Narrative Breakdown Disequilibrium: A snippet of information about the demon, brief glimpse of the horse (ghostly), Equilibrium of the teenagers: The teens are hanging out at night, and end up breaking into the school because Tyson dared Ollie to go in, but when she doesn’t come out, he goes in after her. Recognition: The two teens run into each other inside the school and Ollie reveals to Tyson that she saw the ghost of a teenager. More spooky events take place involving the demonic horse leading to the pair feeling that they need to try and get rid of the spirits. Attempt to Fix: Destroying the shoe thus releasing the spirits from the demons influence. New Equilibrium:The spirits are free and life resumes as normal but with the loss of Tyson,Ollie will need to adjust.(final shot being child standing with the white horse spirit atop a hill).
Detailed plot description Setting:small semi modern town at dusk/leading to the stables at dawn. Locations: -Stables on Corton Long Lane. -Ditchingham Primary School. After one friend swears they saw something at night roaming their local town,Ollie coaxes her friend Tyson to investigate, and with an extensive knowledge of Ghost Adventures, the pair and their trusted canine venture through the area. With no luck, they resort to going into the local school. After being locked in by the (seemingly) spiteful caretaker, they investigate and make the best of their situation. They find files in the store room speaking of a death of a past student. Intrigued, the pair look further into the mystery, and they end up finding the final piece of the puzzle; an old children’s book that has been untouched in the library for years, with pages ripped out, scrawled handwriting and sigils. Unknowing of the dangers, they take the book away to read and investigate, which triggers the spirit to run rampant as the book and its enchantment was the only thing keeping the spirit sedate. They ask the caretaker the next day; it’s revealed he’s part of the child’s family. There’s a newspaper clipping on the wall of the child’s obituary, stating that the body was not recovered from the school grounds.(perhaps the child could have been killed by the horse via the horse getting spooked at a fete via it being possessed and trampling the child,leaving what was left of the child's purity as a single white hoof) The caretaker also reveals that the book the group found was an old book of spells which he has been using over the past decade or so to keep the soul sedate. They go back the next night, trying to find where the body may reside. Upon investigating the pond, Tyson goes to kick a stone into the pond, but feels a hand grab his ankle and he is dragged under and is thought to be dead. Saddened and distraught,Ollie works hard to excavate the body and destroy it, animate or not. Returning to the library, they try to find another copy, thinking that the jock character had the original when he died, but the library is trashed, with books everywhere and in a mess. (speculative ending) in the leftovers of the library there was one object the dog found which seemed out of place,a horseshoe runed with demonic markings,upon realisation that the horse must have a larger role in the story,Ollie goes to try and perhaps purify or get rid of the horse,hoping that then the world will go back to normal and the tormented souls of those involved would be put at ease,Ollie goes with the loyal canine to the nearest stable to find out whether the horses spirit can be put to rest,the horse appears once more and stronger
than ever,whatever was using the horse's spirit was somehow more powerful.Ollie and the dog head over to where the horse was kept and laid low whilst trying to come up with a plan of action.Observing that the horse had one white foot and that Ollie had found a horseshoe near the scene of the tragedy,she speculated that if the shoe was either destroyed/perhaps reunited with the horse that the spirits which were somehow bound to the shoe would be set free,severing the demons ties to them both and thus banishing the demon from this realm.
Potential spooks -
A ball bouncing on its own in the playground. Sandpit. Doors of shed slamming. Books flying off shelves. Take the book out- there’s an eye looking at them and then SPOOKY SCREAM!! Tyson git gud Corridor scene (in school) – lights flickering and the spirit is seen with children’s laughter and hurried footsteps. Hopscotch – wet footprints. Doggo boofs when they enter the library SHOOK. Playground – stuff moving.
Characters: -Caretaker – Barney. old guy. 40s-50s. Child spirit is part of his family, trying to save and purify the child, so that’s why he left the book out. -Teenager – 13 years old. caretaker’s niece. The spirit is tainted in some way (demonic entity possessing her), caretaker is trying to preserve the good side and get rid of the dark entity. Caretaker tells them to go the stables, where a horseshoe is needed to banish the demon. Caretaker can’t leave the spirit(s) alone at the school, therefore needs someone who he can trust to help banish the demon. Demon has to lure the children out of the school to fully possess them to kill people. Caretaker has to keep the children from leaving. The book was enchanted to protect the school. -2 teens - Tyson Stafford and Ollie Dickson - 16/17 years old. Break into the school, end up seeing a ghost.Tyson is more brutish and instinctive than Ollie,but through crossed interests and family ties they become friends.Ollie is of a higher intelligence and has an inquisitive nature.Tyson is the muscle,Ollie is the brains,typical opposites attract friendship pairing. -Demon - dark horse aids the demon in possessing people - provides a stronger energy.The demons goal is to manifest itself on Earth in order to rule “the realm above”,the demon needs sacrifices but due to no-one left to sacrifice things to him,he has to do it himself,using vessels such as the child and the horse he aims to gain strength through a series of deaths,starting with the deaths of the schools children and then the town itself.