinson of his experience. If you have suffered as a result of laser eye surgery, then contact Cosmetic Injury Lawyers today. Their specialist team can help you like they did Mr Robinson and get you the compensation you deserve. For more information on getting help with laser eye surgery claims, call 01708 784000.