Tully Educate Together Wayfinding Style guide

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Tully Educate Together National School

Wayfinding Style Guide

Tully Educate Together National School

T: 0863874099 W: www.educatetogether.ie A: Tully Park, Cherrywood, Dublin

Content ​



Colour Palette and System


Font and symbols




Sign type and placement


Relationship to the audience


Welcome to Tully Educate Together ​

As a school patron, Educate Together operates a national network of 95 primary schools and 19 second-level schools in Ireland, catering to over 30,000 students. The growth in the Educate Together school network continues to be driven by parental demand and the Educate Together national office supports the rights of families to access the education they want for their children.

For over 40 years, Educate Together has been working to establish inspirational schools for children and young people in Ireland. The movement has its roots in the Dalkey School Project, a pioneering national school which was established in 1978. Like many other schools in Ireland, Educate Together schools are state-funded and teach the National Curriculum. They are non-fee-paying schools and are open to students of all backgrounds. They embrace the input of parents, students, staff and the wider community to improve the school in every way possible. They are committed to enabling students to achieve their full potential. Educate Together schools put students at the heart of all policies and practices. All children have equal access to school and no one religion or worldview is given priority over another in Educate Together schools. 01

Wayfinding and guidelines ​

Tully Educate Together as a campus must be accessible to every student, staff member and parent. The signage, wayfinding, colour scheme and icons need to be easily understood by all age groups. Following those guidelines the campus can be a fun and welcoming environment for every vistor.

With people at the heart of the Tully Educate Together ethos the new building has been specifically designed to match the needs of the audience. From adaptable signage that can be reduced or enlarged in size to easy to follow instructions that will guide you, Tullys wayfinding caters to every small detail.



Student centred


Clear signage


Inviting campus


Straightforward systems


Logo design and development ​

From researching and experimenting with logo design a common trend that emerged within Irish school systems were crests. When designing for Tully it was clear that the sense of tradition was a key element. The exploration then came when implementing a contemporary take on the meaning of ‘traditon’. The final outcome struck a beautiful balance of bold colour mixed with simplistic classical shapes of a crest. Using the word tully the creat shows the T and U.

Cherrywood Educate together

Cherrywood Educate together

Intial logo concepts using Cherrywood Educate Together


Cherrywood Educate together

Logo made from handmade typeface broken down and built together.

Shapes and visual language ​

Once the logo had been created and the colours were choosen the next step was to create a visual language around them. The inital concept came from disassembling the logo and experimenting with the shapes. From there the focussed shifted onto the overlapping of the forms and how to filter them in.

Main visuals of playful shapes


Colour variance with logo shapes

Overlapping and Colour palettes

Colour Palette ​

Tully Educate Together is child centered and must have a colour scheme that is both inviting and fun. The focus was to create an engaging environment that wasn’t overwhelming. Building from the logo and its four bright colours, a playful visual language that was both appealing to adults and children was created. Throughout development seconday colour palettes were brought in for further design purposes.

Tully Educate Together National School

Four colours from logo


Primary colours

Secondary colours

Pantone: 14-0452 TCX CMYK: 50 0 100 0 RGB: 149 193 31

Pantone: 15-4421 TCX CMYK: 70 15 0 0 RGB: 54 169 225

Pantone: 15-1157 TCX CMYK: 0 50 100 0 RGB: 243 146 0

Pantone: 17-2033 TCX CMYK: 0 95 20 0 RGB: 231 29 115

Pantone: 19-3536 TCX CMYK: 75 100 0 0 RGB: 102 36 131

Pantone: 13-0648 TCX CMYK: 00 00 00 00 RGB: 000 000 000

Pantone: 14-0452 TCX CMYK: 50 0 100 0 RGB: 149 193 31

Pantone: 17-6153 TCX CMYK: 75 0 100 0 RGB: 58 170 53

Pantone: 19-6027 TCX CMYK: 90 30 95 30 RGB: 0 102 51

Pantone: 15-4421 TCX CMYK: 70 15 0 0 RGB: 54 169 225

Pantone: 18-4334 TCX CMYK: 85 50 0 0 RGB: 29 113 184

Pantone: 19-4058 TCX CMYK: 100 95 5 0 RGB: 45 46 131

Pantone: 19-3943 TCX CMYK: 100 100 25 25 RGB: 41 35 92

Pantone: 15-1160 TCX CMYK: 00 00 00 00 RGB: 000 000 000

Pantone: 15-1157 TCX CMYK: 0 50 100 0 RGB: 243 146 0

Pantone: 16-1358 TCX CMYK: 00 00 00 00 RGB: 000 000 000

Pantone: 18-1561 TCX CMYK: 00 00 00 00 RGB: 000 000 000

Pantone: 14-2311 TCX CMYK: 0 35 0 0 RGB: 247 191 217

Pantone: 17-2033 TCX CMYK: 0 95 20 0 RGB: 231 29 115

Pantone: 18-2143 TCX CMYK: 10 100 50 0 RGB: 214 11 82

Pantone: 18-2929 TCX CMYK: 35 100 35 10 RGB: 163 25 91

Building and Map Systems ​

Located in Cherrywood, Tully Educate Together has a large land plot and room for expansion. The building and map systems are a vital component in the design process. Developing on from the colour palette the four colours were used as a sorting sytem for the five buildings on the campus. The buildings had to be easily distinguishable for children and vistors. This was vital in regards to the enhanced learning

Building one Class rooms, hall, and stairs to floor two Building two Class rooms and servery Building three Main enterance, reception and principals office Building four Enterance to enhanced learning department, sensory and safe space, and office. Building five Enhanced learning department and exit


Sport Pitch 1

Sport Pitch 2

Sport Pitch 3

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 5

Class 4

Class 9 Class 6

Class 7

Class 8



Map colour Key:

Building one Class rooms

Building two Class rooms, Servery Building three Main enterance, and reception







Sensory and safe space

Main Enterance

Accessible Toilets

Building four Enhanced learning department Building five Enhanced learning department

Plan overview : Signage and location ​

For the plan overview it was clear that there needed to be a system for where signage would be placed. Each room within the building would have an identificational signage. The sport pitches and parking lot will also be identifable with their own signage. Maps and sign posts will also be spread out around the campus for added wayfinding.

Identification signage Signage that identifies the room/location of the vistor Locational signage Signage that showcases the whole campus often including a map and type Directional signage Signage with arrows showcasing a path or direction to follow to get to your desired location.


Sport Pitch 1

Sport Pitch 2

Sport Pitch 3


Class 1 Class 2 Class 3


Class 9

Class 4

Class 5 Class 6


Class 7

3 1 4

Class 8

4 5




1 2 3

Welcome Sign


Signpost (Directional)

Hallway sign (Directional)

Public Seating


Post signage (Directional)

( All rooms and Sport pitches will be marked with circular identificational signage )

Locational Signage

Floor Signage (Directional)

Fonts and Symbols ​

When deciding the font it was important that it was easily legible and built for both screen and print. Tenon by signal font foundry was the ideal san serif. With its spacing and generous x-heights it sat flawlessly on signage. Type size of 5/6 was used through the process. A minimum size of 1.6cm was used for a 3 metre distance of visability and a maximum of 25cm was used for long distances. Once the font was choosen the icons were hand designed to sit comfortable with the type and logo for Tully Educate Together. Extra care went into the weight of the lines.

Tenon by Signal Type Foundry

ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 &!?%@ 13

Sensory and Safe Space




Gym / Hall

Nurse/ Sickbay

Ramp Access


Library Enterance

Wayfinding icons



Resource room


Classroom / Learning

Locational Pinpoint





Fabrication ​

With a bright colour palette PVC and acrylic materials are ideal for the signage around Tully. Used for both indoors and outdoors the texture will not age and maintain its shine despite the weather and damage over the years. Outdoors, walnut wood would be used for the park and garden signage. The wood will sit with the natural environment nicely and won’t look out of place. Stickers and vinyl will be used sparingly to add design around the building, for example subtle floor signage of an arrow or a pattern on the windows by the main enterance.


Glass used for stickers to decorate outside of the building

Walnut wood used for outside signage in garden and nuture locations to blend into environment

Acrylic and PVC used for main signage indoors and outside. Directional and identificational

Vinyl stickers used for flooring wayfinding within the building

Sign type and placement ​

Wayfinding stands will be placed by the main enterance of the school, at the carkpark and again within the school grounds. These include a map and directions to certain aspects of the buildings. The colours can adapt to the surrounding and building which its placed in.

Signs sides are bright and eye catching



Outdoor Signage

Indoor Signage

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3


Hall Sport Pitch 1

Sport Pitch 2

Sport Pitch 3

Deputy principal Class Rooms 10-19 Class 1 Class 2

Class 5 Class 9 Class 6

Class 7

Class 8


Class 3

Class 5

Class 4

Class 4





You’re Here

Accessible Toilets

Sensory and safe space

Main Enterance


Class 9 Class 6



Class 7

Class 1 Class 2

Class 8

Class 3

Class 5

Class Rooms 5-7 Library Reception

Class 4

Class 9 Class 6

You’re Here Class 7

Courtyard Resource room 1

Class 8

Hall Hall


Text height 1.5cm






Accessible Toilets

Sensory and safe space

Main Enterance



Library Class 1-9 Reception Stairs floor 2

Class Room 20-24 Playing area






You’re Here

Accessible Toilets

Sensory and safe space

Main Enterance

1 3

Class 1,4 Hall Toilets Servery Stairs floor 2

Enchanced Learning Building Class Room 8,9 Safe space Sensory room Accessible Toilets Resource room

Directional Signage ​

This simple post displays icons and arrows for directions. With icons that are universal and logical the viewer will understand them with ease. The slim shape makes this sign ideal for placement in almost any environment without becoming an eyesore. Its main location will be outdoors by the sport pitchs and car park.

Colour coded icons for each building and sign


Side colour depending on location and two sides for diffrering icons


Icon size 15cm


Directional Signage ​

This signage is essential for clear wayfinding. It is visible from a distance so that viewers can easily identify it. It can also be placed around the campus at different points to showcase directions to the visitor.

Hand made arrows for the signage



190cm 60cm

Signs icons can be changed when needed

Hanging Signage ​

Hanging signage for Tully Educate together will be a unique way to use the hallway space for wayfinding. Each panel will be staggered out along the length of the hallway which gives an overlapping appearence from a distance for the viewer. Panels will hang at differing lengths for a playful visual effect.

Colour coded icons for each building and sign




Idenitical on either side for simplicity. Can adjust the length for a fun aspect

Slim signs 3cm thick spacing along the ceiling tiles.

Room signage and Identification ​

For the room signage the circular shapes sit perfectly by the doors. The signs are interchangable with the location, from class room numbers to icons displaying the sector. The longer rounded signs are used for clear wayfinding, using the type for added clarity. The icon and type sit comfortably along the length of the sign.

When being placed by a colourful wall supergraphic the signage can be white





03 English


7cm Text height


Both signs have bold colouring around the sides to catch peoples eye from a distance


Floor Wayfinding ​

For the floor wayfinding the key objectives were clean and simple signs. The visuals had to be easy to see and not be overwhelming to the eye. The final signage uses the icons and arrows to guide a vistor around the building. Speacially designed to curve and bend with the hallways of the school they convey the spaces layout.

Using the overlapping effect and colours these bright wayfinding arrows were made





Relationship to the audience







Eye line Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 5

Class 4

Class 9 Class 6

Class 7

Class 8



Class Rooms 5-7 Library Reception Courtyards Resource room 1

Class 1,4 Hall Toilets Servery Stairs floor 2

Enchanced Learning Building Class Room 8,9 Safe space Sensory room Accessible Toilets Resource room





You’re Here

Accessible Toilets

Sensory and safe space

Main Enterance



T: 0863874099 W: www.educatetogether.ie A: Tully Park, Cherrywood, Dublin 18

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