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Nutrition Nook Supportive supplements fun foods
Supportive Supplements & fun foods
There are a multitude of supplements out there, and they can be very helpful to your patients’ diets. But there are also some foods that can naturally assist in resolving certain issues, and others that are just plain fun. Let me touch on a few of my favorites:
Probiotics should be used regularly in many animals, and always during a food change or while using antibiotics. Lactobacillus sporogenes is often a good form of this. They can be purchased over the counter, but do a label check to be sure of the quality and proper bacteria. Dairy free versions are useful for sensitive animals.
Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils) can be useful and usually can help hair coats, skin and musculoskeletal issues. They can occasionally provide too much oily heat
by Bar
bara E. Roya l, DVM
for animals with a lot of heat in their skin or with loose stools. So be sure to monitor the response to see if it’s right for the animal. It is best to choose fish oils as the source. Good for many inflammatory conditions, arthritis and skin problems.
Unsweetened canned pumpkin is a terrific stool regulator; good for constipation and also for diarrhea. We use this often during food changes to regulate stool. Use about one tablespoon one to two times per day for a 30-pound dog in food or as a treat. You can also mix pumpkin with meat baby food or yogurt and put into ice cube trays or Kongs and freeze to use as treats.
Green tripe is a useful source of protein for kidney disease, as it is odiferous, and very tempting, even to
those slightly nauseated by their uremia, and it is low in phosphorus, is metabolized well and shown to be of use to help the GI tract in kidney cases. Owners tend to prefer to buy it frozen because the canned smells awful.
Metamucil is also for both loose stools or constipation. Many foods neglect to include proper fiber and adding some Metamucil daily can help (about a teaspoon per meal for a 50-pound dog) – I find some raw foods need added fiber content.
White rice can be used for diarrhea. Do not use Minute Rice. Cook the white rice with extra water and overcook it a bit till it’s gloopy. It has better absorption when it is overcooked and really sticky wet. Brown rice is not as good an absorbent for diarrhea/loose stools. As we are not using the rice for nutrition, but for its absorbent quality, it’s better to use the white rice here.
Rice cakes and green beans (plain, no salt) as low cal fun treats.
Fun foods and giving pills • Stage II meat baby foods (make sure there’s no onion powder in them) – chicken, beef, lamb and other flavors.
Sometimes hard to find, I often see it at Treasure Island. (Gerber, Beechnut, Organic brands are also available.)
Use as a vehicle to give pills, powders, liquids that are unpalatable.
Use with warm water over foods as gravy.
Use directly or added to foods to improve taste of foods.
• Use as a treat on plain rice cakes, or in ice cube trays or
Kong toys, then freeze.
• Liverwurst makes a good pill vehicle –use just enough to cover the pill completely.
• Pats ofbutterorcreamcheese, othercheeses andtripe are also a way to give pills, powders or other medicines.
• Low sodium chicken or beef broth or just warm water added to food increases palatability.
• Good qualityplainyogurt, ifthe petdoesn’thave a dairy sensitivity. A good vehicle for pills and can be useful as a probiotic supplement during diarrhea episodes, any diet change, or antibiotic use. Also as a fun treat (can also be mixed with meat baby foods or pumpkin and frozen in ice cube trays or put into Kongs and frozen). The yogurt you choose must have plenty of active cultures – i.e. Stoneyfield Farms, Greek Yogurt, Brown Cow, Kefir.
Dr. Barbara E. Royal graduated from the U i ersity of Illi ois, College of Veteri ary Medici e i 1995. She is certified i Veteri ary Acupu cture (IVAS ), a d has completed trai i g i Ad a ced Wester & Chi ese Herbal Medici e a d Nutritio at Tufts U i ersity, a d A imal Physical Therapy a d Heali g Tech iques at the U i ersity of Te essee. Her small a imal practice, The Royal Treatme t Veteri ary Ce ter i Chicago, pro ides a i tegrati e approach to eteriary care a d physical rehabilitatio . Her ew book, Th Roy l Tr t nt, Ho to Us Wh t N tur Int n to K p your P ts Wil ly H lthy, will be published i the spri g of 2012. Dr. Royal is the go-to eteri aria for Oprah Wi frey.
Excerpted with permission from “4,000 pet foods and counting – how to help owners choose, and why vet training in nutrition is lacking”, 2011 Proceedings, Annual Conference of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association.
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