Liberated Strands: Issue #1

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Alexis Smith


IN THIS ISSUE: One Twisted Sistah:

Let’s Get Kinky:

Designer Adande Clark of My Twitsed Funky Soul

Behind the cover shoot

Color Her Bold:

What LS Loves: Younikness Designs

Photo spread by Heather Hayes and Gino

LS View:

Natural Girl Spotlight: Four women on a hair journey share their story

Le Mode De Afrique:

We talk with French born model and singer Jenny Bapst Boussart and Bridgette Nicole on her new photo series

By Sabine Bernard and Jay Bastien

S/S Fave:


The Natural Look:

Heather Hayes on juicing up your new look

Make-up tips from advice expert Sareta Gabriel

L.A.M.B. goes tribal

! E M O C L E W A letter from Angela Clay, Editor in Chief (pictured left)

ay back in 2004 I decided that I wanted to go natural. The transitioning stage was horrible I had no clue where to start and without a network to lean on the failure rate for me was high. After being called Patty Duke because my hair was so big and puffy I gave up. So back to my relaxers I went and hours in the salon and longing for curly hair. It would be four years before I would make another go at liberating my


strands. My hair was looking good, long and healthy (at least that is what I thought) and so I opted for a change and cut off all my hair.

I regretted that haircut so bad that I maintained my hair in weaves and half wigs. The rest is history I kept relaxers out of my hair, watched numerous YouTube videos and survived !"#$%&'#"()%*#+"#,-.#/012#3)'(# was in January 2009 and I have never looked back.

LS Staff:


Creative Director Joseph Young Contributors Heather Hayes Steven D. Hill Masoom Minawala Sareta Gabriel Sabine Bernard Jay Bastien Rotasha Kellam Aqueelah Williams Gino Daniele Johnson Angie C and Karrianne T

with their hair in tow, have made a place for themselves and women like them. I wanted to create a magazine where other Naturals could have a platform to use and showcase their journey. A place where ideas can be exchanged, a catalyst for communicating and networking and so I created Liberated Strands. In this issue you will be meet women of all walks of life who,

We hope that you will follow us on Facebook and connect with us as our magazine grows. Please pass on the issue to friends and other Naturals. ! ! ! !!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "!#$%&'(!)'(*+!,-./01!.$!)2.&3






Beautiful handcrafted jewelry made with extra funk! Naturals love the bright, eclectic and funktified accessories that My Funky Twisted Soul delivers. Adande Clarke, the MFTS creator located in Bed Stuy New York, shared with Liberated Strands how her designs come to fruition.

How did you get started making jewelry? It all started in the back of my mother’s art class in the heart of Bed-stuy (Brooklyn). There I was encouraged to explore materials and discover their possibilities. Many years later, a friend introduced me to jewelry making at her kitchen table. What is the creative process that goes into your designs? There’s no one process. Most of the time, I come across materials (in the environment, supply stores...) and they speak to me. When I get back to my studio, they reveal to me what they want to be. Lately, I’ve become into “going green”. Not too long ago, my husband went on a cleaning binge! (Why is it that my stuff is always the garbage?) So, I start pulling my things out of the pile. A faux sky blue suede hand bag with no handles, a distressed belt without a buckle and a few other items that I can’t recall right now. He asks, “What are you gonna do with that stuff? The bag has no handle and the belt has no buckle. Come on! You need to throw that out!” What did I say ya’ll? That’s right... (Uh,

this aint trash!) I snatched my stuff and headed for my studio where I stayed and created this pair of earrings from the belt, bag, gun metal wire and these funky little beads. The next day when we went out, he complimented me on my earrings. To which I responded. “Thank you. I told you it wasn’t trash!” He looked very confused. In your opinion do you think that this natural hair craze is just a fad? This is a very interesting question. I’ve been natural since the age of 8. So, for me, this is a way of life. I grew up during the ‘70s Afro’s, Dashikis, Black Panthers. I’m very happy to witness the resurgence of &(45#416(#)73#817$3(78(*#9':&# a joy to watch the natural hair movement evolve into economic empowerment and grass roots initiatives in our communities. I’m referring to the many businesses and events around it like blogs, magazines, products, meetups and conferences. It is also important, however, that we bring our children along for the ride so that it does die out and become just another fad.

“I’m very happy to witness the resurgence of self !"#$%&'(%)"'*($')$+% It’s a joy to watch the natural hair movement evolve into economic empowerment and grass roots initiatives in our )",,-'./.$0+1 -Adande Clarke

Currently, My Funky Twisted Soul had begun a partnership with an area high school to assist in promoting self love among young women. As a matter of fact, two of the young ladies that I’ve worked with have landed in the May issue of Essence Magazine as hair models for a local salon. Can you share with us your natural hair journey? I grew up during the 70s. Afros were the norm. Most of the women in my community wore a “natural” (an afro) or ran the hot comb through it. I was raised by a single mother who was overwhelmed with day-to-day existence and my massive mane. So at around the age of seven, she decided to give herself a break and perm my hair. Not too long after, &0(#%()4-;(3#'0)'#'1<80=<2&#3-37:'#$'# into the budget. I’ve been natural ever since and frankly never saw it as a big deal. Tell us about you…what are your goals and dreams. Ultimately, I’d ecstatic to see my work on Erika Badu, Jill Scott, India Arie... I would also love stylist to use my work in ad campaigns, movies, TV, red carpets. It appears I may be on my way as My Funky Twisted Soul was spied at the Steve Harvey Gala being worn by Michelle Hare. !

Visit My Funky Twisted Soul at:



BOLD The “Leading Lady” Model: Gabby Hair stylist: Rotasha Kellam Wardrobe stylist Heather Hayes Make-up artist: Aqueelah Williams Photographer: Gino

The “Vocalist� Model: Shalam Hair stylist: Rotasha Kellam Wardrobe stylist Heather Hayes Make-up artist: Aqueelah Williams Photographer: Gino

The “Innocent� Model: Nicole Hair stylist: Daniele Johnson Wardrobe stylist Heather Hayes Make-up artist: Aqueelah Williams Photographer: Gino

The “Heroine� Model: Markia Hair stylist: Rotasha Kellam Wardrobe stylist Heather Hayes Make-up artist: Aqueelah Williams Photographer: Gino

The “Showgirl” Model: Ashley Hair stylist: Daniele Johnson Wardrobe stylist Heather Hayes Make-up artist: Aqueelah Williams Photographer: Gino

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Liberated Strands Presents



Once you make that sound and determined !"#$%$&'()&(*&('+),-+./()0"(1-%)(%)"2($%(-"%&.3"!4( “I’m doing it.” But then what? 5"..(&,-(6"%)(+!3$#"(7&,.!(6"()&(6,$.!( relationships with other natural girls. 8(%)-&'*('")7&-9(&:(7&;"'()0+)(+-"($'(3+-$&,%( %)+*"%(&:()0"$-('+),-+.(<&,-'"=(7$..(2-&3"(6"'"1#$+.>(( When you feel like you need someone to root you on, when you feel like going back to relaxers, they will be there. As the choice to go natural gets us together in the %+;"(-&&;/()0"(#&'3"-%+)$&'(&'()$2%/()&&.%(+'!( potions and what not to do can go on for hours. Each issue, Liberated Strands will reach out to other naturals who will share their experiences and their hair care regimens… Welcome to Natural Girl Spotlight.



Ashley Henderson Baltimore, MD

I have been natural for: One year April 15th, 2011! My most memorable moment as a Liberated Strands woman: My Big Chop! I was anxious to be free but nervous of what I’d look like. After I saw myself I was !1%'-$(3*##9#>)&#'0(#.-%4#>01#-3(7'-$(3#0(%&(45#>-'0#0(%#417.# straight relaxed hair. All the YouTube videos and blogs didn’t prepare me for what I felt. As I walked around in a daze, remembering why I did the transformation in the $%&'#24)8(?#-'#3)>7(3#17#!(#-'#>)&#)8'<)44"#!"#(614<'-17@#9# longed to be different and pairing that with being a health fanatic, going natural was inevitable. The more it sunk in, !"#2-8'<%(#A(8)!(#84()%(%*#9#.4)78(3#)'#!"#%(B(8'-17#-7#'0(# bathroom mirror and screamed to the top of my lungs in excitement. Then I jumped in the shower & let the water run '0%1<.0#!"#0)-%***51%#'0(#6(%"#$%&'#'-!(*#9#CDEF#E9,DGHFDI* Totally cannot live without these products: G1&(#>)'(%#)&#)#&2%-';(%?#J"-7#K0-7(#)73#3($7(#&(%<!?# Qhemet Biologics Co-Coa tree Detangling Ghee, H<A%("#J%.)7-8&#L17("&<8M4(#G1&(#/173-'-17(%?#L(77)?# Grapeseed oil and an old cotton t-shirt to dry my hair. Advice for new naturals: ,(#NJO@#+)M(#&<%(#"1<:%(#.1-7.#7)'<%)4#51%#NJOG#%-.0'# reasons and no one else’s. People will have everything to say, but uneducated opinions carry no weight. Also, listen to your’ll tell you what it likes and dislikes.


Melissa Anderson Los Angeles, CA

I have been natural for: About 10 years now. My most memorable experience living as a Liberated Strands woman was: I don’t remember one particular experience in the last decade but I am constantly complimented on my hair and I love not having to run for cover in the rain or any level of humidity. Totally cannot live without these products: I’m always trying new things to keep my hair moisturized and easy to maintain. Currently, I LOVE the Knot Today Natural Leave In/Detangler by Kinky Curly, the No Drip Hair & Scalp J-4#A"#/)7'<#K0()#,<''(%#)73#'0(#P%1'(8'-6(#+-&'#,13-$(%# by Taliah Waajid Black Earth Products (all available and )551%3)A4(#)'#F)%.('Q*#K1!('-!(&#9#<&(#<7%($7(3#K0()#A<''(%# on my scalp and/or on my hair - especially the ends and for deep conditioning nothing beats warmed extra virgin olive oil (covered by a plastic cap) on my thick, coarse hair. Oh! And my Denman hair brush! Advice for newly naturals: Going natural is a great decision! I love the look and feel of my 7)'<%)4#'(R'<%(#)73#9#5((4#817$3(7'#)73#2%1<3#>()%-7.#0()4'0"# hair that looks great on me. It can feel time consuming but the maintenance is such a worthwhile investment in yourself. A tip I wish I’d known from day one: Water is your best friend! Keep a spritz bottle of water whenever you’re styling or detangling your hair. If your hair begins to dry while you’re detangling another section, spray away, my friend, spray away. Lastly, get regular trims and wear a satin scarf or bonnet every night.


Tarin Boone Atlanta, GA


I have been natural for: Five Years. My most memorable moment as a Liberated Strands woman: Was the joy and freedom I felt when I cut my own relaxed ends off. I was no longer hiding under my long hair and was able to see all of my beauty. I can’t live without: Water, Beadhead Moisture Conditioner and Coconut Oil. Advice for new naturals: The transition may be rough when dealing with the two textures but it was honestly one of the best decisions I have made. There’s no magic pill that gives you long hair. Enjoy your journey no matter what length your hair is. Maintain a positive attitude, love your hair, and focus on the bigger picture of your new beautiful head of natural hair!



Nneka Ngozi Dallas, TX


I have been natural for: About 10 months now. My most memorable experience living as a Liberated Strands woman was: When I did the big chop. I went to the salon, sat in the chair, and told the stylist to cut it all off. I didn’t hesitate at all, and I felt so free afterwards. Totally cannot live without these product: Shea Moisture products! The ingredients are natural; it moisturizes well and smells great! It’s also very affordable. Advice for newly naturals: Test different products to see what >1%M&#A(&'#51%#"1<*###S0(7#"1<#$73#'0(# right products and styles, you will love your hair even more!




By Heather Hayes

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*'%+,-'%,.$/01) Since the success of artists like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, and India Irie, a movement of natural and earthy fashion has been a rising trend. Photographer, Steven D. Hill, spoke with cover model Alexis Smith about her transition from straight to natural hair: Why did you choose to go natural? When I was younger my hair was natural but I wanted long and straight hair like everyone else, so I got a relaxer. After a few years I realized that a relaxer just wasn’t me and that natural hair was more versatile than a relaxer. If I wanted it straight, I could just press it. Also, natural hair was low maintenance in comparison to my relaxer. So I grew my hair out and when I felt the new growth was long enough, I just cut the relaxer off. What was your response to your new look? I had never had short hair before, so it came as a shock. I was not expecting an afro when I cut my relaxer off. But after I got past that initial shock, I loved it. I thought it was cute, bouncy and unique. How did family and friends react to your transition? There was a mixture of feelings. My family loved it, and thought it was really cute. My friends were surprised and a few didn’t recognize me. A few of my friends told me they didn’t like my new hair-do, but they eventually got used to it. But overall, almost all my friends liked my hair.

What was your regimen during your transition?#F0(#01'#81!A#)73#B)'#-%17# were my best friends. I would wash then straighten my hair every week or so, and keep it looking even. The relaxed hair would break off, so eventually I just cut all of the relaxer off. What is your current hair care regimen? I don’t do too much with my hair. I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner, then I normally blow-dry it, so it will dry quicker. F0-&#71%!)44"#!)M(&#-'#A-..(%#)73#B<55"*# When I wake up in the mornings, I comb it out with a large-toothed comb and style it however I feel that day. Then at night, I put it in a pony tail, some scrunchies, or braid it up. What would your advice be to other wanting to go natural? Go for it! You have nothing to lose, hair grows back and if you want to change it again, you can. I also suggest getting braids during the transition, your hair grows quicker and it’s really easy to maintain. I didn’t use braids but I’ve seen it work well for many people. If you’re thinking of getting kinky, research your city for a professional natural hair specialist. They will be able to guide you through your transition from relaxed hair to natural hair by recommending the proper hair care regimen, and products that will work best for your hair! !



LOVES: Younikness D6'6,,1')6'&0%'-./'40,3'*)&%'.6' ,E%(')1*'*,1%''7.&0:'6,9%&0.1/' 0)33%16'7.&0'+,2('%)('5,-%6'F'&0%+' -%/.1'&,'64(%)9'G5.-%()&%'9%'&,,H?'' I,('6,9%'(%)6,1'1)&2()5'0).('6&+5%6' )1*'%)((.1/6';26&'/,'0)1*'.1'0)1*<'' #)((.1/6'&0)&')(%'-./:'21.J2%')1*' -()66+';26&'6%%9'&,'3,5.60',>>')' 1)&2()5'0).('6&+5%<''I)-.,5)'B%(1)(*' .6'&0%'*%6./1%('-%0.1*'&0%';%7%5(+' -()1*'K,21.L1%66:'70.40'7)6' >,21*%*'.1'MNON< B+'D1/%5)'P5)+ Q0,&,6'-+'K,21L.1%66'

Where do you get your inspirations for your designs? I get my inspirations from pretty much everywhere and anything around me. Nature plays a big part in creating; of course fashion is another one. I just can’t stop creating new items because the idea will go away, the moment an idea pops up I have to make it. Another Inspiration is my mother she plays a big part of me being who I am today as a lover of the arts in general, because at a younger she allowed me to be creative, she taught me a lot of thing such as cooking, baking, sewing, crocheting, knitting and many more and I fell in love with Art.

agree with me but I do what I have to do to make it work. I love the versatility of natural hair as well. So there is really no need to have a relaxer. Is natural hair a trend like in the 70’s or do you think it has emerged into a lifestyle? I think for some of us it is a '%(73#'0)'#%(B(8'&#'0(#TU:&#-'#A(81!(&# a new style that maybe later on will go back to relaxers and for some of us I have to say it is a lifestyle. We all have a different reason for going natural. But as long as we are happy with our hair and don’t mind the negative comments.

What does the future look like for your jewelry You are originally business? I can’t from? I am really predict originally from the future but Haiti. But currently my goal is to living in NY. be a successful business and emerge to something Do you think that you would ever go bigger. I always say this is a hobby but back to relaxed hair? They always say “never say never” but I can say Never for you’ll never how far or how big it will get. this one. I’ve been natural for 1 year now I would like to see Younikness’s items in and I’ve never felt so good about my hair. stores; I would also like to collaborate It is true that sometimes my hair doesn’t with other businesses as well.!

If you are a Liberated Strands woman and want to step put in style rockin’ your fro be sure to visit

LS VIEW: Jenny Bapst Boussart Meet Jenny Bapst Boussart, a native from La Courneure, located on the outskirts of Paris, France. Jenny has an array of talents that she holds close to her heart, including her modeling career and a budding musical career. She shared her rise to fame with us, along with her story on being a natural haired beauty in the fashion world. Photos courtsey of Jenny Bapst Boussart Story by Angie C and Karrianne T

Ms. Bapst’s portfolio houses some big names in the modeling industry such as Robert Cavalli, Jean-Paul Gaultier and Bondolino just to rattle off a few. Singing has become one of her top things to do and Jenny began exercising those vocal cords at a young age. Just like Beyonce, her first audience were family and close friends. In the last year Jenny’s music has begun to create a buzz that will allow her to propel her career into the mainstream.

amazing opportunity to get closer to my other dream which was to come to the United States. So I decided to leave my family, friends, my country and one dream to pursue a bigger one. I also recall reading that your grandfather also lived his life as a singer. How did this affect your feeling towards music? I only met my grandfather when I was 16 and music was already a big part of life. When we met it reinforced my passion for music because I realized it was in my blood.

So tell me a little about the young Jenny Bapst. What was she like? I was a really good girl, but a bit wild. I had a lot of energy; always running around and doing things. I played a lot of sports and was already big into music. I was always in my own world and had dreams bigger than me.

With music playing such a major role in your life where did modeling get thrown into all of this? Actually modeling has been a HUGE part of my life for the past 8 years so right now 9:6(#3(8-3(3#'1#2<'#!<&-8#$%&'#)73#'1# focus on that. Modeling comes after.

Reading your biography I found that you were a basketball player in high school. It also mentioned that you turned down a chance to pursue this sport instead attending a prestigious school in Europe to take on your lifelong dream of being a singer and a model. That must have been a hard decision to make, right? It was actually the hardest decision of my life. One of my dreams was to become a basketball player, and when I was getting closer and closer to it, modeling came along. This was an

Since we have opened the subject on have covered the likes of Vibe, Max, and Vogue. What was all that like?#H'#$%&'#9#3-37:'# realize what the modeling world was like. I am really lucky to have met so many people with such talent, different cultures and stories. I have traveled a lot and seen so many interesting places. I want people to realize that this is a real job it’s not just all about fun and games. Like a lot of things, nothing comes without hard work and &)8%-$8(&*#

23/%*40/%5%(.('6/% realize what the modeling world 7&0%!.8$+%5%&,%4$&!!9% lucky to have met so many people with such talent, different )-!/-4$0%&'(%0/"4.$0+%1 - Jenny Bapst Boussart How do you juggle it all? Music, Modeling, How do you manage to keep all that organized? To be honest I’m not really organized. I am only human, so I try to manage the best I can when things come to me. Now on to the topic I have been dying to ask about...that big hair of yours! How do you keep it whip worthy?#F0)7M&#)#41'?#$%&'#15#)44#9#416(# my hair. My secret is let your hair be and use a lot of conditioner. I know your image is a part of your profession but with so much to !"#$%&'!()'$('*(+',#$'-./&'-(',-' it in? #9#)!#3($7-'(4"#17#'0(#.1#)73# running all over the place I guess

'0)'#0(42&#'1#&')"#$'*#9#)4>)"&#'%"#'1# eat healthy and cook when I can. I also play ball with my friends as often as possible. I love sports so anytime I can do some I’ll jump at the opportunity. Your album “The Spirit of True Music is Back” was released back in 2010. As of now where do you stand musically? When should we expect some more of your music to emerge? I am working on different projects right now. I am really excited and can’t wait to let the world hear my music. In terms of style I will always try my best to make true music. Think old school meets new school with an international sound. What does the future hold for your music and modeling? As far as music goes I will release my album later this year and want to start showcasing all over; New York $%&'#)73#'0(7#(6(%">0(%(#9#0)6(#'1*## Future goal why not Madison Square Garden? I hope people will be able to feel my music and be able to relate to it and enjoy it. As for modeling hopefully I still have some good years in front of me and will continue meeting amazing people A<'#51%#71>#!<&-8#-&#VO+DGJ#W@##!

LS VIEW: Bridgette Nicole Photography Bridgette Nicole has a talent for capturing what’s beyond the surface of her subjects. In two new projects Nicole turns her lens to natural beauties and their world. Photos by Bridgette Nicole Story by Lendise Braxton


ix years ago, Bridgette Nicole was introduced to photography by a college friend at Full Sail University who enjoyed taking photos 15#B1>(%&#)73#A<''(%B-(&*# These days Bridgette’s focus is on-location, natural light, custom lifestyle photography.

she wants to focus on natural hair, Bridgette says “Women with natural hair don’t get enough spotlight. We need a chance to show our beauty.” I was lucky enough to have a Bridgette Nicole photo shoot for her “Beautifully Me” series. It was a great experience.

I met Bridgette at a little coffee She works with her clients to shop in the Castleberry Hills section 8%()'(#)#201'1#&011'#'0)'#$'&#'0(# of Atlanta. She told me to relax and person’s personality. It won’t be the took a few casual photos while I got traditional posed studio experience. ready. She chatted with me while She says “With each client it’s taking pictures. I came in feeling a different experience. I have to nervous, but she had a way of collaborate with my client to see putting me at ease. It was basically >0)'#$'&*X a stroll around a neighborhood taking photos along the way. The Bridgette Nicole Photography best thing about the results is that currently has two portraits series. most of my favorite pictures were One is “Beautifully Me” which will ones where Bridgette caught me be a limited series of portraits that between shots. showcase the beauty of “real” people. Bridgette wants to show Bridgette’s ultimate goal is that everyone has beauty regardless to bring her customized style of appearance, hair, size, age, etc… to engagement and wedding “Naturally Me” is a spin-off portrait photography. She is also interested series that will focus on women in children’s portraits. ! with natural hair. When asked why

Lendise Braxton

To learn more about Bridgette Nicole Photography or to participate in “Beautifully Me” or “Naturally Me” visit:


Songstress and designer Gwen Stefani delivers a collection that immediately transports you to beautiful Africa. Overflowing with tribal-inspired prints and patterns, from bright ikat to classic plaid to luxe tiedye – the deluge of colors leads to a mesmerizingly stunning collection. Delivering vibrant and colorful fragments, Gwen skillfully brought the roots of Africa into the world of fashion. Photos: Story by Masoom Minawala

Working on mood boards and designs, Gwen always loved the exciting tribal-feel, and this was communicated identically in her designs. Gwen Stefani matter-offactly states, “Everyone can do an animal print and everyone can do a red lipstick – you just have to be brave!’ The L.A.M.B collection is a pure translation of the brave, charismatic African woman - Full of color and life, this is the woman who isn’t afraid to experiment, and yet looks like a million bucks. F0(#1<'$'&#&8%()!#2%)8'-8)4-'"# along with a dose of uber-chic. From wraparound pants to plaid suits, Stefani elevates street wear with an added chic appearance. African prints have been remixed

and reworked numerous times before by other designers. The key to inspiration is to offer a unique take on something that has been seen before – and that’s precisely what Gwen did. The animal print, leopard, ocelot and zebra appeared mostly on L.A.M.B.’s handbags. Protagonists of this tribal party were also the

platform shoes, with straps and 3(')-4&#17#%)5$)#817'-7<-7.#>-'0#'0(# African motif, and the African-bead necklaces. “The last couple of years I feel like I’ve been wearing a lot of black, white and grey and its not only me, a lot of people have been. This collection portrays a mirage of colors.” Gwen tells us that the ideal image of the woman wearing the

L.A.M.B Spring collection is that of a fun, hippie and modern girl. The bright yellow, orange, green, blue and red of vibrant ethnic prints, and some punk plaid patterns too, were wisely combined with “safe” black and grey. Sometimes prints aren’t an easy trend to play off – whilst still looking great. The LAMB Spring collection does that work for you quite effortlessly. In addition to punchy plaids, distressed leopards, and reinterpreted stripes, the collection featured a lot of tribal-inspired headwear. Stefani recognizes “I’ve always wanted to do the tribal thing but it’s pretty hard to get right. I think we’ve got it right this time.” Printed crop tops with off -shoulder details were paired with railroadstriped pants with macramé belts. K-4M#80-5517#%<5B(3#&01<43(%#3%(&&(&# were worn with blazers with peplum details. Animal print tanks played with low crotch cropped pants while oversized sweaters draped over harem trousers. Each season Gwen manages to surprise and delight onlookers, and '0-&#'-!(#&0(#B11%(3#<&#>-'0#)7# (R8-'-7.#H5%-8)7#-7B<(78(* There was a lot to see in 47 looks, but Gwen managed to capture !)7"#411M&#A(51%(#')M-7.#0(%#$7)4# bow. !

The Natural Look By sareta gabriel PHOTO: Photographer- Titus Powell Make-up & Hair: Sareta Gabriel Model: Nadine Yasmeen Leila Hill.

Achieving natural looks can be difficult if you don’t know what shades suit you or what compliments your tone, hair colour or eyes. I’ll be giving you ideas, every issue you’ll find a natural look that can be worn day or night. Each look will enhance your natural beauty.

Nadine’s look consists of warm peach and chocolate tones. The colors used would compliment anyone with features such as brownhazel eyes & dark brown- dark blonde hair. Everything was softly blended and worked with Nadine’s beautifulIman- like features.

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Starting with the eyes, sweep your base colour paint all over the lid and directly up to the brow. Using your combination of complimentary eyeshadows, you’ll now create natural looking highlights and creases.

2 3

Place Bamboo, the lightest shade, directly under the brow and the centre of the lid. Blend Somoa Silk, the second lightest shade, with Bamboo on the lid area only.

Then place Somoa Silk under the eye; using a light shade under the eye naturally gives the appearance of a wider- brighter look. Use Romp & Corduroy, the darker shades, on the outer edges of the eye (top & bottom ), and work into the crease line.


Using an eye pencil, line the top lashes and team up with mascara. This creates a natural looking fuller $7-&0#'1#'0(#4)&0(&*#O&-7.#)7#("(#2(78-4#3($7(&#'0(# eyes- drawing attention the the natural shape of the eye; thus enhancing your natural beauty.

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Work your blush into the ap24(&#15#"1<%#80((M&Y#$73#'0-&# area by smiling and place on the most prominent area (the bit that lifts and sticks out!).

Finish off by lining the lips and adding your lipstick.

liberated strands fall issue out soo Want to contribute? We’d love it! Please email us at:


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