1 minute read
3 Key D
(Note:- This song is also in Book 3 in Key of G)
[D]I wish I [Em]was in [A7]Carrick[D]Fer[Bm]gus Only for [Em]nights in [A7]Bally[D]gran [Dsus4] [D] [D]I would swim [Em]over [A7]the deepest [D]ocean [Bm] The deepest [Em]ocean [A7]for my [G]love to [D]find [Dsus4] [D] But the [D]sea is [Bm]wide and I [Em]cannot swim [A]over And neither [Bm]have I [D]wings with [G]which to [A]fly [D]I wish I could [Em]find me [A7]a handsome [D]boatman [Bm] To ferry me [Em]over [A7]my [G]love and [D]I
[D]My childhood [Em]days bring back [A7]sad re[D]flec[Bm]tions Of happy [Em]times we spent [A7]so long a[D]go [Dsus4] [D] [D]My Boyhood [Em]friends [A7]and my own re[D]la[Bm]tions Have [Em]all passed on now [A7]likethe [G]melting [D]snow [Dsus4][D] [D]So I'll spend my [Bm]days in this end[Em]less ro[A]ving Soft is the [Bm]grass and [D]shore, my [G]bed is [A]free [D]Oh to be [Em]home now [A7]in Carrick[D]Fergus [Bm] On the [Em]long road [A7]down to the [G]salty [D]sea
Now [D]in Kil[Em]Kenny it [A7]is re[D]por[Bm]ted There’s marble [Em]stones [A7]there as [G]black as [D]ink [Dsus4][D] [D]With gold and [Em]silver I [A7]would sup[D]port [Bm]her But I'll [Em]sing no more [A7]now ‘til I a [G]get [D]drink [Dsus4][D] I'm [D]drunk to[Bm]day and I'm sel[Em]dom [A]sober A handsome [Bm]ro[D]ver from [G]town to [A]town [D]Ah, but I'm [Em]sick now [A7]my days are [D]numbered [Bm] Come all you [Em]young [A7]men and [G]lay me [D]down Come all you [Em]young [A7]men and [G]lay me [D]down
Song:- https://youtu.be/M0S9bIOK790