3 minute read


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Liberty Hill Foundation thanks the following individuals for their assistance in reviewing this report:

Erin Haynes, DrPH, MS, Associate Professor of Environmental Health, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati and Director of Community Outreach and Engagement, University of Cincinnati Environmental Health Sciences Center Andrea Hricko, MPH, Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California Gideon Kracov, Attorney at Law Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Earthjustice Rachel Morello-Frosch, Ph.D., UC Berkeley School of Public Health Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, MPH, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council Seth B.C. Shonkoff, PhD, MPH, Executive Director, PSE Healthy Energy Visiting Scholar, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley

Liberty Hill Foundation thanks the following for their generous financial support:

Jeff Beall

The Broad Reach Fund of the Tides Foundation

The California Endowment

The California Wellness Foundation

The Marisla Foundation

The New World Foundation


Produced and Published by: Liberty Hill Foundation Project Management: Susan LaTempa and Daniela Simunovic Copy Editor: Laurel Delp Photography: Warren Hill, GRID Alternatives, Jesse Marquez, Barbara Osborn, Richard Parks and Jonathan Skurnik Design: Michelle Ingram-DeLong Printing: House of Printing, Pasadena Map Production: James Sadd

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