BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media
Assignment Brief Unit 6: Practical Skills Audio Assignment 4: The Showreel or Demo
Brief Information Project Title: The Showreel/ Demo
Year 1
Date Issued: February 22, 2010
Mode of Assessment: Recording burnt onto CD and supporting written documentation
Submission Date: April 12, 2010
Tutor: Orla Rapple
Result Date: April 26, 2010
Brief verified: February 22,2010
This unit provides practise for the main production techniques used in the radio and sound recording industries. The training and practical experience explored in this unit will provide you with the skills required in Radio Magazine Production (Unit 17), Radio Documentary (Unit 13), Audio Package Production (Unit 14) and Music Programme Production (Unit 20).
Assignment Outline Many employers in the radio industry require a showreel or demo from prespective employees in order to have an example of their production, presentation or reporting skills. A good showreel with interesting excerpts from your work that is well edited and presented could mean you have an advantage over other candidates. In this assignment you and your teammate are required to edit excerpts from your past assignments (location interview, vox pop and studio interview), script voice overs in studio and use them to link each excerpt together and explain them. You will then piece the showreel together using Adobe Audition and present it on CD. The showreel must be 4 minutes long with 30 seconds under or over if needs be (or a duration discussed and agreed with tutor if working on your own). You can choose to use both your works in each assignment or just one from each but both learner’s work must be represented in the showreel/ demo.
Presentation Format The following presentation formats are recommended when submitting your work for assessment: CHECKLIST of supporting documentation: Script with voice over links Running order Cue sheet
Assessment Components
The project is assessed through the following integrated outcomes of assessment. Title
Unit No.
Practical Skills Audio
Learning Outcome No. 1, 2, 3, 4
Tutor O. Rapple
BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media
Deliverables Working with your team mate you will have to pre-produce, plan, script and edit this showreel using the studio and editing suites. All excerpts from past assignements should be imported and edited on Adobe Audition, voice overs recorded in studio and imported onto Adobe Audition. Th finished showreel must be no less than 4 and no more than 4’30” minutes in duration. Recordings to be submitted on CD only. Working a team of two, a member of the team must present the showreel while the other produces and records the voiceovers. The team is responsible for choosing the material, writing the scripts and editing the content; using appropriate sound quality and the ultimate content. (One CD submitted per team).
BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Outcome(s) 1. Identify a range of audio techniques and technology
2. Demonstrate competencies in capturing audio.
Assessment Criteria Identify and report on post production techniques and technology.
PEF (specific question answered)
Report on health and safety considerations.
PEF (specific question answered)
Make a range of recordings in different situations, in order to produce and post- produce items for radio and the sound recording industries. Set up and operate equipment for the purpose of live audio transmission from a number of different situations, recording the material for future listening
3. Use a range of different production techniques
4. Demonstrate an understanding of relevant production procedures
CD recording meets brief
CD recording.
Demonstrate understanding of the essential characteristics of a range of microphones in a variety of situations.
Reflected in CD recording.
Use audio from several prerecorded and live sources to mix and sequence items for broadcast and disc or tape based distribution.
CD recording that has been recorded, edited and mixed using studio, mini disc or marantz recordings and edited on Adobe Audition.
Create appropriate audio products.
CD recording
Produced appropriately cues, labelled and protected recordings.
CD recording begins beginning of CD and is the only track on the CD, appropriately labelled and protected.
Produce appropriate production and Running Order post-production paperwork Voice Over Script Cue Sheet Liase with relevant personnel.
Tutor observation- experiences team work and communication with the tutor.
Demonstrate safe working practices Tutor observation – notes ability to set up and operate studio Communicate with Team
Tutor observation
BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media
GRADING CRITERIA PASS To achieve a PASS the learner must meet all the assessment criteria identified in the brief. MERIT To achieve a MERIT grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS criteria AND show evidence of the following: Grade descriptor
1. identify and apply the strategies to find
Effective judgement has been made when choosing
appropriate solutions
audio and more than one piece of audio has been explored.
2. Select and apply appropriate techniques
Appropriate recording and editing techniques have been applied.
3. Present and communicate appropriate findings
PEF contains a good level of self reflection on the process and final product.
To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS and MERIT criteria AND show evidence of the following:-
Grade Descriptors
1. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.
PEF suggests realistic improvements needed to deliver an effective showreel.
2. Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
Tutor obs records the learner dealing with challenges effectively and a high level of organisation and self motivation
3. Demonstrate convergent/lateral and creative thinking
Final Programme shows creative thinking in treatment of chosen subject, bringing many of the elements discussed in this unit together in a self-directed manner
COLÁISTE NA SAOIRSÍ BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media
Year One Unit:
BTEC HND MEDIA Project Evaluation Form Student Brief: Reflective Statement
Tutor Comment
Overall Grade Assessor Staff Signature
Internal Verifier
Submission Date
Student Signature
Result Date