group 1 project scope

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Briefing Phase This project aims at addressing the needs of people in developing countries. Often such groups of people are unable to have access to basic transportation, which would otherwise allow them access to schools (education), markets (income), health care facilities etc. Such is the case for developing countries all across the world. The design of this modification to existing mountain bikes will allow people independence, empowerment and consequently the ability to fulfill their aforementioned needs. The overall effect will translate to improvement in the economy (through increased trade), creating a skilled workforce (training) and other secondary benefits.

Design Constraints ! The technical constraints imposed are mainly attributed to catering for various MTBs. The proposed modification must accommodate existing MTBs with direct modification to the actual MTB itself, nor to its ride geometry. Along the same lines, the MTB is to maintain a rear-wheel drive. To make this as accessible as possible, the proposed modification must also fit to any variant of MTBs. In terms of functionality, the MTB modification must allow for the largest feasible payload, while adhering to the above mentioned criteria. The modification is to be for MTBs that are fitted with a 26 inch rear wheel.

Bicycle specifications ! To help us achieve these goals we will look at particular aspects of the MBK as follows: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Lightweight Maximise carrying capacity Minimise disruption to operation of existing MTB (stability) Ease of assembly Maximise safety of rider Fit to any style of MTB Handle terrain of local environment No modification to MTB Cost effective Consideration of stress points 26! MTB wheel Low cost human powered haulage vehicles

To be able to cater for various styles of MTBs, the design standards for MTBs will be taken into consideration. This will aid and guide the possible avenues for

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developing the concept, with the overall goal to be able to fit to the various styles that exist. However, this will come at the cost of optimizing the performance of the concept, as would otherwise be possible if the design was tailored specifically to one particular form of MTB. Selection of materials and methods for material processing will be limited to maintain the low cost of the final product, by minimizing production costs. Materials considered are those that are relatively common and readily available. The design would be created using various forms of wood, fabric and possibly metals which are easily processed.

Key Problems ! Key problems associated upon initial appreciation of the design task include: ! The generality of the design in catering for all styles of MTBs ! The way in which the load will be mounted without modification to the MTB and ride geometry ! Adhering to the low cost and ease of manufacture of the concept.

Opportunities ! In light of the design challenges that are associated with the MTB modification, various opportunities exist that would be beneficial to the local communities. The modification could allow for a mass production of these enhanced MTBs, reducing the cost per bike and making them more accessible. A large-scale project would also have positive implications on the local economy, increasing the ability for locals to engage in trade (by being able to transport their goods to local markets, for example), or in the creation of jobs for the production and maintenance of these modified MTBs. Education and health of communities as a whole would also improve as a result of such a project as they gain greater mobility - access to education and medical services.

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Precedents Bike Aid International. 2008. "About Us", International Humanities Centre. Accessed 15 March 2009. The website promotes Bike Aid International, by explaining its purpose, aim, mission and goals. The charity organization is based in the United States, where they are keen on helping developing countries with a cheaper and eco-friendly method of transport. By using unwanted bicycles that end up in landfills where they have no purpose other than to rot for decades or more, they send them to organizations in countries in need of bicycles. This not only benefits developing countries, but also reduces waste in the United States, making it environmentally friendly. Phil Taylor. "Oberstar says bike projects will be part of next authorization bill", Earth News, 2009. Accessed on 15 March 2009, URL: To ensure that cycling as a viable mode of transport is promoted, provisions will be granted to cyclists if the next transportation authorization bill is passed. This means that cyclists will have more incentives to choose the more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alterative to transport, over cars for example. With the expiration of current legislation regarding non-motorized transportation, coupled with the current situation of the global financial climate, concern is directed toward the abolition of initiatives that give incentives for choosing non-motorized transport. However, it is this new bill that will retain, and perhaps increase, the status of cycling in current culture, and will enable biking to be considered by law. An example of Copenhagen is given, where "bike lanes are snow ploughed before vehicle lanes" which resulted in an increase in the use of bikes by commuters. Overall, this initiative will give more choice and freedom to those who travel by foot or bike, ultimately making it a more attractive choice. Unknown, "A roll-out plan for Shova Kalula Bicycle Project", 2007, Dept. Transport Republic of South Africa. pp. 1-73, Accessed on 15 March 2009, URL: ndments%2006%20AUGUST%202007.pdf The aim is to provide access to bicycles to those who meet a certain set of requirements. However, the broader goals would involve the improvement of social well-being and allow freedom and ease of transport particularly for "women, farm workers and vulnerable members of the community". The other effects of this initiative are to improve the status of the environment (i.e. Kyoto protocol), reduce the levels of poverty and underdevelopment which are said to

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be caused by a lack of access to public transport services. The socio-economic situation could also be improved with this low cost alternative to transport, which will stimulate further development. This amounts to "1,000,000 bikes to be delivered by a target deadline of 2010!, with increasing number of roll outs over each "financial year beginning 2007/2008!. This is a bold move to incorporate bicycling into the transportation system in general, creating a foundation for the development of a mainstream bicycling culture and reducing the dependence on other more environmentally damaging (and often inaccessible) modes of transport, i.e. private cars. Overall, this plan has fundamental challenges which have been addressed over the course of 4 years of research to determine the viability of the proposal. For example, specific requirements regarding the terrain have been taken into consideration to allow the bikes to operate under the constraints imposed by such terrain, which shows that careful consideration has been taken in the development of the plan. Czuczman, K. 2008, Bicycles for Poverty Reduction, Forum News: International Forum for Rural Transport and Development, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1-4, Accessed on 15 March 2009, URL: The Forum News argues that bicycles are beneficial. The authors point out that bicycles have become a part of society, as it allows children to have access to a mode of transport allows them to go to school, for example. There is mention of The Village Bicycle Project in Ghana, where bicycles and tools are sent and locals are provided with training on repair and maintenance. However, the authors do not focus on giving away bikes at no cost, as they believe that "things that are freely given are freely wasted!, and also disrupts demand and supply. Instead, they make bikes accessible to the "hardworking, disadvantaged poor! by making it cheaper, so that owners of the bikes gain a sense of appreciation and a feeling of success. The newsletter also discusses promoting ownership, by making it free for those who volunteer. In addition, links are provided to all existing bike projects in Africa. Furthermore, the newsletter presents readers with 11 additional articles written by a variety of authors, which covers a wide range of topics that are related to freight bikes in developing countries. These typically deal with the practical issues surrounding projects that distribute these bikes. For example, economic and social factors are two dominant themes that appear throughout the newsletter.

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Concept Design Phase The proposed freight bike is designed for the developing world, with special consideration taken for African locals in both a rural and urban setting. We will investigate the current transportation situation of this region and apply given design constraints in creating a user friendly, economically sound and sustainable bicycle for our target audience. Throughout urban areas of Africa a large percentage of the population live below the poverty line and cannot afford any means of transportation limiting their access to work, school, medical services and markets. In rural Africa most farming is conducted on small regional plots which are situated quite a distance from where the farmers live. Here, the women of the family carry loads between the home and farm by back or head. Load types will vary but will include everything from water and petroleum, rice or coffee loads in rural environments to people in urban settings.

Primary objectives ! ! ! ! ! !

Ability to carry a variety of types of loads Maximise carrying capacity Practical use of materials # sustainable in both a long-term production plan, and in the durability and life span of the bicycles. Cost effective means of producing bicycles at mass level Ensuring bicycles are accessible financially for our target audience

In focusing on these issues we will hope to improve the county$s underdeveloped status by encouraging a healthier, more productive, prosperous and sustainable society.

Examples of load carrying bikes !



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Transport goods Transport children

Transport water and food Delivery services Small business such as a vender

Typically people in remote areas require transportation to transport their groceries from markets, for example. This is critical for remote communities who rely on these markets as their source of food. Freight bikes would be extremely helpful in this scenario, as staples can be brought from markets faster, and in greater abundance. This refers to carrying a piece of furniture, for example, using the modification to the MTB. For this scenario the largest possible load carrying capacity would be beneficial. Basically the process of moving goods from one location to another, which would otherwise be difficult using human force alone Basic access to education is made possible by allowing children to be transported to schools using freight bikes. Other secondary benefits may also include transportation to healthcare facilities etc. Similar to shopping, but addresses the more basic needs of accessing food and water. Often times MTBs can access areas where motorised vehicles cannot. For this reason, delivery services - not limited to developing countries # typically adopt the freight bike as a means to deliver goods. Venders in developing countries oftentimes need to transport their wares from their local communities to common markets where they sell their goods. In these cases, it is vital to be able to transport as much as possible, as this may very well be their primary source of income.

Concept solutions ! Initial exploration of the problem revealed several avenues for the development of a concept. Most of the concepts developed have already been implemented in practice, and will form the basis of the design to be developed as a result of this appreciation. The designs, described below, that have been explored are able to be organised in terms of how the modification will be attached to the MTB and how it intends to carry the load. Modification Add a cargo trailer

Description The cargo trailer is essentially an attachment fitted with wheels that is towed by the MTB. The benefits of this design are that it maximises payload, as the cargo trailer could theoretically be as large as per required. However, this comes at the expense of ease of use.

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Redesign carrier platform

This involves taking another look at existing platform designs that are fitted to MTBs. Platforms have been developed either with sides (similar to utility vehicles) or a simple flat plane. Each has their respective benefits and disadvantages. For example, whereas the top-less box/container design can offer greater capacity, the flat platform can offer greater mobility as it is more restricted in the load it can carry.

Add carry bag A simple scenario would involve the attachment of a bag to the bike. These can be flexible in the location of mounting, on bike but may add some instability to the overall riding experience.

Materials ! For this project, material selection is very important. Due to the bike$s existing weight and also the weight of the goods to be carried, it is essential for this modification to be lightweight, strong and cheap. Thorough understanding of different materials for the design of this load-carrying device will be crucial to achieving the goal of a lightweight yet strong design.

Identifying potential problems ! % Load-carrying ability and strength: We will need to focus on maximizing the load carrying ability of the bike by using materials that will hold strong under the pressure. Using the right materials will help with this issue. % Weather and Terrain conditions: Materials will need to be able to withhold the predominantly dry conditions namely dusty and uneven dirt roads Cost and Availability: The average income for rural farmers is $14 a month, and $27 for urban locals. It will be important to take this into consideration when determining how the bicycles are going to be distributed and paid for # even using a repayment scheme we will need to focus on using a low cost material. Locally produced material will be a lot more affordable on a large scale and are generally more cost effective.

Design methods for idea development ! ! !

Stories and comics Photo Matrix

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! !

Final Product Precedent

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Technical Design Aspects Materials ! The materials used for the bike have to be strong and easily processed, sourced and repairable. So the materials we have decided upon will be strong and lightweight. The material may also need to be very accessible and be readily available with ease so if the owner or repairer is in dire need of it they can get it. This could involve sourcing natural resources that are common to countries that these modified MTBs will be deployed. For example, Chinese bamboo would be an ideal candidate for South East Asian countries. The bike has to be reasonable and be user-friendly and safe for the users. It has to be simple but carry a lot of weight. Its simplicity can play a key role as it will be easy to repair and to build and rebuild which also makes the load-carrying device a lower cost item which is what is needed. South Africa has a well-established metals industry which produces materials such as basic iron ore and steel, basic non-ferrous metals and metal products. The more accessible materials will be iron, steel and aluminium as these are the dominant metals being produced locally. These materials will be either -



Steel: Relatively inexpensive, locally produced, easily repaired and extremely strong. Low stiffness also provides a smoother riding experience. Aluminum: Much lighter than steel, however aluminum is not nearly as strong and does deform relatively easily. It is also much stiffer than steel making the riding experience more rigid. Iron: One of the main materials produced locally in Afica. Fairly strong and inexpensive, another viable option. Titanium: Approximately half the weight of steel, and just as strong. Titanium is fairly expensive however and Africa does not seem to have the manufacturing ability to make this option viable. Copper

The design has to be affordable to people who may do not earn a lot and it may be able to be swapped for services or other goods.

Key Points of concern ! Key factors Safety

Description Safety is always a concern when creating human driven products. The best way to ensure safety of the

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Weight Strength

Repairable Marketing

users is to be confident with the materials and structure of the product. The device needs to be available to as many people as possible, so the overall cost must be monitored strictly and minimized To make the modification, its repair and maintenance as low cost as possible so improve the life-span and affordability of the product The structure will need to be centered and symmetrical and the load should be as close to the ground as possible to minimize force required to drive the bike. Should be as light as possible Consideration needs to be given to the overall strength of the modification so that its life can maximized The device needs to developed such that it is easily repairable with minimal training Methods to market this product in the best possible way so that it takes into consideration all that has been described in this project scope.

Assembly ! The MTB may require the chain being extended to reach to the back of the MTB$s relocated 26! wheel, as its original position will no longer be used to accommodate the modification for load carrying The rack of the bike will need to be universal and have a flat surface which is strong and durable, preferably aluminum as it is low cost strong and can take a lot of wear and tear. As well as it being used as a base for all kinds of items, we do not want to have a grill as items will fall through. Also if bags are used for the sides as extra carrying devices they will need to be made of a strong and tough material that can withstand heavy loads and wear. Such a material would preferably be canvas as it is cheap and has a strong close weave so it can be repaired and is very tough. The base also needs to be comfortable in case the MTB is to be used to transport people. It also needs to be well balanced and evenly spread so that the load is carried evenly.

Joinery -

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The joins on the bike need to be very strong and able to be produced by the people who will be repairing the bikes. So it will need to be either ! Welded ! Arc welded ! Gas welded All being strong and easily used with minimal training.

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Final Reporting Phase The fright bike is designed for developing countries - namely Africa - where there is currently an overwhelming need for increased mobility to improve the condition of the population$s health, education and economic sectors. We aim to create a product that is versatile; suitable in both rural and urban settings within Africa. The load-carrying device will face various loads such as petroleum, water, coffee, or people. As we are designing for a developing world, it is important that we also keep costs to a minimum by using low-cost materials that can be locally produced, are durable and can be easily and readily repaired. A sustainable large scale production line would help have a long term effect on the local economy. It would create new jobs and increase the economic activity of local communities (in the efficiency of the agricultural sector and in boosting the manufacturing industry) whilst improving access to medical facilities and schools.

Existing Design Constraints ! ! ! ! !

Adaptation must fit existing mountain bike with a rear wheel of 26 inches Geometry of existing bike must not be changed Real wheel drive only Must allow for largest possible load

Main Challenges # ! !


! !

Weather and terrain conditions # dusty, uneven and unpredictable roads Affordability # The costs to the individual purchasing the bike. A repayment plan may need to be considered depending on the outcome. Effective use of materials and production methods # The use of steel, with aluminium and iron to minimize cost and maximize strength. Durability to minimize difficulties down the track Repair # Due to sometimes unpredictable terrain the bikes will need to be able to be mended without too much extra cost or time

Methods ! Throughout the development of concepts for the freight bike we will use various methods of investigation to help reach a design solution. Some of these methods include:

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! ! ! ! !

Materials research and knowledge Sketches and illustrations Mock-up$s of suggested structures Photographs and film Product Renderings

Developments ! Drawings and tests will be performed to make sure that the load carrying device is right for its intended use and that it will cause no problems and be useable by many. The materials and items themselves will be low cost so that they are affordable for struggling families and people. The bikes will be shown to locals of developing countries to make them aware of the item and a strategy will be investigated in regards to methods of payment. Information on the repair of the design will be included with the package. When bikes are to be deployed in bulk to various communities, a team will be sent to train the local residents in repair while also building the bikes at no additional cost. The main aim is for this bike to be affordable and low cost and made in large volumes for a wide range of developing countries. The affordability is the key factor which must be looked into and made a priority.

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Timeline Phase one

Phase two

Phase three

Research and Project Scope Comprehend scenario Brainstorm and generate ideas Research scenario Scope: Briefing phase Scope: Concepts design phase Scope: Detail design phase Scope: Timeline and schedule Design and Technical Resolution Manufacturing drawing set A3 Parts Assemblies Exploded views Bill of materials Processes Finishes Presentation Illustrations 1:4 Scale model

Re-visioning and Reporting Review previous work Articulate a new concept Prepare presentation posters







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