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Evaluation Phase II: Technical Assistance and Quality Review

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Grantee Profiles

Grantee Profiles

Evaluation Phase II: Technical Assistance and Quality Review

Given some of the unexpected challenges outlined above, Imoyase spent a significant amount of time providing technical assistance and capacity building support to grantees. Although these activities were included in the original scope of work, the intensity and amount of support was much higher than anticipated. Technical assistance and quality review activities completed between July 2019 - June 2020 are outlined below.


• Reviewed all grantee proposals. • Conducted 21 site visits, and over 20 virtual visits, to allow for a deeper assessment of the grantees and a clearer picture of each organization’s program model/strategy, operations, culture, and goals. • Assessed each organization’s experience with, perception of, and needs related to evaluation. • Explored the role and importance of culture, context, and anticipated change from the perspective of positive youth development.

Technical Assistance/ Education

• Led two evaluation academies to provide training to grantees around program evaluation.

• Completed an average of 20 hours of individual calls to grantees per month to conduct “quality reviews” of monthly and quarterly reporting. (The quality review process helped ensure that data were being entered correctly, accurately, and consistently from month to month.)

• Completed 60 hours of technical assistance to support grantees with narrative building, using qualitative and quantitative information. This work included educating grantees on different approaches to data collection, like surveying, focus groups, and outcome evaluations.

Accountability and Reporting

• In response to process challenges, CCF and Imoyase developed a two-part assessment process to track each grantee’s progress toward evaluation goals.

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