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Saying Goodbye to Our Seniors
A letter to the graduating members of The Ledger staff


As we come to the close of our last issue in volume nine, I can’t help but reflect on the year we’ve all shared. The year in which we’ve grown, created, and soared to new heights together.
The nine of you, whom most are editors, have put your best foot forward every day to promote an environment of creativity and collaboration, whilst molding our class culture into that of a “work hard play hard” environment.
Hard work is no less than necessary in a class like ours. You all have shown an ideal work ethic and attitude, in the process growing to be the blueprint for future magazine staffs. The mark you have made on our program is irreversible, and I can only hope that you are as proud of yourselves as I am of you all.
The joy that comes when we’re finally able to hold our latest issue is unmatchable. The fact that our class is student-led only adds to that rewarding feeling, knowing that our months of collective effort have paid off. I couldn’t think of a better group of people to celebrate our victories with.
It’s with great regret that we have to say goodbye after becoming each other’s supporters and mentors. I relish in knowing that you all will go on to accomplish fantastic things after graduation, and that this isn’t a forever goodbye.
From our many staff castings, our collective love of JFK, the constant Hall slander and even spending time with some of you in Los Angeles, I can safely say that I have grown to hold you all in the highest regards.
Whether you plan to pursue a career in journalism or not, I ask that you take all you’ve learned over the span of your time in publications and apply it to your adult life. I ask that you continue to search for the truth, use your voice for good, and always remember that you have a home in LHS Publications.
Thank you for all of your hard work and friendship.

Until we meet again, Kay Copeland on behalf of The Ledger staff