Jaws movie analysis

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Jaws (1975): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1fu_sA7XhE The open opening of Jaws starts out with an establishing shot of the ocean floor with a deep low voice slowly and in depth giving an overview about the monster (Jaws). The voice over explains the nature of the shark; ‘it will attack and devour anything’ this tells us straight away that you should be frightened of it. The scene ends with a girl being dragged under water to her death, establishing the way the shark kills it prey and giving the viewer information about how the protagonist should approach it. The next scene introduces us to the main protagonist, telling us their job, where they live and his relationship with the people around him. The voice over also makes a return to the trailer, informing us who wrote the story and the title of it; during this, some ‘goofy’ music plays in the background, setting a jolly and calming scene on the beach. We also here gain even more information about what the monster is (A shark) from the character point of view. The last scene shows the character’s attempt to catch and kill the shark. You can see straight away in the protagonist’s face that he is determined and fearing for his life that he wants to get rid of this monster and kill it. If they succeed the holiday makers will be able to enjoy their stay at the beach, without remembering the horrors that they saw of their loved ones dying. The whole trailer gives up information about the monster without actually showing us to it. all we are told is that it is a big shark that can ‘swallow you whole’ and need to be rid of, this allows the viewer to create their own image of the shark that fits their greatest fears.

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