Horror magazine cover analysis 2

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Horror Magazine Cover Analysis The cover of “Horror” follows the example of many modern entertainment magazines in its composition but still sticks to the use of colour (or lack thereof) of its less mainstream counterparts. The title of the magazine is “Horror” which places it as a magazine purely based on its similarly named genre, not placing it as a magazine based upon a particular section of the genre, going instead for a much wider approach with particular issues focussing upon the other parts of said genre including for example the SFX (as seen on the left). The primary colour of the cover is white in order to contrast with the darker, night themed background with small portions of red splashed upon page in the shapes of pools of blood which is a rather overused aspect of horror magazine covers. The red works with the white in order to make the buzz words which are present on the cover in order to increase their visibility and thus make an effort to attract the reader to those words, “hyping” them up in regards to what’s inside the magazine. Lastly the composition of the cover is run of the mill with a large white box heading the cover and trying to draw attention to free gifts in order to sell more copies, the rest of the magazine is normal with a large title dominating the upper portion of the page and an image utilising the rule of thirds in order to pre establish a precedent for their picks for “The Top 20 Horror Villains”. The other subtitles the common composition with a bold buzz word filled main titles to grab the reader’s attention and some short exposition below.

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