Branksome Bugle - Issue 6

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Supported by the Courier

Branksome Bugle Issue 6

Your magazine, your opinion, your school!!

Well done Jenny Chapman We think Jenny is a great person because she is the Labour MP for Darlington and she arranged for a group of pupils to visit the Northern Echo. During the day, we met Peter Barron the Editor of the Northern Echo. We interviewed Jenny Chapman, and we asked “Who inspired you as a child and who gave you the motivation to get to where you are today?” She replied “I was very lucky as a child. My parents always talked about politics and what was on the news. It was always lively debating over the dinner table in our house. I was very fortunate with some of the teachers I had too. There was one history teacher Above is the first edition who was amazing and he really gave me a belief that things are of the Northern Echo able to change. One of the problems is, people don’t believe in changing things, but actually that’s not very true and you can make some rather big changes, it’s up to us about what happens in the future, to how things were in the past. I think parents and teachers are the most significant and had the most influence on me, looking back. “ Adam asked, “Have you met the current Prime Minster?” Jenny replied “No, I have never met him but I have been quite close to him. He is very orange and quite shiny.” Liam asked “Are we still getting a new school?” She replied “There are three schools affected by the new government’s changes Longfield, Hurworth and your school. So at the moment we don’t really know.” Since this interview we have found out that we are not actually getting a new school.

Y8 Sporting Success On Thursday the 24th of June, Y8 Branksome girls entered the town rounders championship. Branksome was hosting the massive tournament and after playing Longfield, Carmel, 2 teams of Hummersknott, Hurworth and Haughton. Branksome won with 30 points and Carmel coming 2nd with 25 points. We talked to Mrs. K Phillips, team manager, and asked her why she thought they played so well. She replied with “Alana was an excellent captain. The team played very well together and there was a superb performance from all students especially from Lindsay Stewart. Excellent team spirit well supported by mums. And of course superb team management!”

Children of Steel... On the 17th of June, pupils from year 7 and 8 visited Saltburn Leisure Centre to complete a Children of Steel triathlon. The challenge was to swim, run and cycle around the course. At the end all competitors received a medal and goodie bag. There was also a foam fencing section to enjoy. Joel Mitson, year 7, said “I enjoyed the 2 laps of cycling the most.” In conclusion they we can all definitely say they were pushed to their limit. By Liam Pape

Book of the month Boy By Roald Dahl The book ‘Boy’ is a funny story by the Famous author Roald Dahl. The Book talks about his life in Norway and England. The book also talks about his school life. By Lewis Montgomery

Inside this issue: PAPE“R”MAIL Game of the Month

2 3



World Cup




Scout Garden Fete




7IVW, ,3dVd

Car of the Month


Name: Gumpert Apollo

Croft Circuit

BHP: 650 Top speed: 223mph 0-60: 3 seconds Rating:

Gumpert Apollo

Last year I visited Croft Circuit and the weather was red hot however this year it was more cloudy but the day was still as good. My Dad and I went for his Father’s Day present, but it was actually him who got the tickets but I treated him by letting him get me an ice cream. We watched the Touring cars, visited the podium area and Porsches but the highlight was watching the Ginettas flying around the track. On one car the bonnet had fallen off and it seemed that the driver hadn’t noticed. Also, on the green flag lap someone had left a pole in one of the corners to stop the cars from cutting it but it hadn’t been taken out on the green flag lap and one of the cars crashed into it. He was okay in the end because the pole was only made of plastic. In conclusion the day was excellent and I would definitely go again. You may have noticed that the PAPE”R”MAIL is looking a bit weird. Well it has been written upside down, so it actually says 7IVW 3dVd. Isn’t that clever!

Feature on a Teacher Name

Ms Loughlin


Music and Performing Arts

Years at Branksome

It’s complicated

Most Memorable Moment

When the teachers did a Strictly Come Dancing competition


One female dog called ‘Nut’

Funniest Moment

Watching the teachers in the dance competition for Comic Relief Life without music would be a mistake.

Advice (words of wisdom)

Teacher’s pet… My two lovely horses are called Rio & Cobweb. They are very sweet but also very cheeky. If I'm not looking, Rio (the big one) after eating his tea, picks his bucket up by the handle and runs off across the field to the corner furthest away then drops it for me to have to go and get it.

From Mrs McIntyre - Receptionist

Once again, I found an interesting story in the news this week regarding the behaviour of fish as a result of pollution. As is often the case with science and research, there are often unexpected outcomes which take a while to be explained. The research I am referring to was conducted by scientists in Townsville, Australia on Clownfish (like Nemo from the famous Disney film). The research discovered that even mildly acidic water can confuse the sense of smell of Clownfish and make them attracted to the smell of their predators rather than afraid of them. This obviously has potentially disastrous implications for the future of Clownfish and in fact their predators that would need to find an alternative food source if Clownfish become extinct due to all being eaten! Some of you may be wondering why seawater might become acidic in the first place. The answer is very simple and is further influenced by the much referred to gas Carbon dioxide which causes acidification of water when it is dissolved. The whole idea of Clownfish swimming into the jaws of their predators due to too much atmospheric Carbon dioxide is further evidence of the value of science and the continuing advances being made in our understanding of the natural world. I am willing to bet that the scientists studying Clownfish in Australia did not originally set out to prove that increased acid levels causes loss of the sense of smell. However, they were able to adapt their research and conclusions in light of their findings and this is what science is all about! Our own STEM club are nearing the end of their first project and will soon have their own explanatory videos accessible to anyone in the world with an internet connection. They have been working very hard to produce these videos and I look forward to being able to give you the web address to access them in the next issue. We have had an extremely successful year as Branksome Science College and have also put in place many future plans for next year and beyond. I am very excited about further steps as a Science College and can’t wait to submit the first article of the 2010-11 academic year. I hope that all Branksome Science College members have an excellent summer break.

Game of the Month Apple have done it again Apple have again added to their collection with the new apple IPad. This piece of technology has a hefty price tag of £1000. However you receive 258mb memory, more Apps use ports and wifi internet. One new feature is the Library which holds more books than you can read in a life time. Not only is the Ipad portable but it can also be used as a home PC. The best bit which is unique is all the different features the Ipad has. By Tom Davis

This month we have decided on ‘Age of War’ (picture above) The general idea is to protect your own base and defeat the enemies advancing in ages as you go going from Caveman to Futuristic! Even Liam, the editor, can play it!! By Ben Maclean and Bradlee Goldsmith.

World Cup Corespondants: Ewan Barr, Liam Pape, Sam Hutchinson, Tyler Hutchinson and Carly Scott


Peter Mokaba Mbombela Loftus Versfeld Soccer City Durban Nelson Mandela Bay/ Port Elisabeth

Royal Green Point

Bafokeng Brazil 2014 If your team didn't qualify for the world cup 2010 look forward to the world cup in Brazil in 2014.

World Cup mascot

World Cup ball


5 things about South Africa ♦

Don’t stop at traffic lights or you will get your car nicked!

Very high altitude!

Beware of the police, they carry guns!

This is the first world cup held in an Africa country.

England Vs USA England got off to a flying start in their first group game when ♦ Emile Heskey slot through a ball for Steven Gerrard to open the scoring. But just before half time England Goalkeeper Robert Green made a massive clanger to allow USAs Clint Dempsey to snatch a draw for the Americans.

South Africa didn’t get through their group.


Robert Green jokes ♦

My laptop has got a virus you know it was called Robert Green it couldn't save.

What’s the difference between Cinderella and Rob Green? Cinderella got to the ball in time.

England Vs Algeria England’s first half was pretty poor with a couple of missed chances. A bit further into the game Lampard hit the ball with his left foot but it wasn’t very powerful and the keeper saved it. It just got even worst in the 2nd Half and they scuffed up every chance they had, it was the poorest game they’ve ever played yet. The game ended nil nil.

PLAYER OF THE MATCH: NO-ONE (THEY ALL PLAYED RUBBISH) England Vs Slovania What a game>? England v Slovenia: all of England were depending on them to not mess up and guess what? We didn’t, we played fine and won 1-0. PLAYER OF THE MATCH: JOHNSON

Doctor Who Exhibition visits the Life Centre On Saturday 29th May, I visited the Life Centre in Newcastle. There were the usual science experiences, the planetarium, the motion ride and the live science shows, but there was also a modern day Doctor Who exhibition. We entered to see the actual clothes worn by the eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. We saw props and costumes from the Smilers, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels and many, many more from the current series and previous seasons. The highlight of the exhibition was entering the Daleks lair and being exterminated. How we all escaped I am not going to tell you. Why don’t you go to the Life Centre and find out yourself? The Life Centre will be hosting the exciting Doctor Who Exhibition until 31st October and it is a great opportunity to get up close to many of the monsters.

North Park Bike Track The recently opened North Park bike track is wonderful. It is easy to get through the black path, when you get to the end of the track you have the option to go again, you just keep pedalling and you are back at the start, or to return to the path just go up the small bank. The track includes about 16 bumps and for a bike track that is very small because the bumps are quite close together and some of them are only small. I can do the track in about 19 seconds but I am a safe cyclist. I tried racing up one of the banks and that only resulted in hitting my chest off the handle bars and wobbling to the side. In competition with the North Park track is the West Park track. The West Park bike track is longer. It takes me 59 seconds and I don’t need to pedal as much as you can freewheel down the banks. Advantages


West Park

You don’t need to pedal much so it is easier to concentrate on where you are going. It is very long.

There is a huge, steep climb at the end and there is also a steep climb to get to the track.

North Park

It is easy to get to. You can do the track as many times as you like without stopping.

It is short and people catch up with you easily. You need to pedal fast.

In conclusion both tracks are amazing and I love them both as much as each other. By Liam Pape

Violently thrilling, blood pumpingly ecstatic and eyepoppingly amazing: are some of the ways to describe the new Robin Hood movie. The adventure is set before Robin and his merry men were outlaws. Twists and turns in the plot keep your attention. Overall I would recommend this movie to anyone.

Robin Hood Review

Branksome Bugle rating:

Bullying: Always remember it is not okay to be bullied by anyone. Tell someone you can trust like a teacher, friend, family member or have a look at some of these websites. - 0800 11 11 DONT SUFFER IN SILENCE

College Council Column

Spring cool Cola

This new drink may be available in the canteen soon. It includes Grape Juice, Lemon Juice and Water. The School council taste tested it and established that it had a nice taste however a not very nice after taste. We researched the price and found out that it would be 67p which we decided was a little bit expensive for the 330ml bottle you get. Quotes varied from “It is absolutely Tastetastic” to “It is a bit flat”. So, in conclusion, the drink was okay but overpriced. By Liam Pape

Scout Garden Fete

Branksome Science College

On Saturday 19th June the 8th Darlington Scout group had their 59th annual garden fete on Cockerton Green. The fun included stalls and games all run by volunteers, parents and members of the group. The fete was opened at 2.00pm by David Regan, a local councillor.

Futsal Club

We asked Alec Llewellyn, leader-in-charge of the group “What was your favorite bit of the fete?” He replied “I don’t think I have a favourite bit really. What makes it great for me is it just actually happening. It’s been going for 59 years, and over 20 years on the Green. Just being a part of something with that history and tradition is important – not just to me, but also that bit extra that keeps a ‘village’ feel for the residents of Cockerton. Also, seeing everything come together is important – there’s loads of work, planning and organisation that goes into putting the Fete on, and there’s a huge sigh of relief when things do come together at 2pm and I see everything running smoothly – well smoothly enough in an 8th Darlington Scout Group sort of way !

Branksome school pupils have recently qualified for the FA National Youth Futsal Festival at Sheffield Institute of Sport on the 3rd and 4th of July. The U16 team won the Northeast and Yorkshire regional qualifier at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre, Bradford. They came second in the group stages, but won 1-0 in the final with a spectacular performance from the whole squad. Branksome School pupils in association with local team spraire Lads, put a strong team together thanks to the help of Kev Bennett. To make this achievement possible, Branksome School pupils worked alongside Mr Withers and youth workers Paul Hepper and Kev Hammond to put together a successful DOSH bid in order to have marked out a full size Futsal pitch on the playground with goals and Futsal equipment. This training tool proved to be crucial when training and preparing the team for tournaments. Branksome School are now in training for the Youth Futsal Festival and hope to challenge other teams for the national title, of the best Futsal team in the country.

If I had to choose (and it is difficult) it’s the chance to have a nice cup of tea and Mr Withers, Branksome Science College. home made cake sitting in the sun whilst watching lots of people having a good time.” We asked “Do you think people enjoyed the fete and will come back next year?” He replied “I hope so – many people look forward to the Fete year after year: it’s a part of their early summer and a fixture in the Cockerton calendar. I hope we provide something for everyone, as well as it being the key fundraiser for the Group. I think its great seeing old friends, struggling to ‘hit-the-rat’, eating a hot dog or ice-cream and realizing that you don’t have to spend loads of money to have a good time with all of the family.” All funds made from programme selling and stores at the fete will go towards keeping the group open, camp and other various events.”

01325 380776

What you think of Amy Pond

I think Amy Pond is the best companion by far. The Doctor might get a girlfriend!

The Mighty Ginger! Amy Pond is fantastic!!!

Scary tales, Cinderella… with a new twist! Part 1 Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She really wanted to go to prom but her evil stepmother wouldn’t let her. Cinderella had to make her ugly stepsisters dresses and while she did she started daydreaming. She went downstairs the next day and asked, “ Can I go to prom?” Of course her stepmother said “No, a silly girl like you cant go to prom, you don’t even have a dress!” Cinderella ran to her room crying. Then out of nowhere, a fairy appeared! She granted Cinderella’s wish and said, “You must be back before midnight, or else!” Cinderella thought this was stupid so she decided to come out of prom at 12:05, but this was a big mistake…

Lungs are for Life On Wednesday 16th June. members of the Branksome Bugle went to visit the Memorial Hospital British to see the launch of a British lung foundation campaign. During our trip we found out lots of things about smoking and second hand smoke such as; there is 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, a 20 a day smoker after 7 months will have 83ml of tar in their lungs, around two million children live in a house hold where they are exposed to cigarette smoke, about 21% of children and 15% of adults have been diagnosed with asthma and about one in eight boys and one in ten girls report a long term respiratory disease. Children should be able to enjoy a smoke free environment inside and outside the home so to do this why don’t you help us and the British lung foundation by getting 50,000 signatures that will then go to 10 Downing Street. The British lung foundation will be trying to ban smoking in cars where passengers may be 18 or under. The British lung foundation aims to have the 50,000 signatures by early 2011. Whilst we were there the Memorial Hospital, the British lung foundation were launching their children’s charter. They were also celebrating 25 years of helping people with lung conditions. During our visit we also interviewed a man called Dr John Furness and here are some of the things we talked about. Liam Pape, Branksome Bugle editor, asked “So what exactly is your job?” John replied “I am a consultant which is someone who looks after children with breathing problems”. James Allison, Journalist, asked “So what are Lungs?” John replied “The lungs are just skin with little hairs on them.” Elisabeth Davey asked if he thinks the British lung foundation will get the 50,000 signatures they want and John said “Absolutely, there are 6.2 million people on the earth so we will definitely get 50,000”. After the Branksome Bugle’s trip to the Memorial Hospital we have now realised how precious life is and someday that we might even save a life ourselves but unless you help the British lung foundation with the petition then more women men and children will die because of cigarette smoke or passive smoking. By Elisabeth Davey

If you have any comments or ideas please e-mail us at: If you missed issue 5 you can visit: then click on newsletters, Branksome Bugle and all the issue’s are on there

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