Portfolio_Sample images_202502

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2103 无锡医疗健康产业园

Wuxi International Healthcare Campus

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总建筑面积 ilding area

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incent hang O le ander o olo

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十字风车 生生不息

The windmill of the cross, grow and multiply without end

四个子级医学园区,分别是儿童医学园区、急诊/急救 医学园区、妇产医学园区及保健医学园区。每个子级医 学园区包括所属范围的公园、前庭花园以及对应的建筑 功能空间。

每座医学园区又根据人群及病种类型分为至少两所学科 中心。9个一级中心分别是 : 急诊急救医学中心、儿童 医学中心、、儿童保健中心、妇女保健中心、妇科医学 中心、产科医学中心、公共卫生医学中心(感染科)、科 研教学中心、行政后勤中心。

Four sub level medical campus are children s medical campus, emergency / first aid medical campus, maternity medical campus and health care medical campus. Each sub level medical campus includes its own park, vestibular garden and corresponding architectural functional space. Each medical campus is divided into at least two discipline centers according to crowds and disease type. The nine first-class centers are: emergency / first aid medical center, children s medical center, children s health center, women s health center, gynecological medical center, obstetric medical center, public health medical center (infection department), scientific research and teaching center and administrative logistics center.




9个一级中心分别是 : 急诊急救医学中心、儿童医学中心、儿童保健中心、妇女保健中心、妇科医学中心、产科医学中心、公共卫生 医学中心(感染科)、科研教学中心、行政后勤中心。

There are four campuses: Children’s Medical Campus, Emergency/Resuce Medical Campus, Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Campus, and Healthcare Medical Campus.

Each campus consists of a park, a front garden, and corresponding architectural spaces within its boundaries.

Each sub-campus is divided into at least two centers based on population and type of disease.

Nine primary centers are: Emergency Medical Center, Pediatric Medical Center, Children’s Health Center, Women’s Health Center, Gynecology Medical Center, Obstetrics Medical Center, Public Health Medical Center (Infectious Disease), Research and Teaching Center, and Administration and Logistics Center. aster lan

不同人群 不同需求 Diferent people, diferent requirements

医患分离 医患混杂

不同类型⼈群尽量远离, 避免交叉感染 不同类型⼈群都在中⼼区, 极易交叉感染

医护在内 患者在外 Staf fow inside, patient fow outside 医者在内,患者在外 患者在内,医者在外 VS

医护廊道 患者廊道 医护廊道 患者廊道 通用廊道

• 各种服务实施

各种服务设备 Various service machine

• Implementation of various services

• 和家具整合

• 各种服务实施

• Integration with furniture

• Implementation of various services

• 各种服务实施

• 和家具整合

• Implementation of various services

和家具整合 Integration with furniture

• Integration with furniture

• 服务空间

• Service space

• 和家具整合

• Integration with furniture

• 服务空间

• Service space

• 服务空间

• Service space

具有模数体系的服务空间 Module service space




变为 个







变为 个




The purpose of medical buildings is to serve medical behavior and make it more convenient for patients to seek medical treatment. In interior design, we position the core idea as making the building itself a proactive and caring service entity. On both sides of the circular medical street, we have implanted a large number of medical service spaces, thereby filling the entire hospital with the spirit of active service.




变为 个


The purpose of medical buildings is to serve medical behavior and make it more convenient for patients to seek medical treatment. In interior design, we position the core idea as making the building itself a proactive and caring service entity.

服务空间,借此使得整个医院充盈着 可主动服务的精神。

On both sides of the circular medical street, we have implanted a large number of medical service spaces, thereby filling the entire hospital with the spirit of active service.

The purpose of medical buildings is to serve medical behavior and make it more convenient for patients to seek medical treatment. In interior design, we position the core idea as making the building itself a proactive and caring service entity. On both sides of the circular medical street, we have implanted a large number of medical service spaces, thereby filling the entire hospital with the spirit of active service.

Square windows of childlike size

大小窗的设计充满童趣,为内部提供了陪护起居的窗前空间。侧向的通风,避免了大玻璃的开窗,节约了能耗。如同鼓楼医院一样 的侧向通风可以将窗边积热带走,而外部纱网巧妙地将立面上的各进风与出风口遮挡起来,既避免了蚊虫对屋内的侵袭,也保障了 患者的安全。建筑从而成为功能与形式的统一体。

The childlike design of the large and small windows provides the interior with a window front space for accompanying the living. Lateral ventilation saves energy by avoiding large glass openings. Lateral ventilation, as in Drum Hospital, removes heat from the windows, while the external screen mesh cleverly covers the air inlets and outlets on the façade, which not only avoids mosquitoes from infesting the house, but also guarantees the safety of the patients. The building thus becomes a unity of function and form.

Integration of architecture, interior and landscape design

ergency esc e edical ca s

儿童 Children edical ca s

Healthcare edical ca s

妇产 Gynecology and Obstetrics edical Ca s

装饰、色彩和人物为医院带来欢乐与生命。 每个空间 都是为使用者精心设计的,但又与整体设计系统相关联,我们对材料和设计有 一个系统性的理解,但又使 其能适应医院中的各个不同空间。

Decoration, colour and characters are used to bring joy and life to the hospital. Each space is designed for the diferent people who will use it but connected to a holistic design system that creates one global understanding of material and design but can be adapted for local use for individual hospital centres and spaces.

iving birth to a child is not a disease, and physical e amination and rehabilitation health care are not necessarily a disease. hildren need a lot of emergency resources and often have fever and infection pregnant women want to be uiet, gynecological patients want more privacy, and children often need games and have a lot of noise the e amination and treatment ree uipment re uired by maternity and children are often different maternity and children need different furniture si e, color e perience and space feeling maternity and children also need more detailed medical e pansion services in the future. 1

妇产 Gynecology and Obstetrics edical Ca s obby


Suzhou healthcare examination centre

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项目状态 ro ect stat s

总建筑面积 ilding area

设计时间 esign ti e

设计团队 esign tea

工作内容 or content

健 incent hang ichard each




主要的流线安排布置在医疗功能区域的两侧,这样可以将不同使用人群,例如医生和患者、普通和VIP患者分开,相较于传统的布局 模式下,可以给用户提供更好的私密性。传统集中式的大型等候区被更小的更多样化的等候空间所替代,从而大大改善访客的就诊 体验。

The main fow lines are arranged either side of the medical function blocks which allows for separation of doctor and patient, general and VIP clients and makes the design more private than a traditional layout.   Large waiting areas in traditional centers are reduced and smaller more personalized spaces are ofered to improve the patient experience.

Proposal 2

平面布置 Plan drawing



Material concept & Built on site


走廊改造前 Corridor before renovation
Corridor after renovation

Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Hospital

项目地址 ocation

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项目状态 ro ect stat s

总建筑面积 ilding area

设计时间 esign ti e

设计团队 esign tea incent hang ichard each

工作内容 or content

患者侧 Patient side


Service, warm

咖啡灰 Cofee grey

IP & 材料概念 Zhangzhou IP & Material concept


中性灰 Neutral grey

高科技 未来 Hi-Tech

高科技白 High-tech white

医护侧 Staf side

Furniture color

水仙黄 Dafodil yellow #fade11

片仔黄 Pianzai Yellow #B5C20

九龙蓝 Kowloon Blue #accfed

香樟绿 Spring Green #228B22

Outpatient waiting area

Clinic room

Inpatient nursing station

Inpatient nursing station open office area

2303 武汉长江新区医院

Wuhan Yangtze River New District Hospital

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项目状态 ro ect stat s

总建筑面积 ilding area

床位数 ed n bers

设计时间 esign ti e

设计团队 esign tea

工作内容 or content

incent hang ichard each

Phase III Expansion and Renovation Project of Qingdao Municipal Hospital

项目地址 ocation

项目类型 ro ect ty e

项目状态 ro ect stat s

总建筑面积 ilding area

床位数 ed n bers

设计时间 esign ti e

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功能分区 Function layout










急诊病房层 EICU

标准病房层 手术室生活区 SICU 设备层

连廊至A楼 手术室

静配中心 实验室 病理科 中心消毒供应 医疗街

健康管理中心 输血科 医疗街 门厅及公共空间


动线组织 Flow organization

手术中心 Operation centre

功能分区 Function layout


污梯 污梯





医护梯 VIP梯

动线组织 Flow organization

标准单元手术室 Operation standard unit

手术室空间意向 Operation space reference

重症监护 / 标准病区单元

ICU & Standard inpatient unit

功能分区 Function layout

动线组织 Flow organization


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