A guide to making a complaint about a member or an employee 2016

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A Guide to Making a Complaint about an Employee or Member of the Liberal Democrats

February 2016 The Liberal Democrats This policy is kept under review. This is a living document and changes may be made to it prior to the review date

Disclaimer: This guide is not intended to raise a complaint about your MP regarding constituency or casework issues. If you wish to register a complaint of this nature, please contact: libdemwhips@parliament.uk

Introduction The Liberal Democrats aim to be the most transparent and accountable party in UK politics. To this end we have a published process accessible to everyone for dealing with complaints and you have a complaint about the Liberal Democrats or our members or employees, we want to hear about it and we will do our best to put it right. Our Complaints Procedure has the following goals: • To deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively; • To ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner throughout; • To resolve complaints in a timely manner to prevent them festering • To use complaints constructively to improve the Party. A complaint is something that we can try and resolve through conversation, discussion and better understanding. If you wish to bring a more formal action against something you believe is criminal or is potentially grounds for revoking of membership then you should not use this procedure and is not intended to be a substitute for the following: • A criminal investigation: if you wish to complain about the commission of a criminal offence then you should contact the police • The formal Disciplinary Process of the party: if the actions that you are complaining of involve any of the grounds by which the membership of a party member might be revoked, then you should consider making a formal complaint under the Membership Rules. If you are in any doubt about that, then you should contact the Pastoral Care Officer at Headquarters • Complaints against your MP regarding constituency or casework issues; contact libdemwhips@parliament.uk for advice. If you are a member of staff and want to raise a concern confidentially and do not feel this can be trusted to you line manager then you should follow our Whistleblowing policy. If, however, you have a complaint or a grievance that does not fall into any of the above categories, then you should follow the guidance in this document. If you are in any doubt, please contact the Pastoral Care Officer, either via email: J.tarrant@libdems.org.uk or 07884733262. Before you make a complaint and to help you decide which the most appropriate process is, here are the definitions: Complaints: When someone complains, they are saying that they have personally been poorly treated. The complainant is seeking redress or justice for themselves. The person making the complaint therefore has a vested interest in the outcome of the complaint and, for this reason, is expected to be able to prove their case. Whistleblowing: When someone blows the whistle they are raising a concern about danger or illegality that affects others. The person blowing the whistle is usually not directly, personally affected by the danger or illegality. The whistle-blower rarely has a personal interest in the outcome of any investigation into their concern – they are simply trying to alert others. He or she is a messenger raising a concern so that others can address it.

Who Are the Liberal Democrats? The Liberal Democrats (The Party) exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality and community, and in which no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. We champion the freedom, dignity and wellbeing of individuals, we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full. We aim to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity. We believe that the role of the state is to enable all citizens to attain these ideals, to

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contribute fully to their communities and to take part in the decisions which affect their lives. (Taken from the federal Constitution)

Who can use this guide? • •

Any member of the public, Any Member of the Liberal Democrats,

What people should expect from a Liberal Democrat member or employee? You have the right to be treated fairly, equally and with respect and dignity.

Types of situations we investigate • •

Disputes between members of the party and/or its employees or complaints about them, Misconduct such as abuse of colleagues or the public

Conduct which has brought or is likely to bring the Party into disrepute, standing against the Party in an election or where a member displays a fundamental disagreement with the aims and objectives of the party – although consideration should be given to using the formal Disciplinary Process in these cases, particularly where they are serious,

Breach of the electoral law.

This is not an exhaustive list. We cannot investigate if the complaint concerns someone who is not a member or an employee. If allegedly criminal conduct is the subject of the complaint then the police should be contacted.

Before making a complaint to the Party • Check the person you wish to complain about is a member of the party or an employee. If •

you are not sure please contact the local party chair here: Be clear about what you are complaining about and what resolution you are after.

Making a complaint to the Party The Party would like to sort out any complaint as soon as possible.

Informal Process: Many complaints can be resolved informally. In the first instance every effort should be made to resolve the complaint locally through the chair of the relevant party organisation e.g. the local party, the Council group, the Assembly Group. You can find contact details here: http://www.libdems.org.uk/in_your_area and, if you feel able, speak to them and they will try to sort the matter out. If the complaint is about an employee please contact Rehan Shafiq, HR Administrator Liberal Democrats 8-10 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AE rehan.shafiq@libdems.org.uk T 020 7227 1280 He will be able to direct your complaint to the relevant manager.

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If you make contact in person or by phone, make a note of the name of the person you speak to. If a solution is offered at this point, make a note of this as well.

Formal Process: If you are not satisfied or do not wish an informal solution, you may pursue a formal complaint. Report the incident in writing using the complaints form available online or by calling us. This form asks for the information we need to investigate the complaint and gives us permission to show it to the person in question. Send the completed form to the local Chair or regional Chair. If you do not know how to contact the regional Chair, please contact at Richard Kember Richard.kember@libdems.org.uk who will be able to give you the contact details of the Regional Chair. If your complaint is about an employee please contact Rehan Shafiq (contact details above). If you make a formal verbal complaint, the person receiving the complaint will make notes of your discussion with them. You will be asked to sign the notes confirming your complaint. Your complaint will not be able to proceed without you confirming the details of the notes in writing. If your complaint is not resolved, contact: Jeanne Tarrant Pastoral Care Officer 8-10 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AE, Email: J.Tarrant@libdems.org.uk Mob: 07884 733262 However it is important to note that resolution does not always mean that all parties will be happy with the decision.

When we receive a complaint When we receive a complaint, we will treat each complaint on its own merit. Our processes will involve: • An initial assessment of the allegation or complaint • Where necessary, an investigation of the allegation or complaint • Where necessary, a hearing or meeting to reach a decision and decide on actions. If the Party feels no investigation is needed the reasons will be set out in writing either in an email or letter to you. If your complaint is to be investigated, you may need to provide further evidence order for the Party to reach a decision. The Party will not usually investigate a complaint that relates to an incident that is more than 12 months old except in exceptional circumstances. We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 working days and we aim to resolve your complaint with 30 working days. This may not always be possible due to circumstances beyond our control.

Useful information Useful website for victims of sexual assault: http://www.mydecision.co.uk

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Flowchart for Complaints Have a complaint about a member of the LibDems

Have a complaint about an employee of the LibDems Yes


Seek advice from Pastoral Care Officer Can it be addressed informally?

Is it about the Party Processes/Rules?



Contact Local Party/Group Chair (see details in Guide) Seek advice from Pastoral Care Officer


Contact: David Allworthy, Head of Compliance (and Legal), T: 020 7227 1339 compliance@libdems.org.uk


No Has complaint been resolved?

Yes Put complaint in writing or use complaints form. Send details to local Party / Group Chair (if your complaint has already dealt with at this level send it to Regional Chair)

Matter closed

Has complaint been resolved?


If your written complaint has not been resolved within 30 working days contact Pastoral Care officer who will try to find out why.


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