陳澄波 香港巴塞爾 |CHEN Cheng-Po Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

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Chen Cheng-po

陳澄波 1895 年生於臺灣嘉義,是臺灣二次大戰前、日治時期藝術史 上具有重大影響力的藝術家,他的一生縱貫臺灣、東京和上海的現代 藝術風潮,在現代中國美術歷史上具舉足輕重的代表性,他的畫中洋 溢著對故鄉及時代的熱情及感染力;繪畫風格貫穿日、臺、中的藝術 脈絡,融合各方文化呈現獨一無二的形式,使他成為華人藝術領域裡 獨樹一格的油畫大師。陳澄波的藝術形式充滿多域性、開放宏觀的表 現特質,透過畫面呈現二十世紀初期,臺灣藝術邁入現代化過程的複 雜樣貌。其精彩豐富的一生,反映臺灣藝術史在不同政權統治下所經 歷的曲折波濤;同時也是近代東亞美術現代化過程的歷史縮影。

自畫像 Self-Portrait 1928 Oil on canvas 41×32cm (6F)


他成為第一位入選日本帝國美術展覽(帝展)的台籍藝術家;其後,作品持續多次入選「帝展」及「台 展」特選。




旅居上海擔任多所美術學院的教職及畫會評審,上海時期參與諸多重要中國近現代藝術展覽、第一 屆全國美術展覽與「決瀾社」的發起與籌備。






因戰爭再度回臺灣後,與同期臺灣藝術家先後創立「七星畫壇」、「赤島社」、「台陽美術協會」 等重要美術團體,其於繪畫的成就,以及推展臺灣藝術文化的努力,功不可沒;為臺灣近現代藝術 史上極具重量級畫家。



臺灣「228 事件」中受難。

Chen Cheng-po was born in Chiayi, Taiwan, in 1895. He played a major role in the histor y of Taiwanese ar t, especially before the Second World War and during the Japanese colonial period. Throughout his life, he was involved in various modern ar t activities in Taiwan, Tokyo, and Shanghai. His paintings are filled with the passion and appealing feelings for his homeland. His ar tistic style is permeated with Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese ar t characteristics. This fusion of various cultures has highly influenced his painting style, thus making him one of the most unique masters of Chinese ar t. His paintings expose the early 20th centur y, and the complex process of Taiwanese ar t modernization. His rich and splendid life reflects various changes in the ar t circle influenced by different political rules in Taiwan. At the same time, his life is also an epitome of the ar t modernization processes in East Asian ar t histor y.


Became the first Taiwanese painter to be selected into the Imperial Ar t Exhibition of Japan. In later years, his works continued to be selected for the Imperial Ar t Exhibition of Japan and the Taiwan Ar t Exhibition.


Completed his graduate studies at the Tokyo School of Fine Ar ts.

1929-33 Lived in Shanghai teaching at various fine ar t schools and appraising works of ar t at ar t associations. He par ticipated at the 1st China National Ar t Exhibition, and attended the preparation session of Juelan Society. 1929

Chen's Stream was included in the Taiwan Ar t Exhibition without prior examination.


Was nominated as one of twelve representatives of the Republic of China for the Chicago World's Fair and displayed his painting Stream.


After the Shanghai Januar y 28 Incident break out, he returned to settle down in Taiwan. Here, Chen par ticipated in the foundation of impor tant ar t groups such as Seven Stars Painting Society, Red Island Painting Society, Tai-Yang Ar t Society, and others. He highly contributed to actively promoting Taiwanese ar t and culture, thus becoming an extremely impor tant painter in the histor y of the 20th centur y Taiwanese ar t.


Was a victim of the 228 Incident in Taiwan.

CHEN Cheng-po


” 我在畫面所要表現的,便是線條的動態,並且以擦筆使整個 畫面活潑起來,或者是說,言語無法傳達的,某種神祕力滲入 畫面吧!這便是我作畫用心處。我們是東洋人不可以生吞活剝 地接受西洋人的畫風。”


"What I want to present in my pictures is the dynamism of lines and I would make the whole picture livelier by dry brushing. Or shall I say some kind of mysterious force beyond words has permeated my paintings! This is where I focus my efforts when I paint. We are easterners, so we shouldn't adopt the styles of western painters indiscriminately." CHEN Cheng-po

陳澄波成為第一位入選「帝展」的臺灣油畫家,日本當時為 亞洲最先進國家,擁有最豐富的藝術資訊、造就人才輩出, 競爭分外激烈。陳澄波建立起跨國的宏觀視野,奠定了成為 一代傑出藝術家的基礎。

Chen Cheng-po was the first Taiwanese painter to be selected into the Imperial Ar t Exhibition of Japan. At that time Japan was one of the most advanced countries in Asia having the most extensive information about ar ts and bringing up a large number of talents what provoked an exceptionally fierce competition. Chen Cheng-po established a transnational macro vision, which laid a firm foundation for his becoming an outstanding painter.

CHEN Cheng-po

Tokyo Period

東京國立博物館實景照片 Tokyo National Museum

東京帝室博物館 紙本速寫

帝 室 博 物 館 1927 油 彩 畫 布

Tokyo Imperial Household

( 第一回台展入選 )

Museum Sketch on paper

Imperial Household Museum 1927 Oil on canvas (Selected into the 1st Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition)

此畫所繪為東京帝室博物館(即今東京國立 博物館)之表慶館。畫中博物館的綠頂、館 前棕櫚葉、路旁綠樹叢,洋溢秋天的氣息, 前庭廣場明亮而開闊,襯以悠閒的點景遊客, 讓秋之博物館看來更顯安閑靜逸。

Depicted in the painting is the Hyokeikan Galler y of Tokyo Imperial Household Museum (now Tokyo National Museum). Green roof of the galler y, palm tree leaves, passage with green bushes, bright and open front cour tyard, also small figures of leisurely visitors, all of this make the museum in autumn appear quiet and undisturbed.


秋之博物館 Museum in Autumn 1926 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 33.5×45cm (6F)


CHEN Cheng-po

Tokyo Period

上野公園 ( 一 ) Ueno Park (1) 1926 Oil on canvas 41.5×53cm

東美西洋教室 Tokyo School of Fine Arts Classroom

陳澄波就讀東京美術學校期間,每天徒步前 往上課途中,盡是優美的公園景緻,他常帶 著畫具駐足上野公園附近描畫博物館、不忍 池或是公園與林木之景色。

When studying at the Tokyo School of Fine Ar ts, Chen used to pass by the Ueno Park everyday on his way to school and admire its beautiful scener y. He would bring his drawing materials and stop here for a while to paint the museum, the Shinobazu Pond, forest trees or park views.


上野公園(二) Ueno Park (2) 1927 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 50×65.2cm (15P)


CHEN Cheng-po

Tokyo Period

陳澄波與友人於華嚴瀑布前合影 Chen Cheng-po and friends in front of Kegon Waterfall

此 作 繪 於 1927 的 日 本 景 色, 藝 術 家 以 寫 生 描 繪輕快、愉悅的旅行,和諧的山林、綠意包圍 滻滻的瀑布流水,生氣盎然而主題明顯。

This wor k, painted in 1927, depicts Japanese scener y. The ar tist aims to reflect br isk and cheerful journey, and to por tray a stream of the waterfall surrounded by harmonious mountain and greener y. The painting is full of vitality and has a distinct motif.


華嚴瀑布 Kegon Waterfall 1927 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 41.2×32.6cm (6F)


陳澄波活耀於 1930 年代的中國藝術界,獲選為中國十二位代 表畫家;其繪畫風格擷取中國傳統繪畫的視點透視及筆法, 以西方的素材開擴新的創作方向;他的創作概念與表現更可 謂為一時的典範,上海成為他盡情發揮的天地。

Chen Cheng-po actively par ticipated in the Chinese ar t world of the 1930s, and was voted one of China’s 12 top modern ar tists. His painting style encompassed per spective and br ushwor k of traditional Chinese painting and focused on applying new Western creative forms. His concept of creation and expression can be described as a model of that time. Shanghai period was one of the most impor tant stages in his life.

CHEN Cheng-po Shanghai Period

海邊三美(群像- 32.4.16(5)) Three Beauties by the Sea (Group Portrait – 32.4.16 (5)) 1932 Watercolor, paper 26.5×36.5cm

海邊(群像 12)

人體 Figures

By the Sea (Group Portrait (12) ) Pencil on paper 1932 Watercolor, paper



畫中東方女性雖著中式服裝,但髮型、領巾、 鞋子盡是西式新潮裝扮。結伴出遊的行為更 展現了當時社會風氣的逐漸解放。此畫以現 代藝術的表現手法為主,活躍的筆觸構成全 圖,點綴中國水墨之技法,兼並了協調更顯 輕快。 In the painting, Asian women are dressed in Chinese style clothing, but their hairstyle, s c a r v e s , a n d s h o e s a r e We s t e r n f a s h i o n attributes. Women, having an outing together, reflect the gradual emancipation of the society at that time. This painting is mainly focused on the means of expression of modern ar t. It is full of active brush strokes, embellished with Chinese ink-wash painting techniques, and has a well-balanced and lively composition.


海邊三美 Three Beauties by the Sea 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 31.8×40.8cm (6F)


CHEN Cheng-po Shanghai Period

全家福攝于上海 Family portrait taken in Shanghai


1914 年 洋 涇 浜 填 沒 及 鋪 設 排



The Yang jing Bang in Cheng bei

Th e Ya n g j i n g B a n g i n 1 9 1 4 .

District was the boundary between

Laying water drains to the outer

the British Concession and the


Shanghai French Concession, and was leading towards the port of Huangpu River

此畫描繪上海盧灣區西部的打浦橋,泛指瑞金二 路、肇嘉浜路交會處一帶,為陳澄波旅居上海時 住所附近。他以中國水墨特色黑線強調建築輪廓, 大面積的平塗色塊則帶有西方前衛的藝術風格。 以多視點透視貫穿數棟樓房,營造出空間層次與 空氣流動感。 This painting depicts the Dapu Bridge in the western par t of Luwan District in Shanghai. The bridge was located along the Ruijin Second Road, near the intersection with Zhiaojiabang Road, and was nearby the for mer residence of Chen Cheng-po. Chen applied Chinese ink-wash painting features, such as black lines, to emphasize outlines of the buildings. Big areas of flat colors were painted in the Western avant-garde style. A multi-point perspective enables to see through the buildings and allows to sense the layered space and the flow of air. 20

上海路橋 Footbridge in Shanghai 1930 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 99.7×80.3cm (40F)


CHEN Cheng-po Shanghai Period

五里湖 Wuli Lake 1931 Oil on canvas 91×116.5cm

第二十八回光風會展覽會《池畔》 Poolside "The 28th Kofukai Exhibition"

在陳澄波的作品中,時而見到浮世繪構圖的 畫面;圖中前景處有一小路引領觀者往有著 茅草頂的梅園牌樓進入;一路走到山坡頂, 彎彎曲曲可以通到湖岸;另一條小徑,渡過 小小的橋樑後,可達茅草屋頂的涼亭及有著 飛簷的樓閣建築。親子依偎的點景,更顯湖 畔的閒致。

The Ukiyo-e style composition is often seen in Chen Cheng-po’s paintings. In the foreground of this painting is a small path leading the viewer towards the plum garden through the archway. Another path, cur ving by the lake, leads all the way up to the hill. The other trail crosses the bridge and leads towards a pavilion with thatched roof and a pavilion with cornices. The two figures resembling a parent and a child arouse even more idleness to the lake view.


梅園 Plum Garden 1930 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 90.4×114cm (50F)


CHEN Cheng-po Shanghai Period

1930 年新華藝術專科學校福建同學會合影;前排右一為陳 澄波,右二為校長俞寄凡 Photo of Fujian Students Association at Xinhua College in 1930. First from right in the front row is Chen Cheng-po, second is Dean Yu Ji-fan

裸女 Seated Nude 1930 Oil on canvas 45.5×33cm (8P)

上海時期的裸女畫作,已然超越了東京時期 的 拘 謹, 風 格 現 代 化 而 活 潑, 期 間 創 作 了 大量的人體速寫。此作人物的輪廓線更簡化 了,綻藍的背景襯托裸女黝黑的膚色,表情 微妙而具戲劇張力。 Nude paintings created during Shanghai period seemed to surpass formality of Tokyo period. Modern and lively style was dominant during the creation of a large number of human sketches. This resulted in more simplified contour lines of human figures. In this painting, magenta blue background sets off dark skinned nude women and emphasizes subtle yet dramatic tension. 24

裸女噘嘴 A Pouting Nude 1931 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 45.5×37.8cm (8F)


CHEN Cheng-po Shanghai Period

打浦路 Dapulu 1932 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 38×46.5cm (8F)

此作品繪有「打浦路」路標及當時上海常見的街燈形式。畫裡水墨線條的趣味,《打 浦路》中的街燈、電線桿與禿樹,以黃褐、紅褐色調為主題,顯出一種古樸的氛圍。 如同山水畫的多重視角,近景的街道蜿蜒而上,路數與遠方的樓房層層相疊,富有層 次感,展現了陳澄波容混中西藝術元素與強烈主觀意識的獨特風格。新華藝專在 1937 年 11 月以前的舊址即位於打浦橋南堍地區,現為打浦路海華花園小區。 In this piece, “Dapulu”, the ar tist painted a Dapulu street sign and streetlights, a common sight during those days in Shanghai. His works complimented the delightfulness of ink-wash brushstrokes, evident in the streetlights, telephone pole, and the bare trees in “Dapulu”. This work tones to mainly yellowish and reddish browns, radiating a quaint atmosphere. In the composition, we can see that Chen adopted the multi-point perspective of traditional Chinese shan shui paintings. The close-up street scene winds upward as trees and houses layered together create a sense of depth, demonstrating Chen’s unique style of mixing oriental and western ar t elements and his strong subjective sensibility.Before November 1937, the original location of Xinhua Ar ts Junior College was in the Dapuqiao of Nantu area, which is now the Haihua Garden residential area on Dapulu.


綻放花朵 Flowers in Bloom 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 37.5×46cm (8F)

燦爛奔放的花朵,靜物型態單純而筆觸生動熱情,此情調正是陳澄 波上海時期活力的寫照。

Splendid and untrammeled flowers, simple, still patterns and enthusiastic brush strokes – such sentimentalism is a vigorous por trayal of Chen Cheng-po’s Shanghai period.

1931 年藝苑繪畫研究所師生合影。坐者右起為魯少 飛、王濟遠、潘玉良、站者左三為陳澄波 Group photo of teachers and students of Yiyuan Painting Research Institute in 1931. Seated from the right: Lu Shao-fei, Wang Ji-yuan, Pan Yu-liang ; Chen Cheng-po is standing third on the left.

潘玉良《月季與撲克》 Pan Yuliang "Rose and Poker" 1939 Oil on canvas 45×54cm


因中國戰爭而重返臺灣,陳澄波與同期藝術家積極推動臺灣 美術運動,創立「七星畫壇」、「赤島社」、「台陽美術協 會」,其貢獻功不可沒。返臺時期四處旅行,敏銳的觀察, 將景色與歷史情感融合成動人的臺灣風景畫。此時期作品被 視為陳澄波成熟的代表階段。

At the outbreak of the 128 Incident in Shanghai, Chen Chengpo was forced to return to Taiwan. Here, he promoted ar t movement in Taiwan, and was active in setting up the Seven Stars Painting Society, the Red Island Painting Society, and the TaiYang Ar t Society. He spent time visiting various places in Taiwan, obser ving scener y and displaying these views in his landscape paintings. This is the most ar tistically mature period in Chen’s creation.

CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

摘星山莊 Zhai Xing Cottage (Star Village)

此為典型的臺灣農村風光,紅磚四合院建築 外 的 埤 池, 有 人 用 魚 網 撈 魚, 水 邊 也 有 撐 傘遮陽垂釣的人物,生動的點景人物,顯出 農家的活力。全幅以圓弧構圖延伸至埤池邊 際,羽狀而騷動的筆觸,烈日當空的景色, 正是陳澄波特有的風格。

This is typical scener y of r ural Taiwan. Red brick cour tyard building at the back of pond, fishers with nets, a person holding umbrella and angling in the shade, and a small figure full of movement, all of this reveal a vigorous view of the farmhouse. The circular arc composition stretching along the pond, feathery and random brush stokes, as well as the noontime views reflect unique style of Chen Cheng-po.


臺灣農家 Taiwan Farmhouse 1932 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 45.5×53cm (10F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

南瑤宮 Nan Yao Temple

1939 年 5 月 5 日 陳澄波致陳重光明信片 Postcard from Chen Cheng-po to Chen Chong-guang dated on May 5, 1939

畫中清代古廟南瑤宮和諧地融入了臺灣鄉間的村落 裡,而寺廟是社會的信仰中心,磚紅的山牆、重簷 與燕尾別具造型之美;紅瓦與綠樹倒映於清澈的池 水中,畫面優美而更顯層次豐富。陳澄波熱愛故鄉、 關懷社會,鄉間廟宇的景色洋溢著溫馨的情感。 This painting depicts Nan Yao Temple built during the Qing Dynasty in a countr yside village in Taiwan. The temple decorated with beautiful details such as red brick gables, double-eaved roof, and swallowtail is the main place for wor shiping in community. With red roofs and green trees reflecting in the clear water, the composition looks even more attractive and abundant. Chen Cheng-po felt deep affection for his native place, caring community, and warm scenery of the temples in the village.


水邊 Waterside 1939 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 72.5×91cm (30F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

淡水風景(一) Tamsui Scenery (1) 1935 Oil on canvas 116.5×91cm

淡水 Tamsui

陳澄波熱愛北臺灣淡水景色,在 1933-1937 年間,以其敏銳的觀察及特殊視點構圖,繪 製了一系列重要經典作品;此作以淡水依山 群聚的閩南建築為主軸,其古樸的紅瓦與綠 蔭表現出畫家所陳述「分外好看」的景色; 更為風景畫增添了歷史層次感。 Chen Cheng-po had deep affection for Taipei’s Tamsui scener y. Dur ing 1935 to 1937, he created a ser ies of essential wor ks where he applied his keen obser vations and unique per spective composition. In this piece, the main focus is on a cluster of ancient Fujianesestyle buildings in Tamsui. Red roofs with tiles and shades of the green foliage reveal an “exceptionally beautiful” scenery, and add more historicity to the landscape.


淡水風景(二) Tamsui Scenery (2) 1935 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 72.5×91cm (30F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

第八回台展《街頭》 Street Corner "The 8th Taiwan Art Exhibition"

西薈方素描 Sketch of West Huifang

此畫繪製於 1932 年,地點為嘉義知名的酒 樓,為日治時期商旅們所聚集聯誼的地方。 他將一棵古老的大樹和整個城市完美的結合 在一起,陽光照耀下的土地因綠蔭而顯得溫 馨而涼爽;販賣的小店和行人,身著和服或 洋裝,增添西薈芳的熱鬧與繁榮:那時是臺 灣在日治時期逐漸走入工商業社會的型態。

This painting was painted in 1932. During the Japanese occupation period, West Huifang used to be one of the most renowned places for merchants and travelers to gather together in Chiayi. An old ancient tree in the city, a streak of sunshine on the ground, green shades of the tree – all of this create soft and pleasantly cool atmosphere. Vendors and pedestrians in kimono or dresses add liveliness and prosperity to the West Huifang. It was a period during Japanese occupation when Taiwan was rapidly developing into an industry and commerce based society. 36

西薈芳 West Huifang 1932 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 117×91cm (50F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

1935 年陳澄波與其油畫作品《阿里山之春》( 右 )《琳琅山閤》 (中)《淡水風景》( 左 ) 合攝於嘉義市蘭井街老家 Chen Cheng-po and his oil paintings Spring on Ali Mountain (right), Yiyuan (aka Linlangshange, center) and Tamsui Landscape (left) taken in his old home on Lanjing Street, Chiayi City, 1935

1935 年陳澄波 ( 坐者右二 ) 與張李德和 ( 抱小孩者 )、張錦燦(站 者左一)合攝於琳琅山閤 Chen Cheng-po (sitting second on right), Chang Lee Te-ho (holding a child), and Chang Chin-tsan (standing first on left) at the Lin-lang Pavilion, 1935

此為一幅具南宗文人畫筆意,融貫東西藝術的庭園 景色;「琳瑯山閣」為臺灣嘉義知名醫師的個人居 所,長期邀請當地文人雅士聚集舉辦雅集或吟詩, 陳澄波常作客於此,為當時重要的藝文活動據點。 此幅油畫用色典雅、筆法生動有朝氣,園裡小橋流 水,林木蒼翠,顯出宅邸主人的儒雅品味。 In this painting, Chen used the brushwork manner of the Southern School (also known as literati painting), and applied Eastern and Western painting techniques. Linglang Mountain Hall used to be a personal residence of a well-known Chiayi doctor, and was a place for regular gatherings and poetry readings by local scholars and literati. Chen Cheng-po was an often guest here. Refined oil colors, energetic and vivid brush strokes are dominant in the painting. A bridge and forest green in the garden reveal a good taste of the garden owner. 38

琳瑯山閣 Linglang Mountain Hall 1935 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 73×91cm (30F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

1934 圖為陳澄波與他的作品,右為《夏日》左 為《綠蔭》 Chen Cheng-po in front of his paintings created during 1934: on the right Street Corner, on the left Foliage

嘉義街景素描 Sketch of Chiayi Street Scene 1934 Sketch on paper 40.6×50.7cm

迎面ㄧ片綠蔭聳立於西式建築的前方,樹幹 茁壯而枝葉茂盛,形成樹下ㄧ片涼爽!而左 方幾棟新式建築前庭,栽種了數種亞熱帶植 物,此景為南臺灣生態與文化的一種殊異景 觀。此畫佈滿了畫家特有的羽狀筆觸,西洋 式樓房建築與紅色的屋頂,更加醒目搶眼, 細膩描繪著當年故鄉新興公共醫療設施的社 會 型 態。 此 畫 為 1935 年 臺 灣「 第 一 屆 台 陽 美術展覽」展出作品。 Green shade towering in front of the Western style building, robust trunk and lush foliage create a pleasantly cool atmosphere beneath the tree. A few new buildings on the left with the courtyard and several species of subtropical plants planted in it are distinct to the southern Taiwan’s ecology and culture. This painting is filled with feathery brushstrokes unique to the painter and delicately depicting the eye-catching Western style buildings with red roofs, and the development of public health facilities during those years. In 1935, this painting was featured in the 1st Tai-Yang Art Exhibition. 40

綠蔭 Foliage 1934 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 80×100cm (40F)


CHEN Cheng-po Taiwan Period

木材工廠 Timber Factory 1921 Watercolor on paper 18.2×23.5 cm

周元助寄給陳澄波的明信片(嘉義貯木場與製材所) Po s t c a r d s e n t t o C h e n C h e n g - p o b y C h o u Yu a n - c h u (Lumberyard in Chiayi)

此畫景點為昔日臺灣嘉義八景「檜沼垂綸」 的杉池,當年阿里山伐木的集散轉運中心; 遠處的白色建築應是木材廠的辦公室,右側 成堆積聚的木材,以整體的筆觸與色澤,呈 現散落有致的美感,記錄了臺灣早年木材產 業的鼎盛。

When studying at the Tokyo School of Fine Ar ts, Chen used to pass by the Ueno Park everyday on his way to school and admire its beautiful scener y. He would bring his drawing materials and stop here for a while to paint the museum, the Shinobazu Pond, forest trees or park views.


貯木場 A Lumberyard 油彩畫布 Oil on canvas 45.5×52.5cm (10F)


CHEN Cheng-po

陳澄波 1895-1947,出生於臺灣嘉義






與陳植棋等人創立「七星畫壇」,臺北,臺灣 「第七屆帝展」,入選,日本 「七星畫壇第一回展覽」,臺灣總督府博物館(今國立臺灣博物館),臺北,臺灣


東京美術學校(今東京藝術大學)畢業,東京,日本 與廖繼春等人組成「赤陽洋畫會」,臺北,臺灣 「赤陽洋畫會第一回展覽」,臺南公會堂,臺南,臺灣 「第八屆帝展」,入選,日本 「第一屆台展」,入選,臺灣 「七星畫壇第二回展覽」,臺灣總督府博物館(今國立臺灣博物館),臺北,臺灣 「陳澄波個展」,臺灣總督府博物館(今國立臺灣博物館),臺北,臺灣


「陳澄波個展」,廈門旭瀛書院,廈門,中國 「第二屆台展」,入選,臺灣 「七星畫壇第三回展覽」,臺灣總督府博物館(今國立臺灣博物館),臺北,臺灣


東京美術學校西畫科研究所畢業,東京,日本 創立「赤島社」,臺北,臺灣 「赤島社第一回洋畫展」,臺北,臺灣 轉任新華藝術專科學校西畫科教授,上海,中國 「第十屆帝展」,入選,日本 「第三屆台展」,入選,臺灣


「赤島社第二回洋畫展」,臺北,臺灣 「陳澄波個展」,臺中公會堂,臺中,臺灣 被任命為日本美術工藝的特別考察委員,東京,日本 任藝苑繪畫研究所名譽教授,上海,中國 「第四屆台展」,入選,臺灣


「赤島社第三回洋畫展」,臺北,臺灣 「第五屆台展」,入選,臺灣


參與「決瀾社」第一次會議,上海,中國 「第六屆台展」,入選,臺灣 代表中華民國參加「芝加哥博覽會」,芝加哥,美國




「第十五屆帝展」,入選,日本 「第八屆台展」,入選,臺灣 參加「台陽美術協會」成立大會,臺北,臺灣


「第一回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第九屆台展」,入選,臺灣


「第二回台陽展,臺北,臺灣 「第十屆台展」,入選,臺灣





「第四回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第一回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣


「第五回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第二回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣


擔任「青辰美術協會」特別會員,嘉義,臺灣 「第六回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第三回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣


「第七回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第四回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣


「第八回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第五回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣


「第九回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 「第六回臺灣總督府美術展覽會」,入選,臺灣

1944 1946

「第十回台陽展」,臺北,臺灣 就任嘉義市第一屆議會議員,嘉義,臺灣 擔任「第一屆臺灣省美術展覽會」審查員,臺北,臺灣 「第一屆臺灣省美術展覽會」,臺北,臺灣












「陳澄波百年紀念展」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 「陳澄波百年紀念展」,嘉義市文化中心,嘉義,臺灣














「臺灣嬉遊記」,尊彩藝術中心,臺北,臺灣 「切切故鄉情:陳澄波紀念展」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣 「豔陽下的陳澄波」,創價學會,臺北,臺灣




「流光剪影-臺灣人物誌」,尊彩藝術中心,臺北,臺灣 「雋永風華」,尊彩藝術中心,臺北,臺灣


「行過江南-陳澄波藝術探索歷程」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 「澄海波瀾-陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大展」,臺南文化中心、新營文化中 心、鄭成功文物館、國立臺灣文學館,臺南,臺灣 「南方豔陽-陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大展」,中國美術館,北京,中國 「海上煙波-陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大展」,中華藝術宮,上海,中國 「青春群像-東美畢業的臺灣近代美術家們—陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大 展」,東京藝術大學大學美術館,東京,日本 「藏鋒-陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大展」,國立故宮博物院,臺北,臺灣


「陳澄波個展」,Art Basel Hong Kong,香港,中國

CHEN Cheng-po


CHEN Cheng-po 1895-1947, born in Chiayi, Taiwan 1913

Graduated from Chiayi Public Elementary School (now Chung-Wen Elementary School), Chiayi, Taiwan


Graduated from the Faculty of Normal Education, Taiwan Governor-General's National Language School (now National Taipei University of Education), Taipei, Taiwan


Founded the“ Seven Stars Painting Society”with Chen Chih-chi, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 7th Imperial Art Exhibition of Japan”, Selected, Japan “ The 1st Seven Starss Painting Society Exhibition”, Taiwan Governor's Museum (now National Taiwan Museum), Taipei, Taiwan


Graduated from the Tokyo School of Fine Arts (now Tokyo University of the Arts), Tokyo, Japan Founded the“ Red Sun Painting Society”with Liao Chi-chun and other artists, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 1st Red Sun Painting Society Exhibition”, Tainan Public Hall, Tainan, Taiwan “ The 8th Imperial Art Exhibition of Japan”, Selected, Japan “ The 1st Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan “ The 2nd Seven Stars Painting Society Exhibition, Taiwan Governor's Museum (now National Taiwan Museum), Taipei, Taiwan Solo exhibition, Taiwan Governor's Museum (now National Taiwan Museum), Taipei, Taiwan


Solo exhibition, Xuying College, Xiamen, China “ The 2nd Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan “ The 3rd Seven Stars Painting Society Exhibition”, Taiwan Governor's Museum (now National Taiwan Museum), Taipei, Taiwan


Completed graduate studies at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts (now Tokyo University of the Arts), Tokyo, Japan Participated in founding of the“ Red Island Painting Society”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 1st Red Island Painting Society Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan Appointed as Professor in Western Painting at Xinhua College of Fine Arts, Shanghai, China “ The 10th Imperial Art Exhibition of Japan”, Selected, Japan “ The 3rd Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 2nd Red Island Painting Society Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan Solo exhibition, Taichung Public Hall, Taichung, Taiwan Appointed as Special Reviewer for Japanese Art and Craft, Tokyo, Japan Named Professor Emeritus for Yiyuan Painting Research Institute, Shanghai, China “ The 4th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 3rd Red Island Painting Society Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 5th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


Attended the first regulation drafting meeting of Juelan Society, Shanghai, China “ The 6th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan Represented the Republic of China at the“ Chicago World's Fair”, Chicago, USA


“ The 7th Taiwan Art Exhibition, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 15th Imperial Art Exhibition of Japan”, Selected, Japan “ The 8th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan Attended the founding ceremony of the“ Tai-Yang Art Society”, Taipei, Taiwan


“ The 1st Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 9th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 2nd Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 10th Taiwan Art Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 3rd Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan


“ The 4th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 1st Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan



“ The 5th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 2nd Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Taiwan


Named Honorable Member of the“ Qing-Chen Art Association”, Chiayi, Taiwan “ The 6th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 3rd Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 7th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 4th Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 8th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 5th Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan


“ The 9th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 6th Taiwan Governmental Fine Arts Exhibition”, Selected, Taiwan

1944 1946

“ The 10th Tai-Yang Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan Voted into office as Representative of the 1st Chiayi Legislative Assembly, Chiayi, Taiwan Appointed as a juror at“The 1st Taiwan Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan “ The 1st Taiwan Provincial Art Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan

1977 1979

“ The 40th Tai-Yang Fine Arts Exhibition”, Taipei, Taiwan Solo exhibition, Spring Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Posthumous Exhibition of Chen Cheng-po's Sketches”, Mingsheng Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Commemorative Exhibition of the Oil Paintings of Chen Cheng-po”, East Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Commemorative Exhibition of the Oil Paintings of Chen Cheng-po”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Chen Cheng-po Centennial Memorial Exhibition”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan “ Chen Cheng-po Centennial Memorial Exhibition”, Chiayi Cultural Center, Chiayi, Taiwan


“ Memorial Exhibition for Chen Cheng-po and Chen Bih-neu”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Treasure Map Painting Album”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Important Moments in the History of Taiwanese Art”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Glamorous Shanghai – Chen Cheng-po”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Art Treasures Collection – Retrospective Exhibition of Chen Cheng-po”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Dazzling Through a History: Chen Cheng-po and Liao Chi-chun Exhibition”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Happy Travel in Taiwan”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan “ Nostalgia in the Vast Universe: Commemorative Exhibition of Chen Cheng-po”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan “ Under the Searing Sun – A Solo Exhibition by Chen Cheng-po”, Soka Gakkai, Taipei, Taiwan


“ The Origin of Taiwan Art – Chen Cheng-po”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Stories of the Big Era”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan “ Timeless Elegance”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan


“ Journey Through Jiangnan – A Pivotal Moment in Chen Cheng-po's Artistic Quest”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan “ Surging Waves – Chen Cheng-po's 120th Birthday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”, Tainan, Taiwan “ The Bright Sunshine of the South – Chen Cheng-po's 120th Birthday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China “ Misty Vapor on the High Seas – Chen Cheng-po's 120th Birthday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”, China Art Museum, Shanghai, China “ The Modern Art in Taiwan – Works by Foreign Students in Their Youth. Chen Cheng-po's 120th Birthday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan “ Hidden Talent – Chen Cheng-po's 120th Birthday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”, National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan


Solo exhibition, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

CHEN Cheng-po



尊彩藝術中心 Liang Gallery

臺北尊彩藝術中心由負責人余彥良先生創立於 1993 年;藝術中心獨棟位於臺北市區,展覽館空間三 個樓層共約 2000 平方米,每個月展出不同的主題展覽。

自創立以來,致力於推廣臺灣近現代、當代藝術的展覽與學術研究,纍積多年舉辦臺灣近現代代表性 藝術家陳澄波、廖繼春、楊三郎、陳植棋、李梅樹、金潤作、蒲添生等重要大型回顧展;與藝術家家 屬及基金會共同合作定期舉辦學術研討會,並加強社會教育功能等事務,以此定私人畫廊建立於臺灣 美術史之重要地位。

尊彩藝術中心與陳澄波文化基金會合作各項展覽已 18 年之久,歷年展覽有 1997 年「陳澄波與陳碧女 紀念展」,2005 年「臺灣藏寶圖之四─陳澄波回顧展」,2010 年「璀璨世紀之陳澄波與廖繼春回顧 展」,2012 年「彩筆江河之陳澄波回顧展」。2012 至 2013 年,以協辦單位與陳澄波文化基金會於臺 北市立美術館、高雄市立美術館等展出大型回顧展。2014 年協辦「澄海波瀾─陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡 迴大展」,此展由臺灣臺南出發,並巡迴至北京中國美術館、上海中華宮藝術館、東京藝術大學大學 美術館,終站回到臺北故宮博物院「藏峰」特展,並以 - 陳澄波暨東亞近代美術史國際學術研討會, 做為完美盛大展出的句點。

尊彩藝術中心歷年參展各國際藝博會,2015 Ar t Basel HK、2014 年倫敦藝博 Ar t14 London、新加坡藝 博 Ar t Stage、博多那上海國際當代藝術展 SH Contemporar y。

以多年豐富策展經驗推動臺灣當代藝術國際化,旗下代理完整系統臺灣近現代、當代藝術家;精心策 劃展覽及學術的發表,是臺灣最具代表性展示本國藝術的私人機構。

尊彩藝術中心將藉由陳澄波於 Ar t Basel HK 的參展,向亞洲介紹臺灣的近現代藝術歷程,同時,也期 待全球能關注亞洲各國的藝術成果與多元豐富的藝術風格。


臺北尊彩藝術中心外觀 Liang Gallery , Taipei

CHEN Cheng-po


Liang Galler y was founded in 1993 by Yu Yen-Liang. The galler y is located in one of the main ar t districts in Taipei, and is based in a three-stor y building up to almost 2000 square meters where ever y month holds exhibitions on different themes. Since its founding, Liang Galler y has been committed to promoting Taiwanese modern and contemporar y ar t and academic research on it. It has held many large-scale retrospective exhibitions of ar tists such as Chen Cheng-po, Liao Chi-chun, Yang San-lang, Chen Chih-chi, Li Mei-shu, Chin Jun-tso, Pu Tien-sheng, and others. In order for private galleries to establish a strong position in the histor y of Taiwanese ar t, Liang Galler y regular ly wor ks with foundations and families of the ar tists to organize conferences and discussion forums, and hence, contributes to strengthening social education. Liang Galler y has been collaborating with the Chen Cheng-po Cultural Foundation for over eighteen years, and has co-hosted a number of exhibitions, including “Memorial Exhibition for Chen Cheng-po and Chen Bih-neu” in 1997, “Ar t Treasures Collection – Retrospective Exhibition of Chen Cheng-po” in 2005, “Dazzling Through a Histor y: Chen Cheng-po and Liao Chi-chun Exhibition” in 2010, and “The Origin of Taiwan – Chen Chengpo” in 2012. During 2012-2013, Liang Galler y worked jointly with the Chen Cheng-po Cultural Foundation, the Taipei Fine Ar ts Museum, and the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Ar ts to organize retrospective ar t exhibitions. In 2014, it co-hosted the “Surging Waves – Chen Cheng-po’s 120th Bir thday Anniversar y Touring Exhibition”. A series of large-scale touring exhibitions have been held in Tainan, the National Ar t Museum of China in Beijing, the China Ar t Museum in Shanghai, the University Ar t Museum of the Tokyo University of the Ar ts in Tokyo, and a final exhibition in staged in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. And, the “Paradigm in the Billow – The International Conference on Chen Cheng-po and Modern East Asian Ar t Histor y” has perfectly summarized this grand exhibition. In recent years, Liang Galler y has been actively par ticipating at international ar t fairs, including “Ar t Basel Hong Kong 2015”, “Ar t14 London”, “Ar t Stage Singapore 2014”, and “BolognaFiere Shanghai Contemporar y 2014”. Liang Galler y aims to continuously fur ther the internationalization of Taiwanese contemporar y ar t, and provide well-planed exhibitions, as well as thorough academic publications. In the private sector, Liang Galler y is the most representative galler y of Taiwanese ar t. Liang Galler y will be exhibiting ar t works by Chen Cheng-po at Ar t Basel HK. The galler y wishes to introduce modern and contemporar y Taiwanese ar tists to the rest of Asia, and also believes that not only numerous ar tistic achievements, but also diverse and rich ar tistic styles of ar tists from various Asian countries will receive global attention.


2012 年 尊彩藝術中心貳拾週年—台灣前輩藝術家「彩筆江河—陳澄波大展」場景照 Liang Gallery's Twentieth Anniversary The Origin of Taiwan Art: Chen Cheng-po 2012

CHEN Cheng-po




Chen Cheng-po & Liang Gallery




Memorial Exhibition for Chen Cheng-po and Chen Bih-neu

Important Events in Taiwanese Art History

Treasure Map IV Painting Album





























也因此次陳澄波個展的難度與內容之齊 全,使得尊彩奠定在海內外經營陳澄波 畫作的正確公正性與權威性。

It was apparent that father and daughter

Liang Galler y was invited by the Ministr y of

Many thanks go to Chen Cheng-po’s son, Chen

both shared a limitless passion for living life

Culture of the People’s Republic of China and

Chung-kuang, and his family for their suppor t and

in pursuit of art. The work exudes an artistic

the Chinese Cultural Association to feature

encouragement in creating the Treasure Map IV Painting

quality and thoughtfulness that draws one into

works of four senior Taiwanese artists – Chen

Album, and turning it into an album for a solo exhibition

the image, and engulfs them with profound

Cheng-po, Liao Chi-chun, Hong Rui-lin and

for Chen. Treasure Map IV, which exclusively features

emotions and a great sense of magnanimity.

Liao Te-cheng for the “20th Century Chinese

Chen’s works, has become an important reference used

The brushstrokes of the two are similar,

Oil Painting Exhibition” at the National Ar t

by auction houses all over the world for identifying and

revealing deep inner feelings and staunch

Museum of China in Beijing. The China Oil

appraising Chen’s paintings. Many of the paintings were

personalities. It is no wonder that a news

Painting Society stated that, “This will be a great,

cleaned and restored, and displayed again to the public

headline for a review regarding Chen Cheng-

forward-looking exhibition of a historical and

for the first time. Liang Gallery felt extremely proud to

po and Chen Bih-neu was titled, “Like Father,

academic importance. It will be recorded in the

showcase so many works that had never been debuted

Like Daughter.”

development of Chinese contemporary culture

in public before under its roof. By hosting such a

as the event of the century.”

complex and comprehensive solo exhibition of Chen’s works, Liang Gallery cemented its reputation both locally and internationally as a credible and authoritative source for paintings by Chen Cheng-po.



尊彩 20 周年.雙特展 彩筆江河—陳澄波飛行.熱氣球—台灣當代藝術展

Dazzling Through a History Chen Cheng-po & Liao Chi-chun Art Treasures Collection

Liang Gallery's Twentieth Anniversary – Double Special Exhibition The Origin of Taiwan Art – Chen Cheng-po Exploring With a Balloon – Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition










驅,他在 1935 年完成的《淡水夕照》,2006 年在香港


的拍賣場以新台幣 2.2 億天價賣出,聞名全球!此作第


一次於私人畫廊展出,於尊彩 20 周年慶中曝光, 堪稱






This is a special exhibition that commemorates Liang Gallery’s new

Liang Gallery is committed to the mission of establishing Taiwan’s art

branch on Ruiguan Road, and showcases the important works of Chen

history. To meet the remarkable significance of this particular moment, it is

Cheng-po and Liao Chi-chun across different time periods. Chen’s

holding a grand exhibition, “The Origin of Taiwan Art – Chen Cheng-po”,

Shanghai Windmill, Chang-Jung Girls School, and New Building Landscapes

in the high-ceiling thematic pavilion on the second floor. Chen Cheng-po

all feature the same grassy area surrounded by low rooms and trees,

(1895-1947) was not just the first Taiwanese painter to be selected for

and the same curved stretches of trail. Yet, at the center of the image,

the Japanese Imperial Exhibition, but also a pioneer in the development

the mother and child exude a different sense of silence and ease. And, in

of contemporary art in Taiwan. In 1935, he completed the painting, Tamsui

Self-Portrait, Chen presents a deep and thoughtful expression that reveals

Sunset, which, in 2006, received international acclaim after being sold at

the determination of self-confidence and persistence in art. In My Family,

an auction in Hong Kong for TWD 220 million! To commemorate Liang

the viewer and Chen’s family, under a warm light, shares a small round

Gallery’s twentieth anniversary, this exhibition marks the first time when

table. Simple furnishing objects on the table clearly describe the interests

this rare masterpiece is featured at a private gallery as a grand finale.

and personality of each family member. The hometown feelings exuded by the works of Chen moved viewers even more deeply.

CHEN Cheng-po



2014 年「澄海波瀾─陳澄波百二誕辰東亞巡迴大展」,由臺南出發, 並延伸巡迴至北京中國美術館、上海中華宮藝術館、東京藝術大學 大學美術館、臺北故宮博物院。這項長達一年多的巡迴大展,期望 更多人對陳澄波在藝術上的傑出成就與不朽的思維能有更深刻的理 解,肯定他對臺灣近代美術史之影響與美術教育之貢獻,對此致上 最高敬意。


In 2014, Liang Galler y co-hosted the “Surging Waves – Chen Cheng-po’s 120th Bir thday Anniversary Touring Exhibition”. The touring exhibition star ted in Tainan, moved to the National Ar t Museum of China in Beijing, the China Ar t Museum in Shanghai, the University Ar t Museum of the Tokyo University of the Ar ts in Tokyo, and the National Palace Museum in Taipei. This touring exhibition, lasting for more than a year, highlights Chen’s enduring thinking and his outstanding achievements


in ar t. Moreover, it provides a more profound understanding of Chen’s influence and contribution to the history of modern ar t and ar t education in Taiwan.






“Surging Waves", Xinying Cultural Center, Tainan Municipal Cultural Center,

“The Bright Sunshine of the South”,

Koxinga Museum, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Tainan

National Ar t Museum of China, Beijing




Koxinga Museum

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

National Art Museum of China









“Misty Vapor on the High Seas”,

“The Modern Ar t in Taiwan – Works

“Hidden Talent”, National Palace

China Ar t Museum, Shanghai

by Foreign Students in Their Youth” ,

Museum, Taipei

The Univer sity Ar t Museum, Tokyo University of the Ar ts, Tokyo




China Art Museum

Tokyo University of the Arts

National Palace Museum














Executive Director

Yu Yen-Liang


Claudia Chen


Liang Gallery Co., Ltd


Liang Gallery


Jih-Tung Art Pringting Co., Ltd

Publishing Date

First Edition, March, 2015

贊助單位 Sponsor 特別感謝


Special Thanks to

Chen Cheng-po Cultural Foundation

T +886-2-2797-1100 F +886-2-2656-0033 lianggallery@gmail.com

www.lianggallery.com・臺灣臺北市11492內湖區瑞光路366號 No.366, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 11492, Taiwan 開放時間 Gallery Hours 11am~6pm 週一公休 Closed on Monday

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