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BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Assignment Brief Unit 14: Audio Package Production Brief Information Project Title: MUSIC and ANALYSIS Date Issue: 13th January, 2010 Submission Date: 10th February, 2010 or 8th M arch Results Date: 10th March, 2010 (midterm and work experience affect date)

Year 2 Mode of assessment: wav file saved and burnt onto cd Tutors: Lorraine Morrissey Brief Verified: Mon 2nd November 08

This unit provides an introduction to the main production processes, styles, planning and techniques used in music programme production. This unit is linked with the learning in Unit 2: Media Industries, Unit 3: Research Techniques, Unit 5: Practical Skills Audio, Unit 13:Radio Documentary, Unit 17: Radio Magazine, Unit 20: Music Programme Production

Assignment Outline C

This assignment gives each learner the opportunity to work alone to produce a package suitable for the ‘as live’ music programme for Unit 20: Music Programme Production. Having pitched your idea and submitted hour clock to Orla Rapple, you are asked to produce a package relevant to the content, style , listener of this progamme. DURATION: 5’00”, OR 7’00”, 20 Seconds leeway either side (if really keen, can return short and long versions) You may include:Contributors Actuality/FX/Audio clips Narration and/or fly on the wall technique music (if relevant) Research must be obvious in cue and /or package A written or verbal presentation demonstrating clearly your understanding of at least 3 audio packages , their content, format, techniques used.



BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Presentation Format The following presentation formats are recommended when submitting your assignment for assessment:

Package presentable as high quality mp3, burnt onto cd Assessment Components Title DAILY

Unit No. 14

Learning Outcome No.


1, 2, 3, 4




BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Grading Criteria To achieve a PASS grade the learner must meet all the assessment criteria identified in the unit brief. Assessment Criteria Outcomes

Assessment Criteria


Demonstrate an understanding of audio package techniques and their effectiveness Originate and develop ideas for packages for different radio stations and target audiences

Written (300 words) Or Audio recording ( 1.30”)

Research subjects and interviewees


Produce scripts appropriate to target audience

Cue sheet and cd

3. Record and edit audio packages

Record appropriate material


Edit packages to predetermined durations with regard to target audience


4. Evaluate both process and product

Review and evaluate own working procedures


Review and evaluate own product in terms of its suitability for the intended audience and station or network


1. Compare and analyse examples of audio packages 2. Produce scripts for audio packages


Grading Criteria

(As you can see, to pass the unit one must produce more than one package. So you need to produce 3 packages in total to get a pass, merit or distinction but any of the packages may hit some or all of the merit and distinction criteria) To obtain a PASS grade, the learner must meet above outcomes and assessment criteria as indicated.



BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

To achieve a MERIT grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS criteria AND show evidence of the following.

Grade descriptor


1. Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions.

Learner used effective judgement in realisation of finished product – from pitch to minidisk

2. Select and apply appropriate techniques

The selection of radio production techniques submitted are appropriate in style to package format

3. Present and communicate appropriate findings

Submission displays logical development of concepts for the intended audience

To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS and MERIT criteria AND show evidence of the following. Grade Descriptors


1.Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.

Realistic improvements have been proposed in PEF

2. take responsibility for managing and organising activities

Activities have been planned, managed and organised

3. Demonstrate convergent/lateral and creative thinking

Ideas generated have been applied creatively



BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

BTEC HND MEDIA Learner Evaluation Sheet Year Two Student Unit 14: Audio Package Production Brief: C Music Reflective Statement

Tutor Comment

Overall Grade Assessor Staff Signature

Internal Verifier Student Signature

Submission Date Result Date

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