LI Human Rights Committee Report 2013

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Liberal International Human Rights Committee

2013 Annual Report

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report

Table of Contents

Forword from the Chair of the Human Rights Committee.........................Page 1 Overview of the Human Rights Committee................................................Page 2 Priority Areas of Work................................................................................Page 4 LGBT Rights............................................................................................Page 4 Women'sRights......................................................................................Page 8 Responsibility to protect.....................................................................Page 11 Target Countries.......................................................................................Page 12 Cuba....................................................................................................Page 12 LI HRC at the UN Human Rights Council...................................................Page 13 22nd Session........................................................................................Page 16 23rd Session........................................................................................Page 17 24th Session........................................................................................Page 18 LI Prize for Freedom Award 2013.............................................................Page 19

Photo Credit: The LI HRC would like to thank Alex Zakletsky for the use of his photos (front page and page 8) taken during the Ukrainian protests.

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report

Foreword from the Chair of LI Human Rights Committee

Dear Reader,

It is a pleasure for me to present the second Annual Report of Liberal International’s Human Rights Committee. This document covers the activities of the Committee for the calendar year of 2013, which was the second operational year of the Committee following its renewed mandate at LI’s 187th Executive Committee Meeting in London in October 2011. Over the past year the Committee has marked several important milestones including the resumption of the activities of the network of liberal human rights parliamentarians which has already met twice: at the 23rd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council and at the Women in Parliaments Global Forum. Liberal International has taken the lead on many policies of great relevance to liberals around the world such as calling for the creation of an independent international Commission to investigate the suspicious death of Cuban dissident and leader of the opposition Oswaldo Paya, strengthening female political participation, advancing LGBT Rights and re-invigorating the dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect principle. Strategic partnerships have been formed with UN Watch and the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect in an effort to bridge the gap between liberal parliamentarians and human rights practitioners. LI remains as the only political international which has a Human Rights Committee thus solidifying its message to the world that protecting and promoting human rights sits at the core of its activities. I would like to recognize the personal commitment and dedication shown by everyone involved in the work of the Committee: from the individual members who sit on the Committee to the financial donors without whom our work would not have been possible (ALDE Group, ALDE Party, Centerpartiet, DPP, and Radikale Venstre). Your support has guided Liberal International as a political federation which can and does lead in the fight for the abolishment of human rights abuses around the world. I hope that you will enjoy this report and that you will keep updated on our planned activities for 2014. Yours sincerely,


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report

Overview of the LI Human Rights Committee The LI Human Rights Committee acts as an executive body, illuminating human rights issues and promoting human rights worldwide. The Committee aims at promoting the adoption of international human rights standards, using human rights as a measure for policy approaches in all areas, and campaigning on behalf of individuals and groups around the world where their rights are being transgressed.

Chairperson: Vice President on Liberal International Bureau, Abir Al-Sahlani MP, has been a member of the Parliament of Sweden since 2010, representing Centerpartiet, where she sits on the Foreign Affairs and Labour Market Committees. In 2004 Ms Al-Sahlani was appointed Secretary General of the National Democratic Alliance (DNA), an Iraqi liberal party, a position she held until 2007 when she was recruited as Political Adviser on foreign affairs and migration for the Centre Party in Sweden.

Honorary Patron: Immediate Past President of Liberal International, Lord John Alderdice is also Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Policy Committee on Northern Ireland and Convenor of the Liberal Democrat Peers. From 1998 to 2004 he served as a Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly: a post held until 2004. He is widely credited for negotiating the 1998 Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement which brought Northern Ireland's thirty year 'Troubles� to an end.

Member: Member of the Canadian Parliament, Dr. Irwin Cotler MP is a member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Human Rights, and Chair of the All-Party Save Darfur Parliamentary Coalition. Between 2003 and 2006 he served as a Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report

Member: First elected in 2009, Marietje Schaake MEP is a Dutch politician for the social liberal party Democrats 66. Since July 2009, she has served as a member of the European Parliament. She is a member of the parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), as well as the Committee of International Trade (INTA) and the Committee on Culture, Media and Education (CULT). She also sits on the Parliament's Delegation for relations with the United States and the Delegation for relations with Iran.

Member: Adrian Trett has worked for Southwark Council for the past five years including Housing, Regeneration and currently Children Services departments. Previously, Adrian worked in the City for a company specialising in Legal and financial translation. He is very concerned with local issues including ensuring our young people have a safe and secure future, protecting the environment, sustainable green jobs and above all representing the local community in the Ward.

Member: Having held a number of positions related to freedom of speech in the Brazilian Congress, Medina Luciano, who is from the Brazilian Group of LI, is a Co-founder and Vice President of Marketing at the Institute for the Rights of Taxpayers. He has held various positions in the Brazilian Congress such as Coordinator of Journalism at the Democratic Party Leadership (2007), Secretary for the Parliamentary Joint Committee of the Taxpayer's Rights (2007), and Secretary for the body of officially appointed foreign counsels in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, 2009)

Member: Member of the Spanish Parliament, Jordi Xucla MP is also President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). In the Spanish Parliament, he is the current spokesman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, and a Member of the Constitutional and European Union Committee. He is also a Lawyer and Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Girona.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK

Priority Areas of Work Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Sochi Olympic Games


he LI LGBT Rights working group organized a campaign aimed at raising the awareness about the draconian homophobic laws in Russia by using the upcoming Sochi Olympic Games as a platform. Appeal letters outlining steps needed to be taken in order to support the LGBTI community in Russia were sent to all National Olympic Committees of countries which intended to send athletes to the game as well as to the International Olympic Committee. Relevant Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Sports in countries where LI has members were also targeted. Actions LI had requested were as follows:

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - LGBT Rights

1. Carry together with the national flag a rainbow flag at the march of athletes at the opening and closing ceremonies, following the example of team Canada – especially but not exclusively by LGBTI-athletes 2. Request each athlete who is a part of the national team to carry a rainbow pint as an act of solidarity following the example of Olympic speed skater Blake Skjellerup 3. Send a request to the IOC Chair to openly condemn the anti-gay-laws in Russia during his opening and closing ceremony remarks 4. Send a request to the IOC Chair to reconsider its decision to punish athletes who support LGBIs in Russia 5. Work together with other National Olympic Committees and governments to have a rainbow house opened as has become a tradition during the last Olympic Games but has been unfortunately rejected for the Sochi Games 6. Work together with other National Olympic Committees in order to create massive support for pro-LGBTI messages and symbols during the Sochi Games

LI VP and LI HRC Chair Abir Al-Sahlani MP and LI LGBT Rights Working Group Chair Frank Van Daalen issued a joint statement on the campaign calling on all liberal governments to join forces and act on the issue together. Liberal International received official responses from the International Olympic Committee, Australian Olympic Committee and Swiss Olympic Committee. Concrete actions were taken by the Liberal Democrats and VVD which appealed directly to their respective Ministers for Foreign Affairs. Tim Farron MP (LibDems, UK) tabled an early day motion on the issue in the House of Commons.

“In order to give good support to the LGBTI-movement in Uganda understanding their needs and the situation is key. - Frank Van Dalen, Chair of LI LGBT Rights Working Group


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - LGBT Rights

Joint SILC/LI Panel on LGBT Rights in Latin America The panel focused on lesbian, gay, bi-, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Latin America and it was co-hosted by the Swedish International Liberal Centre (LI Cooperating Organisation). The session was moderated by Chair of LI LGBT Rights Working Group Frank Van Dalen and it included the following speakers: Olle Schmidt MEP, Kent Fogg of LI Cooperating Organisation NDI, and the former Swedish Ambassador to Guatemala, Maria Leisnner. The discussion addressed the global trends surrounding homophobia and offered some strategies for tackling rising incidence of discrimination against LGBT groups. The conclusions reached were that there were positive opportunities opening in some parts of Latin America and that it is important for governments to maintain data collection when it comes to challenges LGBTI people face. It was suggested that any strategies for promoting LGBT advocacy, Fogg suggested, must resonate with the population.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - LGBT Rights

LGBT Rights Working Group at Uganda Pride Event


hair of the Liberal International's LGBTIworkgroup, Frank van Dalen, met with Ugandan politicians and members of the Africa Liberal Network (LI Cooperating Organisation) during Uganda’s second Gay Pride festival. The purpose of the visit was to support the LGBTI movement in Uganda in light of the many legislative measures taken by the government to criminalize homosexuality.

within the society and achieving significant political and social impact. This was all due to decisions taken to restrict the pride march. As a result of the visit, the Chair of the LI LGBT Rights Working Group had suggested the following roadmap:

- Get alignment with the organizing committee on The event took place for three days instead of a the support needed week as originally planned. The amount of - Have a strategic pride plan on the table, paying participants (around 250 people) was limited due attention specifically to: political impact, outreach to the narrow public outreach of the event, to LGBTI’s in Uganda, connectivity amongst general fear of attending LGBT events and the LGBTI’s, connectivity between LGBTI movement safety measures in place requiring for the and Uganda society location of the pride event not be disclosed in -Define the (collaborating) partners to support advance. The event itself was empowering for the Ugandan Pride movement the participants but limited in getting visibility

LGBT Working Group at ALN General Assembly, Tanzania


rank van Dalen, Chair of LI LGBT Rights Working Group, spoke on a panel discussion about human rights in Africa and the importance of highlighting LGBT rights within the discourse of human rights on the African continent.

up with strategies and give sustainable support to LGBTI activists in light of the homophobic legislation in the country. This included strategies for training politicians and building bridges between political parties and the LGBTI community.

The discussions formed around the fact that there is no place for cultural relativism when it comes to Human Rights including LGBT-rights. LGBTIs are part of the African society and thus they have to be dealt with in a constructive and positive way. At the same time homophobia and criminalisation of homosexuality is still widespread on the African continent. The conclusions reached were that as the liberal parties grow stronger, together with economic growth, so will the determination of the Africa Liberal Network to pay attention to this subject. The event served as an opportunity for Liberal International, together with local partners, including the Africa Liberal Network, to come


Women’s Rights 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

LI Human Rights Committee and the International Network of Liberal Women (INLW) issued a joint oral statement on the elimination of violence against women and girls to the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York. Meetings were also held between the President of INLW, Mrs. Margaret De Vos van Steenwijk, and the Liberal Democrats Minister for International Development, Lynne Featherstone MP. The goal of the meeting was to coordinate a common liberal position on the issue and allow for a greater involvement of the Liberal Democrats in LI’s women rights work.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - Women’s Rights

“The Role of Women in Fighting Organised Crime” The panel was chaired by LI HRC Chair and LI VP on the Bureau Abir Al-Sahlani MP and featured the following panellists: - Regina Guzman, President of the Women’s Committee of the Guatemalan Congress - Alice Nzomukunda, Former Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi and Vice-President of the Africa Liberal Network - Norma Cruz, Founder of the Sobrevivientes Foundation The discussions focused on the fact that organised crime has become one of the most important challenges of globalisation. An emphasis was made on prioritising access to education for all women and girls especially since uneducated women are often used as an instrument of exchange among criminal gang groups and are an easy target for human traffickers. The importance of ensuring active participation in politics on the part of women was raised as a way of ensuring legislation that guarantees protection and addresses the cross gender aspect of the issue. Some of the conclusions reached included the necessity for the international community to define the role of women in armed conflicts and ensure that more women are included in the army and police forces in the first place.

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - Women’s Rights

LI/NDI Panel at Women in Parliaments Global Forum


iberal International, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI, LI cooperating organisation), held a panel discussion on strengthening women’s political participation in honour of the ten year anniversary of Madeleine Albright’s Win With Women Initiative. The discussion, which took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, was held within the framework of the Women in Parliaments Global Forum and featured a diverse group of female liberal parliamentarians from around 6

different regions: from Cote d'Ivoire to the Philippines. The meeting identified major challenges female leaders face in today’s political world, stimulated best practice sharing on issues of common concern, and increased support for the global female liberal parliamentarian network. The majority of the debates focused on the role electoral systems play in making sure women are elected, on the importance of introducing volunteer gender quotas as well as on changing the perception women have about their own role in the society.

The LI panel was chaired by Susan Markham, Director of Women’s Political Participation at NDI, and featured a number of prominent liberal women: Eygló Harðardóttir, Icelandic Minister for Social Affairs and Housing (Progressive Party, LI member), Lourdes Buldo Ciuro MP, Spokesperson on the Equality Commission in the Spanish Parliament (Convergència i Unió Group, Spain/Catalonia), Fuziah Binti Salleh MP, Vice-President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR Malaysia, LI member) and Chair of the Gender Caucus in the Malaysian Parliament.

“Involving men in the promotion of women in politics is a key step. PKR is the only party in Asia which has introduced gender quotas.” - Fuziah Salleh, Vice-President of LI member, Parti KeadilanRakyat


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report PRIORITY AREAS OF WORK - R2P

Responsibility to Protect - R2P 190th LI EC Meeting, Beirut, Lebanon The panel, “How Should Liberals Deal with the situation in Syria? Is Syria the end to R2P?”, was chaired by LI President Hans Van Baalen MEP and it featured the following speakers: -Hassan Mneimneh, Former Minister of Education, Future Movement, Lebanon -John, Lord Alderdice, LI Immediate Past President -Kasit Piromya MP, Former Foreign Minister of Thailand The discussions focused on the changes brought by the Arab Spring in the region as well as the challenges that the revolution had posed. A key message during the panel was that “democracy is not a recipe or a universal mode that can be used everywhere: it is rather a social reality and not a specificity of the political regimes.” Therefore, since public institutions reflect the values of democracy the political reality should always try to rectify the path to democracy. The necessity of applying the “first do no harm” principle was brought in the context of the on-going civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria. An important reference was made to achieving a progress in the Syrian-Israeli relations as a way of achieving progress for the entire region. It was stressed that the conflict in Syria can only be solved by the involvement of regional level actors like the Arab League and the OSCE as well as those on the global level like the United Nations. Some of the conclusions reached were that cooperation is key in the MENA region especially on the borders. In this regard the civil society and governments have to work together for the benefit of the people in the region. At the same time Syria is not the end of Responsibility to Protect principle. It is a challenge but as an emerging concept there needs to be a responsibility to transcend the doctrine.

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report TARGET COUNTRIES

Target Countries Cuba

LI delegation attends a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva.


iberal International, together with UN Watch (a Geneva-based NGO whose goal is to independently monitor the work of the United Nations) organized a joint panel on Cuba within the context of the 24th Session of UNHRC. The conference took place on 17 September 2013 at the UN Human Rights Council, focusing on the deteriorating human rights situation in Cuba. The panel of speakers featured Cuban dissidents and victims of the Cuban regime including, Vice-President of Union Liberal Cubana (LI full member), Osvaldo Alfonso Valdes, Oswaldo Paya’s widow, Ofelia Paya Acevedo, and the founder and leader of the Rosa Parks Feminine Civic Rights Movement, Yris Tamara Perez Aguilera. The opening remarks were given by Susana Rivero Baughman of Llibertat i Democracia, (LI Full Member), John Suarez of Directorio Democratico Cubano and Leon Saltiel, Deputy Director of UN Watch. The objective of the event was to provide a platform for the many silenced voices in Cuba and raise awareness of the constant struggle for human rights and democracy on the island. During the event, diplomats from Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia and Ecuador, as well as two NGOs from Cuba took the floor, attacking the speakers’ testimonies as unfounded and detrimental to the work of the UNHRC. The Cuban Mission to the United Nations was particularly aggressive, refusing to engage in a dialogue with the panellists and walking out as a sign of protest. The event was an important development to the joint call of LI and UN Watch for the creation of an international independent commission to investigate the death of Oswaldo Paya.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

LI at the Human Rights Council


he meeting of liberal parliamentarians was organized under the auspices of the LI Human Rights Committee within the framework of the 23rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council. The main objective was to establish a strong network of liberal parliamentarians working on human rights issues in order to collectively promote and coordinate sensible human rights policies around the world. The Conference featured two discussion panels and two high level UN meetings: one with the Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Alexander Aleinikoff and the UN Deputy Director for International Protection Louise Aubin and one with the Director-General of the UN Office in Geneva Dr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. There was also a field visit to the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross. There were a total of 11 MPs present representing a diverse group of countries and liberal parties from around the world such as Cambodia (Sam Rainsy Party), Cote d’Ivoire (Rassemblement des Républicains), Georgia (Republican Party of Georgia), Germany (FDP), Morocco (Union Constitutionelle and Rassemblement National des Indépendents), Romania (Partidul National Liberal), Sweden (Centerpartiet and Folkpartiet Liberalerna), South Africa (Democratic Alliance) and Switzerland (FDP). The LI delegation was led by the Chair of LI Human Rights Committee and Vice-President on the Bureau Abir Al-Sahlani MP and the German Federal Commissioner for Human Rights and LI Vice-President on the Bureau Markus Loening.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

Protection of Human Rights in Areas of Conflict The panel was opened by the Chair of LI Human Rights Committee Abir Al-Sahlani MP and it was chaired by LI VP Markus Loening. The panellists featured were Mr. Mohamed Hanine MP (RNI, Morocco), ALDE Party Vice-President Mrs. Ramona Manescu MEP (PNL, Romania), Mrs. Tinatin Khidasheli MP (RPG, Georgia) and Mr. Stevens Mokgalapa MP (DA, South Africa). The main theme of the discussion was protecting human rights in areas of conflict with a particular focus on the on-going civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria. Much attention was paid to the Responsibility to Protect doctrine as currently its implementation is under

question. Participants also had the opportunity to address key issues such as the role and limitations of international law, evoking the R2P principle in a post-conflict setting and setting shared priorities in addressing the conflict in Syria. Participants raised concerns that liberals should unite and project a common voice on the conflict in Syria especially at a time when the world community is split along the issue of arming the opposition. Liberal parliamentarians cannot make a significant contribution to the conflict in Syria unless they are united on the issue. It is important to take both the international and the regional approach to the conflict.


Some of the conclusions reached were that the international community had not taken enough actions to prevent the atrocities in Syria. Therefore, Liberal International (LI) as such and liberal parties from around the world should act as a catalyst for the world community and come up with peaceful and creative ways to end the atrocities in Syria. LI has a role to play to come up with more proactive measures to end these massacres. Also, liberal parliamentarians have a duty to address all breaches of human rights violations which is why it is important to create a strong network among the various MPs who work on human rights.

Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

Meeting with UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees The meeting took place at the headquarters of the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva and it featured the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Alexander Aleinikoff and the UN Deputy Director for International Protection Louise Aubin. The Deputy High Commissioner discussed the situation with displaced refugees coming from Syria and the current financial challenges being faced by the agency in meeting the needs of the refugees. The LI delegation raised questions pertaining to the level of trust the people on the ground are giving to the presence of the United Nations and the extent to which there can be a complimentary role between the humanitarian and political side. The long term strategy for the displaced Syrian

refugees including their re-integration was also discussed at length. Some of the conclusions reached are that humanitarian assistance has become more and more politicised which is why maintaining proximity with the local communities on the ground is crucial. Safe channels of communication in order to share information of what is happening in the communities affected by violence and conflict situations are much needed. In addition, the UNHRC should give input when political decisions are being made on long terms actions and measures pertaining to the situation in Syria. Parliaments have to advocate for additional financial assistance in order to secure an on-going humanitarian assistance.

Meeting with the UN-Director General In addition to discussing further cooperation between the Liberal International and United Nations, the meeting included exchanges concerning the on-going civil war in Syria and the upcoming Geneva 2 Conference, which aims at finding a political solution to the conflict by bringing the Syrian government and the opposition together.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

22nd Session of UN Human Rights Council Written Statement on Child Soldiers


he written statement focused on the increased recruitment of children in armed conflicts around the world. Particular attention was paid to the predominantly high risk of children being recruited in Cambodia, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Mali, Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines, South Sudan and the Syrian Arab Republic due to the volatile political and socio-economic situation. Liberal International called for the universal ratification and application of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict by all UN member states as well as for the promotion of a culture of non-violence and equal access to education as a way of providing protection and sustainable development to children in countries at a particular risk of conflict among other measures.

Written Statement on Cuba The written statement focused on the repression and constant prosecution of human rights defenders and democracy activists by the authorities in Cuba due to the illegitimate laws that govern the exercise of fundamental rights in the country. Liberal International called for the immediate release of all political prisoners and the establishment a multi-party open democracy in Cuba as per its World Today Resolution adopted at the 58th Congress in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

Oral Statement on Cuba Mrs. Susana Rivero Baughman who is a member of the Board of Directors of Llibertat i Democracia (the Catalan Group of Liberal International) delivered an oral statement on the grave situation of human rights defenders and democracy activists in Cuba as requested by LI full member Union Liberal Cubana (ULC). Osvaldo Alfonso Valdes from ULC was part of the delegation to the UNHRC.

23rd Session of UN Human Rights Council Written Statement on Oswaldo Paya


he written statement paid particular attention to the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of Cuban political activist Oswaldo Paya and called on the United Nations to create an international committee in order to conduct an independent investigation into his death. The call on action was followed-up with a side-event on Cuba which was organized together with UN Watch within the framework of the same session.

Written Statement on Women’s Rights The written statement focused on the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls as per the Millennium Development Goals. Liberal International called on the international community to take responsibility for ensuring that women’s rights are enshrined in every UN member state’s national legislation and all forms of violence against women and girls are criminalized. Conclusions reached during the meeting between the President of the International Network of Liberal Women Margaret De Vos Van Steenwijk and British Minister for International Development Lynne Featherstone at the 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York were also taken into consideration.


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI AT THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL

24th Session of UN Human Rights Council Written Statement on Syria


he written statement on the ever-deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Syria was a direct follow-up on LI delegation’s meeting with the Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees H. E. Thomas Alexander Aleinikoff. The statement re-called all previous actions LI has called on as part of its statutory events along with a call for an increased international financial aid to both relief agencies and refugee-hosting countries. LI also committed for liberal parliamentarians from around the world to unite and project a common voice on the conflict in Syria especially at a time when the world community is split along the issue of arming the opposition. This was a direct outcome of the liberal parliamentarians meeting in Geneva organized in May 2013 within the context of the 23rd Session of UNHRC.

Oral Statement on Oswaldo Paya The oral statement meant to support the official petition of UN Watch launched for the creation of an independent international commission to investigate the death of Cuban activist Oswaldo Paya. The petition was signed by several prominent liberal leaders including LI HRC Member and former Minister for Justice and Attorney-General of Canada Irwin Cotler MP and former LI Bureau member Bi-Khim Hsiao MP. The oral statement showed continuity in LI’s involvement on the issue following on its own call for the creation of such a Commission during the 23rd session of the UNHRC upon the request of the Chair of the National Democratic Institute and Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

“The regime in Cuba has sought to justify its position in power for a long time ...A regime that murders and opposes does not desire a change.” - Oswaldo Alfonso Paya


Liberal International: 2013 Human Rights Report LI 2013 Prize for Freedom

Liberal International 2013 Prize for Freedom


iberal International’s Prize for Freedom honours individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of freedom and human rights and who are often key contributors to significant changes in a country or region.

This year’s award was presented to Swiss Senator Dick Marty for his work on investigating secret prisons used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Europe. The awarding ceremony took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, at a special lunch hosted by the LI President. Prominent European liberals included President of ALDE Party (LI cooperating organisation), Sir Graham Watson MEP; Leader of the ALDE Group (LI full member) in the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt MEP; and the former EU Commissioner and Foreign Minister of Belgium, Louis Michel MEP. Mr. Marty was nominated for the LI Prize by Anne Brasseur MP, President of the ALDE Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Liberal International 1 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2HD Tel: +44 (0)207 839 5905 Email:

This publication is supported by the ALDE Party and the ALDE Group in the European Parliament.

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