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MIND OVER MATTER Maintainingahealthymindisessentialtoahealthylife
byKayCopeland, Co-Editor-in-Chief&AbbiegailLuker,Reporter
Picture yourself in a crowded city, the hustle and bustle of people rushing by, the sound of cars honking and the smell of exhaust filling the air. You’re trying to keep up with the fast pace, balancing a heavy load of responsibilities on your shoulders. You’ve got work deadlines to meet, projects to complete and exams to study for. You’ve promised to meet up with your friends later, and your family is expecting you for dinner tonight. You feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions, and there’s no time to stop and take a breath.
Now imagine a different scene, one where you’re surrounded by nature. You’re standing at the edge of a vast, open field, the sun shining down on your face, and a gentle breeze blowing through your hair. You take a deep breath and feel a sense of calm wash over you. You sit down and close your eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin and the grass beneath you. In this moment, you can let go of your worries and just be present.
In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, we often find ourselves in the first scenario, where we’re constantly on the go with little time to pause and reflect. Just like nature offers us a
In-Depth | lhstoday.org design by: K. Copeland & A. Luker respite from the noise and chaos of a city life, taking time for ourselves allows us to disconnect from the constant demands and pressures of our daily lives.
Taking a break for oneself can often be perceived as a luxury, if not a weakness. The pressure to excel in every aspect of life can be overwhelming, leaving little room for rest and relaxation. It’s not uncommon for people to feel guilty or ashamed for taking time off to prioritize their mental and emotional health.
The constant juggle of school, work, hobbies, friends and family can leave us feeling exhausted and burnt out. It’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of productivity, feeling like we always need to be doing something and pushing ourselves to the limit. However, neglecting our mental health like this is not sustainable and can have severe consequences.
Maintaining a healthy mind is essential to leading a fulfilling life. It’s crucial to recognize the importance of taking time off and making self-care a priority. Prioritizing mental health not only benefits us but also those around us, as it helps us to become better parents, friends, partners and colleagues. Taking care of our minds and emotions enables us to tackle the challenges of life with greater resilience, creativity and joy.