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Part IV: Our Evaluation and Team Approach
Part IV:
Evaluation and Team Approach
In February 2019, CCF and Liberty Hill completed a “Request for Information” solicitation process to identify an evaluator for the R2R initiative. To guide the process, the Foundation partners created a rubric with six areas of competency that ensured equal consideration for each candidate, while prioritizing entities that incorporated responsive approaches to building relationships, managing data, and providing learning opportunities. The Request for Information (RFI) process yielded 15 responses from research and evaluation firms in L.A. County. CCF and Liberty Hill staff collaborated to identify five of the most promising candidates to move to the final interview round. Ultimately, the partners selected Imoyase as the evaluator of choice.
Imoyase Community Support Services
Imoyase Community Support Services (Imoyase) has 30+ years of experience in program evaluation, action research, organizational development, leadership development, and systems/policy change, and has worked with 50+ communities in LA, California, and across the country. Under the leadership of Dr. Cheryl Grills, Imoyase has conducted multi-site, multi-year, multi-level program evaluations and provided technical assistance support to African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx, LGBTQ+Q+, and Native American communities that include a considerable youth organizing and leadership focus. Imoyase’s mission is to provide research and technical support that is participatory, culturally relevant, collaborative, and flexible.
As the cross-site evaluator for the R2R initiative, Imoyase will document 1) the implementation, growth, and impact of grantees’ R2R programs and 2) the collective impact of the initiative across the 20 funded grantees.