International Research Center of the Ancient Roads and the Ways of the Communication among the People
“The 2nd International Conference of the Ancient Roads” “THE AMBER ROUTES” - “The Commercial Ancient Roads” Republic San Marino - 16-17 April 2015 SPEAKERS and TOPICS: Paolo Bellintani, Cultural Heritage of Trento, ITA: Passaggio a Nord-Ovest: il viaggio delle perle di vetro nell’Età del Bronzo attraverso le Alpi CentroOrientali. Audrone Bliujiene, Klaipeda University, LTU: The Aestians: the mysterious Northern Barbarians at the beginning of the Amber Route. Andras Bodocs, Budapest University, HUN: Dating questions and topographical problems of the Amber Route formation in the Roman period in Hungary. Adomas Butrimas-Marius Irsenias, Academy of Fine Arts, Vilnius, LTU: The Greek and Roman authors about the Amber and Tribes of the Balts. Faya Causey, National Gallery of Art, Washington, USA: Amber at Caere: the amber objects found at Caere of Orientalizing date. Neritan Ceka, Ambassador of Albania, ALB: Mateusz Cwalinski, Poznan University, POL: Trans-Adriatic Amber Route: attempt of reassessment of its theoretical foundations. Janusz Czebreszuk, Poznan University, POL ; Channels of amber exchange in Central Europe in 2nd Millennium BC. Cecilia D’Ercole, Paris University, FRA: Le Vie adriatiche e fluviali nella circolazione dell’ambra nell’Adriatico preromano. Colette du Gardin, Archaeological Heritage of the Vendèe, FRA: The Amber Roads in France during Neolithic and Bronze Ages: some tracks of reflection.
Via Custode della Terra, 6 Falciano – Republic of San Marino Via Santa Chiara, 14 - Rimini - Italy Tel.: +378 0549 941973 - Cell.: +39 3356906166 E-mail: segreteria.civia@alice.sm Website: www.civiaricerche.net
International Research Center of the Ancient Roads and the Ways of the Communication among the People
Michal Ernèe, Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZE: Some remarks to the early Bronze Age Amber spacers. Kaul Flemming, National Museum, Copenhagen, DEN: Long distance exchange of the Bronze Age. Amber and glass connecting Denmark with Egypt and Mesopotamia 1400-1200 BC. Filippo Maria Gambari, Superintendent Cultural Heritage of Lombardia, ITA: L’ambra sulle vie dell’acqua della Cultura di Golasecca. Diana Gergova, Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BUL: Contributions to the study of Amber in Thrace during the Early Iron Age. Janos Gomori, Szeged University, HUN: The Amber Road between Savaria and Carnuntum, with special regard to Scarbantia. Florin Gogaltan, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, ROM: Prehistoric Ambers Artifacts at the eastern frontier of the Carpathian Basin. Stefan Groh, National Archaeological Institute, Wien, AUT: New research on the Amber Routes between Carnuntum and Aquileia (Austria, Hungary, Slovenia). Mitja Gustin, Koper University ,SLO: Piceni e Caput Adriae Orientale. Circolazione dei principi e dei materiali all’inizio della prima Età del Ferro. Mateusz Jaeger, Poznan University, POL- Gabriella Kulcsar, Academy of Sciences, Budapest, HUN: Early and Middle Bronze Age amber in Hungary. Dinamics of exchange in time and space. Mikola Kryvaltsevich, Academy of Sciences, Minsk, BYE: The Daugawa-Dzvina-Upper Dnieper communication Route in the late 3000. Early 2000 BC as an anticipation of the Eastern way from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Klàra Kuzmovà, Trnava University, SVK: Ancient Routes North of Pannonia in the light of roman products and amber artefacts (SW Slovacchia). Lars Larsson, Lund University, SWE: Amber and flint – Commodities for distant distribution. Examples from northernmost Europe.
Ilze Loze, Academic of Sciences, Riga, LAT: Via Custode della Terra, 6 Falciano – Republic of San Marino Via Santa Chiara, 14 - Rimini - Italy Tel.: +378 0549 941973 - Cell.: +39 3356906166 E-mail: segreteria.civia@alice.sm Website: www.civiaricerche.net
International Research Center of the Ancient Roads and the Ways of the Communication among the People
The Daugawa River – The main artery of earliest amber roads in Europe. Ryszard Feliks Mazurowski, Warsaw University, POL: About some methodological aspects of research on amber exchange and trade in the past. Andrea Celestino Montanaro, I.A.C. (C.N.R.), Bari, ITA: Le ambre figurate in Italia meridionale tra VIII e V secolo a.C. Produzione e commerci. Maria Luisa Nava, Institute of Palaeontology, ITA-Antonio Salerno, Cultural Heritage: Per mare e per terra: percorsi dell’ambra nell’Italia Meridionale. Nuccia Negroni Catacchio, Milan University, ITA- Veronica Gallo, Research Archaeol. Center: Le Vie dell’Ambra come direttrici di idee: le raffigurazioni di felini nella penisola italica. Mirja Ots, Tartu University, EST; Irina Polyakova, Amber Museum Kaliningrad, RUS: Amber Routes. The ways to discover cultural identity. Guido Rosada, Padua University, ITA: Le fonti nella fonte: l’Ambra e le sue Vie rileggendo Plinio. Helena Tomas, Zagreb University, CRO: Searching for the Amber Route along the Eastern Adriatic Coast. Andrejs Vasks, Latvian University, Riga, LAT: An episody from links between Scandinavia and the Baltic Region in the Bronze Age. Gisela Woltermann, Munster University, GER: The amber impact in the German Bronze Age. Cultural context, distribution and long-distance transport.
Via Custode della Terra, 6 Falciano – Republic of San Marino Via Santa Chiara, 14 - Rimini - Italy Tel.: +378 0549 941973 - Cell.: +39 3356906166 E-mail: segreteria.civia@alice.sm Website: www.civiaricerche.net