Disruption with Love: Practicing Trust-based Philanthropy and Black Equity Principles

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Disruption with Love: Practicing Trust-based Philanthropy and Black Equity Principles

Change. Not Charity. January 21, 2022

Welcome Please put in the chat box

● Name, pronouns ● Affiliation (DAF Account, Giving Circle, etc.) ● One-word description of your philanthropy style or value

Trust as a Social Justice Value ● Relationships are stronger when they are built on trust. Helps neutralize implicit bias & privilege. ● Centers equity, humility, and transparency ● Reflects deep value in relationships, makes philanthropy less transactional. ● Allows you to lean into innovation/risk and learning from community partners ● ‘Fund us like you want us to win.’

Black Equity Principles for Philanthropy Truth

Strategic Disruption

Acknowledgement and honesty about the need to equitably shift the power relationship between black and white populations

Immediate bold action, stepping outside of familiar and traditional comfort zones, and committing to the long haul



Strong infrastructure and intentional public and philanthropic investment

Honoring the inextricability of our shared humanity

Philanthropy is commendable but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary. -Martin Luther King Jr.


Black Equity Collective https://www.blackequitycollective.org/

updated 01/14/22, Webinar: New Year’s Revolutions: Making Your Giving Plan

As a donor-activist, are there ways you currently show trust in the organizations you support?

https://jamboard.google.com/d/12L03KLWse9mYaqJrH3r7iiHii9FXWYvak8UtrSMbex4/edit?usp=sharing updated 1/21/22

The Six Principles of Trust-Based Philanthropy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Give Multi-Year, General Operating Dollars (MYGOD) Do the Homework Simplify and Streamline Paperwork Be Transparent and Responsive Solicit and Act on Feedback Offer Support Beyond a Check https://www.trustbasedphilanthropy.org/

How does Liberty Hill engage in trust-based philanthropy? Fund for Change Liberty Vote! Radical Accommodation Partnering with community organizations with compassion & grace • Commitments, Changes • • • •

Trust-based Philanthropy by Individuals HIGHLIGHTS ● Operate from a place of trust ○ MYGOD! (multi year general operating dollars) ○ Let go of control and perfection (avoid micromanaging) ● Practice being trustworthy ○ Be open to asks & transparent about your decision-making ○ Communicate & follow through on commitments ● Get involved (not just as a donor) ○ Spread the word ○ Fundraise and leverage resources ○ Ask what’s most helpful!

Trust-based Philanthropy by Individuals 1. Remove fundraising burdens, operate from trust: Make multi-year unrestricted commitments Avoid year-end requests to meet or report Check in by phone, or visit after giving, if at all Stay informed via organization’s events, social media, & campaigns ● Join issue-related networks to get informed and to learn the landscape ● ● ● ●

Trust-based Philanthropy by Individuals 2. Practice being trustworthy: ● Share about yourself, your lived experience, your uncertainties, your humility ● Be open to asks, it’s ok to say no ● Be responsive and transparent with organizations (e.g. communicate if a one-time gift) ● Follow through on commitments ● Publish your name as a donor and join their advocacy campaigns as a supporter

Trust-based Philanthropy by Individuals 3. Offer support beyond a check: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Ask for what’s needed Make introductions to other potential supporters Hold a birthday crowdraiser Publish on social media the list of organizations you support Support employee wellness & during transitions Leverage your platforms for advocacy influence Write an op-ed and name the organization’s work Serve on Boards and host committees Cover credit card fees

Trust-based Philanthropy by Individuals 4. Assess your giving with an equity lens: ● How much of your giving is restricted? ● How much goes to BIPOC-led, emerging, or intermediary organizations? ● Are you helping organizations grow reserves and long-term sustainability? ● What might be your blindspots?

The Values of Trust Based Philanthropy ★ Work for systemic equity: Recognize the racial, economic, and political inequities in which we operate, and take an antiracist approach to change practices and behaviors that perpetuate harm. ★ Redistribute power: Be willing to share power with grantee partners and communities who are closer to the issues we seek to address. ★ Center relationships: Prioritizing healthy, open, honest relationships can help us navigate the complexity of our work and our world with greater confidence and effectiveness. ★ Partner in a spirit of service: Be a supporter and collaborator, rather than dictating what is needed. Lead with trust, respect, and humility. ★ Be accountable: Our work will only be successful if we hold ourselves accountable to those who we seek to support. ★ Embrace learning: We can only advance impact if we remain open to learning as we go, and embrace opportunities for growth and evolution along the way. www.trustbasedphilanthropy.org

What will you do next to engage in trust-based philanthropy as a donor-activist?

Our Vision Liberty Hill envisions a society in which all people have a powerful voice, including those currently shut out of our democracy, people cut off from opportunities because they are poor, because of their skin color, because of their gender or sexual orientation, because of where they live, or where they were born. We will not rest until society provides justice and equality for all.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to Dora Quach, Grants Manager at dquach@libertyhill.org

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