THE WRITING OF YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE LOGBOOK. As you will have already noted from the assignment brief, keeping a detailed and above all reflective WE logbook is vital in attaining the higher grades (merit/distinction) in this unit. You may keep this logbook in either a written or verbal format (Audio or Video diary) whichever best suits you. However, you must ensure that whatever format you adopt, your logbook covers all the requirements of a diary as indicated below. Hence, please bear in mind the following as you keep your log thru'out W.Exp. 1) You need to keep your logbook on WE EACH DAY under the following headings: (i) Factual description of work done and/or observed each day OR Work done on corporate Or LCR Programme each day You need to document IN DETAIL what work you took part in or observed every day - noting what you observed is very important as sometimes WE for students can be less about doing stuff than learning by watching the professional doing it - this observation is key to my assessing what you're learning WE, so detail it please. Sometimes you'll get very slow day or some very monotonous task to do on WE - they may be repeated each day and you might feel it's boring to just document this again and again - DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE. Whatever you do, no matter how boring or otherwise etc, you need to document it or you have supplied no evidence of your participation in you WE. For those doing a corporate OR making programmes for LCR, it is vitally important that you keep a detailed record of all work done meetings held with client/Lorraine, research visits, preinterview brief work etc, recce's, preproduction etc etc - at each stage as your programme progresses. Those doing the LCR option will also be involved as technicians and broadcast assistants working with Lorraine over the actual day of the broadcast itself – this counts as part of your work experience and a detailed diary should be kept of this work experience also.
(ii) Currents skills used or new skills developed and/or observed. Hopefully, all of you will have negotiated a WE where you get to do actual work not just observe - this will vary depending on how busy your employer is, the nature of the WE you've got (e.g. those who get WE in editing will most likely not get to do any editing - you will more than likely be given tasks that they need done and befits your trainee status - logging and digitising footage etc - depending on how good an impression you make, an editor may show you some of the suites and give you short exercises to do as training - this all depends on the person you do WE with and the relationship you strike up with them). Some placements may just have you observing, others may throw you in the deep end - wherever you are on this scale, write down what skills you're being asked to use and also what new skills you're learning or observing – it is also important to reflect on what you feel about this learning as well. For those doing corporate's or making programmes for LCR, you need to document the production, technical and people management skills used during your production – you should also note any new skills developed during this process e.g. client management skills (getting client to tell you exactly what they want in their video - not always an easy task; negotiating with on site employee's or the general public etc of client to help you out, pitching your idea's to clients etc etc),writing corporate scripts for the first time etc. Note all old and new skill used and how you felt about using them, learning a new skill. IN CONCLUSSION:, there we go. As you keep your logbook, make sure that you focus on two things: (1) detail - underwritten logbooks will do poorly and (2) reflection - let me see what you're learning about yourself and the industry/the corporate world/world of actual broadcasting(LCR). Enjoy your time and good luck.