Architecture Portfolio 2020

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Liam Lyle








Conceptual design used to turn open fields into a more purposeful space.

Office space to an educational centre. Two different spaces needs two different designs.

Conceptual design targeted towards my personal background and place of origin.

Pages 4 - 7

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Pages 11- 14



In this project I needed to create a social gathering space for people to communicate and foster deeper connections rather than being segregated in their sprawl type homes which is very common in this area with minimal interaction with their neighbors. As humans we need to communicate and interact with others. Homestead dam is the perfect spot to improve people social experience as well as improving the neighborhood for all types of people from various back grounds.

The current sites main attraction is for fishing, only targeting a select few of the overall population. The second attraction is the children’s playground which is run down and poorly maintained. In order to solve this dilemma with various ethnic and background groups to evoke sociable change through this design is creating a space in which each area has a different function and a hot spot to host park runs and paddle boat racing along the water front. Whilst still giving the people a sense of belonging to the spaces around them.


BATHROOM The bathroom is the most minimal yet efficient building on site. Capturing water with its wide spread surface area used to funnel water down a singular gutter which transfers the water into JoJo tanks in the rear. Only to be pumped through a sump into the tanks of each toilet. Top glazing is fixed with timber frames preventing watchful eyes from peering in yet still allowing sunlight to illuminate the area.


FOOD STALL Wooden front coupled with a complete storefront glazing for maximum view of the exterior. To prevent over heating with minimal glazing adjustment for SHGC. A shading element constructed of steel framing and fiber cement ceiling held up with high tension steel cables has been implemented and adds value to the overall look of the structure.


COFFEE SHOP A contemporary styled structure to draw wondering eyes and experience coffee in the outdoors. Solar panels are provided to aid the excessive use of operating these glorious coffee machines to design the perfect cup of coffee. Aiding us on our journey through this magnificent urban design.



The project was an interior remodel of African Academy ( Educational institute ) on 15 Reservoir RD, Boksburg East Industrial, Boksburg 1459. Which was intended to improve the quality of learning by changing its formal 1960’S office theme into a functional learning space for the youth of the 21st century.

The main concept is improving the quality of learning by borrowing light and creating a community through a visual connection.

Practical & visual learning Multi-purpose learning Informal spaces offices & staff quarters Ablutions Computer lab

Spaces are designed to attract more students and draw them in, enhancing their curiosity and engagement instead of learning within banal and uncomfortable spaces, shying them away back to their play-stations.


GLAZED CORRIDOR AND TECHNICAL ROOMS Demolition of partition walls with the intent of gesturing visual connectivity whilst still holding onto the physical segregation with the use of curtain walls allowing light to beam through without interruption.

STUDENT ENTRANCE An informal learning space with timber walls sends a warm invitation upon entry to students as psychological influence to join the institute. Materials reflect the colour of the site telling a geographical story. There is a subtle threshold from the exterior to interior of the space through the use of these colours.

EXHIBITION STUDIO The simplicity of this room with theatrical colours gestures the attention to the presentation at hand and creates an atmospheric mood.


CONSTRUCTION DETAILING Without the proper detailings , the reality of the structure won’t meet within the expectation of what you have presented to you’re client using those fancy render skills of yours. In order to ensure contractors and builders don’t swap out materials for their own profitable gain. Detailing is super important to ensure your clients satisfaction once the project is completed.



The site was a given 20x40m near my home town of Benoni. The goal was to design a structure based off of my heritage and my own persona. To achieve this I designed a contemporary styled home using the East and West side structures to buffer off the howling wind and the low piercing sun during the phases of dawn and dusk.

My design was conceptualized and formed from simple rectangular wooden blocks bringing vernacular architecture and residential homing together. The materiality was kept to a minimal by using wood for warmth, stone as a symbol of Europe’s modern trend and plaster.


ITERATIONS The whole idea is the process of testing and holding onto loose ideas. As they say strong ideas are held loosely, testing and piecing different materials together increasing the chance of success. Generating fast ideas to help achieve my final vision. The design shows timber around the entrance which draws warmth as the occupant approaches. A giant cross represents the church on the front facade and the height of the dwelling upon entry. This gives the feeling of a church and sheltering protection once inside as if it is a barrier against the harsh elements.


LIVING SPACE Tone and composition can either make or break a space. The living room is where people consider on being in since it is where we spend most of our time, especially during the pandemic. Warm materials and colour distinguishes the horizontal planes with white vertical walls to show segregation in the design giving an appealing masculine penological feel.

SLEEPING QUARTERS Vaulted ceiling in the first floor gives more volumetric space in a small footprint. Utilizing the structural beams underbelly as a flat surface for electrical features which acts as a multipurpose design. To break the feeling of imprisonment a grey fiber cement feature wall helps break the chain of four white walls and roof.




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