Work Experience Placement

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LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Assignment Brief

Unit 49: Work Experience in the Media Industries Brief Information Project Title: 'WE Placement’ nd

Date issued: Monday 2 November 2009 Submission Date: File In three sections Deadline 1/Research Questions: Thurs 11th February 2010 Deadline 2/WE Log: Thursday 11th March 2010 Deadline 3/WE Report: Monday 22nd March 2010 Results Date: Thurs 20th May 2010

Year 2 Mode of assessment: WE file Tutor: J. Fagan

Brief Verified:18th December 2008

This unit provides the learner with the opportunity to research and gain real experience within the media industry. Following from this, it is linked directly with the learning in Unit 2: Media Industries, Unit 6 & 8: Practical Skills (Audio) & (Moving Image), Unit 5: Production Management, Unit 20: Radio Magazine Programming, Unit 12: Audio Package Production, Unit 13 Radio Documentary, Unit 20: Music Programme Production 1: Contextual Studies, Unit 3: Research Techniques

Assignment Outline The Media Industry values the learner who has had the opportunity to observe and participate in 'real' working situations - work experience will afford you the chance to improve your skill level and develop your knowledge of work practices in a professional context. Hence Work Experience enables the learner to reflect on and hopefully focus how best to pursue their career ambitions. In this Unit, the emphasis, therefore, is on developing your networking, work practice skills and knowledge so that your can develop your career pathway plans into the industry upon completion of your qualification. Your task then is to secure for yourself productive work experience in an industry context - this can take two forms: OPTION 1: PLACEMENT Learners must research, identify, negotiate and undertake a minimum of 60 hours Work Experience with a freelance employer, company or Broadcaster that enables them to develop their skills and gain a useful insight into and experience of the Media Industry. The WE secured needs to be beneficial and real - 'making cups of tea' may be an element of all WE at some level but this cannot be your sole duty. All learners must consult with Tutor throughout process of securing WE to identify their WE objectives and ensure that whatever is eventually secured gives them realistic opportunities to gain useful knowledge of the world of work. OPTION 2: PRODUCING CORPORATE VIDEO TO A CLIENT BRIEF Working in production pairs or teams of three, learners must research, identify, negotiate and



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

undertake the production of a corporate Video for a client to a detailed brief specified by that client. This client must have a genuine video need (e.g. a fundraising programme for a charity organisation, online video catalogue of products for design store and so on) and the experience of producing the programme for the client must enable the learners to develop their skills and gain a useful insight into and experience of the Corporate Media Industry. The production of the programme must entail 60 hours minimum and will take place in a block over the three weeks designated to WE. Learners must document all stages of securing and undertaking a corporate production or WE by producing a detailed WE file (as per specifications of deliverables). As part of WE, Employers or Clients will be asked to complete an employers report upon completion of your placement, giving their assessment of your performance throughout. Learners themselves must also reflect on and evaluate their own skill development and the experience of WE by producing a written or verbal report upon completion of their WE. It is important to remember that the key criteria for grading you in the unit will be: (1) your performance on placement or producing a corporate - are you demonstrating appropriate behaviour (good attendance, punctuality, initiative, 'cop on' etc) while engaged in WE? (2) the quality of your reflection on your experience as documented in your Research, Work Experience logbook and your written report. DATES FOR WORK EXPERIENCE: Work Placement or Corporate Production will take place over a three week period from MONDAY 15th February to FRIDAY 5th March 2010 However, to facilitate the freelance nature of the industry, learners opting to take WE placement may do so through a series of shorter placements but arrangements for must ensure that WE placements do not interfere with the completion of other project work in other units.

Presentation Format The following presentation formats are recommended when submitting your essay for assessment:

Work Experience File There are three parts to this file to be submitted according to the deadlines outlined above. The project should be submitted printed out on A4 paper and in a folder; you must include a cover page that includes your name, class, tutor, unit and project title. Your project should be presented using the guidelines set out in your Course Handbook.

Assessment Components Title Work Experience in the Media Industries

Unit No. 49


Learning Outcome No. 1,2,3,4

Tutor J. Fagan


LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Deliverables CHECKLIST of assignment deliverables: The following evidence must be presented on indicated submission dates

WORK EXPERIENCE FILE Part 1- Research Questions:

Deadline: Thursday 11th February 2010

Option 1: Placement: What roles are you interested in pursuing for work experience? Identify and prioritise your learning objectives for WE - the skills you wish to develop and insights/knowledge you’re hoping to obtain from undertaking a placement in these area’s. Give a brief profile of the organisations/individuals who could provide you with experience in this/these? (If T.V. or film, list past productions. If radio list popular/acclaimed programming.) Outline the steps you took to contact each of the potential providers. Include photocopies/printouts of pages/websites utilised underlining/ highlighting the relevant information. Detail what happened for each contact made. Include copies of all emails, letters etc sent as well as accounts of phone conversations and meetings with potential providers throughout the course of your research. Include details of meetings with your tutor, questions and issues discussed, conclusions/action points reached. Letter from WE provider confirming dates, duties and conditions of placement. Option 2: Corporate Production Identify and prioritise your learning objectives for Corporate production - the skills you wish to develop and insights/knowledge you’re hoping to obtain from undertaking the production of a Corporate Production. Give brief profiles of the companies/organisations that you think may have a genuine video need for a corporate. Outline the steps you took to contact each of the potential clients. Include photocopies/printouts of pages/websites utilised underlining/ highlighting the relevant information. Detail what happened for each contact made. Include copies of all emails, letters etc sent as well as accounts of phone conversations and meetings with potential clients throughout the course of your research. Include details of meetings with your tutor, questions and issues discussed, conclusions/action points reached. Write up your Client contact report detailing the client requirements for the Corporate production.



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Part 2- Logbook:

Deadline: Monday 23rd March 2009

Option 1: Placement W.E. logbook detailing day-to-day account of your placement(s). To include: - Factual description of work done and/or observed each day - Current skills used and/or new skills developed/observed - Problems/difficulties encountered and overcome each day Completed Employer Placement Feedback Form Summarise Terms of Employment (contracts etc) and Programme Production guidelines relevant to placement (see handout). Copies of production documentation used and work produced during placement if available (e.g. research work/logging sheets /completed programmes worked on/sample of scripts read or coverage written etc/radio reports). Option 2: Corporate Production W.E. logbook detailing day-to-day account of your Corporate production. To include: - Factual description of work done each day - Current skills used and/or new skills developed/observed - Problems/difficulties encountered and overcome each day Completed Client Feedback Form Summarise any Health and safety conditions and Programme Production guidelines relevant to corporate production (see handout). Production documentation. To Include: - Production script - Research Interview briefs (as applicable) - Background Research documentation (leaflets, video's, articles etc from client needed to produce script) - Recce reports for locations - Shooting script - Production schedules - Logging sheets - Edit plan DVD copy of completed Programme. Deadline: Thursday 2 nd April 2009

Part 3- Reflective Report

Work Placement report (as per template) Project Evaluation Form



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Grading Criteria To achieve a PASS the learner must meet all the assessment criteria identified in the brief.


Assessment Criteria

1. Identify and negotiate work experience or a client brief

research suitable organisations that might provide industry experience or clients that might agree a contract make contact with potential providers

2. Identify requirements of placement or a contract

negotiate working parameters of brief agree and prioritise specific duties and responsibilities with employer or client agree and prioritise personal learning goals with tutor


Work Experience File (Research Questions) Tutor Observations

Tutor Observations Work Experience File (Research Questions/Production guidelines summary)

identify and record any applicable legal and ethical considerations 3. Undertake work experience or contract as identified

4. Monitor and evaluate own performance and learning

fulfil specified requirements of placement or client brief demonstrate development of appropriate vocational and transferable skills in an industrial context record and gather information to monitor and evaluate progress evaluate own performance and learning against identified objectives


Work Experience File (WE Log/Completed programme/Employers/Client Report) Work Experience File (WE Log) Work Experience Report


LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Grading Criteria To achieve a MERIT grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS criteria AND show evidence of the following.

Grade descriptor


1.Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions.

Tutor Observations shows appropriate judgements have been made in the identification, research and negotiation of work placement or client contract.

2. Select and apply appropriate techniques

Research questions and/or W.E. logbook shows a considered approach has been taken to the task of placement /Corporate Production

3. Present and communicate appropriate findings

W.E. logbook and/or Report shows a level of self-reflection an appropriate level of industry learning in reflecting on the experience of securing and undertaking WE or corporate production. Completed Programme shows effective production techniques have been applied to meet client requirements. Employers report reflects positively on learners approach and performance while on work placement or producing corporate.

Grading Criteria To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, the learner must meet all the above PASS and MERIT criteria AND show evidence of the following

Grade Descriptors


1.Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.

W.E. Log and/or Report shows high level of self reflection and industry learning on the experience of securing and undertaking work placement and their own performance throughout.

2.Take responsibility for managing and organising activities.

W.E. log /Production documentation and/or Report shows a high level of self motivation and initiative throughout work placement or while producing corporate.

3. Demonstrate convergent/lateral and creative thinking

W.E. Log file and/or Report shows high level of industry learning from work experience, ability to evaluate the value of WE and realistic plans for future career path development. Completed Programme shows creative thinking in treatment of content to meet client requirements.



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

BTEC HND MEDIA Evaluation Sheet Prompts

Comment on…. For Work placement: 1. Understanding: Were there any aspects of the brief that you did not fully understand and if so what did you do about this? 2. Organisational skills: How effective was your management of this project? 3. Problem solving/logistics: What difficulties and/or obstacles did you encounter and how did you deal with them? 4.Technology: What, if any, new technology did you encounter during your placement? Did they present you with any new challenge/difficulties and if so how were these resolved? 5. Review: What, if anything, would you do differently if you were to do this assignment again?



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Comment on…. For Corporate Production: 1. Understanding: Were there any aspects of the brief that you did not fully understand and if so what did you do about this? 2. Organisational skills: How effective was your management of this project? 3. Problem solving/logistics: What difficulties and/or obstacles did you encounter and how did you deal with them? 4. Technology: What were the technical strengths and weaknesses of your production? 5. Peer Performance: Using the template attached (see over), evaluate and score on a scale of 1-10 the teamworking skills and contribution/participation of each member of the production group (as appropriate to your team – desk op/editor/production manager/director/presenter etc etc). Briefly explain your scores for each. 6. Review: Identify your overall contribution and participation in the project. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your completed production. What, if anything, would you do differently if you were to do this assignment again?



LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media


Peer performance evaluation form Production Role

Crew member Teamworking Contribution Skills (0-10) (0-10)


Comment on your score


LIBERTIES COLLEGE BTEC EDEXCEL Higher National Diploma in Media

Project Evaluation Form Year: 2 Unit 49:Work Experience

Student: Brief: Assignment 1

Reflective Statement

Tutor Comment

Overall Grade Assessor Staff Signature

Internal Verifier

Submission Date

Student Signature

Result Date 10

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