Iub portfolio

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Last name: Ce First name: Liang Application number: IU002275288

I certify that the work included in this portfolio is my own original work. Work included which was conducted as a part of a team or other group is indicated and attributed as such- the other team members are named and a true description of my role in the project is included.



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Portfolio of Liang Ce


Store with a soul p3

Experience design of Samsung mobile phone retail store

Matcha village p14

Service and business design of Matcha village

Wake-up bus station p23

Public devices design to create happiness

STORE WITH A SOUL Samsung really care about you

Retail store experience design with the rise of e-commerce, physical retail store need re-imagination & trasformation in product experience to be more compelling & engaging - from discovery to purchase. As for samsung mobile phone experience store, we need re-imagine and conceive an engaging interactive retail experiences for a variety of consumer & tech products in physical reatail environment.


Sponsered by

Teamwork 2017.02- 2016.04 Ideation development, Research, UI design

Process and Methods Feedbacks

Test Agile Iteration

Design principles

Clear goal


Priotize Insights

Quantitative survey

Contextual interview

Field study

Brainstorm concept



Business system

UI design

Related Technology

Design Thinking Lean UX

Research 1.Where to buy ?

2. How long to change ? 2% Online 4% Retail store

3. Why change ?




Try new phone

Almost all the teleco contracts are about 2 years



from teleco

when teleco contract ends

12% 0-1

5% 1-2


1% 3+


When phone spoils


Insight Phone buying decisions are tied to telco contract timelines


Get a new phone in teleco store

Little or no connection with customers

Telecommunitacation company in Singapore such as singtel & M1 provide customers telco contract with a new phone, and it is usually more cheaper and convenient for customer to enjoy telco company matching service. So singaporeans get used to buy new phone in telco store when their telco contracts are about to expire.

Without buying intention About 2 years


with buying intention

Get a new phone in teleco store

Field study Service Gap • • •

1. Why enter store ?

2. Must experience phone in store before buying?

3. Retail engagement preference



Just wander



Try the last released phone








People enter samsung mobile phone retail store almost Insight with no intention to buy a new phone


6. What features to experience?


Automated checkout system

• Glance at the front and back of the phone • Take a photo of interior decoration of retail store

41% 37%


Have intention to test features Easy of Use



• I can not find information like specs and camera parameters. • I cannot find the phone I am going to experience

Different customer want different balance between selfexplore trip and guidence from stuff

• Slide the page • Open and close apps • Fingerprint unlock



• followed by survice staff makes me uneasy • I do not have intention to buy a new phone • recommendations from staff are not useful to me • I just want to have a look

7. How to experience?


have no idea what to test

Customer service staff

Other way or depends


5. Know what to experience?

3. Why prefer?


Browse with intention

no clear instructions for different phone models no channel to learn more except from staffs self-explored experience can not impress customers

• Read the description near the phone

Superficial Testing & Experience




Insight Customers do not know what to test or just experience the phone superficially

Brand value survey Why this brand

Why you choose samsung?

Used to using from this brand





only 12%

Nice reputation from friends

Brand value

9% Mobile phone evaluation agencies 11% Others


Nice Design


Wanted to try something new


Cool features


Fan of the brand




Particular feature or price is good

What help you make decision ?

(For samsung user)

For other mobile phone brand users, brand loyalty is not a signigicant factor, they are potential samsung users.

6 For samsung users, we need to enhance their Insight sense of belonging to our brand

Journey map Platform Action taken

Understand phone Read reviews

Seek opinions

Locate stores

Price comparison

Look for promotions and discounts

Product comparision

Look for desired phone

Google for features to test

Look at similar phone

Test features

Engineer the experience

Confirm relevant details about phone

Leave after clarifying details

Look at design of phone Check ou relevant detals

Create greater excitement

Approach telco

Confirm purchase

Discuss relevant details about phone plan

Test out new phone

Leave telco with new phone

More relevant customer service

Sentiments Journey stage

Aware of product

Visit store

Test phone

Engane with staff


Leave store

Visit telco

Buy phone

Leave telco

Design principle 1. Goal of experience store Insight:



2. Create experience demand & greater excitement


Q4 2016 Smart phone shipment worldwide

Existing Samsung Users

77.5 million





Attract & impact users

Almost all customers in Singapore choose to buy new phone in telecoms store and this habit is firmly rooted in the market environment which is hard to change. Besides, Samsung users feels untouched with the brand value, they are not fans but only users. As experience store is a good channel to link brand and users, we decided to relocate goals of experience store.


Only service

those in need

Samsung need to:

3.Balance between free and guidance Contact with its user and attract potential user

Sell phone to customers




Free to experience

Free but reliable Help better experience

Samsung really really really wants to:

4.Encourage Sharing personalized content Insight:



Time line 1:

Exciting Sharing Enhance samsung users the sense of belonging of brand Impressed our potential customers through their friends

Buy a samsung phone

Visit store

Sharing map:

Teleco store

Without buying intention Personalized engaging content

Time line 2:


by social media

Samsung is cool, I will visit experience store next time

Without buying intention

Visit store

Buy a samsung phone

Teleco store Share to more people

Attract more people to experience Samsung phone in store



THE STORE WITH A SOUL A retail platform that connects with you

Redefined window shopping

“Soul” system


Engineering the experience

Redefined window shopping Samsung mobile phone store layout

Real scene

Hidden Gaze-tracking Sensor

Samsung store in Singapore use glass panel as its front side

Difficulty & Principle Only 4% passers-by pay attention to ads in store

AR glass panel to show phone model S7

Why cannot attract

Pressure Positioning Sensor

• No fascinating interaction to attract their attention. • These ads seems no different to customers • Ads video in store is looping automatically,passers-by may not be able to watch the entire video.

Light interaction Ideal way to attract passers-by:

Contents vary with the visual angle and postition




Detect which phone customers are looking

Surprising & engaging Presentation

Varied and colorful content







Store interior Mobile phone Experience counter

AR glass panel

Store exterior



Performance Positioning

AR Glass panel

A camera built for every moment

Driven by the world's first 10nm processor. Faster, even in rain.

Different phone Models / features




Soul System

Big screen & bixby assistance

Samsung user connection

Near the storeďźš Attract Connections

Samsung users

Brand value


For samsung users, we want to develop their sense of belongings and brand identity. We are eager to engage them in mobile phone retail stores experience and offer them a feeling like "wow, being a samsung user is really great!" So we concluded three different emotional stage for samsung to enhance connections with customers.



In the storeďźš Assist


Development stage of connection 1

Accompany with you every day



Care about what you want



Know who you are



New Phone

Big screen



Bixby - accompanying AI To phone: 4 way to engage: Smart AI system like Siri

In store:

A smarter way to use your phone



Light up the screen automatically

Recomment Remind

Detecting who is coming, the screen will automatically light up and greet to this customer

A smarter way to learn about phone

Near the store

Enter the store

“Bixby� light

Accompany with customer to make the experience coherent and cut excessive interaction when they test different phone models

In the store James 8:18PM March 16

Reminder when near the store

Hey james! Let‘s experience samsung annual flagship phone

Receive message from bixby

Greeting & help decision


Accompany with the experience

Engineering the experience Function & logic

Goals 1. To engage customer in personalized & in-depth experience 2. To make customer experience more phone 3. Enhance the connection between brand and customers


1. Customized features and testing point 2. Customized recommendation of different phone model 3. Exciting personalized content to share

Function Block 1


Experience the phone



User Analysis

Personalized experience

Interactive iteration

Primary data • •

Female, 23 Fresh graduate

Observed data • • •


Phone Model

Take hundreds of photos every day Phone usually run out of power Used #ootd in social media six times a week

Customer may want to call for assistance from staff in every step

Derived data • • •

Enjoy selfie Heavy user of mobile phone Love shopping

Add a button for customer to ask for help anytime

Links between pages are too much, when faced with too much options from different type some users are comfused Features



Testing points Note 8

Galaxy S8

Samsung pay


Beauty mode

User features reports User story time line Cancel the link between phone experience with user report

Night portrait mode


Framework Home page ďż˝

Home page with greeting

Experience phone

Inviting to pick up phone

Pick up phone directly

Features report

Samsung users time line Profile & Try more phone model

Open features in phone

Features Page

Share to social media

Test point


Trigger the function ďźˆEx. choose night mode) Put phone back

Find features in phone

Tips & guidances

Leaving page



sharing content design The brand value of Samsung want is Samsung accompany with you every day. Thus, we decided to use datas collected from apps and social medias to remind users of important events and dates they created with Samsung. Special moments that users may have with Samsung such as record-breaking trekking expeditions recorded by S Health Samsung camera are displayed in the Memory gallery for users to share this relationship on social media.

Each App has a different timeline

Remind users of important dates

Pictures & datas in appliacation

Pictures collected from user's social media

Personalized user reports shared in social media


Match Village Thoughtful service, Sustainable village

Service design

in matcha village Industial tourism

Matcha village, less than two hour’s drive south of Shanghai, is located in Zhejiang province of China. Tourists are able to visit the largest production line of tea and matcha in China here. Due to advanced production technology and high-quality raw materials, matcha of Yucha village are specifically served to famous companies like Starbucks and GLICO, even export to Japan. Besides, Yucha village enjoys its beautiful scenery and historic interest of six Mausoleums of Song Dynasty. Local government and tea factory is eager to invest in tourist trade and center on matcha manufacture and culture.


Teamwork 2016.02- 2016.04 Ideation, user survey, system construction

Background Matcha Factory and Breaker chain store are belonging to one investor, Factory produce the high-quality matcha in the matcha village and the breaker chain store sells matcha desserts in the city.

Matcha factory

Matcha Factory

Breaker - chain store



Planning theme resort to attract tourists

Increasing brand value and sells

Geographical relationship



â—?â—? The largest production line of tea and matcha in Asia â—?â—? Over 10 km² tea garden â—?â—? Beautiful scenery with long history

â—?â—? Delicious and unique matcha dessert â—?â—? More than 20 chain stores in surrounding cites â—?â—? Over 100,00 member

Field study 1 2 3

1.Retail Store

2.Tea Garden

3.Matcha Factory

4. Mausoleums Ruins of Song

5.Qinglong Reservoir

6.Residential Area




The map of Yucha Village


Contextual research Villager

Tourist Li Wang

32 female

Parent-child matcha Marason runner (potential customer) We love matcha drinking and cake offered for us after exhausted running. But only visiting matcha factory can not satisfy me. Besides, It is not convenient to find a restaurant or hotel nearby and the Infrastration here really need to be improved. I am genuinely looking for more experiences projects.


1. Poor infrastruction 2. Lack of diversity in experience projects

Mrs. Wu

Factory investor

My job is to pick tea-leaver for Yucha factory. When there are no tea for us to pick, we have to find other jobs to do to make living. There is few job opportunities available in the village, so both of my sons have moved to big cities and only went back to see us during holiday. Now you can only see elderly and children here.

The quality of matcha in our factory are excellent, but we only offer raw material to other companies. We want to increase the popularity of Yucha village and have our own brand value; As factory tourism is especially popular nowadays, I think it is a good way to earn more money as well.



1. No or little brand value in customer 2. no external marketing channels

Sustainable Village Design

Stakeholder relationship Tourists

45 male

Investor of Factory and owner of breaker chain store

1. Unstable and realtively low salary job 2. The loss of young rural labor force

Tourists' Experience Design


Zhang zhiguang

56 female

Tea grower in matcha village, living with 4-year-old granddaughter

Integrated Brand Design

Brand value / Profits

Hire Old Villagers

Now stakeholder map


Investors More tourists

Services Tourists


Trainings Villagers


more Villagers Better service

Better job Better opportunities

Full link design

The young



Market survey Market positioning

Quantitative survey

As Yucha village was born with tea & matcha culture, it is spontaneous for us to focus on one theme and make tourists experience every aspect of this culture. Taking the background of village and factory owner’s consideration in mind, we finally decide to set our goal on both "expensive" and "focus on cultural theme".










Group tour



61% 42%


Family Travel partner

Travel way



Intimates Few but Fine

Frequency of travel

Cost & travel frequency

High consumption

Value summary

Qualitative survey & Empath map What I need

What I value

Control of traveling Pace


Respect for freshness & Unique


Pseuso-classic architectures can not actually be considered authentic or enchanting. Cultural excavation should focus on making details vivid and highlight the culture of beauty, the beauty of spirit and invigoration.

Details & Cultural

Appreciation of beauty

Travel partners are always the first thing to think about. Traveling with family is a good chance to relax myself as well as to have fun with my children and to promote our relationship.

Interaction with intimates

Social Relationship

What I say I hate traveling with tour groups even though travel agency could plan everything for tourists, as I got really sick of the hectic itinerary. They always left inadequate time for us to have a relaxing time. There are lots of industrial Tourist attractions nowadays, however, most of them are the some without uniqueness, allowing tourists only have a glance of the factories, from which I CAN'T find anything surprise.


Value proposition

Matcha village, connect you and I, slow pace and time, enjoy beauty and surprise.

Integrated system design

Sustainable service pyramid

Based on our understanding of the service discontinuity between Matcha village and Breaker chain stores, we designed a unified membership system to foster bi-directional customer flow and to create complete customer experience.

For the different demands of different customers, we designed two modes of accommodation. For those who are keen on the best experiences, they can’t resist boutique Hotels located in the best location for scenery. For those who need special & cordial service besides the standardization, there are a variety of characteristics B & B for them to choose.




$ " %$ " # ' " #

" # " # "&

' "

Integrated system

$ ( %

# #

Villagers Encourage circle

" % # "( %$ " # "& !% $( " $#

& ! #


Journey Map in Breaker Stage Emotion

Search Online

Enter Store

With expectation to enjoy nice food


Enjoy Food


Comment Online

Without anything to take away

Crowed & Confused

No memory points

No recommendation hesitated to order


bored for waiting

Data Physical



Webs & Apps

Signboard & Indoor decorations

Menu & Staff

Wifi & Waiter

Webs & Apps

Signboard & Indoor decorations

Menu & Staff

Wifi & Waiter & Food brochure



Webs & Apps


Emotional Stage


First contact

csf fsf sdfsontact FeelFirst comfotable & Get attract

Eye-catching display board & friendly recommendation

Emotion Clear introduction and guidancen


Promo Vedio of Watcha village & Toursium brochure & matcha tea bags

Surprised Match village tourism vedio & self-help brewing matcha

takeing away a small bag of matcha powder

Webs & Apps


learn more about Matcha culture &matcha village

Journey Plan in village Tourists center

Tea garden



• • • •

Souvenir Shop Restaurant

Hisotry & culture museum Lecture room

• •

• •

pastoral biking rental point Matcha Marathon entrance Assembly line Matcha dessert classroom

Culture Area • •

B&B Area • •

B&Bs special restaurant

Recreation Area • • •

Teahouse Boutique hotel SPA room


Matcha ceremoney room Handicraft & painting workshop

Tea bag currency system

4. How can tea bag guide special journey?

1. Why tea bag?

To balance special & unexpected experiences with clear journey, we designed the tea bag system. Beginning from the empty bag, Visitors will follow every phase of matcha making process. The form of tea in tea bags is a specific guide, while allowing visitors to have better understanding of Matcha manufacturing.

2. How to get a tea bag? $ $ " $


Tea bags

# & $ # & ! " %

$ #


The appearance of tea




Tea garden


Fun quiz to get a tea bag

Get empty a tea bag as gift

! $ # & ! " %

Picking tea leaves

3. How to use tea bags? Main activities

—— by matcha factory

Special activities —— by villagers

Boutique activities —— by matcha village

Matcha factory

visiting matcha factory

Fire tea

Visiting the factory

Grinding tea powder

Baking shop

B&B Restaurant

Matcha ceremony

Baking cakes & cookies

Matcha baking class

Homemade cuisine

Firing the tea leaves

Matcha SPA & Yoga


Making match drink

Story board


Ms. Jing love visiting Breaker, as the food and service there are excellent.


Having been impressed by Matcha Village by several access, Ms. Jing decided to spend next vacation there.


With homemade matcha drinks and snacks,villagers greeted Jing's family very kindly.


Mike get really excited when picking tea leaves in tea parkďźŒas it is truly new experience for him.


Jing's family had a close observation of the Matcha factory.


Using Matcha powder got in the factory, Mike had a nice time baking desserts with his parents.


Children can get easily access to lots of experience workshops like firing tea or handcrafts.


Boutique experience services like Matcha SPA, green tea aroma yoga, Matcha running,etc.


Gifts and souvenirs bought in Matcha village can be delivered to Breaker to help you go home easily.


WAKEUP BUS STATION A happy morning delight your whole day

Public interaction device In Hangzhou, there is nearly two thousands bus stations and over than 58% people commute by bus everyday. Bus stops are like hubs connecting the whole city. Different people meet each other at bus station every morning, but everyone has the same cold and spiritless faces. We want to design a happy morning for city commuters.


Teamwork 2016.02- 2016.06 Concept, Hardware, Programming

Goal Pain defining

In spite of a lot of conveniences that Living in the big city can bring to people's life, it can also created a lot of negative emotions due to long commute time or noisy and messy environment. To solve problems plaguing city dwellers, we decided to redesign a public devices.

Most people just standing there waiting for bus without doing anything, but we still found that many people try to do some simple and easy things, we concluded that they actually have not real demands for doing so but only to kill time in this relatively long and boring time.

Design opportunity We need to find a suitable scene to shoot problems for the city dwellers. After collective brainstorm, we find that bus stops is our ideal scene and places.

Bus station



The first place people arrive after leaving home and before one day's working.


People usually wait for bus for a relatively long time without doing anything


Different people meet each other here with no or little connections.


Checking appearance

Main pain

Listening to music

Playing mobile phone game

Killing boring time when waiting for bus

Design goal


According to our observation, we found that most people who commuting by bus seem tired, sleepy and spiritless. After literature reviewing, we find that on people indeed have much more depressed emotion in the morning especially on the working day morning.


bus stops in Hangzhou


commute by bus

Negative emotion

9 munites

waiting for bus

Data comes from gaode map, 2017 major urban public transport data analysis report in the first half of China

On a weekdays morning, we watched and recorded passengers' behaviour when they are waiting for bus, to seek for opportunities of our public devices design.




On weekdays' morning, people use more words related to negative emotion on social media


Data and chart are collected from Golder, Scott A., And Michael W. Macy. "Diurnal and seasonal mood vary with work, sleep, and day length across diverse cultures." Science 333.6051 (2011): 1878-1881.



Main goal



Creating more happiness for commuters

Design Principles During the observation, we also found some behaviour that inspired our design and further developed our design principles.

1. Attract passengers' attention

3. Feel at ease

When someone distributed leaflets to passengers, most people were willing to read it, and they all checked both sides.

Some people don't like to stand next to strangers closely, so many of them chose to stand far away from the bus station which means that they might miss the bus.

! Only waiting

Reading leaflets


Comfortable distance

It inspired us that

It inspired us that

Our design should be noticeable enough to attract attention.

Our design should be consider people's feeling in front of public.

2. Provide surprise

4. Sharing happiness

Even though almost all of passengers were willing to pick up leaflets and read it, However, half a minute later, few of them were still looking at it. They were back on what they did before, even just standing out there without doing anything.

While we can only see the commuter's weary face when waiting for bus, so it impressed me when a girl showed her phone screen to her boyfriend and then they smiled together.


Back Reading leaflets


Only waiting


It inspired us that

It inspired us that

Our design needs surprise them to keep passengers' attention.

It's better to encourage cooperation and sharing happiness.











People’s attention from them and make them just waiting for bus curious about it

people to explore in front of public


others to enjoy it with pioneers

light connection by sharing happiness


Possible directions


Fun way to show inforamtion

Game for aquaintance

Comforatable waiting space

Music playing

Achievement making

Stranger's light interaction

Story board

1 One more work day! Julia is unwilling

2 Buses are always slow! Julia feels

3 When waiting for bus, she moves her

4 Suddenly, some music rises. Julia

5 Julia get more excited as the melody

6 While the man beating time to music

7 More people join in with Julia, and

8 Julia have a good mood before a

to get up as she stayed out yesterday.

and rhythm of the music is changing

sleepy and bored.

feet unconsciously.

with foot, another part of music triggered.


they all appreciate the enriching music.

feels surprised!

day's work.

Prototype - wakeup station Technical realazation

Technical realazation Disc board

flash groud

testing sensor

Interactive groud prototype

testing light belt

Improve the effect

How to detect actions of passengers?

We considered three sensors to detect actions of passengers to trigger the music, so we tested all of them to find the most appropriate sensor for our design. Besides, to improve the effect of light, we tryed different plates and method of installation.




Light belt

sor sen

Distance It is too big to attach it under the plates or we have to take much more effort to install them in the discs board


Acrylic plate

Chip vibration

Under the plate, presure will be dispersed, so the data collected by it is quite unstable

Chip vibration sensor can be easily atteached under the acrylic plates

Even a simple actions Pressure sensor can not needs a lot of distance detect small actions but only big ones like sensors jumping

Chip vibration sensor is sensitive enough to detect small actions like stomping

Vibration sensors


First version

Prototype - wakeup station How to show information?

To make it easier for passengers to understand what's going on when they stand on the plate and then trigger the music, we decided to add a discs board with records arms to show music flow. This can not only help passenger understand our design but also provide chances for pedestrian to enjoy it.

After two weeks of implementation, we completed our first version of the design. We installed our wakeup bus station on campus and invited passengers to try our design. Through this process, we received many suggestions and found many drawbacks to improve our design.

Record arms

To show music flow


Just as a decoration

Functional structure of board

Recorded by video

Installing servo

180° stepping servo

Drawbacks of first version Triggered action

Record arms

Some people said that even though they know it is themselves that triggered the music, they don't know what they have done so that they trigger the music


Music soundtrack

Installing arms

Some people can't tell the changes in the music after they stepped on the acrylic board. Even if they found the change in music, They can't clearly pointed out.

Sense of control People want more interaction than simply controlling the beginning and end of the music. Now, people can only listen to music and watch the records arms

360° motor


Improving output

Main output — changeable music

Secondary output

As we want to not only provide happiness to passengers but also increase more warmth and smile between strangers, we inspired by street orchestra, and then decide to use music as our main output.

After determined music is our main output, we started to consider how can our bus station help passengers understand how it works immediately once they participate in. We need add more feedbacks to make a more complete music bus station system.

Waiting for bus

Playing in orchestra


Pattern represent the instrument

Record arms

Rotated discs means this instrument is playing

Represent music tone

Different people Bus

Colorful music 1 Imitation of phonograph


How record arms show music tone and rhythm? ●● As number of people in bus station isn't stable, so we must make sure that that even if there is only one person, he can still enjoy it ●● We a l s o e n c o u r a g e l i g h t i n t e r a c t i o n with other passengers and sharing their happiness, so we want to engage more people to try our design together

●● Music have different part for different instruments conbinations and usually begin with a solo instrument

Music tone

●● More instruments participate in gradually and the enriching music usually makes people excited when all of instruments playing together

Arms angle

Different instruments play melodic parts in one song. People use different

with other passengers

Goal analogy

Wakeup bus station

Platform for strangers playing music together

2 Luminous board


When people stand on flash board and start to interact, the luminous board on the ground will be glowing immediately to help participants quickly understand what happens and then enjoy it

Interactive action exploring Our goal is to help people realize that it is because of their interactive actions that make a instrument start to play the music. Thus, only detecting people who standing on the glowing plate is not enough, we'd better to encourage people to make a interactive.

Stand on the plate

Interactive action

Interactive actions extending


what is the most appropriate interactive action ?

To find out which action is most appropriate to trigger and keep playing music, we records over 135 people's behavior when they are waiting for bus, and then counted the most appearing actions. From both shadowing our target users and conducting collective brainstorming, we concluded four alternate actions.

Evaluation standard When we used our prototype to do fast dating with people, they gave us a lot of opinions on why they would try to participate in our interactive system or not, we concluded all of these feedbacks into two emotional requirements and then developed our evaluation standard to test alternate actions.

Willing to try

Not too awkward

"No one will try to learn how to interact, so if it is simple and interesting enough, would be willing to have a try"

"I don't want to be watched just like I'm a dancer or performer. In front of public, I don’t want to be too awkward"

• • •

• • •

Interesting Easy to understand Easy to control






Small gesture Natural Sanitation





Related to music



According to two emotional requirements, we concluded five traits to play a public instrument

Easy to control





Lean Shake







Watch the video demo ďź https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr5aCPakz44


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